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中小学校园隐性伤害,是指在中小学校园情境中由于教育方法、管理方式的不完善或失当等,对学生身体和精神所造成的非直接的伤害。校园隐性伤害,实际上是一种情感虐待,是精神上的惩治、心灵上的摧残。中小学校园隐性伤害主要因素  相似文献   

“双减”政策背景下,中小学校园舞蹈教育将得到进一步的推动和发展。中小学校园舞蹈教育可以与音乐教育相结合,并借鉴音乐教育的教学经验;中小学校园舞蹈教育可以与体育相结合,并在融合性教育中实现互补教育,共同促进舞蹈基本功和体育运动能力的提高;中小学校园舞蹈教育可以和语文古诗词教育、历史教育等相融合。另外,学校应充分重视校园舞蹈社团的多元化发展,繁荣校园艺术文化、带领学生开展社会实践活动;利用形式多元化的舞蹈社团课,给学生提供更多的选择,张扬学生天性。  相似文献   

中小学校园隐性伤害,是指在中小学校园情境中由于教育方法、管理方式的不完善或失当等对学生身体和精神所造成的非直接的伤害。校园隐性伤害,实际上是一种情感虐待,是精神上的惩治、心灵上的摧残。  相似文献   

食品安全问题令人担忧,尤其是一些有害垃圾食品已经进入大中小学校园和幼儿园。为了提高青少年学生的安全防范意识,坚决杜绝垃圾食品进校园,全社会要切实负起责任,通过鼓励和调动社会各方力量,加大对垃圾食品的监管力度;完善学校教育管理制度,提高学生的抗诱惑能力;建立家校联合教育监督机制,形成教育合力;倡导学生合理营养,养成健康的饮食习惯等措施,彻底让垃圾食品止步校园。  相似文献   

近年来,中小学校园欺凌事件频发,严重影响青少年的身心发展,破坏学校的育人环境。学校是学生成长的重要场所,也是校园欺凌事件的高发场所。从学校角度来看,校园文化建设被忽视、校园欺凌防治和惩戒机制不完善、生命教育和法治教育缺位、与家庭和社会反欺凌资源合作不充分等是校园欺凌频发的主要成因。本文就学校在中小学校园欺凌预防和治理中提出了解决对策。  相似文献   

马实 《辽宁教育》2022,(17):59-62
校园足球运动是学校体育活动的重要组成部分,也是增强学生体质、促进学生身心健康发展和形成良好锻炼习惯的重要途径。校园足球运动中蕴含着素质教育、增强体质、健全人格、锤炼意志、人才培养、文化建设等方面的价值。现阶段,我省中小学校园足球发展尚不完善,还存在一些亟待解决的问题,这些问题制约着中小学校园足球运动的推进和发展,迫切需要各级教育管理者和学校师生、家长提高对中小学校园足球运动的认识。我们要打造中小学校园足球文化,构建完善的促进中小学校园足球运动的工作机制和保障机制,充分发挥足球的育人功能,增强学生体育意识,激励学生积极参加校园足球活动,促进学生全面发展。  相似文献   

校园心理剧在中小学心理主题班会中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋洋  李冬梅 《中国德育》2010,(10):69-70
中小学校园心理剧活动是中小学心理健康教育的一种有效形式,校园心理剧在中小学里可以应用于多种场所,如家长学校、心理课、心理主题班会等。通过生活情景的再现,引导学生在情境中体验、感悟、讨论、反思,解决学生的心理问题。在中小学心理主题班会中运用校园心理剧使班会内容更贴近学生,形式更生动,效果更明显。  相似文献   

校园服饰文化是学校文化的一个重要组成部分,具有大众服饰文化所不具有的特殊的教育功能。当前我国中小学校园服饰文化主要是以“校服”的形式出现。整齐划一的校服可增强学生的归属感,体现身份的平等,但当前我国中小学的校服往往不能充分凸显新时代中小学生的鲜明个性,未来我国中小学的校园服饰文化建设应更多凸显学生的个性,体现人性化要求,体现民主与自由。  相似文献   

近年来,中小学校园欺凌事件频发,社会影响恶劣,法律后果严重。研究校园欺凌的内涵、特点、危害,探寻造成校园欺凌宏观和微观方面的原因。建议采取加大法律惩戒的力度、加强社会环境治理、创建美好家庭、加强对学生的法制安全教育和对学生个体的引导教育等举措,以减少中小学校园欺凌事件的发生。  相似文献   

