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在分析计算机技术对数学教育影响的基础上,提出了计算机技术与数学学科教学的整合思想.围绕数学课堂教学这个中心,从数学教学理论、行为主义学习理论,认知学习理论和建构主义学习理论等多个方面寻找计算机辅助数学教学的理论依据;以课堂教学研究为切入口,从多个侧面探索计算机技术与数学教育的有机结合.具体涉及了计算机技术对数学课程的影响,总结了数学教育中适合于计算机辅助教学的8个方面内容;以及计算机技术发展对教材内容的影响,提出了现有教材内容的增减建议;其次探讨了计算机辅助教学与学习者个人因素的关系,提出了根据学生的学习风格类型进行教学设计的具体方案,即:根据学习者的知觉通道的偏爱以及场依存性的不同,进行计算机辅助教学设计方案.探索计算机技术支持—卜的数学学习策略的运用,具体涉及到了数学概括策略、掌握数学思想方法策略和选择有效序列策略的探索.此外还研究了利用计算机技术开展一种新型的数学教学方式——数学实验教学,分析了如何利用几何画板软件特点开展数学实验的3种方式:即利用几何画板的动态测量、跟踪轨迹和快速作图功能进行数学实验.最后探讨计算机技术对数学教学模式的影响,提出了一种新的数学课堂教学模式——非线性教学模式.并从目标、条件、程序、评价等方面建构了非线性教学模式的基本轮廓,从提出问题、提供材料、辅导学习、反省评价等几个环节进行教学设计,同时指出它的师生角色和教学策略,以及它的3个特点:优化了数学教学形式、优化了数学教学内容、优化了学习过程.最后进行了计算机辅助教学研究的反思,提出计算机辅助数学课堂教学的双主体观和在数学课堂教学中进行人文环境建设的设想,并从数学教育目的、内容和教学过程等方面进行深人反思人文环境建设的意义和必要性.论文最后还提出了计算机辅助数学教学有待进一步研究的几个问题,即计算机技术与数学学科教学的整合以及教师素质培训和课件制作问题.作为本研究实践方面的具体探索,附上了一则典型数学教学案例及分析——锥体体积公式教学、  相似文献   

世界正面临深刻的变革。以计算机和网络通讯为代表的信息技术正在缩短“未来”与“现实”的距离,我们的思想和教学必须跟上这些技术带来的变化。数学教学怎样进行才能满足信息社会的需要;现代教育技术对数学教学改革能发挥哪些作用,以克服传统教学难以解决的困难?这就需要我们去考虑信息技术与数学教学的关系。本文就信息技术与数学课程整合问题提出几点认识。  相似文献   

关于计算机辅助中学数学教学的问题及其解决   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
随着信息技术的发展,广大中学数学教师越来越重视应用计算机辅助教学.当前,中学数学学科开展计算机辅助教学在课件制作、运用方面存在以下不足:重视演示内容,忽视师生之间的交流;贪求多媒体的形式多样,不顾及教学效果;重视演示现象,忽视揭示过程;重视教师的教,忽视学生的学.开展计算机辅助教学应使教学实践成为理论指导下的实践;要把数学实验引入数学教学。  相似文献   

关于多媒体计算机辅助数学教学的探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
多媒体计算机的出现,给教育教学带来了无限生机。计算机辅助教学已成为当今教学改革的核心。多媒体计算机辅助数学教学,有助于突破教学难点,使教学形式多样化,进而提高教学效益。计算机辅助数学教学中应处理好人机和谐关系、媒体互促关系和主导与主体的关系。  相似文献   

1信息技术与数学教学整合是数学教学的必然发展趋势 计算机应用于数学教学是从计算机辅助教学开始发展的.计算机辅助教学的观念与实践对数学教学起到了一定的促进作用.但是计算机辅助教学的推广中出现了一些偏差和问题.如何克抗指出"信息技术与课程整合不等同于CAI",他说,"信息技术与课程整合后,实际上信息技术不再仅仅是辅助教或辅助学的工具,而是要从根本上改变传统的教学结构与教育本质";解月光则提出信息技术在学科教学中应用可以有两个层面:一是基于"辅助"的理念,将信息技术作为教学媒体、手段和方法来帮助教师或学生解决教或学中的问题.二是基于"整合"的理念,使信息技术作为构建自主、探究学习环境的重要要素来支持学习.  相似文献   

