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Though agencies, such as the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport and the Australian Sports Drug Agency, argue that much effort is being directed toward educating athletes about the virtues of fair play, the risks of drug use, and the ethics of cheating, the primary focus of government led initiatives is catching cheaters through testing. As a result, a decade following the inaugural Canadian Inquiry random drug testing is an accepted part of the culture of elite sport and is recognised as the most powerful deterrent for prospective abusers. As public confidence rests implicitly upon testing as the best and only direct means to establish a fair level of competition, it is perhaps not surprising that little attention is given to the ethical implications of testing as an invasion of privacy. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the ethical implications of testing athletes for the use of banned substances and determine if the current course of action is a morally justified suspension of privacy.  相似文献   

Intrinsic motivation (IM) is an important predictor of children’s physical activity participation. The present 3-year longitudinal study examined changes in IM toward physical activity among a group of at-risk boys (N = 92) at a summer sports camp. Results showed the boys were intrinsically motivated in their first camp year, but their IM levels declined throughout 3 years of participation. This decline might be due to insufficient instructor support and repetitively scheduled activities at the camp. There were no ethnic differences in the initial IM mean scores or rates of IM change. Such homogeneity might be attributable to the boys’ similar demographic characteristics. Future research should identify possible causes of declined IM for camp coordinators and instructors to better design and implement sports and physical activities to sustain the boys’ IM.  相似文献   

SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators has targeted youth physical activity (PA) as 1 of its 4 goals within the 50 Million StrongTM campaign. Only 27.1% of youth met the target of all students (preK–12) participating in at least 60 min of PA that increases their heart rate enough to breathe hard at least some of the time for 7 days/week. Thus, improvements for child and adolescent engagement in PA need to be made now through 2029 and beyond. The need for these improvements warrants research related to PA and youth. We present a plethora of research questions within 3 general areas: PA and school PA programs, PA and sedentary behavior measurement, and PA and social justice imperatives. Each question is framed within the social-ecological framework levels of learning, opportunity, policy, and population health.  相似文献   


Match activity demands of basketball players have been well reported but little exists in terms of quantifying the demands encountered by referees during match-play. Potential differences between referees and players may identify different fitness capacities and subsequent need for different training regimes. Purpose: The aims of this brief report were to: 1) document the activity demands of sub-elite basketball referees during a match; and 2) compare referee and player match activity demands. Method: Three referees and six players participating in the same sub-elite, basketball match were monitored for external activity (PlayerLoad?, PL) via microsensor technology. The proportion of each quarter and entire match time spent in pre-set PL bands was also examined to develop PL profiles. Differences in activity demands between referees and players were calculated using effect size (ES) analyses (± 95% confidence intervals). Results: Referees experienced an absolute PL of 310 ± 28 arbitrary units (4.2 ± 0.4 AU.min?1) during the match which was ~40% lower than that of the players (ES = 1.14; ?0.45, 2.48). Referees exhibited a match PL profile dominated by the lowest PL band (~91%) with the players’ PL profile shifted slightly towards higher bands. Conclusion: Sub-elite basketball referees experienced activity demands substantially lower than that of players during the same match. Limited movement patterns due to recommended court positioning may have contributed to the lower PL of referees. Differences in PL between referees and players highlight a need to develop specific training regimes to focus on key fitness capacities for each match role.  相似文献   

以中国义乌小商品城287名民营企业家为例,以体力活动阶段量表、国际体力活动量表(短卷)为评估工具,探讨民营企业家体力活动阶段分布特征,体力活动量及阶段分布与体力活动量的相关性。结果显示,民营企业家阶段分布特征明显,体力活动量较低,不同体力活动阶段的体力活动量有差异。  相似文献   

1996年11月24~26日,全国足球工作会议在广州举行。 当中国足协常务副主席王俊生面带倦容落座于主席台上时,望着与会的代表和新闻记者,他的心情是复杂的。王俊生这天(11月24日)在会议的开幕式上履行了他的职责:作了工作报告。果然,这位常务副主席在总结1996年的工作时,带给人们的正如他的心情一样,是喜忧参半的。 王俊生在他的工作报告中指出,1996年继续深化了足球体制的改革和内部运行机制的转换,逐步建立  相似文献   

This paper describes a revised measure of self-efficacy to overcome barriers to moderate and vigorous physical activity in a sample of 484 high school students in Toronto, Ontario. The students had a mean age of 15.3 years. Principal axis factoring with oblique rotation yielded five factors: self-efficacy to overcome internal, harassment, physical environment, social environment, and responsibilities barriers. Two problematic items were removed, which resulted in a 22-item measure. Subsequent analyses were conducted on responses to this shortened measure. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the five-factor model and demonstrated age- and sexinvariance. The subscales had good internal consistency reliability. Structural regressions demonstrated a strong relationship between the resulting factors and a physical activity measure (energy expenditure), showing predictive validity.  相似文献   

