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舞台以表演艺术为主导,而表演的核心就是动作。舞台上的表演是夸张的,竞技太极拳中的指定难度正是迎合了这样一种夸张的特点,不仅提高了其欣赏价值,还给观众留下一种优美而又惊险的视觉刺激,同时也能让更多人了解中国的传统武术文化。竞技太极拳运用了舞台艺术中的灯光、音乐、服装、动作设计和背景幕来提高其表演效果,也是套路结构的一种升华。  相似文献   

舞台监督,作为演出团体中的一种职务和岗位,它所起到的作用是把已经过导演排定的一部戏,包括舞美、灯光、道具、服装、化妆等一切导演所认定的与本剧有关的在舞台上所要呈现的东西准时、完整地呈现在观众面前。因此舞台监督在一场演出当中所起到作用是舞台演出现场的组织者和指挥者。  相似文献   

王雷 《围棋天地》2008,(3):32-39
不知不觉,时光飞逝,又迎来了新的一年。而NEC杯也迎来了压轴大戏——久违的古力VS孔杰。这是一项极富特色的赛事,它是唯一直接面向观众进行的比赛。对局双方对弈于剧场的舞台之上,成百上千的棋迷则在台下关注着设于舞台另一侧完全与比赛进程同步的大盘解说。  相似文献   

姚明现在在中国产生的影响不能简单地用一句话来概括,而是用一种现象来形容。一般一场周末的NBA重头比赛,在美国大约有110万户家庭收视,这已经相当不错了。但11月20日清晨,当火箭队与联赛成绩最差球队之一克里夫兰骑士队的比赛,在中国收看的竟然有550万观众;当晚重播这场比赛的录像时,又吸引了1150万观众。  相似文献   

排球运动的审美价值   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
排球运动由一种简单的游戏,发展成为一项内涵丰富的现代体育运动项目,并以其自身运动特点和魅力成为世界广为开展的体育项目之一。排球运动作为一种社会化的载体和人类娱乐的需要而存在,具有深刻的化内涵和审美意义,它所具有的独特审美因素是吸引众多观众与球迷的原因之一,其审美价值也是体育多重价值系统的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

舞蹈,一种语言。从古至今,舞者们在舞台上表达着的,就是这种肢体的语言,这样的一种美,通过身体,通过动作,通过表情……一次次传递给观众,一代代传给后人。舞蹈究竟是什么?它的定义有很多种,但有一点是不能忽略掉的,它是体育的艺术化,也是精神的具现化。从石器时代的集体舞蹈,到  相似文献   

现代的网球似乎被赋予越来越多的内容,尤其是女子网球运动。她们在赛场上取得的成绩显得似乎不那么重要,而她们主要目的像是在利用网球这项运动来展示自己特有的个性和魅力。前卫性感的着装和张扬的个性或许是女子网球吸引观众的重要原因吧! 当今网坛辛吉斯、威廉姆斯姐妹、皮尔斯等都对自己的魅力有着强烈的自信。库尔尼科娃则更是善于利用自己美丽的专家。她把网球场当做自己的T型舞台,在这里尽量展示自己的美丽与风韵:匀称的身材、性感的着装、众多惊人的绯闻。美玉之瑕在于她差强人意的成绩,不免令人生些遗憾。美丽是一种诱惑,…  相似文献   

香港挑战赛已经成功举行了6届,每一届赛事都能吸引当年度最为耀眼的球员加盟,在沙龙公开赛离开后,这一赛事每年年初都能在香港掀起一股网球热潮。那香港挑战赛到底是以什么来吸引球员和观众的呢?带着这些问题,本刊特约记者在赛事期间对赛事总监简白恩进行了专访。  相似文献   