信息技术是指目前在教学中已被陆续采用的音像技术、卫星广播电视技术、计算机多媒体技术、人工智能技术及互联网络通讯技术等现代科学技术的总称。我们对信息技术与小学数学教学的整合进行了如下尝试性的粗略界定,即信息技术与小学数学教学整合的研究是以信息技术为先导,以系统论和教育教学技术理论为指导,根据小学数学教学规律,实现信息技术系统与教学系统各要素融合的信息化教学思想。  相似文献   

利用计算机辅助教学是一种教改新探索,可调动学生积极性,促进学生思维发展,提高教学效果。还可加大教学容量,在有限时间内取得更大效益,优化数学过程及内涵。利用计算机辅助教学,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,更好地发挥学生的主体作用;可以提高教学效率,突出重点难点;更能够充分体现计算机的优越性。  相似文献   

计算机辅助教学在数学教学中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
计算机辅助教学(ComputerAssistedInstruction,简称CAI),能为我们构建新的学习理论和教学环境,达到提高教学质量与效益的目的,成为深化教学改革的突破口。因此,数学教学也应利用CAI,并依据CAI的特点与要求,在教学的思想上、方法上和教材上进行改革,以适应教育现代化的需要。一、计算机辅助教学在数学教学中的作用与优势1.有利于提高课堂教学的质量与效率。运用计算机辅助教学,第一,可以帮助我们把抽象的概念形象化,创建良好的学习情境,提高学生学习的兴趣;第二,可以帮助我们生动地展现教学过程,让我们有足够的时间…  相似文献   

陈海波 《吉林教育》2004,(11):41-41
随着计算机迅猛发展,计算机已进入我们生活的各个领域,同时也进入了数学教学领域。使得教学手段,教学方法,以至教学思想与教学理念都发生了变化。一方面充分运用计算机辅助教学,能增大课堂容量,优化教学结构,增强学生的学习兴趣,激发学生探究精神;另一方面运用多媒体技术可以拓宽数学课堂教学形式,改变以往单一的教学手段,使数学问题更形象化,更贴近生活。下面就计算机辅助教学的优势及应注意的问题做些探讨。  相似文献   

网络教学是以计算机网络为依托的一种教学方式,是信息技术与学科课程教学整合的典型型态。网络教学的实质表现为:①用计算机互联网络技术整合学科课程,网络技术广泛进入学科教学;②网络技术既是整合的手段,也是教学活动的有机要素。学科课程的教学内容、教学方式在整合过程中实现了改造和创新;网络技术的应用也在整合过程有所发展和创造,学习的信息素养获得提高。  相似文献   

维特根斯坦在《逻辑哲学论》中指出:凡是能思考的东西都能清楚地思考。凡是可以说的东西都可以清楚地说出来。其义为:语言与构成世界的事实之间具有同构性。然而,东方的庄子《天道》却指出:语言可贵之处在于它的意义,意义又有所指向。意义所指向的,却不可以用语言表达出来。而禅宗的不立文字则又是对世界本体的另一种思考。维特根斯坦在《逻辑哲学论》最后一章提到"对不可说的东西我们必须保持沉默。"语言和世界的关系不能简单概括为图像摩画世界,对维特根斯坦的语言悖论的思考,在于对"存在"的语言阐释,即:对世界的本体论的思考。  相似文献   

对分析课程中导数与微分概念以及鲁津定理与富比尼定理的教学作了若干探究。首先,我们强调要将一元函数、多元函数以及向量值函数的导数和微分纳入统一的框架之中进行教学。其次,对于鲁津定理我们要突出定理的关键是用连续函数逼近可测函数时不能破坏函数总体性质。最后,关于富比尼定理我们指出定理的重点是先判断被积函数的可积性。  相似文献   

不要忘记,在人生的路上,要想做成什么事,我们必须持之以恒。如果我们在学校里想要学好功课,就必须得勤奋,任何时候遇到难题都不要放弃。  相似文献   

Based on principles of constructivism, an analysis is made of how practice in mathematical education might be reformed towards a professional practice. In addition to the widespread recommendations that mathematical teaching be based on interactive communication and that mathematical learning be active, we argue that conventional school mathematics be replaced by a constructivist school mathematics. A constructivist school mathematics is based on children's use of their schemes of action and operation in learning situations, and whatever accommodation the children make in these schemes as they use them. Through examples of our learning of the numerical schemes of five year old children we illustrate what we mean by a constructivist school mathematics. In our examples, we characterize the schemes of action and operation that we attribute to children as our interpretations of the children's activities. For this reason, we define a constructivist school mathematics to be the results of the observer's experiential abstractions in the context of interacting with children mathematically. A professional teacher is cast as one with the intellectual autonomy and power to produce a constructivist school mathematics, including the involved situations of learning and interactive mathematical communication.  相似文献   