众所周知,安全是学校的重要组成部分,是学生学习的前提和保证。没有了安全,什么事都无法正常进行,特别是农村地区中小学校园安全问题尤为突出。农村地区很多中小学的学生都是留守儿童,缺少父母的关心以及平时的爱护和保护,只能寄希望于校园给予他们庇护。但是多年以来农村地区中小学校园安全问题一直存在,导致的安全问题时有发生,已经给农村地区中小学的教育带来严重的威胁。此外,农村教育和农村建设是我国教育以及社会发展中关注的重点,农村教育同时又是实现农村建设的关键,而想要提高教学质量、完成教学目的,校园安全是基础和前提条件。最近几年,校园安全逐渐成了教育部门以及整个社会的关注重点,各种校园安全事故更是牵动了每个社会成员以及教师、学校和教育部门的敏感神经,尤其是的在一些农村地区,中小学校园安全成了当今校园发展和建设中的重点内容,文章就农村地区中小学校园安全的审视与规范做以下探究。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  More than 76 million persons become ill from foodborne pathogens in the United States each year. To reduce these numbers, food safety education efforts need to be targeted at not only adults, but school children as well. The middle school grades are ideal for integrating food safety education into the curriculum while simultaneously contributing to national and state education standards in science, technology, and family and consumer sciences. For this project, a multimedia, self-paced online resource for delivering a food safety curriculum to middle school children was developed. Animated characters were used to deliver the lesson content. The application also included video segments, quiz feedback, and interactive games and activities. The effectiveness of the Web site was evaluated using validated cognitive and attitudinal assessment tools, and by comparing student cognitive gains to individual student learning styles. Participants were recruited from 6 middle schools in 5 states, totaling 217 students (20 sixth graders, 157 seventh graders, and 40 eighth graders). The results show that students had statistically significant modest gains in pretest to posttest knowledge and enjoyed using the Web site. The 6th grade students had significantly lower pretest to posttest improvement compared to 7th and 8th grade students, suggesting that this program may not be appropriate for this grade level. Furthermore, the results indicate that this Web-based computer application meets the needs of varying individual student learning styles.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Providing effective food safety education to young consumers is a national health priority to combat the nearly 76 million cases of foodborne illness in the United States annually. With the tremendous pressures on teachers for accountability in core subject areas, the focus of classrooms is on covering concepts that are tested on state performance examinations. As a result, topics such as food safety are rarely addressed in middle school classrooms. Middle school is an ideal time to teach food safety because adolescents are in the process of setting lifelong behaviors; therefore, they are more likely to synthesize new food safety knowledge in a way that will lead to the development of lifelong behaviors. The purpose of this study was to scientifically validate an educational resource that provides a method for classroom teachers to involve young consumers in food safety education while meeting state content area curriculum standards. An interdisciplinary curriculum targeted at middle school students and correlated directly to state content standards was designed to include highly effective instructional strategies that teach food safety concepts through all core subject classes (science, math, social studies, and language arts). The curriculum was pilot tested in 5 schools using a pretest, posttest, and follow-up test assessment model. The results showed that the curriculum was highly effective at raising student knowledge (21% gain) and improving students' food handling behaviors (8.47% gain) from pretests to posttests. In addition, 6 wk after implementation, students retained 86% of their total knowledge gain as measured by a follow-up assessment.  相似文献   

随着我国高校教育教学改革不断深入,高等院校呈现出管理方式社会化、办学形式多样化、学生结构复杂化,校园与社会相互渗透,相互影响,造成高校周边治安环境日趋复杂。校园周边环境的好坏,直接影响到高校师生学习生活及工作的质量与效率。通过分析高校周边交通安全、饮食安全、治安案件、校外租住房管理、周边文化娱乐场所经营秩序以及消防安全设施等问题,深入剖析问题存在的原因,并提出一些相应的治理对策。  相似文献   

