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以罗森布鲁姆的公共行政“管理、政治、法律”三种途径为理论基础,借鉴相关学者的价值结构模式作为本研究的理论框架,选择部分创新创业教育政策文本作为分析样本,根据变量操作型定义对政策文本进行编码,分析我国创新创业教育政策的价值取向。结果发现:管理价值是我国创新创业教育政策的主要价值属性;“效果”、“回应性”和“公平公正”是创新创业教育政策关注的主要价值维度;管理价值属性中“效率”和“经济”维度的价值并没有得到重视;法律价值属性中“个人权利”和“正当程序”的重要性没有提高,“公平公正”显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

Higher education has become the new star ship in the policy fleet for governments around the world. The public policy focus on higher education, in part, reflects a growing consensus in macroeconomics of 'new growth' or 'endogenous growth' theory, based on the work of Solow, Lucas and Romer that argues that the driving force behind economic growth is technological change (i.e. improvements in knowledge about how we transform inputs into outputs in the production process). Knowledge about technology and levels of information flow are now considered critical for economic development and can account for differential growth patterns. In short, universities are seen to be a key driver towards the knowledge economy. Accordingly, higher education institutions have been encouraged to develop links with industry and business in a series of new venture partnerships. This emphasis in higher education policy also accords with initiatives to promote greater entrepreneurial skills and activity within so-called national systems of innovation. This paper focuses upon the economic importance of higher education as a key component of the knowledge economy. It discusses the genealogy and contributing strands to the newly emerging discourse and considers universities in the knowledge-driven economy by reference to the UK White Paper Our Competitive Future. It also considers the arguments advanced by Joseph Stiglitz (ex-Chief Economist of the World Bank) for the 'analytics of the knowledge economy' and discusses universities in terms of 'knowledge cultures'. Finally, the paper provides a critique of the policy discourse of the knowledge economy as a basis of the new challenges facing universities under knowledge capitalism.  相似文献   

This article situates the dominant discourses of “global citizenship” employed in North American universities to internationalize the curricula, drawing in part on evidence from one Pacific northwestern Canadian university in the post-September-11 context of recent restrictive immigration policies, anti-terrorist measures and evocative Cold War memories. Far from weakening the Canadian nation-state or jettisoning neoliberalism, it argues that authoritarian post-Fordism constitutes a supra-juridical state that offers fewer social services but governs with more entrepreneurship through its globalization, immigration and “national security” policies. The article shows how the post-September-11 changes to Canada's immigration and refugee legislation from 1978 to 2001, write evocative fears about “terrorists” and “invading immigrants” on the national body politic. These changes provide literal and metaphorical transnational, economic and socio-legal mobility with substantive and specific human rights to those prospective immigrants deemed “highly skilled global citizens”. Yet, such policy efforts and legislation also reproduce the exclusions and differential hierarchies of gendered, classed, ableist and racialized notions of skill, flexible work and vulnerable or unobtuinuble citizenship for those it deems “non-immigrants”, migrants or non-citizens. The conclusion asks: Is “global citizenship” an oxymoronic slogan; a well-meaning but naïve equation of transnational mobility or “belonging” with formal legal substantive citizenship and human rights; or an opportunity to claim democratic praxis through a decolonized curricular, pedagogical and educational policy?  相似文献   

This paper argues that key education policy initiatives since the introduction of the National Curriculum in the UK are Government‐mediated responses to pressures in the global knowledge economy. Successful implementation of these policies has required a change in the way in which education institutions and professionals are controlled and managed. George Ritzer's ‘McDonaldization’ thesis, a conceptualization of a dominant form of economic and cultural globalization, is outlined and it is then argued that national education policy has led to the ‘McDonaldization’ of the state school education system in England. Benjamin Barber's concept of ‘McWorld’ is used to represent the consumerist world which a narrowed educational vision seeks to serve.  相似文献   

为提升自主创新能力,保持经济发展活力和可持续性,世界主要创新型国家都高度重视教育创新,把教育创新作为提高其经济实力和国际竞争力的支柱,摆在国家发展全局的基础性、战略性位置;以政府为主导,将教育创新政策体系作为教育创新的根本保障,强力推进教育创新;保持高水平的教育投入,建立推动教育创新的经费保障机制;以教育创新,尤其是大学的改革和创新推动国家创新体系建设,有力地支撑了其国家创新体系的建设和发展。这些政策和经验对于我国科学地制定并推行教育创新政策具有积极的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

构建"双元结构教师小组"教师模式,得到国家职业教育政策的强有力支持。《国家职业教育改革实施方案》提出多措并举打造"双师型"教师队伍,给出重要的政策信号:探索组建高水平、结构化教师教学创新团队,教师分工协作进行模块化教学。教育部印发《全国职业院校教师教学创新团队建设方案》,评选认定了首批国家级职业教育教师教学创新团队。教育部等4部门印发的《深化新时代职业教育"双师型"教师队伍建设改革实施方案》提出了"‘双师型’教学团队"的概念和建设的具体举措。这些政策的出台,为职业院校"双元结构教师小组"构建的理论研究与实践探索提供了重要的政策支持。  相似文献   

