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杭州市青少年身体重心高度变化规律的测量与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青少年是身体发生发育的旺盛时期,青少年生长发育的特点是:随着年龄的增工,身高与体重也发生相应的增长,介重心相对高度随年龄与身高增长的变化规律还没有专门研究,根据对杭州市不同年龄段青少年的随机抽样测量,得出了杭州青少年身体心高度和相对高度年龄,身高的发展规律,为评价青少年身体生长发育水平,并为运动选材提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

通过对青少年时期人体生长发育规律的揭示,以及对文献资料的研究,总结出适合人体生长发育规律的体育教学和训练方法,有目的、有计划地组织体育教学训练,促进学生身体的正常生长发育,确保青少年学生在身体形态、生理机能、身体素质和基本活动能力等方面都得到全面发展,从而增强学生的体质,增进学生的健康。  相似文献   

<正> 课余体育训练的对象是青少年与儿童,他们的自然生长发育在不同的年龄阶段有许多特征,生长发育表现出一定的规律性。所采取的训练手段、方法、运动负荷的安排等,如果与其不相适应,不但提不高训练的水平,而且会影响他们的健康成长,给他们的身体带来损害。因此,了解青少年身体生长发育特点,认识青少年身体生长发育规律,并尽可能掌握与驾驭这些规律,是搞好课余体育训练的重要一环。 一、儿童、少年身体生长发育的  相似文献   

基于中国教育科学研究院"中国青少年健康体能研究"课题组的研究,本刊从2017年开始陆续刊登该课题研究成果的系列文章。3年来,系列文章的主要内容紧紧围绕通过体能训练促进青少年身体基本活动能力、身体素质、身体功能和运动能力提高的目标,得到了全国读者的广泛关注。针对青少年生长发育中身体形态、身体姿态中的突出问题,2020年本刊将陆续刊登该课题组新研究成果的另一组系列文章。该系列文章旨在分析青少年身体形态与姿态的状况,关注青少年身体形态的发展,介绍体能训练的方法,促进学生健康的生长发育。同时,重点关注已形成不良姿态的青少年,并给出纠正和解决问题的体能训练方法和手段。  相似文献   

本文从青少年身体生长发育的特点、下肢力量素质训练的要求出发.结合篮球专项运动的特点,进行分析和讨论,提出了训练方法和个人见解。  相似文献   

青少年是指年龄在6-17岁的男女儿童少年,他们正处于生长发育的旺盛时期,身体形态和生理机能都有待于协调和完善。中等体育运动学校是我国体育后辈人才的培养基地,早期专项训练的目的不在于要求青少年时期出现优良的成绩,而着重在全面身体训练及专项素质训练,为成年后专项训练打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

目的:通过对2010年澳门儿童青少年体质监测数据与全国学生体质调研数据进行分析、比较,以期探讨两地儿童青少年生长发育的变化规律,为政府及时了解澳门、内地儿童青少年生长发育的特征,为促进两地学生体质健康发展以及体育教学改革提供科学的依据。方法:选择2010年澳门、内地儿童青少年体质监测对象为研究对象,年龄为7~22周岁在校学生,采用分层随机整群的原则抽取样本。严格遵守统一的测试细则对研究对象的身体形态、机能和素质等指标进行测试,利用SPSS15.0统计软件对测试数据进行统计分析。结果:两地学生的生长发育既有共性的规律,也有特征的差异。共性的规律主要表现为1)澳门、内地儿童青少年身体形态、机能和素质的生长发育水平均表现出明显的阶段性特征,其中,体格指标尤为典型,身高、体重在整个生长期内表现为四个阶段,即匀速增长期、快速增长期、缓慢增长期和相对稳定期;2)两地儿童青少年身体形态生长水平均呈现出"二次交叉"现象,女生快速增长期约比男生提前2~4年;3)两地学生生长水平的发展呈现出不均衡特征,通常身体形态优先发展,机能居中,机能、素质的快速增长落后于形态的快速发展。两地的差异特征主要体现在:1)两地学生生长发育水平的非均衡性特质存在明显的地域差异,澳门儿童青少年身体形态指标最大高峰年龄均早于内地1年,同时最大速度高峰、最大年增长值也明显高于内地;2)澳门儿童青少年身体形态、素质的几乎所有指标的整体水平在全年龄段里低于内地,但澳门儿童青少年形态、机能、素质指标的生长发育速度和突增的幅度高于内地。  相似文献   

