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In the planned economy model, publishers brought out the titles for which they had been given permission in a pre-determined number of copies. Vendors were obliged to take over the publishing output and attempted to sell it. If they did not succeed, or had a loss, the state compensated them. The transformation of the Hungarian publishing industry and booktrade to a market economy model means a change-over to exclusively commercial relations, in which all the players in the market need to have their own capital or be credit-worthy. The increase in turnover, characteristic for the 1980's, stopped in 1988, the reason being the decrease in the real income of the population. The number of periodicals published was also reduced. The proportion of political periodicals has tripled, with a decline in those of a scholarly nature. In book publishing the number of new titles has somewhat increased in the 90s, with print runs showing a downward trend.  相似文献   


The mushroom growth of radio and television instruction taking place since the end of World War II has left in its wake a patch‐work guilt of academic programs in colleges and universities from coast to coast. The importance of trying to answer the question ‘Where are we going?”; indicates a need for realistic stock‐taking and thorough curriculum evaluation.

In keeping with its policy of seeking to advance the field of knowledge as to education for broadcasting, the Journal presents a special report on the current state of the curriculum which, it is hoped, will prove of value to all those interested in education for broadcasting.  相似文献   

1 StageofDevelopment  Theoriginoftheregularsystemoflibraryandinformationscience(LIS)educationinChinacanbetracedbacktotheearlypartofthiscentury.In1920,M.E.Wood(1862~1931),alibraryscientistfromtheUnitedStates,foundedtheBooneLibrarySchoolatWuchang,thefir…  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of third-party mediation in particular and the extent to which four conflict management strategies, i.e., third-party mediation, integration, distribution, and avoidance in general, exist and affect conflict resolution in the Taiwanese government's executive–legislative relations. Additionally, third-party mediation mianzi (face) and renqing (favor) in relation to Chinese culture are explored. Two independent samples were included in this study. The first included 235 legislative members and their assistants working within the legislative branch. The second included 301 legislative liaisons from the executive branch in Taiwan. The results indicated that four conflict strategies had been used in legislative–executive relations, namely integrative, distributive, non-confrontational, and third-party mediation, with mediation being the least frequently used. Third-party mediation, across two independent samples, was shown to have the strongest correlations with non-confrontation/avoidance versus integration and last distribution. Face and favor, then, were first associated with distribution, then third-party mediation, avoidance, and finally integration.  相似文献   

The development of education and training opportunities for professionals in the archives and records management (ARM) profession in Africa has been the subject of a number of professional discussions in the past. However, a significant number of recent developments and trends have not been captured in these discussions. This article provides a historical outline and some of the major developments of ARM education and training in Africa. In addition, it traces some of the key challenges educators and trainers currently face. The article demonstrates the diversity that exists in the African continent both in the variety of institutions and the types of qualifications offered in archives and records management. It provides a glimpse of the growth of universities in the continent using the case study of Kenya. While this growth provides greater education and training opportunities, there is a need to examine its impact on quality. The article suggests the strengthening of graduate-level education as well as participation in global research to mitigate against risks in the quality of ARM education and training.  相似文献   

Over the past several decades, scholars concerned with post-colonial and indigenous populations have focused on archives as one method of excavating the cultures and lives of marginalized peoples. The limitations of textual and bureaucratic records, combined with the recognition that an archive can consist of interrelated knowledge constructs composed of many different kinds of documentation, have led these scholars to seek ‘archives’ beyond the walls of official buildings. For archivists likewise engaged in documenting post-colonial and other communities, expanding the definitions of what an archive could be, and suggesting new ways of seeing ‘records’, offers the potential of creatively representing and preserving the cultural expressions of these communities. This paper examines carnival as a cultural archive. Carnival, an annual tradition in many Caribbean islands was initially created by both enslaved and freed Africans as a counter-narrative to the festivals of the colonizers. In the US Virgin Islands, carnival began in the eighteenth century when the islands were Danish colonies. It was briefly revived at the beginning of the twentieth century and again in 1952 as an annual public celebration, which it remains today. While carnival produces traditional records, the week-long event also embodies the continuum of a local culture through a variety of non-traditional records that transmit genealogies, folkways, food customs, and history.  相似文献   

This study examines samples of fourteen popular magazines. Comparisons are made between the tobacco and alcohol advertisements in magazines that target African‐American versus general audiences. The content analyses indicate that African‐American magazines carry higher numbers and concentrations of ads promoting health‐risk products. Results also indicate that tobacco and alcohol targeting strategies may well go beyond racial and ethnic differences.  相似文献   

Employees reported the history of their friendships with peer coworkers, rating the importance of several developmental influences and a variety of communication changes as their friendships experienced three transitions: acquaintance‐to friend, friend‐to‐close friend, and close friend‐to very close/almost best friend. Results indicate that in same‐sex friendships, the influence of workplace contextual factors (e.g., sharing tasks and proximity) decreased and the influence of extra organizational influences increased as the friendships became closer. In cross‐sex friendships, however, workplace contextual factors retained their importance over the development of the friendship, suggesting individuals in cross‐sex friendships try to maintain the boundary between work and personal spheres by keeping their friendships defined as a “workplace” relationship.  相似文献   

