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Mathematics departments in many universities, in many countries, are under pressure. The demand for mathematics undergraduate programmes is diminish- ing and service mathematics is under threat. In particular, engineering schools are either reducing the number of mathematics courses in degree programmes or engineering staff are teaching mathematics as part of engineering analysis courses. There is also a strong trend in engineering education to make greater use of computer courseware like Mathcad, Matlab and other software systems for the mathematical and statistical components of engineering programmes. Engineer- ing education is undergoing substantial change. The mathematics of engineering programmes will need to change accordingly. Mathematics learning centres have been established in many universities world-wide. Initially their main role was to provide assistance for those who had insufficient levels of competency in pre- requisite mathematics. However, these centres can also make a very useful contribution to the latest trends in the mathematics education of engineering undergraduates. This paper will describe that contribution.  相似文献   

The research interest underpinning this paper concerns the type of mathematical knowledge engineering students may acquire during their specialised education in terms of the conceptual and procedural dimensions of doing and using mathematics. This study draws on interviews with 25 qualified engineers from South Africa and Sweden regarding their views on the role of mathematics in engineering education, with special focus on the conceptual and procedural aspects of mathematical knowledge. A thematic analysis of the interview data led to the identification of two main themes. According to the conceptual view a predominantly conceptual approach is needed and valued more than procedural skills, while the balanced view emphasises a balance of conceptual understanding and procedural fluency as well as links between them. It is suggested that the mathematical education of engineers would need to be more conceptually oriented to prepare for the demands at the workplace.  相似文献   

Too difficult, too abstract, too theoretical – many first-year engineering students complain about their mathematics courses. The project MathePraxis aims to resolve this disaffection. It links mathematical methods as they are taught in the first semesters with practical problems from engineering applications – and thereby shall give first-year engineering students a vivid and convincing impression of where they will need mathematics in their later working life. But since real applications usually require more than basic mathematics and first-year engineering students typically are not experienced with construction, mensuration and the use of engineering software, such an approach is hard to realise. In this article, we show that it is possible. We report on the implementation of MathePraxis at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. We describe the set-up and the implementation of a course on designing a mass damper which combines basic mathematical techniques with an impressive experiment. In an accompanying evaluation, we have examined the students' motivation relating to mathematics. This opens up new perspectives how to address the need for a more practically oriented mathematical education in engineering sciences.  相似文献   

Due to increased use of technology, the workplace practices of engineers have changed. So-called techno-mathematical literacies (TmL) are necessary for engineers of the 21st century. Because it is still unknown which TmL engineers actually use in their professional practices, the purpose of this study was to identify these TmL. Fourteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with engineers with a background in different educational tracks in higher professional education (e.g. civil, chemical, biotechnical and mechanical engineering). As a result of the data analysis, 7 commonly used TmL are identified: data literacy, technical software skills, technical communication skills, sense of error, sense of number, technical creativity and technical drawing skills. Engineers also noted a discrepancy between their education and workplace needs; they characterized mathematics in their education as an island with limited relevance. These findings lead to recommendations for the future of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in higher technical professional education that can help students learn STEM for the future.  相似文献   

The challenges facing those charged with teaching mathematics to engineers are enormous. Faced with large groups of students possessing a considerable range of abilities, prior experiences, and motivations, it is incumbent upon the developers and deliverers of mathematics programmes to engineers to ensure that such programmes are as inclusive as possible and take into account the particular and often individual needs of the student. Often a mathematics lecturer is caught between the demands of an engineering department expecting students to know and apply advanced techniques, and the needs of groups of students who lack confidence, have serious gaps in their knowledge and sometimes lack ability in mathematics. This paper describes an innovative approach to these challenges which involves a mix of traditional and modern technologies and which has been used with some effect at Loughborough University, for the teaching of mathematics to first year undergraduate engineering students.  相似文献   