国际金融中心是都市圈外向型经济自发演化和发展政策引致的制度变迁的综合产物。当前,郑州的国际金融服务能力与其国家中心城市定位不相匹配。河南自贸区升级需要提升金融开放水平,郑欧铁路与口岸经济发展需要获得国际金融支持,外部环境的动态变化需要调整金融合作的方向。国际金融成为郑州外向型经济高质量发展的重要抓手。与基于国际贸易市场自发演化而形成的国际金融中心不同,郑州应围绕国际金融要素,促进其耦合作用,并形成中原地区国际国内经济双循环的关键着力点:一是开放政策与产业政策的相互促进,二是“引进来”与“走出去”的相互促进,三是城市竞争与城市协同的相互促进,四是外商投资环境与金融风险防范的相互促进。在政策体系的“相互促进”过程中,各项经济要素之间产生耦合作用,得以强化社会经济系统的鲁棒性,并补足薄弱环节与短板。  相似文献   

The article focuses on the increasing mismatch between South Africa's stated official policy on language and its gradually evolving linguistic realities. Whereas the country's institutional documents (the Constitution and the national policies being developed) proclaim linguistic pluralism to be the national objective the country seems to be regressing to its pre-apartheid situation of monolingual practice—a situation of “English only”. This phenomenon is illustrated with reference to language-in-education, particularly the issues of language of learning and teaching (“medium of instruction”), language study and language and certification. The article then debates three possible reasons for the inability of the Government of the country to take positive steps towards policy implementation, concluding with the view that language planning is not enough, and that the lack of a meaningful political will in the political (and educational) leadership of the country is the chief obstacle to giving substance to multilingualism in South Africa.  相似文献   

在我国,大学生创业政策经历了近二十年变迁。将大学生创业政策议程置于多源流理论框架中进行分析发现:持续的“就业难”和“创业难”促使大学生创业引发决策者关注,加速政策议程的形成。与此同时,国民情绪推动了政策窗口的持续开启。2014年,李克强总理提出“大众创业、万众创新”鼓励全民创业,在这个时间点上,三大源流的耦合,促成了“双创”背景下大学生创业政策体系的形成。  相似文献   

Government reports and documents claim that building a knowledge economy and innovative society are key goals in Canada. In this paper, we draw on critical policy analysis to examine 10 Canadian federal government training and employment policies in relation to the government's espoused priorities of innovation and developing a high skills society and economy. Our findings highlight three areas of contradiction: a tension between high skills and low skills policy, a contradictory focus on the socially and economically excluded and included, and the paradox of both an active and passive federal government. Drawing on state theories such as inclusive liberalism and the social investment state, we argue that while a ‘highly skilled knowledge economy’ may form part of the overall skills discourse, these contradictions raise doubts that it is to become a reality in Canada in the near future.  相似文献   

美国在19世纪末和20世纪初的经济崛起是在高关税保护、排斥外国直接投资和内向型经济的条件下实现的。美国的闭关锁国政策之所以铸就了自主创新的辉煌,主要归功于四个重要的因素:扶植和保护民族产业的基本国策;以收入均等化为特征的广阔国内市场规模;以内部改善、装备制造业的关键性作用和农业创新体系等为特点的国家创新体系;以新技术经济范式和战略性新兴产业为核心的组织创新。自主创新是我国的基本国策,内需为主导的经济发展新模式是我国转变经济发展方式的核心所在,美国在经济崛起时期自主创新的成功经验给我们提供了重要的历史借鉴。  相似文献   

Higher education systems in many parts of the world are experiencing the emergence of policies for knowledge transfer (KT). KT policy discourse reflects attempts to make universities more responsive to the needs of the knowledge economy and can be seen as a trend towards extracting a greater contribution from universities to the economy and society as a whole. This paper explores some of the practical tensions associated with operationalisation of KT policy with an institutional case study. Discourse analysis of university documents, and interviews with managers and academics, highlight the struggle between policymakers and academics around development of a KT strategy. The case reveals the potential pitfalls of adopting a commercially-oriented approach to KT in a service-oriented academic community. Effectively capturing the academic community's sense of service to the community in policy design may be one way of ensuring success and ensuring that KT policy is not ‘lost in translation’.  相似文献   

知识经济是以科学技术为根本推动力的经济。发展中国家要想缩小与发达国家的差距,就要缩小技术差距与知识差距,这需要有一个良好的技术创新和知识经济发展的空间。建国以来,我国已初步形成了国家创新体系。从当前国际竞争压力和国内经济发展的角度来看,迫切需要国家创新体系发挥重要作用。但我国的国家创新体系尚存在一些缺陷和不足之处。从我国当前的现实出发,应当积极创建和完善国家创新体系,契合知识经济的发展。  相似文献   