青少年身体形态发育特征及运动对发育的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苟波  陈佩杰 《体育科研》2004,25(4):34-36
对青少年的身体形态发育规律特点、运动对青少年生长发育的影响等问题进行综述,进一步探讨其发育规律,为评价青少年学生体质水平、运动员科学选材和体质研究工作等提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

刘国庚 《中华武术》2009,(10):50-51
青少年运动员在营养需求方面被划分为一种特殊的营养需要人群,之所以特殊主要是由于两个方面的原因造成的。其一,从人体发育的阶段来看,首先青少年运动员属于青少年人群,而这一人群的特点是:身体处于生长发育的高峰期,机体的合成代谢大大增加,肌肉、骨骼的生长需要较多较好的营养素来满足;其二,青少年运动员又因为具有从事运动项目的原因,使其和自己同年龄段的人群在能量需求上又体现出自己的特殊之处,表现出需要更多更好的营养素来满足运动后身体恢复的需要。  相似文献   

<正>青少年一般指年满13周岁但不满19周岁的年龄段(从生理、心智的发展角度上讲)。青少年的体质健康状况历来是各个国家所重点关注的对象,它可以直接影响成年后的体质健康状况。一、青少年生长发育的特点人体的生长发育分为两个加速期,分别是婴儿时期和青少年时期。在第二加速期,也就是青少年时期,儿童的身体和生理机  相似文献   

散打是一项徒手搏击格斗的技术,对抗性强,能健身、防身自卫,深受青少年朋友的喜爱.但是由于它动作比较单一、对于初学者来说,往往感到很枯燥乏味.用练习搏击操方式引导初学者进行散打入门教学,提高练习者的兴趣,来达到练习的效果.  相似文献   

青少年儿童运动员的选材与育才对国家未来体育事业的发展具有重大的影响作用.为促进我国体育事业的可持续发展,在运动训练实践中对青少年儿童举重运动员的身体形态、运动机能、身体素质、专项能力与技术,以及综合评价等方面进行长期的跟踪测试、分析、评价与训练干预的研究.结果表明把具有运动天赋、适合从事这项体育项目的青少年儿童选拔出来具有可行性、可靠性和科学性,同时证明举重训练并不影响运动员形态发育,相反随着运动训练的持续,还能促进青少年的生长发育.平常我们看到举重运动员身材普遍矮小,是选材的结果,是项目特点的需要,科学训练能促进青少年儿童的生长发育.  相似文献   

在跳高运动员青少年训练阶段,经常进行较全面的形态机能检查与评定,可及时掌握其发育成熟速度与程度,找出差距和薄弱环节,从而合理地调整训练手段与负荷。对跳高训练水平进行客观检查与评定是制定训练计划的主要依据,也是有效地控制训练全过程的关键环节。本文综合国内外有关学者对跳高训练的研究成果,列举了跳高运动员训练水平的评定标准,为有针对性地选择训练手段提供了依据。  相似文献   

对镇江市少年儿童健美操培训基地的90名7-12岁队员进行了实验、研究,在参考有关少儿健美操、体操、艺术体操等项目启蒙训练研究资料的基础上,合理安排训练内容以及训练组合是运动员获得好成绩的前提。在启蒙训练中必须从少儿生理发育等特点出发,合理选择训练的方法和手段。同时还要克服现在少年儿童学生压力重,以及家长对孩子的文化培养所涉及到的抢时间问题,争取能够达到良好的事半功倍的现实意义。  相似文献   

本文采用部分身体形态,素质、血液等指标,结合营养膳食的调查,对儿童体操运动员集训期间进行为期10周的跟踪和实验监控,为科学地监护运动员生长发育过程,并为教练员合理地安排运动负荷,提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

本文采用部分身体形态,素质、血液等指标,结合营养膳食的调查,对儿童体操运动员集训期间进行为期10周的跟踪和实验监控,为科学地监护运动员生长发育过程,并为教练员合理地安排运动负荷,提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