Demand for engineers trained in software development and applications has outstripped supply in Sweden (and many other industrial countries) in recent years. This is partly due to the phenomenal growth of embedded software in the industrial sector. Because ‘software’ is so often associated with computers and telecommunications only, and not with embedded software in industrial products, the economic growth of the latter is traced from 1981 to 1995 to show its importance. Sectors studied include computers, machinery, electronics, transportation equipment and telecommunications. While the computer industry accounted for about 75% of all Swedish software in 1981, in 1995 it only accounted for not quite 30%. The Swedish machinery, electronics and transportation equipment sectors combined accounted for more software production than the Swedish computer sector. The drivers of this development (ever larger and faster microprocessors) continue to form the future of high technology, which by definition consumes university-educated engineers and scientists at a high rate. The demands this puts on university technical education are not currently being met, either in terms of quantity or of content. Modern developments in software engineering may make it possible for engineering and science departments other than computer science and its equivalents to produce ‘microprocessor-compatible engineers’ who can develop and use software to solve engineering problems more efficiently and reliably than before. This new view of engineering education must be embedded in traditional engineering and science departments.  相似文献   

Professional bodies expect engineers to show competence in both mathematics and engineering topics such as mechanics, using their abilities in both of these to solve problems. Yet within engineering programmes there is a phenomenon known as ‘The Mathematics Problem’, with students not demonstrating understanding of the subject. This paper will suggest that students are constructing different concept images in engineering and mathematics, based on their perception of either the use or exchange-value for the topics. Using a mixed methods approach, the paper compares 10 different types of concept image constructed by students, which suggests that familiar procedural images are preferred in mathematics. In contrast strategic and conceptual images develop for mechanics throughout the years of the programme, implying that different forms of competence are being constructed by students between the two subjects. The paper argues that this difference is attributed to the perceived use-value of mechanics in the career of the engineer, compared to the exchange-value associated with mathematics. Questions are raised about the relevance of current definitions of competence given that some routine mathematical operations previously performed by engineers are now being replaced by technology, in the new world of work.  相似文献   

传统的软件工程方法着眼于软件技术和软件开发过程本身,软件项目的成败取决于工程人员的个人素质.将数据挖掘技术引入软件工程领域可帮助缺乏经验的工程人员更有效地预测和管理项目进度,在不影响软件质量的前提下缩短软件开发周期,最终降低软件开发成本.  相似文献   

以柳州师范高等专科学校2010-2012级应用电子技术等高职工科专业文理兼招学生的"高等数学"课程期末考试成绩为样本,对理工类学生与文史类学生掌握"高等数学"课程知识的差异进行统计与分析.结果表明,理工类学生与文史类学生的"高等数学"课程基础知识成绩无明显差异,理工类学生的"高等数学"课程应用知识成绩及总成绩明显高于文史类学生.  相似文献   

Nathaniel Karst  Rosa Slegers 《PRIMUS》2019,29(9):1039-1059

Many of the applied mathematics courses we teach touch upon a range of rich and important ethical issues – issues that, for a number of reasons, are rarely openly discussed in class. In this work, we describe a sequence of activities co-designed and co-taught by philosophy and mathematics faculty in the hopes of bridging the divide between the application and implementation of modern cryptography and the ethical dilemmas it creates. Although we have specifically focused on one area of applied mathematics at one particular type of institution, we highlight throughout the work the areas in which our approach can be changed to suit different content areas and student populations.  相似文献   

In response to continuing concerns about student attainment and participation in science and mathematics, the epiSTEMe project took a novel approach to pedagogy in these two disciplines. Using principles identified as effective in the research literature (and combining these in a fashion not previously attempted), the project developed topic modules for early secondary-school teaching in the UK, arranged for their implementation in classrooms, and evaluated the results. This paper reports the development, implementation, and evaluation of one of the epiSTEMe science modules. Entitled Forces and Proportional Relations, the module covers standard curricular material in the domain of forces, while paying particular attention to the proportional nature of many key constructs. It was developed in collaboration with a small group of teachers; implemented subsequently in 16 classrooms, in all cases involving students from the first year of secondary school; and evaluated through comparison with first-year students in 13 control classrooms who were studying the topic using established methods. Evaluation addressed topic mastery and opinions about the topic and the manner in which it was taught. While further research is required before definite conclusions are warranted, results relating to topic mastery provide grounds for optimism about the epiSTEMe approach. Furthermore, student opinions about the module were positive.  相似文献   