首先对科学博客的概念、产生、发展现状以及应用进行系统性阐述。其次,调研国内外科学博客研究的代表性文章,着重分析针对科学博客的研究角度和理论方法。最后,结合科学博客实际应用情况,系统分析科学博客研究方法、研究理论以及应用中存在的问题和未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

Methodological transparency facilitates rigorous, trustworthy, and reliable mixed methods research (MMR). Because divergent views on the conceptualization of mixed methods can create confusion for researchers, methodological transparency can help researchers to replicate methods in other studies and attract them to mixed methods research. Many studies have been conducted to assess the utilization of mixed methods research in several disciplines, but few in library and information science (LIS) have studied how authors describe the methods used. This study investigated the clarity and detail provided about methodology in mixed methods research articles in LIS, focusing on South Africa and Nigeria. Content analysis was used to assess 104 doctoral theses, of which 10 used mixed methods. Results suggest that methodological transparency in MMR research is underrepresented in LIS. This study contributes to the discussion on how LIS can enhance the quality of mixed methods research studies by underscoring the importance of methodological transparency in such studies. Researchers and LIS educators can use the gaps identified by this study to use and report mixed methods appropriately in future research.  相似文献   

:9431,阿托品中毒:2233,气管切开术:1044,有机磷杀虫剂:1013,重度中毒:989,阿托品和解磷定:903,新斯的明:753,农药急性中毒:753,胆碱酯酶:729,流质饮食:694急性有机磷农药:8929,阿托品:1808,洗胃:1644,解磷定:1281,施药:1210,重度中毒:1158,流质饮食:1150,忌用:1048,芸香碱:857  相似文献   


Changes in the state structure since 1989 and their effect on the development of culture are discussed, as is the liquidation of censorship. The transition of publishing from a monopoly state enterprise to a part of the market economy is described, along with the development of the new mass electronic media. A final section deals with the situation in public libraries after 1989 and the difficulties experienced by librarians in dealing with the threatened disappearance of traditional culture under the tidal wave of mass media for entertainment.  相似文献   

Abstract Data from the Women's Health summative evaluation video study prompted a comparison with similar data for other videos in exhibitions. Values for attraction power, holding time, and holding power were compiled in a database of 45 video titles. On average, 32 percent of the visitors are attracted to videos, and the average time spent watching is 137 seconds. An attraction power of more than 60 percent was exceptional. On average, people watched more than one‐third of the total length of videos, but less than one half. A holding power of more than .70 was exceptional. Once a video has attracted people's attention, it does not always hold it. Visitors are constantly tempted to move to another exhibit element, looking for what's next. One cannot assume that introductory videos will be watched thoroughly by the majority of visitors. This has implications for introductory videos that are expected to teach visitors concepts and vocabulary necessary to understand the rest of the exhibition or a main message that ties everything together. Using these data as a guideline, we can realistically gauge what levels of use are possible, and what levels of success, as measured by visitors' attention, can be anticipated.  相似文献   

This article describes part of a project designed to develop a user-based approach to measuring the quality of an information service, that is, the extent to which the service provided by the library meets or exceeds the users' expectations for an excellent or superior service on a consistent basis. The main question investigated is whether there are differences in the expectations that academics hold of information services provided by academic libraries, and librarians' perceptions of these expectations. The results show that academics and librarians have similar expectations but there are differences in the emphasis each group places on aspects of service. Librarians, for example, underestimate the importance to academics of the responsiveness of a service and overestimate the importance of the characteristics of the staff who provide the service. Practical applications of the findings are discussed and theoretical implications explored.  相似文献   

Rush Limbaugh is one of American radio's most successful performers, but that success has always come with controversy. In 2012, Limbaugh's comments about college student Sandra Fluke caused a public outcry and dozens of advertisers to suspend or end their participation on his daily program. This research, employing Benoit's image repair theory, examined how Limbaugh tried to deal with the fallout from his comments. The study found Limbaugh employed multiple strategies, including denial (shifting blame), evading responsibility (good intentions, provocation), reducing offensiveness (minimization, attacking one's accusers, transcendence) and mortification.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to assess the prevalence of emotion stereotypes in children’s television programming, in both educational and non-educational programming. It was hypothesized that gender stereotypes of emotion would still be prevalent in both entertainment and educational programming, with females showing more fear and sadness and males showing more anger, and that all shows would have more male than female characters. A total of 8 children’s programs were included for analysis: 4 entertainment programs and 4 educational programs. Programs were coded for the total number of males and females and for the emotions displayed by each character: happiness, sadness, anger, and fear. Overall, the analyses revealed that the majority of shows still have more male than female characters. Males were found to portray more of all emotions than females. Educational programming did not differ much in the amount of stereotypical versus counter-stereotypical emotion portrayed. Entertainment programming showed a trend toward more counter-stereotyped emotions. Future research should explore the influence of viewing specific shows on young children’s current gender stereotypes to assess the immediate impact of such viewing.  相似文献   

This study was based on a communication‐oriented perspective of corporal punishment of children. The perspective posits that physically aggressive influence tactics would be associated with aggressive communication and a set of communication outcomes. The perceptions of 74 father‐son dyads were solicited to test these relationships. Results indicated that when there was lower argumentativeness and higher verbal aggressiveness in father‐son communication there was more corporal punishment as an influence tactic and that fathers and sons perceived the relationship as less favorable in terms of influence success, communication competence, affirming style, and credibility.  相似文献   

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