Constructivist physical education emphasizes cognitive engagement. This study examined the impact of a constructivist curriculum on in-class physical activity. Caloric expenditure in metabolic equivalents (MET) and vector magnitude count (VM) data from a random sample of 41 constructivist lessons were compared with those from a random sample of 35 nonconstructivist lessons. Statistical analyses revealed that students in both curriculum conditions were active at a similarly low-moderate level (MET = 2.6 for experimental, 2.5 for comparison, p = .30). Differences (p < .05) were found between the three units within the constructivist curriculum. The findings suggest that the constructivist approach may facilitate knowledge learning with little risk of reducing in-class physical activity.  相似文献   

常规赛造就明星,超级明星则诞生于季后赛。公牛、步行者、湖人和爵士进入四强,乔丹、米勒、奥尼尔和马龙端坐“四大天王”的宝座;最佳新人邓肯和最佳替补曼宁只能满足于明星的身份。  相似文献   

2003年3月、2004年3月,“中华邮政股份有限公司”编印的2002与2003年度《邮票目录》先后出版,其印刷数量分别为2300册、2100册。1、实用。集邮工具书的首要功能是实用,台湾的年度《邮票目录》,资料全面、翔实,篇首有“年度分类总目”,含“常用邮票”、“纪念邮票”、“特种邮票”、“欠资邮票”、“附录  相似文献   

1994年春天,NBA 的官员们已经在谈论基德了。贾森·基德于6月29日在印第安那波利斯决定离开加利福尼亚大学,加入 NBA。做为得分后卫,基德的球技已经远远超出了一个大学二年级学生的水平。基德也许是最近十几年来加入 NBA 的最全面的场上组织进攻者,但他仍不是 NBA 教练和老板们谈论的唯一话题。这里还有北卡罗来纳大学的斯塔克豪斯和华莱士,马里  相似文献   

Dave Day 《国际体育史杂志》2013,30(10):1446-1465
The eighteenth century witnessed the emergence of a plethora of sporting professionals, many of whom were involved in developing training and coaching practices. Teaching the skills, the ‘science’, of boxing became an important source of income for professional fighters while some practitioners also developed careers as trainers, normally operating on behalf of the wealthy ‘amateurs’ who retained professionals in order to make profitable wagers. These practices were described in some of the early instructional manuals of the period, notably a detailed analysis of wrestling by Parkyns in 1713, who considered technique, fitness, and diet, and by Godfrey in 1747 who included a seminal section on boxing in his A Treatise upon the Useful Science of Defence. The proliferation of boxing manuals in the last quarter of the century reflected both a revival of interest in the sport and a desire to record the essential elements of this martial ‘science’ since it was only now that contemporaries believed a full understanding had been achieved of the importance of ‘wind’ (endurance), ‘bottom’ (courage), and ‘science’ (technique). This paper explores a number of texts where authors discussed these essential components of boxing performance and highlights the longevity of their methods of athletic preparation.  相似文献   

国籍:意大利位置:前锋或进攻性中场出生:1967年2月18日生于意大利卡尔多诺身高:1.74公尺体重:72公斤效力过的球队: 维琴察兰纳罗西队、佛奥伦蒂纳队、尤文图斯队。参加国际比赛次数:27场  相似文献   

Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine trends in the prevalence of no leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) from 1988 to 2010. Method: Using the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data, 35 states and the District of Columbia reported information on no LTPA from 1988 to 1994; all states reported no LTPA from 1996 to 2010. Results: No LTPA significantly declined over two decades. Prevalence for all states declined on an average of 0.6% per year from 29.1% in 1996 to 24.1% in 2004 and stabilized from 2005 to 2010, ranging from 24.0% to 25.4%. Prevalence declined for both sexes and all racial/ethnic groups. Conclusion: While the no LTPA trends improved over two decades, one in four U.S. adults still report they do not engage in LTPA.  相似文献   

If there is one phenomenon which highlights the lack of role distance of certain sport actors, it is obviously hooliganism. In the mid-1980s, Norbert Elias and Eric Dunning became interested in the role played by modern sports in the ‘civilising process’ and, analysing the violence of sport crowds, introduced a culturalist interpretation of the actions. They were considered to be the work of members of the ‘rough working class’, who were less advanced in the ‘civilising process’ and had still not achieved sufficient self-control. In these groups, characterised by social functioning in the form of a segmentary bond, violence was thought to be a traditional way of resolving conflicts, a significant aspect and essential part of their ethos. This is an over-determined interpretation of the violence of sports crowds which naturalises and socialises this violence. This vision poses a problem, that of the negation of any logic on the part of the actors involved. This viewpoint leads us to consider violence as a social product and a ‘practical accomplishment’, the result of the way in which supporters interpret and live in the world that surrounds them, and, as such, it is the individual and collective motives and purposes that should be investigated.  相似文献   

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