Case studies have long been used to support the mathematics education of undergraduate engineers. Changes in the mathematical ability of entrants to engineering programmes and, indeed, the changing nature of many of the programmes themselves indicate the need to make the students' mathematical experiences more 'user friendly'. We describe here an approach which uses case studies, not as illustrations of applications of mathematics after a mathematical topic has been discussed, but in a fully integrated central role as vehicles for whole group discussion from which the students 'discover' the necessary mathematics which is taught subsequently. Not only is the 'carrot' of the application then central to their learning, but the need for the mathematics being taught is also clearly demonstrated. This approach has been tried with a group of 50 first year engineers. The effects on student motivation, ability and knowledge retention are discussed together with an indication of the Integrated Case Studies which were used.  相似文献   

以土木工程专业卓越工程师的培养标准和能力实施矩阵为出发点,结合土木工程专业结构工程课程群的课程设计环节,将各门课程设计有机组合,构建成若干个CDIO模式的二级项目,实现以工程项目为导向的工程教学模式,使学生得到构思、设计、实现、评价的一系列工程训练。分析了土木工程专业结构工程类课程间的相互关联性,设计了两个CDIO二级项目,并提出了项目的实施过程和需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

One of the challenges engineers face is how to deal with the combination of scientific‐technological and social factors in the development and implementation of new technologies. To prepare student engineers for this there are two options: (a) train a special type of engineer, who has had a combination of engineering and social science courses; and (b) teach the ‘normal’ engineers to get a good feeling for the relevance of social factors to their work. Both types of training are offered at the Eindhoven University of Technology. In this article, we describe the results of a study into the way student engineers in their master's thesis struggle with the integration of social factors in their engineering work. A programme of guidelines for doing this in a more sophisticated way has been developed on the basis of these experiences and of literature in the field of technology assessment and design methodology.  相似文献   

It has become increasingly common for tasks traditionally carried out by engineers to be undertaken by technicians and technologist with access to sophisticated computers and software that can often perform complex calculations that were previously the responsibility of engineers. Not surprisingly, this development raises serious questions about the future role of engineers and the education needed to address these changes in technology as well as emerging priorities from societal to environmental challenges. In response to these challenges, a new design module was created for undergraduate engineering students to design and build temporary shelters for a wide variety of end users from refugees, to the homeless and children. Even though the module provided guidance on principles of design thinking and methods for observing users needs through field studies, the students found it difficult to respond to needs of specific end users but instead focused more on purely technical issues.  相似文献   

针对目前高校培养的软件人才在工程实践能力、创新能力以及国际竞争力等方面难以满足软件产业的需求的不足,重庆大学软件学院在借鉴国际软件工程标准规范基础上,进行创新型软件工程人才培养的探索和实践。在确定软件人才培养目标的基础上,系统地开展研究和实践,在设计软件工程专业课程体系设计,构建渐进性阶梯式软件工程人才培养实践教学体系,建立量化可控的过程化实践教学质量保障体系,国际化人才培养等方面取得了明显的成效,为创新型软件工程人才培养改革创新提供了借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

This paper describes an approach for pre-service or in-service mathematics education that teaches sophisticated mathematics using only the tools of high school mathematics. The idea is to start with a standard problem from high school mathematics and let the solution to this problem serve as a platform for asking good mathematical questions and searching for deeper mathematical structure beyond the obvious “answer” to the question. Surprisingly, it turns out that high school mathematics is remarkably open to this sort of analysis, and the results are more interesting mathematically than one might initially think.  相似文献   

一种数学模块教学的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以苏州某高职院校计算机专业为例,介绍了数学模块产生的背景与我院的数学模块教学的现状,并以我院的计算机专业为例,选取了40人的一个样本,对某一专业课VB程序设计与3个数学模块做了一次方差成分分析的实证研究。根据SPSS软件显示的结果,计算机系此门专业课与线性代数和集合初步模块的关系比微积分更密切。因此,可以相应地缩减微积分模块的课时,而增加线性代数和集合初步模块的课时。  相似文献   

In this article, new ideas for mathematics education for engineering are proposed as follows: (1) Mathematics will be taught by introducing several specific engineering themes early in the program. (2) The themes selected are in the engineering field that the student is studying. (3) As students knowledge of mathematics advances, they revisit these engineering themes for further analysis. The author discusses the reasons motivating a search for a new approach to mathematics education and suggests some advantages and disadvantages of the approach outlined here. An example from mechanical engineering is presented.  相似文献   

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