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公民教育在2002年已经成为英格兰中学阶段的国家法定课程。最近,在全英国,以至欧洲和全球范围内也正在开展类似的改革。我们考察了欧洲和全球背景下国家课程的发展,探究不断增长的内在支撑民主公民教育(EDC)的人权方面的国际共识;确立了一些小的主题开展研究,如:多元性与一元性、世界公民教育、作为公民的儿童、民主的学校教育、学生对民主和公民社会的理解、学校和社区的当代角色、欧洲公民身份、学校层面公民教育的实施,等等。  相似文献   

2002年民主公民教育纳入英国国家课程体系,实现了与其它欧洲国家公民教育的同步发展,这是2000年英国国家课程修订中最具意义的举措。以往民主公民教育在英国具有争议性,原因之一就是对民主公民教育的含义没有取得共识,对于什么是民主公民教育没有统一的说法,其概念是含糊不清的。[第一段]  相似文献   

民主国家是现代化的政治前提。民主国家的建构离不开民主参与,即民主观念指导下的公民参与。其中,民主观念是民主国家建构的动力源,公民参与是民主国家建构的政治保障。而公民的民主观念和政治参与不是凭空出现的,二者与公民及其教育紧密相连,息息相关,并且需要公民教育的积极推动。可见,民主国家是考察现代化进程中公民教育功能的逻辑起点。  相似文献   

从2002年9月起,英国的公民教育作为国家课程,已经成为中小学校的必修课目.事实上,英国的公民教育主要是通过个人、社会与健康教育(personal,social and health education简称PSHE)来进行的.政府规定,小学阶段公民教育主要在PSHE中进行.中学阶段,PSHE作为非法定科目配合进行公民教育.为辅助公民教育的开展,多数学校都设置了PSHE课程,其逐渐成为英国学校的一种德育课,其德育理念,渗透到了其他课程当中.可见,PSHE在英国公民教育中有着重要地位,对PSHE进行分析和思考,有助于我们更深刻了解英国公民教育的内涵,也将为我国中小学的公民教育提供一些启示.  相似文献   

上世纪九十年代末以来,英国的公民教育经历了一系列的变革,显示了很好的发展态势,特别是<科瑞克报告>发布后,英国有了明确的公民教育计划,有了自己关注的主题,并取得了一定的成就.本文考察<科瑞克报告>提出的背景和随后的一些政策发展情况,分析英国近十年内公民教育的主题及其发展的特点,认为英国近十年的公民教育改革是切合英国及全球民主化进程要求的,其提出的以培养参与民主公民为目标的公民教育,及其实践中体现出的重视公民意识、公民权责、公民参与的培养等特点,是值得我们思考和借鉴的.  相似文献   

随着全球化进程的加快,公民教育越来越受到重视,已成为世界各国教育发展的一大特点。2002年9月,英国政府正式将“公民教育”作为一门独立的学科纳入英国中学必修课程,成为所有中学生(11到16岁)的必修课。公民教育纳入英国国家课程体系,实现了与其它欧洲国家公民教育的同步发展,被认为是2000年英国国家课程修订中最具意义的举措。2007年发表的教育白皮书突出强调尊重多样性教育的重要性,  相似文献   

所谓公民意识教育实质上是一种观念教育,是指在教育中要将公民逐步培养成与社会主义民主法治、市场经济以及现代文明相适应的现代公民,内容主要包括国家意识、法律意识、民主意识和道德意识教育。  相似文献   

英国的公民教育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在新颁布的英国中小国家课程中,公民的权利和义务已正式作为英国中小学基础学科之一。该课程要求5-16岁的学生发展以下技能:调查和批判性思维;讨论与辩论;商谈与调解;参与学校和社区活动。并规定自2002年9月起,公民的权利与义务将成为11-16岁学生第3阶段和第4阶段的国家教学大纲基础课程。从此,公民教育将作为一门特定的课在英国的学校实施。在此期间,公民教育已在英国教育界乃至整个社会掀起了一场轰轰烈烈的讨论,随着公民教育在学校的正式实施,讨论还将继续下去。一、公民教育在英国兴起的背景公民教育自上个世…  相似文献   

加强公民教育已成为世界各国教育改革的共同趋势.公民及公民教育是社会发展与民主政治的产物.公民教育是社会现代性的表征之一,关系到一个国家社会政治民主化和经济发展的速度与效度.在我国,公民教育对现阶段和谐社会发展、社会民主环境营造及公平体系保障还具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

美国公民教育的基本内涵   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
在美国,公民教育是指民主社会中关于自治政府的教育,旨在培养知情的、有效的和负责任的公民.美国人认为,民主社会中公民教育的基本组成包括三个方面:公民知识、公民技能和公民品性.美国作为现代公民教育理论研究的策源地,其公民教育不仅对美国本土,而且对世界许多国家的公民教育均产生了广泛而深刻的影响.本文分析介绍了美国公民教育的基本理念与内涵.  相似文献   

Teacher education for a democratic society in England and South Africa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper considers the role of teacher education in England and South Africa in relation to education for democratic citizenship. It argues that teacher education should play a positive role in this respect but there has often been a contradiction between the structures and practices of teacher education and democratic forms of education. The paper analyses teacher education policy in both countries in the light of these arguments. It then goes on to discuss the practice of teacher education in both countries in relation to existing literature and evidence and interviews with student teachers at two universities in England and two in South Africa.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):189-204

