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在言语交际过程中,话语参与者拥有最基本的两个话语角色:话语信息的生产者和接收者.接收者为了理解生产者所传递的信息,就需要对所接收的内容进行解码.在这一阶段,接收者往往具有另外一个被忽视的隐藏身份——“旁白者”.“旁白者”借助语境,对字面信息进行背景交代或拓展性阐释,帮助“观众”(信息接收者的另一身份)缩小语义范围,理解话语意义,并在此基础上构建反馈信息.因此,“旁白者”这一隐藏角色同样对言语交际的过程和结果有着重大的影响.优秀的“旁白者”能够利用功能语境理论,对交际信息进行必要的补充性说明,从而促进交流的顺利进行.  相似文献   

本文以比较和对照的手法,通过探索“戏剧独白”与一般诗歌、戏剧作品的“独白”和“旁白”的异同,来揭示“戏剧独白”的艺术规律性。指出戏剧“独白”近似于“旁白”,是将信息直接指向舞台以外的观众,而不是舞台上的剧中人物。而戏剧独白,虽是单独表述,但在表述中却间接地体现出对方的直接作用,并明确地反指。  相似文献   

试论“戏剧独白”的艺术规律性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本以比较和对照的手法,通过探索“戏剧独白”与一般诗歌、戏剧作品的“独白”和“旁白”的异同,来揭示“戏剧独白”的艺术规律性,指出戏剧“独白”近似于“旁白”,是将信息直接指向舞台以外的观众,而不是舞台上的剧中人物,而戏剧独白,虽是单独表述,但在表述中却间接地体现出对方的直接作用,并明确地反指。  相似文献   

刁仁锋 《考试周刊》2013,(85):10-11
苏教版高中数学教材基于新课改的精神,把握新课改的本质,在教材中设计了旁白,通过旁白实现了对正文知识的补充与延伸,同时增强了数学学习的知识性与趣味性.本文阐述了苏教版高中数学教材旁白设计的原则,重点探讨了苏教版高中数学教材旁白的作用.  相似文献   

"教材旁白"是教材正文的"解说词",对教材正文起到诠释、补充作用.本文在分析高中数学"教材旁白"被忽视的原因的基础上,阐述高中数学"教材旁白"的功能并根据自己的教学实践提出了一些教学建议.  相似文献   

高中数学教材是数学知识呈现的主要载体,而教材旁白作为高中数学知识呈现的板块之一,其丰富多彩的呈现方式和种类,在数学教学中具有重要的价值和意义。本研究采用内容分析法,以人教A版、北师版、苏教版高中数学教材中"统计与概率"部分内容为例,对不同版本高中数学教材旁白进行了比较分析。研究结果表明:人教A版旁白比较注重对基础知识的巩固完善,呈现方式多样,旁白密度最大,但缺乏信息技术的渗透;北师版旁白非常注重信息技术的应用,呈现方式比较有特色,但旁白密度最小、种类与数量较少;苏教版旁白种类最丰富,对师生教学具有很好的提示、辅助作用,但呈现方式有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

<正>人教A版高中数学教材中设置了大量的"教材旁白",其形式多样,分布广泛.大多数教师知道"教材旁白"的教学价值,却仍然依靠经验教学,将"教材旁白"内容置之于课堂之外;大部分学生很少了解"教材旁白"中的内容,对于如何运用"教材旁白"知之甚少.多种因素导致在具体教学实践中"教材旁白"的作用发挥不够显著,与教材编写者的初衷有着较大的差距.对此,本文重点阐述人教A版高中数学"教材旁白"的价值及其教学策略.一、"教材旁白"相关概念及其使用现状  相似文献   