If we accept Popper's idea that the human habitat is described in terms of three worlds, and that there are overlaps between these three worlds, our moral actions and values will also be subject to the same kinds of consideration as a repertoire of behaviours exhibited in a physical environment. We will develop moral habits in a moral habitat and our moral behaviours will also be dependent on the kind of moral habitat in which we find ourselves.

There are three main problems to which this analysis leads and on which we will focus in this paper. Firstly, there is the problem of the kind of moral environment—habitat—that we need to provide for human beings if they are to develop the kinds of moral values that we hold to be important. Secondly, there is the question of how we are to develop the kinds of moral habits themselves and thirdly, there is the question of how these moral habits and habitat are to be maintained. If we take Popper seriously then human beings have a crucial responsibility in the creation of a moral third world—that is, a habitat in which human beings can flourish. Schools have an important role as a moral habitat for the inculcation of good moral habits.  相似文献   

In this article, we respond to Rønnestad and Skovholt's reformulated counselor development model itself, then to some of its implications. With respect to the model: (a) although this version is more parsimonious than the original, we show that it could be more so; and (b) because the authors do not discuss determinants of psychotherapy as a career choice, we draw from existing literature to suggest some. With respect to the implications of the work, we note that: (a) trainee anxiety may not be as important as its prominence in their model suggests; (b) Rønnestad and Skovholt's finding that older practitioners turn to alternative sources (e.g., cinema; literature) to learn about human nature may be related to the consistent finding that practitioners are not research consumers; and (c) the importance Rønnestad and Skovholt attach that post-licensure supervision should be given more attention.  相似文献   

How we provide training follows from the beliefs we hold about the effectiveness of different training approaches and methodologies. To be effective, the concepts and principles that guide how we develop and deliver training should be rooted in research. This article describes some of the myths about training that drive the design and delivery of many training programs and that can ultimately limit their impact on learning and performance goals.  相似文献   

Ian Winchester 《Interchange》2000,31(2-3):293-300
Wittgenstein's Tractatus attempts to characterize, via an account of the meaning and truth of propositional expressions, the limits to human thought. It turns out that not only, according to him, are the limits to human thought something which lie outside the capacity for humans to express, but such a notion is strictly speaking without sense. He concludes the book with the sentence "What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence." Whitehead, on the contrary, is concerned to suggest that human sentential expressions are always inadequate to the thoughts which we wish to express. Nonetheless he suggests that a happy speculation a la Plato might just be right, even though we may never know that it is. This paper argues that there are no convincing arguments that either Wittgenstein or Whitehead is right here. So it is best that we maintain an agnostic position with respect to the view that human thought is strictly limited or that no adequate expressions of our thoughts can be found. Both educationally and practically, failing of any convincing arguments to the contrary, it is better that we presuppose, along with the mediaeval Christian thinkers, that our reason and insight are sufficient to the task of ultimately penetrating into the mysteries of the world, however difficult that task might be. Thus a happy speculation with no grounding is a perfectly good thing to engage in. It just might be true.  相似文献   

In this article we elaborate on the relationship between morality, moral development, moral education and capitalism. Based on Narvaez’s correct critique of the Western way of life, which is destroying the environment and may one day lead to extinction of life on Earth, we argue that this critique should not be stripped of its political side, meaning that it will not be complete if does not explicitly include capitalism as one of its roots. In the remainder of our commentary, we will try to show that in addition to heart, reason has a strong place in indigenous peoples’ life that is frequently misunderstood. Finally, and taking all this into account, we maintain that moral and citizenship education need to be critical and intercultural, and explicitly discuss economic and political issues that underlie and affect human moral development.  相似文献   

"最……之一"属于"……之一",它要求"之一"的前项必须是"多个……"。"最……之一"是可用的,但只有当"之一"的前项是"多个……"的时候它才可用,否则不可用。表达"并列最……"的人或事物时,能用"最……之一";表达"独个最……"的人或事物时,不能用"最……之一"。  相似文献   

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