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刘洋 《理科爱好者》2022,(5):147-149
新课标倡导物理教学生活化,而生活情境是教学生活化的具体表现。在实施高中物理教学时,教师应以新课标为指导,以教学内容为基础,以课前、课中和课后阶段为切入点,引导学生体验生活情境,探究物理知识,借此帮助学生建构完善的认知,发展多种能力,积累生活经验,增强物理学习效果。鉴于此,文章从课前、课中和课后三个阶段,详细阐述基于生活情境的高中物理教学策略。  相似文献   

新课程改革的推进,要求小学数学实施生活化教学,让数学回归生活。数学是一门抽象的学科,小学生在学习的过中,难以理解。生活化数学的提出,有助于把抽象的知识具体化,提高学生的学习兴趣,让学生更好地掌握知识。教师应就学生缺乏生活实践、教师教学内容没有联系生活和教法单一这些问题,实施将生活与教学密切结合,从学生的生活实际出发以及教法生活化和课例讲解生活等措施。  相似文献   

生活化教学就是将知识内容呈现在生活背景中,拉近教材与学生的距离,消除学生的陌生感,促使学生以主体的身份参与教学活动。帮助学生更好地理解知识,实现知识与生活的和谐发展。在初中语文教学中引入生活化教学,可以让学生获得活灵活现的知识内容,从而让语文教学更有效。从课前导入生活化、课堂情景生活化、课后练习生活化三方面谈起,重点论述了生活化教学在初中语文教学中的运用。  相似文献   

道德与法治新教材更加注重教学的生活化和实践化,因此在教学中如何联系生活实际,让学生在观察、感受、体验生活的过程中和实践活动中探究知识,是教学的重中之重,也是解决当前课程学习枯燥无味这一问题的有效途径。文章就课前、课中和课后如何更好地实施生活化教学提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

生活化教学,即将教学与现实生活相结合,促使学生以生活主体的身份参与教学活动,使学生在生活中学习,在学习中生活,获得更加丰富多维的知识。初中语文教师应注重课前导入生活化、课堂教学生活化、课后作业生活化,在教学的各个环节渗透生活元素,从而迅速提高教学效率。  相似文献   

新课改背景下,对高中思想政治课教学提出了更高的要求,不仅要求其传授学生基础知识,而且高中思政课教学要与实际生活紧密相连。然而,现阶段高中思政课实际教学中,生活化教学状况不容乐观。实际教学中,教师常常忽视学生的主体地位,偏重知识的简单传授,与实际生活相脱离,导致理论与实践相互脱节。在现阶段高中思想政治课教学中,如何实施生活化思政课是十分迫切需要解决的理论与实践研究课题。本文详细分析了当前高中政治生活化教学存在的问题,并结合具体案例提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

生活中处处有数学,关键是教师是否善于结合课堂教学内容去捕捉"生活现象",为课堂教学服务。教学实施"生活化",一看课堂,二看课外。课堂中做到:课前引导生活化;导入新课生活化;探究新课生活化;练习设计生活化。另外,课外活动也要"生活化"。  相似文献   

理论是灰色的,唯生活之树常青。教育回归生活是时代的要求,生活化教学是新课改的主流方向。新课改要求,《生活与哲学》课生活化教学应根植于生活,回归教育的本真;以学生为核心,提升师生的生活状态和生命质量。本文根据本人的教学经历简要的谈谈高中哲学生活化的意义与相关的方法。  相似文献   

"生活即教育",在小学科学课堂中引入活生生的生活,有机结合科学知识和现实生活,转化生活资源为科学教育资源,构建融"知识、教学、生活"于一体的高效科学课堂。从课前导入、课堂教学和课后练习三个环节,实施生活化教学策略,希望为小学生呈现异彩的科学课堂。  相似文献   

传统的语法课单纯讲解语法,与学生的生活脱节。为改变这种弊端,本文结合陶行知的生活教育理论,提出生活化的高中英语语法教学模式,并以一次虚拟语气课为案例,例证如何让语法教学的各环节,即新课导入、知识呈现和巩固提高融入生活的元素。实践证明,生活化的语法教学使得课堂、学生、教师都"活"了起来。  相似文献   

天保房地产开发公司根植于天津滨海新区。依托控股公司带来的资源优势,基于滨海新区列入国家发展战略部署的背景,在近年来取得了迅速的发展。但是随着国家一系列政策的出台,中国的房地产行业面临着一次大的重新洗牌过程,同时企业内部仍然存在着制度缺陷、管理不规范、流程不清晰、人员激励不足等各方面的问题,所以,天保房地产公司在面临着滨海新区良好发展机遇的同时,也面临着很大的挑战。如何在机遇与挑战并存的环境中,认真分析和评估企业的外部环境及内部资源与能力的优劣势,对企业内部的资源与能力进行积累与培养,制定相应的竞争与发展战略,引导企业的健康长远发展具有一定的必要性与迫切性。 本文从竞争战略的角度,综合分析天保房地产开发公司所面临的外部环境和内部条件,研究探讨天保房地产开发公司的发展战略框架,包括战略的指导思想、战略定位、战略目标及相应的实施措施,以期实现天保房地产开发公司的发展愿景和核心价值。  相似文献   