分析了高校学生党员教育的现状,通过学生党员教育的实践和研究,从党校的教育内容,教育形式,教育对象及教育手段等问题进行了理论探讨,从拓展党校教育功能的角度,探讨了高等学校学生党员思想政治教育问题。  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported on the inadequacy of youth knowledge and practice of food safety principles. The formal high school science classroom environment presents an opportunity to stimulate interest and increase knowledge in food safety with potential benefits to students in improved science literacy, development of life skills, and greater awareness of career opportunities. Previously developed educational materials, Foodborne Illness Outbreak Investigations for Food Safety Education, were evaluated for instruction by high school and community college science educators of various subject matters including foods, microbiology, disease, and chemistry courses. Educator feedback was favorable on measures of quality, implementation ease, and student engagement, with ratings greater than 3 on a 5‐point scale corresponding to “good” to “excellent.” A positive change in familiarity with food safety concepts for 4 groups of students, representing approximately 77% of the participants, was demonstrated by an overall increase, ranging from 4% to 14%, in correct responses to a test administered before and after exposure to the materials. There was variation in degree of change and the topics positively impacted for student groups by subject matter.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of student trust in teacher and student perceptions of safety on identification with school. Data were collected from one large urban district in an eastern state. Participants included 5441 students in 3rd through 12th grades from 49 schools. Students responded to surveys that assessed student trust in teachers, safety and identification with school. Free and Reduced Lunch (a proxy for SES), school level and ethnicity were included as control variables. Two hypotheses guided the study. Hypothesis 1 stated that student trust, safety and identification with school would positively covary. Hypothesis 2 predicted that student trust in teachers and perceptions of safety were school properties that would individually and collectively explain differences among schools in student identification with school. Both hypotheses were confirmed. The results of the hierarchical linear model indicated that student trust in teachers and school safety accounted for 98% of the 22% of variance that exists among schools in student identification. SES, school level and ethnicity were not significant predictors of identification with school. Findings suggest that student trust in teachers and perceptions of safety may significantly contribute to student identification above the effects of SES, ethnicity and school level.  相似文献   

学校体育伤害事故关系学校、教工、学生和家长等多方主体利益,更关系国家体育教育事业的发展。根据发生原因的不同,学校体育伤害事故可以分为因物的原因、因人的原因和因意外原因导致的三种不同类型的学校体育伤害事故。学前教育、初等教育、中等教育、高等教育等不同受教育阶段学生的行为能力存在明显差异:学前教育阶段学生属无民事行为能力人;初等教育阶段学生以无民事行为能力为一般,以限制民事行为能力为特殊;中等教育阶段学生属限制民事行为能力人;高等教育阶段学生为完全民事行为能力人。结合我国现有法律法规,不同受教育阶段中,不同类型的学校体育伤害事故,各方主体(学校、教师、家长、学生等)的法律责任分配是不同的。法律责任的清晰界定不仅有助于解决此类纠纷,而且有利于构建一个权责明确的社会,促进学生身心健康成长,发展体育运动事业。  相似文献   

从积极心理学的角度解读学校教育的缺失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
励骅  李欣 《高教发展与评估》2011,27(1):83-88,120
积极心理学作为一种新兴起的心理学思潮,为学校教育研究提供了一个新的视角,其所倡导的积极理念为学校教育价值抉择提供了新的解读:教育制度不公平导致学生成功希望的缺失;教育目标的偏离导致学生积极品质的缺失;机械的教育方式导致学生在学习中内心积极体验的缺失;受逼的学习状态导致学生自主决定感的缺失。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To create effective educational interventions that address the food safety informational needs of youth, a greater understanding of their knowledge and skills is needed. The purposes of this study were to explore, via focus groups, the food‐handling responsibilities of middle school youth and obstacles they face in practicing safe food handling and develop recommendations for the design of food safety interventions for youth. Most youth reported that they prepared food at least once weekly and rated learning to prevent foodborne illness as important. Youth knew that food could make them sick, described foodborne illness as resulting from “something” getting into food, not cooking food “right,” or the food going bad. Most responses lacked details, suggesting knowledge was basic. Nearly all were interested in learning about food safety. Barriers that deterred them from learning about food safety were time and feeling they were not susceptible to foodborne illness. To overcome barriers, youth suggested focusing on the seriousness of and risks for foodborne illness, using a serious but comical educational approach, and using hands‐on educational media. Parents highly rated the importance of and degree to which they wanted youth to learn about food safety. Parents felt that their children had moderate levels of food safety knowledge, but many questioned whether they practiced food safety procedures when unsupervised. Parents felt that food safety education needed to be taught and reinforced in school and at home. After having reviewed youth and parent data, food safety experts proposed recommendations for youth‐focused food safety education that paralleled current consumer food safety initiatives.  相似文献   

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