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It is shown that a convex body has minimal dual p-surface area among its affine transformations of the same volume if and only if its dual p-surface area measure is isotropic. A double-sided estimate for the (n-1)-dimensional volume of the intersection of a dual p-surface isotropic convex body in terms of its affine invariant dual p-surface quantity is given. Furthermore, the dual p-isopermetric inequality is obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, we prove that any polygon P in R2 containing a fixed smooth. strictly convex and origin-symmetric body Γ whose boundary is real analytic in its interior, can be determined by its Γ-section functions among the polygons.  相似文献   

1IntroductionIt is well known that the solubility of carbon in Fefor both body-centered-cubic (bcc) and face-centered-cubic (fcc) structures is very low, even in a liquidstate. The maxi mum solubility of carbon in ferrite isonly about 0 .1 atompercent .The difference of atomicradius between Fe and C is so large that C is em-bedded at the interstitial site in the bcc or fcc Fe lat-tice . Hume-Rothery rules suggest that the atomic sizeof the solute and solvent should differ by less than15 %to…  相似文献   

Prediction of channel dredging volume is critical for project cost estimation. However, many proposed approximate methods are not accurate. This paper presents a novel numerical method to accurately calculate the dredg- ing volume using a 3D stratum model (DSM) and a channel surface model. First, the 3D DSM is constructed rapidly yet accurately from non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) surfaces through Boolean operation between a physical terrain model and a stratum surfaces model. Then, a parametric channel surface model is built from cross-section data and a channel center line using code implemented in the VC++ programming language. Finally, the volumes of different types of physical stratums can be calculated automatically and hierarchically to determine the dredging volume. Practical application shows that the DSM method is more precise and faster compared to the section method, and that the implementation of the developed software provides an interactive graphical user interface and visual presentation.  相似文献   

1 Stewart formula and inequalities for a simplex Given a triangle ABC, suppose that , ,a bw w and cw are respectively the lengths of the angle bisectors of ?ABC, a, b and c are the lengths of the sides of ?ABC. The well-known Stewart’s formula for a triangle is proved as follows 222222222,( ),( ).( )abca bcw bc b cab cw ac a cabcw ab a b? = ?? +??? = ?? +??? = ? +?? (1) Let 1 2 1n nA A A? += be an n-dimensional simplex in the n-dimensional Euclidean space nE , V be the volume of ;n? kF…  相似文献   

To ensure that limited resources are allocated more effectively to reduce marine risks, formal safety assessment (FSA), a proactive method, is introduced in planning a vessel traffic system (VTS). Based on the data of Wuhan port, some new solutions based on risk-indices are put forward. The weighted number of traffic accidents is predicted after the future weighted vessel traffic volume is estimated by analyzing the trend of trade development. To analyze risk acceptability, the as-low-as-reasonably-practicable (ALARP) matrix is transformed into a new model containing two parameters: the future weighted vessel traffic volume and the future weighted number of traffic accidents. The new risk control options (RCOs)can be identified by a revised Domino model with several feedback loops from all system levels to close a limited window of accident opportunity. The results indicate that the four most beneficial RCOs are a wider sub-area 1 channel, a VTS bridges area, a dredging sub-area 2 main route, and a VTS QSX anchorage to the 3rd bridge. The FSA is a method that is effective in evaluating the rationality, necessity and cost-effectiveness of VTS projects.  相似文献   

A new algorithm for computing the convex hull of a planar point set   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When the edges of a convex polygon are traversed along one direction,the interior of the convex polygon is always on the same side of the edges. Based on this characteristic of convex polygons,a new algorithm for computing the convex hull of a simple polygon is proposed in this paper,which is then extended to a new algorithm for computing the convex hull of a planar point set. First,the extreme points of the planar point set are found,and the subsets of point candidate for vertex of the convex hull between extreme points are obtained. Then,the ordered convex hull point sequences between extreme points are constructed separately and concatenated by removing redundant extreme points to get the convex hull. The time complexity of the new planar convex hull algorithm is O(nlogh) ,which is equal to the time complexity of the best output-sensitive planar convex hull algorithms. Compared with the algorithm having the same complexity,the new algorithm is much faster.  相似文献   

1 Introduction In [1] ,Zhang established certain geometric inequa-lities by considering the inclusion measure of a convexfigure containedin a convex body.Theyrelated thein-clusion measure to the mixed volumes of convex bo-dies ,and gave sharp lower and up…  相似文献   

<正> 1 Introduction and preliminaries Let E be a real Banach space with the norm‖·‖and E~* denote the dual of E.Let KE be a cone,that is,a closed convex subset such that λKK for every λ>0 and {K}∩{-K}={0},where 0 is the  相似文献   