新一轮基础教育课程改革下要求数学教育能够培养出具有更高数学素养、创新思维能力和实践能力的人。同时,教科书作为教师教书育人的第一手资料,也要随着时代的不断发展变化而不断地改进。教科书中旁白的加入,使教科书整体更加丰富和饱满。教师若在教学过程中巧妙地运用教科书中的旁白来辅助教学,会收到意想不到的效果。然而学界对教科书中的旁白还缺乏较深入的探索。基于这样的背景,对初中数学教科书中旁白的类型及功能作研究就有相当的必要性。  相似文献   

新课标下的高中数学教材,注重学生参与和自主探究学习理念运用,注重培养学生的数学思维和数学应用能力,突出数学核心素养的培养。在高中数学课本中有许多旁白,这些旁白是对教材主要内容的补充、支撑、诠释和深度剖析,每个旁白都在最关键的地方出现,都是作用和定位精准、恰到好处。科学合理地用好这些教材旁白,对提高学生的数学核心素养具有重要益处,本文对此进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

"台湾念真情"是吴念真的第一档电视节目,深受观众的喜爱。在这本由电视节目旁白结集而成的同名书籍里,吴念真以朴质、幽默的语言描绘了人间群像。故事中的主角都是最质朴的平民百姓,他们对传统的坚持、对美德的理解,体现了最本初的生命力所在,也让我们更加真切地看到,那些与我们渐行渐远的传统生活方式的可贵。  相似文献   

For almost two decades student voice has been used and enacted in educational settings for a range of purposes. Student voice theorists have framed it in sociocultural, social constructionist and poststructural terms. It has been located in a range of schooling discourses and there have been powerful critiques of instrumentalist uses of student voice. It has been reified for its potential to leverage schooling reform, associated with accountability, governmentality and technologies of control, and also heralded as a process to activate radical collegiality in educational settings. This article investigates how school leaders from Aotearoa/New Zealand discursively locate the complex and contested construct of student voice in their schooling settings. Drawing data from principal interviews, discourses inherent in school leader comments are analysed to consider the contribution of student voice. A consideration is provided of how young people are ascribed positions as agents in contemporary Aotearoa schools.  相似文献   

白傻子对《原野》的剧场性营造起了重要作用。一、在“积极赋形”中打破剧场的沉寂,创设规定性的戏剧气氛, 刺激受众的审美经验,形成了戏剧的剧场直觉强度;二、以痴傻人非逻辑的乖戾言行打破戏剧动作的逻辑,制造一种强烈的喜剧性,牵引受众的审美心理,增强了戏剧的剧场感知力度;三、在“双向服从和双向支持”中支配戏剧人物的心理,制造一种紧张的心绪与气氛,激发受众的审美欲望,加大了戏剧的剧场襄抉力度:四、在“泄漏”与“告白”中推进和完善叙事, 制造戏剧的情节链,引起受众的审美期待与感觉,造成了戏剧的剧场吸引强力。  相似文献   

译者的主体性是指在对外宣传文本翻译中,作为翻译主体的译者在尊重翻译对象的前提下,为实现翻译目的而在翻译活动中表现出来的主观能动性;即译者不按汉语原文逐字逐句地翻译,而是根据国外受众的思维习惯和接受心理,对原文信息进行能动地加工,充分发挥其主观能动性,使译文明白晓畅、清晰易懂,从而达到对外宣传与交流的目的。结合怀化学院五十华诞庆典简介的翻译,探讨外宣文本翻译中译者的主体性。  相似文献   

在20世纪四五十年代的中国大地上,中国共产党领导农民进行了一场轰轰烈烈的土地改革运动,对中国社会的发展产生了深远的影响。而这一时期的许多文学家以其特有的敏感和直觉,不仅以现实主义手法记录和描绘了当时的情况,还从多个层面触摸到了"历史"的蕴意,以"多声部"和"画外音"的方式表现了土改的复杂性。在以丁玲、周立波、赵树理、马加等人创作的反映这场土地改革运动的经典文本,如《太阳照在桑干河上》、《暴风骤雨》、《江山村十日》等小说中,出现了富有政治意识形态色彩的空间变化。论文试图以"空间"为视角,从一个侧面对这一时期的土改小说进行再解读。  相似文献   

