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朱士艳 《早期教育》2009,(11):22-22
唐代有一位擅长画牛的画家戴嵩,是画牛的专家。戴嵩在画牛方面注意从实际生活中去深入观察牛的动态、神情和习性。他将正在角斗着的牛眼睛画成红色(因为斗的两眼充血),或者在牧童牧放着的牛眼里画上牧童的影像,这些都出于他对牛的细致观察和独特感受。  相似文献   

苗族斗牛及其文化内涵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苗族斗牛是指人们让两头水牯牛以角相抵斗以争胜论负的活动,被称为“东方式斗牛”。典籍、诗词、舞蹈、传说、鼓社记载斗牛;传统斗牛自由组合,不决胜负,现代斗牛分组、拈阄、定时、淘汰制,决胜负;苗族斗牛区别于其他民族的斗牛,就在于苗族斗牛是苗族牛图腾崇拜的遗迹。  相似文献   

毕加索终生酷爱画牛。 刚开始,毕加索只是照斗的样子画牛,其“牛”跃然纸上,呼之欲出,世人惊叹为“真牛”。 年轻时,毕加索画的牛形体庞大,有血有肉,雄壮威武。一次,他在乡间画牛,一老黄牛悠闲吃草,踱步而来。牛瞥见画中之牛,瞪大眼睛。愣怔片刻,突然撤褪落荒而逃。  相似文献   

运用民族学、体育史学、社会学方法,对居住在广西融水苗族的芦笙斗马体育现象进行剖析.研究表明:苗族融水斗马活动的习俗之所以代代相传,长盛不衰,除了它具有独特的个性外,就是它的广泛性,这是特定历史条件下形成的一种文化现象,也是苗族同胞积极向上的精神寄托,有着深厚的群众基础,广西融水苗族芦笙斗马是全国独一无二的民俗文化活动现象.  相似文献   

牛文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分.牛文化对于我国的体育活动产生了深远的影响.体育活动中包含了众多牛的元素.采用文献资料、田野调查等方法对大足宝顶山石刻造像中的牧牛图龛造像进行研究发现:牧牛道场的造像中刻画了牧人从训牛到与牛心灵相惜的全过程,其意义透射出来体育活动中的牛文化内涵,为研究古代体育的发展与牛文化提供了重要的理论依据.  相似文献   

自然科学A等大学排名 32九一兰州大学 3 IA 等级 社会科学人等大学排名 32一A 33A A .A 4﹄勺 内j门j 排 名 校名 A十十 人千+ 吞干_千 几十片 一 A伞斗 人带年 人++ 沛 A十」 婆牛 人介- 入升 人+ 北京大学- 中国人良大李 复旦大学 南京大学 浙江大学 北京师范大学 武汉大学 钟解 南开大学 厦门大学 36A 37A 湖南大学 山西大学 东北师范大学 西南大学 首都师范大学 东南大学 中央民族大学 排名12 34 理学A等大学排名 等级校名 A+十 A+居 A++ 八+斗 典少 入十 城晾大学- 南京大学 中国科学抹术衅 浙辉木学 清华大学 排名1 910U12 左…  相似文献   

广东电视台珠江频道不久前播放的电视连续剧《西游记后传》,天上竟然出现了一个”罔牛宫”.令人惊讶。“罔”是”斗”(dou)的繁体字。斗牛.是一种体育竞技活动.盛行于西班牙。在电视上。人们看到过斗牛的场面。斗牛士与牛英勇搏斗的情景令  相似文献   

唐代的游艺民俗活动丰富多彩,"斗百草"游艺,曾经风靡一时,在唐代社会、文化、生活中都有一定的反映。本文借助现存文献记载和唐代斗草诗歌,微探民俗文化奥妙,发现斗百草的民俗活动实际是大唐盛世文明的缩影,体现了唐代社会开明的政治和积极向上的民族精神。  相似文献   

从敦煌莫高窟劳度叉斗圣变中的狮牛搏斗图像入手,梳理其在古代中国的发展,认为其沿着丝绸之路传入中国。该图像母题广泛流行于古代欧亚大陆,其产生于动物生态中的狮子捕食场景。从丝绸之路向外延伸,梳理了狮牛搏斗图像的发展脉络,并试图解释其象征含义。  相似文献   

在印度尼西亚有一种叫“里贝”的牛。这种牛的体形大,四肢粗壮,泅水能力很强。它泅水时,背部露出水面,十分平稳。当地人在它背部绑上一个不漏水的方型木  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the relationship between activity during shock and the magnitude of subsequent impairment of shock-elicited fighting in the rat. Different levels of intra-shock activity were engendered in two ways. In Experiment 1, differing temporal forms of inescapable shock were employed to produce markedly different levels of activity. In Experiment 2, a passive-escape procedure was used to explicitly reinforce nonmovement during shock relative to a yoked, inescapable shock control. Results indicated that relative to the performance of subjects not previously shocked, fighting impairment was produced only by those prior treatments that promoted reduced intrashock activity. Since one of the prior shock treatments involved inescapable shock but the other did not, these findings may be viewed as strong support for the notion that behavior during shock, rather than uncontrollability, is the critical determinant of the observed impairment effects. There was some suggestion in both studies that shock treatments that resulted in sustained or increased intrashock activity tended to produce augmentation of fighting. Both inhibitory and facilitative effects of prior shock exposure are discussed in terms of an interacting response theory of shock treatment effects.  相似文献   