朱利华 《海外英语》2012,(17):209-211
Few people read Tess from Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s"body theory".In Phenomenology of Perception,Merleau-Ponty states that it is body as the subject that perceives the world;such body is a phenomenal body in contrast to an objective body.Tess’s"being in the world"through the body connotates a new way of looking at the classic Tess.Tess’s way of perceiving and understanding the world also enlightens us about relationship between human and self,human and other,human and society,human and nature.  相似文献   

利用初等的方法和John圆技术证明了-/R2中的任一有限连通域D是一致域当且仅当D的每一边界分支均为拟圆周或一点.由此得出结论:平面一致域是拟圆的推广.  相似文献   

约翰·邓恩作为英国玄学派的代表诗人之一,其诗歌在主题和节律上与其他文艺复兴时期诗人有明显不同。他的诗歌不遵守十四行诗的诗节规范,在音律上大量使用扬抑格和爆破音。正是因为这一独特的写作技巧,邓恩表达出强烈的个人情感,他的诗作在形式和内容上获得了完美统一。  相似文献   

The problem on the geometrc inequalities involving an n-dimensional simplex and its inscribed simplex is studied. Aninequality is established, which reveals that the difference between the squared circumradius of the n-dimensional simplex andthe squared distance between its circumcenter and barycenter times the squared circumradius of its inscribed simplex is not lessthan the 2(n-1)th power of n times its squared inradius, and is equal to when the simplex is regular and its inscribed siplex is atangent point one. Deduction from this inequality reaches a generalization of n-dimensional Euler inequality indicating that thecircumradius of the simplex is not less than the n-fold inradius. Another inequality is derived to present the relationship betweenthe circumradius of the n-dimensional simplex and the circumradius and inradius of its pedal simplex.  相似文献   

本文试图通过荣格的原型批评理论分析邓恩诗歌,具体分析了邓恩诗歌中的原型意象,以说明邓恩在诗歌创作过程中受到原型的支配,既是"艺术的工具",同时也是"更高意义上的‘人’"。  相似文献   

约翰·厄普代克是美国文学界的代表人物,宗教是约翰.厄普代克作品中的重要内容,为其自身文学创作添加了诸多丰富的元素色彩。文章结合约翰·厄普代克的作品"兔子四部曲",从他的家庭背景、鲍尔·德里奇和克尔凯廓尔哲学以及美国清教主义三个方面分析了小说宗教观的成因。  相似文献   

证明了M维欧氏空间中以正则单形的中心为球心的M维球面上任一点到各顶点及至各(M—1)维面距离平方之和均为不变量,从数量关系方面揭示了正则单形的一个性质.文末提出了一个猜想。  相似文献   

通过对John Chinnery所写的Lu Xun and Contemporary Chinese Literature一文中一些观点的分析,谈对阿Q形象和鲁迅创作的一些看法。说明20世纪80年代初的鲁迅研究尽管改变了建国初和文革中对鲁迅及其作品批评的偏差,但因为时代、民族和文化的不同,对阿Q和鲁迅的理解也就不同。  相似文献   

随着排球竞赛规则从发球得分制改为每球得分制,学界对新规则带来得分规律的变化进行了诸多方面的研究,本文对新规则下排球攻击性发球的时间与区域问题及对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   

约翰·邓恩是名噪一时的玄学派诗歌的开山鼻祖。他的诗歌在当时曾脍炙人口,对17世纪以本·琼生为代表的骑士派诗歌的繁荣也有一定的贡献。但在随后的18世纪,遭到了当时执文坛牛耳者约翰逊博士的强烈批评。文学具有时代性,是毋庸置疑的事实。所以有“楚之骚,汉之赋,六代之骈文,唐之诗,宋之词,元之曲”。文学与时代血脉相通,所以王国维说:“凡一代有一代之文学”。约翰·邓恩在漫长的文学史进程中所经历的冰火两重天的待遇,这既是时代对文学潜在支配作用的外在显化,也是其诗歌悖理悖俗、独异于世的必然结果。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to describe the task design and implementation of cultural artefacts in a mathematics lesson based on the integration of modelling and conjecturing perspectives. The conceived process of integrating a soccer ball into mathematics lessons via modelling- and conjecturing-based instruction was first detailed. Next, the paper analysed six students’ participation behaviours as they created mathematical problems, definitions, terms, representations and arguments during modelling and conjecturing activities. Findings suggested students effectively engaged in the search for soccer ball models and solutions to posed questions, especially the reason manufacturers prefer soccer balls constructed from regular pentagons and regular hexagons to other types of regular polygons.  相似文献   

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