In 1999 the South African Department of Education issued guides for the Representative Councils for Learners established in terms of the South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act 84 of 1996). This article examines the usefulness of these guides in promoting democracy and education for citizenship in South African schools. The guides are located in the context of theories of participatory democracy, representation, and education for citizenship, and of the democratic strengths of the People's Education Movement of the 1980s. In this context, it is argued that the main tendency of the guides is to undermine democratic participation, and that their favoured conception of education for citizenship is minimalist. The article emphasises the need for a more maximalist approach to citizenship education, and for more scope for participatory democracy in schools.  相似文献   

Concerns about pupil disengagement from school and society have led to compulsory citizenship education in state schools in England. However, there is little evidence that the new citizenship education is meeting its goals. The research described here assesses a new approach to citizenship education that appears to overcome some of the identified obstacles in current practices. Hampshire's ‘Rights, respect and responsibility’ initiative is a rights‐based whole school reform of school policies and practices. Under this initiative the contemporaneous citizenship status of pupils is respected, pupils are taught about their rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and democratic participation is made meaningful in classroom and school functioning. Of particular interest is that the initiative starts in infant schools. This research indicates that young children can understand their rights and responsibilities in ways that are meaningful to their everyday behaviour and that rights‐based whole school reform has the capacity to improve pupil learning and citizenship behaviours.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical critique of citizenship education in England and Wales, as a means of raising pedagogical considerations for teachers, and policy issues for curriculum makers and planners. Drawing on a range of recent empirical studies, we construct an analysis of practice and suggest that differences between dominant models of citizenship in England and Wales owe much to their histories. We suggest that such differences create opportunities for new curriculum‐making practices as well as democratic possibilities in the context of citizenship education, at a time when curricula in both England and Wales are under revision. Considering school councils/forums as an exemplar of practice common to both contexts, we question the wisdom of schools employing a narrow conception of active citizenship, via forums, in order to demonstrate they are satisfying the relevant requirements of the Order for Citizenship in England, and aspects of the Personal and Social Education curriculum in Wales. While the exemplars are both from the UK context the arguments apply beyond these borders and to more general concerns regarding the development of global citizenship.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Citizenship education in established democracies is challenged by declining youth participation in democracy. Youth disenchantment and disengagement in democracy is primarily evident in formal political behaviour, especially through voting, declining membership of political parties, assisting at elections, contacting politicians, and the like. If citizenship education is to play a major role in addressing these concerns it will need to review the impact it is making on young people in schools.
  This paper reviews a major national project on youth participation in democracy in Australia set in the context of a national citizenship education programme. The Youth Electoral Study found that citizenship education in Australian schools has at best been marginally successful and substantially more is required to raise levels of democratic engagement. The paper explores many opportunities available to education systems and schools to address these issues through reconceptualising aspects of the formal and the informal curriculum.  相似文献   

My purpose is to examine and evaluate the implementation of market ideology and practices in education through the prism of both modern democratic theory and the discourse of rights. I examine the essence and defining characteristics of public schooling in modern democratic theory, explore the democratic purposes of education, and the unique mission of public schools. I also analyze the vision of public schooling that surfaces from the discourse of human rights and children’s rights, examining relevant UN declarations and conventions. I then proceed to discuss some major manifestations of markets in education, question their congruence with the democratic vision of public schooling, and examine their consequences for both citizenship and citizenship education. My conclusion is that markets in education, and the formulation of education policies and practices through decision-making processes dominated by business and parents, are not necessarily fashioned in the best interest of a democratic society.  相似文献   

In countries that embraced democracy after the fall of communism, education became a particular focus for policy change, particularly within their citizenship programmes. Schools that had been used to inculcate obedience to and unfailing support for authoritarian regimes were now being required to adopt citizenship programmes incorporating democratic values. This paper reports a study in Malawi that explored the school as a location where democratic citizenship is practiced. Using a multiple case study approach in three different kinds of secondary schools to explore students’ participation in school affairs, the study found that different forms of participation were being encouraged, with each school apparently socialising students to distinctive kinds of citizenship roles. The paper highlights a conflict between democratic values and traditional roles of schools leading to new and hybrid school cultures. Providing scope for student voice to be heard can lead to tensions and paradoxical practices.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the extent to which the implementation and assessment of the new citizenship curriculum in England treats learners as citizens or subjects by evaluating whether the interests of state or citizen predominate. Philosophical, contextual, and practical perspectives on citizenship education are drawn upon to evaluate mechanisms which mediate state power in young citizens’ lives. Current methods of delivering and assessing the citizenship curriculum in schools are challenged and the ideology underpinning citizenship education, as conceptualized in official discourse, is questioned. The view is advanced that citizenship cannot be reduced to what learners know (the informed citizen) or do (the active citizen) as it cannot be divorced from who they are. This paper focuses on citizenship education in the context of English liberal democracy but has a wide application as it addresses issues relevant to the state education of citizens elsewhere.  相似文献   

Based on the assumption that schools can play a significant role in the citizenship development of students, in most contemporary modern societies schools are obligated to provide citizenship education. However, the effectiveness of different forms of citizenship education is still unclear. From the empirical literature on citizenship over the period of 2003–2009 28 articles were selected on effects of citizenship education on students’ citizenship. Our review showed the political domain of citizenship to be emphasized more than the social domain. An open and democratic classroom climate in which discussion and dialogue takes place appears to effectively promote the development of citizenship among secondary school students. Moreover, a formal curriculum that includes citizenship projects and courses also appears to be an effective type of citizenship education. The effects of citizenship education are discussed in relation to the quality of the studies reviewed.  相似文献   

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