知识经济时代的科学、技术、经济一体化促使美英两国重视产学研协同创新,美国和英国分别形成了合作式创新生态和竞争式创新机制。美国在制度支持和产学研合作的良性循环中激活了学术知识的经济引擎作用。而英国低水平、不合理的政策干预未能扭转校企相对隔离的状态,大学在市场机制影响下难以充分发挥高质量学术知识的预期经济效益。为有效促进学术知识的生产与转移,政府应在国家创新体系中合理施为,成为政策目标的执行者、信息沟通的桥梁、政策实效的支持系统,直接并积极参与创新生态的构建、激活并稳固产学研合作的社会基础、保障创新活动的质量,促进产学研合作以保障国家创新的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Reading historical intelligence community documents primarily through the lens of Kenneth Burke's essay “Semantic and Poetic Meaning,” this article explores the history and stakes of the intelligence community's ongoing commitment to a problematic model of language use. The essay argues that the intelligence community's pursuit of a “mathematical” ideology of language is an attempt to render language “neutral” and to divorce rhetoric from ethics in ways that Burke anticipated, and with negative consequences for the generation of written intelligence reports and national policy decisions.  相似文献   

《中国工农业关系研究(1949-2003)》一书详尽勾勒了新中国工农业发展关系的演进脉络,分析了中国共产党面临中国特殊国情为推进工农业协调发展所实施的经济政策,运用经济比较研究方法对中国工农业发展关系展开定性和定量分析。该书在宏观描述工农业政策演进的同时,也微观展示了工农业各项比例关系的消长对政策演进的影响,最重要的是从经济史视角分析工农业发展关系的同时,也在理路上为工农业关系论题的研究提供了方法论层面的启示。  相似文献   

How did early childhood education become “risky” for children and teachers? This paper takes a series of booklets written in the 1990s as a case study of the entry of official anxiety about sexual abuse in early childhood centres in New Zealand. I argue that these documents provided a basis for policy development which reflects risk anxiety rather than a proper, informed appraisal of any real dangers to children in early childhood education in New Zealand; in addition, the documents legitimate unprecedented ongoing (self‐)regulation of teachers' practices, regulation about which critical questions cannot be asked without being understood as “denial” of abuse. It is concluded that the original documents, and the policies they engender, have had the negative and illegitimate effect of producing “risk of abuse” as a normal aspect of contemporary early childhood education.  相似文献   

In the past 10 years the Scottish higher education sector has experienced the emergence and continual development of policies for knowledge transfer. This policy partly parallels the wider UK higher education policy agenda and its focus on the “third mission” (i.e. the rate and extent to which universities disseminate knowledge and how commercial organizations can capitalize on it). However, the policy texts on knowledge transfer are, to varying degrees, inflected with content reflecting the specificities of the Scottish context. This paper emerges from research1 1. The paper draws on work in progress on an ESRC funded project on “Knowledge transfer in higher education in Scotland” (RES 000-22-0747). View all notes focused on this context and explores critically the ways in which the discourse of knowledge transfer has emerged and how knowledge, knowledge production, and the dissemination of knowledge have been constructed here.  相似文献   

Higher education has adopted an innovation imperative that has driven significant transformations in the sector. A new kind of learning programme, based on problem‐solving, design thinking, creativity and “pluridisciplinarity” has emerged in the last two decades and become an emblematic form of learning to cope with current “complex” economic and societal problems by examining their roots at ground level. The French case study allows one to understand the distance between general policy orientations for innovation and actors' capacity and the need to take into account the local context.  相似文献   

Body pedagogies,P/policy,health and gender   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Schools within a ‘knowledge economy’ nurture and endorse particular ‘corporeal orientations’, that is to say, ascribe value, meaning and potential to ‘the body’ (particular bodies) in time, place and space. Such processes reflect wider (national and global) socio‐economic trends. In contemporary culture, these processes increasingly celebrate particular virtues—‘flexible identities’, the manifest aspects of ‘performance’ and ‘corporeal perfection’ (usually defined as ‘the slender ideal’). Calling on the voices of a number of young women (aged 11–18) the article illustrates how these processes can intersect to seriously damage some people's health, perhaps especially those of young women and girls. The analyses suggest that the expectations of a ‘knowledge economy’ relating to the body and health enter the school system through two forms of P/policy: ‘formal’, state‐sanctioned, usually legislated education Policy; and ‘informal’, mainly medical and health institution‐based, state ‘approved’ but non‐legislated, pseudo policy initiatives often merely reflecting expectations and pressures laundered through the popular media. Together, these P/policies define not only formal education but increasingly encode other aspects of school life, in effect, making ‘pedagogy’ everyone's concern, everywhere. The article highlights the relentless and inescapable nature of pedagogical activity in the Totally Pedagogised Micro Societies (TPMS) which schools have become.  相似文献   

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