利用城市公共环境进行的广告创作中,把公共空间环境看作一种创意手段而非单纯的广告媒体,使其与广告内容充分结合,与受众充分沟通,既丰富了广告创意手法,增添了广告创意的生动性和受众的参与性,又使公共空间环境富有人性化、情趣化,从而形成一种公共艺术语言,可谓一举两得,值得提倡与推广。  相似文献   

Personal narratives are powerful tools that can be used to introduce competing mindsets into the academic discourse. They are especially powerful if they challenge a master narrative that seeks to portray the weak or powerless, such as Chicanos, in negative images or social contexts. This paper uses personal narrative to examine how Chicanos perceived the 1970s as a period of change in academe, one that would increase their presence and voice. The personal narrative also examines how academe is structured and organized to constrain the Chicano’s search for presence and voice.  相似文献   

英文句子时有时态和语态的区分,其中语态又分主动语态和被动语态。本文主要介绍英语被动结构的特殊用法。  相似文献   

This study examines how socially conscious bilingual Latino educators, specifically prepared to teach underserved children, resist multiple layers of hegemonic structures. The participants are five beginning Spanish bilingual teachers who teach in urban and semi-rural elementary schools. The study explores how their resistance unfolds as they develop and become critical educators and how their presence in schools provides children with the potential to develop social consciousness. This participatory research design uses dialogue as a tool to identify the problem, to facilitate the emergence of voice, to construct new knowledge, and to take action. Several themes surface: (1) the isolation of bilingual teachers, (2) the manifestations of power relations among students, (3) the use of a culturally bound pedagogy, (4) the countering of hidden curriculum through critical pedagogy, and (5) development of identity and voice for both students and teachers. The participating Latino teachers linked their social consciousness with an emergent critical pedagogy, which sustained them as they encounter many obstacles in their new profession.  相似文献   

UK national policy and the practices of university course boards tend to reduce understandings of ‘student voice’ to a feedback loop. In this loop, students express feedback, the university takes this on board, then they tell the students how they have responded to their feedback. The feedback loop is a significant element of the neoliberal imaginary of higher education globally. This qualitative research study drew on interviews with course representatives in three universities in England, and on policy analysis, to explore the discursive construction and enactment of student voice. It uses the feedback loop as an analytical frame. Drawing on Foucault’s later work, the article aims to open up the feedback loop by exploring its manifestation in the mundane everyday practices of universities. In opening the loop, we identify the following effects of the student voice policy ensemble: students have to construct feedback as it is not just waiting to be gathered; it promotes a dividing practice, where reps are positioned differently to other students; there is a focus on problems; an ‘us and them’ is reinforced between staff and students; the loop closes down discussion; and a managerial logic obscures political processes. The article articulates its opening of the loop as a way of unmasking the modes of power which work through discourses of ‘student voice’, and hence seeks to create possibilities for resistance to being governed this way.  相似文献   


In this article, we explore how a posthumanist stance has enabled us to work a different consideration of the way in which voice is constituted and constituting in educational inquiry; that is, we position voice in a posthuman ontology that is understood as attributable to a complex network of human and nonhuman agents that exceed the traditional understanding of an individual. Drawing on the work of Deleuze and Guattari, Barad, and Bennett, we present a research artifact that illustrates how this posthuman voice is productively bound to an agentic assemblage. The reconfiguration of a posthuman voice with/in an educational research artifact further enables us to explore various analytic questions: What happens when voice exceeds language and is more than (un)vocalized words emanating from a speaking subject? If the materiality of voice is not limited to sound (i.e. self-present language emitted from a human mouth), how do we account for it? That is, how might the materiality of voice be located in the space of intra-action among human and non-human objects? We conclude with implications for thinking qualitative methodology in education differently.  相似文献   

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