The experiment in which a candle is burned inside an inverted vessel partially immersed in water has a history of more than 2,200 years, but even nowadays it is common that students and teachers relate the change in volume of the enclosed air to its oxygen content. Contrary to what many people think, Lavoisier concluded that any change in volume in this experiment is negligible; moreover, the explanation relating oxygen consumption in the air with its change in volume is known to be wrong. In this work we briefly review the history behind the candle experiment and its relationship with some typical erroneous explanations. One of the key factors behind Lavoisier’s success was the use of experiments carefully designed to test different hypotheses. Following these steps, we performed several closed volume experiments where the candle wick was replaced by a capillary stainless steel cylinder supported and heated by a nichrome filament connected to an external power supply. Our recorded experiments are displayed as web pages, designed with the purpose that the reader can easily visualize and analyze modern versions of Lavoisier’s experiments. These experiments clearly show an initial phase of complete combustion, followed by a phase of incomplete combustion with elemental carbon or soot rising to the top of the vessel, and a final phase where the hot artificial wick only evaporates a white steam of wax that cannot ignite because no oxygen is left in the closed atmosphere. After either a complete or incomplete combustion of the oxygen, our experiments show that the final gas volume is nearly equal to the initial air volume.  相似文献   

秦二世时,丞相赵高野心勃勃,日夜盘算着要篡夺皇位。可朝中大臣有多少人能听他摆布,有多少人反对他,他心中没底。于是,他想了一个办法,准备试一试自己的威信,同时也可以摸清敢于反对他的人。  相似文献   

Easy Phonics带你学习自然拼读,让你学会字母的发音规律,正确地拼读单词。本期让我们继续来看看、读读、写写重读音节中包含字母a的单词,区分它们读短音short a-/e/,还是长音long a-/ei/。  相似文献   

Easy Phonics栏目带你轻松地学习自然拼读!在读读、听听、拼拼和玩游戏中,你将了解字母的发音规律,并正确地拼读单词。这一期,我们来学习元音字母a的短音(short a)和长音(long a).  相似文献   

从前,有一句话,叫做"吃得苦中苦,方为人上人".这句话被认为动机不纯,怎么可以做"人上人"呢?其实,对于"人上人"可以作不同的理解,一种理解是"骑在人民头上,作威作福",这种"人上人"当然不好;但也可以解释为比别人做更多的贡献,吃更多的苦,经过更多的挫折与困难而比一般人更成熟、更坚强,更知道怎么做人.实际上,对这句话应是作后一种理解的,因为这种"人上人"是与"苦中苦"联系在一起的.  相似文献   

本文从毕飞宇小说中一再出现的镜、钟、影和胡琴的意向入手,考察毕飞宇小说的叙述人称、叙述速度、叙述结构和叙述意图。深入阐释"我"与"他"的分离与揉合,"快"与"慢"的交替与演变,"是"与"非"的分明与模糊,"语言"与"沉默"的相反而相成。  相似文献   

The concept of metacognition refers to one’s knowledge and control of one’s own cognitive system. However, despite being widely used, this concept is confusing because of several reasons. First, sometimes it is not at all clear what is cognitive and what is metacognitive. Second, researchers often use the same term, namely, “metacognition” even when they refer to very different aspects of this complex concept. Alternatively, researchers may use different terms to indicate the same metacognitive elements. Another foggy matter is the interrelationships among the various components of metacognition discussed in the literature. This conceptual confusion regarding the concept of metacognition and its sub-components calls for in-depth theoretical and conceptual clarifications. The goal of this article is to portray a detailed example of a conceptual analysis of meta-strategic knowledge (MSK) which is one specific component of metacognition. This specific example is used to draw a general model for conceptual analyses of additional metacognitive components. The approach suggested here is to begin with a clear definition of the target sub component of metacognition, followed by a systematic examination of this sub component according to several dimensions that are relevant to metacognition in general and to that sub component in particular. The examination should include an analysis of how the details of the definition of the target sub-component refer to: (a) general theoretical metacognitive issues raised by prominent scholars; (b) definitions formulated and issues raised by other researchers who have investigated the same (or a similar) sub-component and, (c) empirical findings pertaining to that sub-component. Finally, it should be noted that since metacognition is a relational rather than a definite concept it is important to situate the context within which the conceptual analysis takes place.  相似文献   

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