幼儿时期是人类成长的奠基时期,通过科学的幼儿体育教学将对会幼儿的身体健康、人格塑造与品质培养起到积极促进作用。文章采用文献资料法等,对幼儿体育教学的设计方案与开发展开研究。研究认为:根据幼儿的身心特点与身体发育特征,设计具有支持性、训练性与养成行动体育教学内容和方式,把体育文化、体育意识、体育技能融入到幼儿的体育活动和成长中,以有效提高幼儿各方面的素质。  相似文献   

The Akt-mTOR-p70S6k-4E-BP1 signaling pathway is a well-considered regulator of protein synthesis in the context of strength training. This process is essential for exercise-induced skeletal muscle growth. The objective of this review article was to analyze the design of acute resistance training protocols and evaluate the possible impact of different loading conditions on the activation of growth-related signaling cascades in human skeletal muscle. In all, 12 human studies were included in this review. The training intensity in the studies varied between 30% 1RM (one repetition maximum) and maximal load. The signaling proteins were measured in a time range between immediately and 24?h after training.The phosphorylation of all signaling proteins increased to different levels after resistance training, tending to baseline more than 6?h post training. In particular, the hypertrophic associated p70S6k showed the highest phosphorylation acutely after the load and decreased consistently after 6?h. Training intensity and volume seemed to have an influence on the extent of protein phosphorylation, which, however, was not systematic or consistent. An obvious training methodological consequence (load and volume) for hypertrophic resistance training regime could not be devised. Further research is required to systematically vary training parameters to determine the influence of a certain stress zone on the signaling activation. Future research should aim to identify the ideal level of training intensity necessary to achieve the greatest possible extent of intramuscular anabolic signaling through intense activation of the signaling cascade to induce growth in human skeletal muscle.  相似文献   


Early specialisation is characterised by formal participation in a single sport at the exclusion of others. Limited data are available to support this approach in the development of soccer players who attain elite status later in life. Of growing concern is the associated increased risk of injury and suggestions that single sport specialisation is a risk factor independent of age, growth, biological maturation and training volumes. In the United Kingdom, elite soccer organisations have recently adopted an early sport specialisation approach following the introduction of the Elite Player Performance Plan. A key tenet of this programme is increased opportunities for training through a marked rise in the specified on-pitch hours per week. The accumulation of high training hours may be less of a relevant marker for success, and the impact of such a significant increase in training volume for young athletes who are experiencing a range of growth and maturational processes is currently unknown. This critical commentary includes an evidence-based discussion of the effectiveness of early sport specialisation and the potential injury risks associated with such programmes placing a specific focus on elite male youth soccer players. Available data indicate that modifications to the existing Elite Player Performance Plan framework could enhance players’ development and reduce injury risk. Proposed alterations include reduced volume of soccer-specific training at key stages of growth and maturation and guidelines for the provision of a greater variety of physical activities that are integrated within other programme components.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined possible hormonal and psychological changes in elite male rowers during a 24-week preparatory period. Eleven elite male rowers were tested on seven occasions over the 6-month training season. Fasting testosterone, growth hormone, cortisol, and creatine kinase activity, together with perceived recovery-stress state were evaluated after a day of rest. Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) was determined before and after the training period. Training was mainly organized as low-intensity prolonged training sessions. Significant increases in VO2max (from 6.2 +/- 0.5 to 6.4 +/- 0.6 l x min(-1)) were observed as a result of training. The overall perceived recovery-stress index did not change during the preparatory period. Standardized recovery and stress scores changed during the course of training in comparison with pre-training values. When basal hormone concentrations were compared with the first measurement, significant changes in testosterone and cortisol were observed together with changes in mean weekly training volume. Basal testosterone (r = 0.416; P = 0.010) and cortisol (r = 0.527; P = 0.001) were related to mean weekly training volume. Basal growth hormone did not change during the training. Changes in creatine kinase activity demonstrated similar pattern with changes in mean weekly training volume. The overall perceived recovery-stress index was related to testosterone, cortisol, growth hormone, and creatine kinase activity (r > 0.299; P < 0.015). Our findings indicate that testosterone and cortisol are more sensitive to changes in training volume than either growth hormone or perceived recovery-stress state in elite rowing training. Increases in these stress hormone concentrations represent a positive adaptation to current training load. Significant relationships between hormonal and perceived recovery-stress state suggest that metabolic and psychological changes should be carefully monitored to avoid a negative effect on the training status of elite rowers.  相似文献   

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