霍去病基石雕为借石拟形并运用简单而得当的线条顺势雕凿而成的艺术作品。其中“马踏匈奴”、“人与熊”、“怪兽食羊”等作品有一个共同的特点,即它们都具有一定的搏斗情节,所表达的思想都是侵略与反侵略、正义与邪恶相互较量、相互斗争的主题。两千余年之前的艺术匠师们将它们构思成这种形象,足以说明他们有着丰富的生活实践经历。这几件作品有可能取材于当时长安上林苑的斗兽活动。  相似文献   

A sample of 30 teachers were given a questionnaire about how they viewed the relationship between playful fighting and real fighting. In addition, these teachers and 20 children aged five to seven were shown a videofilm of 20 fighting episodes, some playful and some real, and asked to make judgements about them; the responses of teachers and children were compared. Teachers reported difficulty in distinguishing playful from real fighting for about one‐third of occasions ‐ sometimes due to false information from children, and sometimes due to missing the whole of a complex sequence. They also thought that play fighting was about twice as frequent as real fighting, with both much more frequent in boys than girls; and that nearly one‐third of play fighting episodes would turn into real fighting (more often for boys than girls). The video analysis showed that the teachers tended to agree with children about the nature of episodes, but verbally reported a wider range of cues in making their judgements. Results are discussed in terms of some apparent areas of disagreement between teachers, children and outside observers concerning the relative frequency of playful and real fights, and the likelihood of the former turning into the latter.  相似文献   

阐述了消防文化的概念和内涵,分析了高校对大学生开展消防文化教育的意义,并对高校应该如何开展消防文化教育进行了探讨。  相似文献   

战斗精神是部队战斗力的重要组成部分,直接关乎战局的走势与战争的胜负.本文试从“深化当代革命军人核心价值观,筑牢官兵战斗精神之基;培育敢打必胜的精神信念,强化官兵战斗精神主体;完善物质与精神相结合的激励制度,打造官兵战斗精神动力之源”的“基,体,源”三位一体的视角,探究当前形势下如何寻求战斗精神提升的新的着力点  相似文献   

In Study 1, a questionnaire was designed to investigate secondary school pupils' participation in, and perceptions of, playful and aggressive fighting. It was administered to a sample of 13- to 16-year-old male and female pupils who attended 5 different schools. The majority of pupils (and significantly more males than females) reported that they did engage in playful fighting. Most pupils also indicated that it was possible to tell whether other students were engaged in playful as opposed to aggressive fighting, attesting to the view that playful and aggressive fighting should be seen as separate categories of behavior. Other results converged to indicate that, unlike during the childhood years, playful fighting may be used by some individuals (especially males) to establish and display dominance positions. The responses of some pupils (again more males than females) also suggested that prowess in aggressive fighting was valued, in many cases because it deterred other pupils from directing unwanted behaviors (such as aggression and teasing) at them. In Study 2, more detailed individual interviews with 5 males and 5 females were carried out. These were used to illustrate some of the issues surrounding adolescents' participation in, and perceptions of, playful and aggressive fighting. Overall, the results of both Study 1 and Study 2 supported the hypothesis that some bouts of playful fighting are used during adolescence to settle dominance disputes. Results also suggested that aggression may be introduced into bouts of playful fighting in order to achieve these ends. Theoretical explanations are presented.  相似文献   

火灾自动报警与消防联动控制系统是各类综合高层建筑现代消防工程的核心。本文结合工程实例,阐述如何合理地对综合建筑的火灾自动报警与消防联动控制系统进行设计。  相似文献   

对"斗争哲学"要作具体分析。矛盾是对立统一,基本属性是对立性和统一性,不是斗争性和同一性,不能孤立讲斗争性是绝对的,同一性是相对的。毛泽东一贯主张和实践"斗争哲学",但"斗争哲学"不是毛泽东整个思想的实质和核心。毛泽东哲学思想的精髓是实事求是。共产党的哲学是"实事求是"哲学,不是"斗争哲学",也不是"和谐哲学"。  相似文献   

In Study 1, a questionnaire was designed to investigate secondary school pupils' participation in, and perceptions of, playful and aggressive fighting. It was administered to a sample of 13- to 16-year-old male and female pupils who attended 5 different schools. The majority of pupils (and significantly more males than females) reported that they did engage in playful fighting. Most pupils also indicated that it was possible to tell whether other students were engaged in playful as opposed to aggressive fighting, attesting to the view that playful and aggressive fighting should be seen as separate categories of behavior. Other results converged to indicate that, unlike during the childhood years, playful fighting may be used by some individuals (especially males) to establish and display dominance positions. The responses of some pupils (again more males than females) also suggested that prowess in aggressive fighting was valued, in many cases because it deterred other pupils from directing unwanted behaviors (such as aggression and teasing) at them. In Study 2, more detailed individual interviews with 5 males and 5 females were carried out. These were used to illustrate some of the issues surrounding adolescents' participation in, and perceptions of, playful and aggressive fighting. Overall, the results of both Study 1 and Study 2 supported the hypothesis that some bouts of playful fighting are used during adolescence to settle dominance disputes. Results also suggested that aggression may be introduced into bouts of playful fighting in order to achieve these ends. Theoretical explanations are presented.  相似文献   

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