贺敏奇 《杂技与魔术》2012,(4):50+53-50
杂技是我国历史悠久的艺术瑰宝,它以惊险、奇特、高难的艺术手法来满足观众的审美追求和艺术享受,千百年来深受广大人民群众的喜爱和欢迎。以前人们观看的杂技,谈不上舞台美术。传统的表演杂技的艺人大都是在街上摆摆地摊、耍耍功夫,或在大棚内单纯展示高难度肢体技巧的表演,来博取观众的喝彩。在进入舞台的最初阶段,人们的审美要求仍然是集中在杂技的技巧和难度上,常常以那种单纯简单的蓝天白云布景来衬托,忽略了舞台艺术综合美感。因此,杂技舞台的布置十分简陋,无论是舞台的背景、灯光、音响、服装等,与杂技的表演都没有太大的联系。今天,随着物质生活的不断丰富,人们对杂技表演的审美要求也在不断地提高,不再像以前那么单调,单纯讲究杂技技巧的表演,以前那种单纯的蓝天白云布景已经不能迎合观众观赏的口味了。现在的杂技艺术已经发展成为一门综合艺术,不再是片面地追求技巧难度,而是讲究杂技表演的整体性,以高难技巧为主导,配合灯光、布景、服装、音响等,使杂技表演成为整体和谐完美的表演艺术。人们在观赏杂技表演时,不仅要观赏杂技表演动作的高难技巧,而且还要在观赏杂技的表演过程中获得一种视觉上、听觉上美的享受。观众欣赏杂技表演出现了新的审美要求。  相似文献   

啦啦队运动是体育运动中的一个新兴项目,是通过NBA赛场传入我国的,它具有独特的魅力和广泛的舞台,具有着强烈的感染力、观赏性和娱乐性.在我国发展的时间虽不长,但发展速度惊人.职业啦啦队运动的发展是由于大众娱乐和职业体育运动的需求而形成的.通常在职业体育和商业活动中,都是以舞蹈啦啦队表演为主,这种充满活力和激情的表演,吸引了更多观众的眼球。  相似文献   

This study considered the influence of competitive anxiety and self-confidence state responses upon components of performance. Basketball players (n=12) were trained to self-report their cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confidence as a single response on several occasions immediately before going on court to play. Performance was video-recorded and aspects of performance that could be characterized as requiring either largely anaerobic power (height jumped) or working memory (successful passes and assists) were measured. Intra-individual performance scores were computed from these measures and the data from seven matches were subjected to regression analyses and then hierarchical regression analyses. The results indicated that, as anticipated, somatic anxiety positively predicted performance that involved anaerobic demands. Self-confidence, and not cognitive anxiety, was the main predictor of performance scores with working memory demands. It would appear that different competitive state responses exert differential effects upon aspects of actual performance. Identifying these differences will be valuable in recommending intervention strategies designed to facilitate performance.  相似文献   

This study considered the influence of competitive anxiety and self-confidence state responses upon components of performance. Basketball players (n = 12) were trained to self-report their cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confidence as a single response on several occasions immediately before going on court to play. Performance was video-recorded and aspects of performance that could be characterized as requiring either largely anaerobic power (height jumped) or working memory (successful passes and assists) were measured. Intra-individual performance scores were computed from these measures and the data from seven matches were subjected to regression analyses and then hierarchical regression analyses. The results indicated that, as anticipated, somatic anxiety positively predicted performance that involved anaerobic demands. Self-confidence, and not cognitive anxiety, was the main predictor of performance scores with working memory demands. It would appear that different competitive state responses exert differential effects upon aspects of actual performance. Identifying these differences will be valuable in recommending intervention strategies designed to facilitate performance.  相似文献   

Sophisticated data analytical methods such as data mining, where the focus is upon exploration and developing new insights, are becoming increasingly useful tools in analysing elite sports performance data and supporting decision making that is crucial to gaining success. In this article, we investigate the different data mining demands of elite sports with respect to a number of features that describe sport competitions. The aim is to more structurally connect the sports and data mining domains through: (a) describing a framework for categorizing elite sports, and (b) understanding the analytical demands of different performance analysis problems. Therefore, we review different aspects such as sport categories and performance analysis requirements that influence each stage in sports data mining. We also present a model bringing together performance analysis requirements, data mining methods, data mining techniques, and technique characteristics. This will assist both data scientists and sport professionals to more effectively collaborate and contribute to success in elite sport events.  相似文献   


Three hundred male subjects, assigned in systematic rotation to five experimental groups (N = 60 in each) which differed in amount of distribution of practice, were tested on a discrete-trial motor learning task, the peg turn. All subjects were given 120 practice trials (60 trials a day), on two days separated by a 48-hour rest. Even though the peg turn task is inherently distributed, reminiscence did occur when the massing was made as large as practically possible. The amount of reminiscence depended upon the stage of practice. Warm-up decrement occurred in the peg turn under both massed and distributed practice conditions; the longer the rest, the greater the amount. Performance of the task under nonrhythmical conditions reduced the development of “set” during practice and thus decreased the amount of warm-up decrement after rest. Increased amounts of massing did have a deleterious effect on performance, but did not reduce the amount learned.  相似文献   

