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1987年6月底,中国拳击协会已成为国际业余拳联第149个会员国和亚洲业余拳联成员国。中国拳击协会为不重履上届亚运会拳击项目的泥足,宣告成立国家拳击集训队…… (一) 拳击是一项古老的运动。公元前600多年的古代奥运会就设有比赛项目。1904年,在第三届奥运会上,拳击被正式列入比赛项目。我国开展拳击运动的时间是在20年代。首先是在上海。1928年,荣获澳洲次中量级拳击冠军的陈汉祥先生回国了,他在上海精武体育会创办了第一个拳击班,培养出郑吉常、冯慰仁、郭琴方等中国第一代拳击手。其中,郑吉常被人誉为“亚洲毒蛇”。 1930年,地处上海南京路繁华地区西侨青年会举行了一场前所未有的拳击比赛,交手对方是英国皇家海军轻量级冠军阿尔·费艾和年  相似文献   

拳击名人博物馆(美国)位于美国纽约州卡纳斯托镇的拳击名人博物馆创办于1998年,是一所年轻的博物馆,该馆珍藏着入选名人的各种珍贵资料、照片及实物。目前已有179位名人入选拳击名人馆,所选人物有历代拳王及对拳击运动作出贡献的各界人士。当代拳王中有福尔曼、阿里、刘易斯等,老一辈拳王有乔·路易斯、洛奇·马西阿诺、乔·弗雷泽、杰克·拉莫塔、卡洛斯·蒙松等。对拳击运动作出贡献的各界人士有:撰写《伦敦拳击比赛规则》的约翰·格雷厄姆·钱伯斯和赞助出版该规则的昆斯贝里侯爵,《拳击》杂志创始人纳特·弗雷斯彻尔,担任过100多场拳王争霸战中的著名裁判阿瑟尔·默尔特,拳赛推广人杰克·雅各布斯,以及至今还活跃在拳坛、有史以来最伟大的拳赛推广人唐·金。拳击名人馆每年初评选一次,每年  相似文献   

东邪、西毒、南帝、北丐,退出江湖。《射雕》是一部很奇特的小说,一开篇书中四位武功最高的人物便已经淡出江湖。关于他们的一些故事,大部分是通过别人的娓娓口述中得知。金庸先生是一  相似文献   

拳王阿里的头上有很多顶桂冠,重量级拳击冠军、诗人、黑人社会活动家,慈善家,父亲,现在则是6个孩子的祖父。而1964年他向伊斯兰教的转变,使他成为世界上第二号著名的穆斯林人物。“9.11”事件的当天早晨,阿里正在接受《读者文摘》记者的采访。他的答记者问有助于读者加深对这位伟大人物的了解。  相似文献   

《博物馆惊魂夜》的导演肖恩·利维的新片《铁甲钢拳》将在下半年上映,这是一部《洛奇》风格的拳击电影,只不过在故事发生的年代上,人类拳击手已经被机器人取代。拳击在国外的疯狂程度就好比国内球迷对足球的不弃不离,而这中间人们赋予拳击的精神也已远远超过运动本身,如同歌者所唱,一生打不倒的精神活到老。  相似文献   

本刊今年第三期登出《拳击,绝非体育运动》一文后,一些读者来信提出异议。现将我国五十年代拳王王守忻最近撰写的《我国应该开展业余拳击运动》刊出,以飨读者。  相似文献   

2019年年末,国外某拳击网站评选出拳击界50个最强势人物,入选榜单的有梅威瑟、帕奎奥、泰森·富里、维尔德、艾迪·赫恩、弗兰克·沃伦、Showtime拳击部负责人史蒂芬·埃斯皮诺萨、UFC总裁白大拿等拳手、推广人以及高层管理人员,其中高居榜首的是Top Rank的推广人鲍勃·阿鲁姆。  相似文献   

拳击是一个比较古老的体育运动项目,在西方国家尤为盛行,深受广大群众的喜爱。然而,世界拳击理事会的历史并不太长。长期来,有些人一直以为,世界拳击理事会是一个历史悠久的组织,其实,仅有二十年的历史。为了庆祝世界拳坛取得的巨大成就,该理事会最近出版了一本由《新非洲》杂志社副主编博比·奈杜编辑的《世界拳击理事会二十年史话》。  相似文献   

研究课题的提出 1960年下半年,在英国制定的《英国昆士伯利拳击规则》,一般被看作是现代拳击运动的规则的原型。它对当时非常盛行的悬赏拳击比赛(即由贵族们提供赏金  相似文献   

纵观拳击历史,最具有杀伤力的拳手恐怕非泰森莫属。提起拳击,无论人们是否喜欢这项运动,都会异口同声地说出一个响亮的名字:泰森。泰森已成为具有全球意义上的拳击代表人物,他在重量级拳坛上张扬出的野性和霸气,尽显了拳击运动的永恒魅力,给所有人留下了难以磨灭的印象。  相似文献   


The violence inherent in boxing has been a topic of public discourse since the early days of the sport, as has its supposed effect on society. In 1751, artist and social commentator William Hogarth weighed in by including boxing references in his four-part work addressing cruelty in 1740s London. In his Second Stage, dedicated to cruelty to animals, he somewhat incongruously includes a poster for a prizefight. This essay examines boxing in early-to-mid Hanoverian London to reveal why Hogarth chose to include this particular fight, using a variety of sources including an unpublished eyewitness account. This examination will allow us to better understand a transformational period in the sport of boxing and its place in 1740s London society.  相似文献   