The present research examined the link between passion displayed by team members during the singing of national anthems at UEFA Euro 2016 and team performance in the tournaments’ 51 games. Drawing on social identity theorising, we hypothesised a positive relationship between passion and performance. Consistent with this hypothesis, results showed that teams that sang national anthems with greater passion went on to concede fewer goals. Moreover, results provided evidence that the impact of passion on the likelihood of winning a game depended on the stage of the competition: in the knockout stage (but not the group stage) greater passion was associated with a greater likelihood of victory. Extending recent reviews that highlight the importance of social identity processes in sporting contexts, these results suggest that team members’ identity-based expression of passion for the collective can be an important predictor of subsequent performance.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、录像分析、比较以及逻辑分析的方法,对大型团体操、文体表演及舞台表演三者之间共性与差异进行比较分析,经研究发现它们在本质与内涵、主题思想、表演形式、表演舞台、表演规模以及表演人员等方面存在着明显的差异,并在此基础上,总结出大型团体操有别于文体表演和舞台表演的本质特征。  相似文献   

在对第2届环青海湖国际公路自行车赛全体中、外参赛运动员比赛成绩进行统计处理和全面分析基础上,着重对成绩较好的中、外运动员进行相对成绩、平均排名、速度方差和相对速度方差各项指标的对比分析。结果显示:我国优秀运动员有与国外优秀运动员抗争的实力,而团队整体实力与国外强队仍有一定差距,处于中等水平;在全程速度分配上较为合理,但相对速度能力较差,关键性赛段波动较大,参与激烈竞争的能力远不如国外优秀运动员。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the relationships between dimensions of social support and components of performance in tennis. A post-match performance measure was completed by 144 British tournament tennis players. Principal components analysis yielded eight components, labelled Execution of (Flexible) Plan, Loss of Composure, Feeling Flat, Positive Tension, Worry, Flow, Effective Tactics and Double Faults. Before the match, 46 players had also completed the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List. Stepwise regression analyses revealed significant effects of the Belonging and Appraisal dimensions of the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List on five of the performance components. The correlations between total support and four of these performance components were also significant. Logistic regression analyses revealed no significant effects of the dimensions of the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List or Total Support upon winning versus losing. Effects of social support upon performance were therefore only apparent when attention was focused on the components of performance.  相似文献   

从词源上看,表演本身是一个中性行为,不仅存在于戏剧舞台和电影电视场域,而且是人类日常生活中的普适性行为。从这个意义上说,足球文化是一种表演文化,足球运动是绿茵场上的自我呈现。作为一项具有竞争性的群体游戏,社会规范是足球表演的基石和灵魂。然而,现代足球的规范本性在眼花缭乱的利益纷争中渐渐迷失。足球运动作为一种大众表演,乃是大众传媒与足球文化合谋的产物,这种共谋直接催生了现代社会的媒介景观。随着传媒消费主义的盛行,媒介景观过分渲染了足球作为游戏表演的娱乐性而忽视了其社会表演的规范性,导致了足球文化的自我迷失和价值迷乱。  相似文献   

In this study, we extended the work of Rees and Hardy (2004) by examining the main and stress-buffering effects of social support upon sports performance in a different context, using a different outcome measure, and a specific time-frame. A high-level performance sample of 117 male golfers (mean age 24.8, s = 8.3) completed measures of social support and stressors before competitions. Performance outcome was recorded. Moderated hierarchical regression analyses revealed significant (P < 0.05) main effects for stressors upon performance in 8 of the 11 models tested (R2 = 0.08 - 0.21). Over and above the variance accounted for by stressors, there were significant (P < 0.05) main effects for social support upon performance in all models tested (DeltaR2 = 0.10 - 0.24). In all models, stressors were associated with worse performance, whereas social support was associated with better performance. There were no significant interactions (stress-buffering effects). Main effects for social support upon performance suggest that social support may have aided performance directly, regardless of the level of stress.  相似文献   

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