2008年北京奥运会上,我国体操小将邹凯一战成名,勇夺男子团体、单杠、自由体操3枚金牌。赛后,当记者问他最想感谢谁时,邹凯脱口而出"白指导"。邹凯口中的白指导就是教练员白远韶,他从10岁开始接触体操,尽管从未进入过专业运动队,但这样一位"外行"却培养出了奥运冠军郑李辉、"吊环王"董震、世锦赛冠军张津京等一批优秀体操运动员。在距离伦敦奥运会开幕不到100天的时刻,记者在北京天坛公寓见到了这位素来低调的金牌教练。开朗、热情、平易近人是白远韶给人的第一印象,交谈起来更像是在与故人话家常。  相似文献   


This article was prompted by the observation that the veteran influential singer–songwriter Bob Dylan had once written a song about boxing. The song, neither sung, played nor very much remarked on since it was composed in the early 1960s, was provoked by the death of American featherweight Davey Moore following a title bout in Los Angeles in 1963. This seemed to invite comment, first, because it was one of Dylan’s few engagements, artistically, with the world of sport; second, because the song alluded (mistakenly) to the banning of boxing in Cuba and, third, because, Bob Dylan has occasionally in recent times made known his enjoyment of boxing and his endorsement of it as a social practice that built individual character. Drawing on some of the (voluminous) biographical writing on Dylan, the article analyses the factors of both the agency and the structure in Dylan’s career in an attempt to account for this apparent paradox.  相似文献   

八极拳源自"巴子拳"",巴"为"钯"之略写,一拳以钯得名,这种拳也是现在八极拳的开口拳。八极拳在中国武术中是有史料记载的源远流长的拳种,这在武术发展的历程中并不多见,而且八极拳的演变不仅反映了武术拳种的发展脉络,又与每一时代的社会背景、群众生活息息相关。对其进行研究和考察不仅可以丰富八极拳的资料促进八极拳的发展,而且还有很重要的历史价值,对于我们了解每一社会时期的政治、经济、文化、教育有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

文章对动物活动的形象思维、武术技击形象思维在武术演练,特别是象形拳演练中的作用做了深入探讨。无论"以形为主,法从形出",还是"象形意思,取法为拳"的象形拳演练,都应着眼于培养练习者的形象思维能力,才能使拳术臻于完善境地。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、录像观察和数理统计等方法,对世界优秀空手道运动员的技战术特点进行分析。结果表明:运动员更偏重使用拳法技术,拳法是运动员主要得分手段;在拳法技术中,运动员的后手拳法最为重要;在腿法技术中,中段回旋踢技术使用次数最多,但是成功率相对偏低,上段回旋踢技术成功率相对较高;在比赛中摔法使用次数较少,成功率相对偏低;在战术分析方面,直攻战术是运动员的主要战术形式。  相似文献   

通过采用文献资料法,逻辑分析法与定性分析法的科研方法,对我国形意五行拳与中医养生学关系进行研究与阐述,进一步发掘形意五行拳的健身价值。形意五行拳以五行学说为拳理基础,并与中医的脏腑学说相统一,具有坚实的中医养生理论基础,为形意五行拳今后在健身方面的发展提供了广阔的平台。  相似文献   


‘It is a sport’ writes Hemingway on the subject of bullfights in public places, ‘a very wild and primitive sport and, mainly, a true sport of amateurs. I fear however that because of danger of death which it implies, it never has great success among the sporting-men of America and England’ (Death in the afternoon, Gallimard, 1938, p. 27). Hemingway was interested in sport since his young age: athletic, a follower of sports at Oak Park's High School, fascinated by horse racing and later an enthusiast for deep sea fishing, hunting, boxing etc, in other words what we would call today the ‘extreme sports’, he had a passion for bullfighting in Spain, which he tested, although unsuccessfully. In his papers for the Toronto Weekly Star, his novel The Sun also rises published in 1926, and especially in his essay Death in the afternoon, a true treaty of bullfighting, he undertakes a close study of the specific techniques of this very particular sport; yet what interests him most of all is its artistic value. Art or sport? Such is the key question that he poses throughout the pages of this work, which are actually a deep reflection on the origins of the sport and the finality of art; the relations between sport and art are quite complex and, according to him, have to be reconsidered, since writing for him is also linked to moral and physical effort, and is even a kind of ‘intimate bullfighting’.  相似文献   

George Bernard Shaw's early romantic novel about a prizefighter, Cashel Byron's Profession (1882) is possibly the first literary treatment of the risks, compulsions and social hypocrisies surrounding professional sport. It offers a critique of class, work and leisure, of the nineteenth-century bildungsroman, of violence as a spectacle and of the distinction between professional and amateur. In the ‘Preface’ and ‘Note on Modern Prizefighting’, added to the 1901 edition, Shaw provided both a history of prizefighting and a trenchant critique of the public taste for violence which, as he saw it, encouraged the emergence of professional boxing with gloves, under the Queensberry rules, as an even more brutal and dangerous spectacle. Shaw's intimate knowledge of the world of prizefighting, in decline in the 1880s, and his examination of the life of an athlete in a dangerous ‘profession’, open up a critical juncture in the history of modern sport.  相似文献   

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