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语言自主学习中心集成了现代教育技术手段与教育教学理论,对培养学习者的自主学习能力有着不可估量的优势。但学习中心本身并不能必然带来学生学习效果和自主学习能力的提高。这就需要教师和学习者采用相应的策略,才能保证语言中心环境下学生自主学习的真正实现。顺应新时代外语教学改革的要求,研究如何在语言自主学习中心环境下培养学生的自主学习能力便显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

支持自主型课堂:学生中心的教学模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
支持自主型课堂是基于罗杰斯的学生中心观和建构主义的学生主体观、根据自我决定理论对于学生自主型学习动机的理论与实践研究而提出的科学教学模式。其核心特征在于以学生为中心,以自主学习为目标,以动机、情感等非认知因素的干预为主线,并与认知教学模式相辅相成。本文详细阐述了支持自主型课堂的理论基础、构成要素和操作程序等,并从实践应用、评估体系建设和教师培训方式等角度对其发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

"以学生为中心"的教学改革是一种范式的改革,它包含了"以学生为中心"的本科教育理念、内涵、方法以及实现途径等.文章主要论述了教师如何通过分享三大权力——课堂权力、课程大纲权力和考核评估权力及转换相应角色来实现"以学生为中心"的本科教学,促进学生学习意识和自主学习的发展,并为更深层次的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

邓兴  辛迅 《宜宾学院学报》2007,7(3):121-123
“以学生为中心”教学模式通过创造一种愿意接受的气氛来提升学生的控制感,通过发展学生个人和团体目标来挖掘学生的学习动机,这两方面的效果对于解决当前大学课堂教育中存在的学生被动学习现象有着重要作用。本文在简要介绍“以学生为中心”教学模式的基础上,从情绪能力角度分析了该教学方法对教师素质的要求。  相似文献   

韦璐 《江西教育》2022,(15):71-72
随着新课程改革的不断深化,"学为中心"的教学理念应运而生.学生是课堂学习的主体,"学为中心"也就是以学生的学习为中心,尊重学生的课堂主体地位.在"学为中心"的课堂中,学生是学习的主人,这扭转了学生被动学习的局面,让学生能实现自主、高效的发展.本文阐述了"学为中心"的数学课堂的内涵、价值与建构策略.  相似文献   

丁勇 《江西教育》2022,(15):87-89
新课程改革重新确认了学生的主体地位,将学生定位为课堂主体,倡导以学生为中心,通过主动学习,实现自我发展.基于"学生中心"的小学科学课堂,要求教师主动"让学",学生积极"探学",给学生学习的自由与快乐.  相似文献   

基于语言学习中心的英语教学模式为自主学习创造了良好的条件和语言环境。该文从培养学习者学习动机,帮助其制定学习计划、确立学习目标,教师的引导和合理利用语言学习中心的资源相结合,等方面为自主学习能力的培养提出了几点建议。同时,作者针对自主学习过程中存在的问题,提出了在新的环境下,教师和学生应从加强教师的指导地位,鼓励学习者在线沟通交流,及时进行评估与反思方面作出努力,以促进学习者自主学习能力的培养。  相似文献   

信息网络技术环境为"以学生为中心"的网络化教学实践提供了有力的技术支持和物质保证。在建构主义理论指导的网络化教学模式中,采用基于信息技术环境的教学设计有利于推动传统教学中"以教师为中心"向"以学生为中心"的教学方法与手段的变革。在网络化的教学环境中,不断开展教学设计策略与方法的探究,有利于提高学生个性化自主学习的兴趣与效率,培养学生的综合能力。  相似文献   

高校英语课程改革要求“以学生为中心“进行教学。“以学生为中心“的教学能积极发挥学生学习的主动性和积极性。但是,高校非英语专业的学生自主学习意识、合作意识及能力缺乏,教师驾驭课堂的能力较差,忽视西方文化知识的教学等因素严重制约着“以学生为中心“的教学改革的顺利进行。  相似文献   

目前新课程实施已全两展开。学生自主学习能力培养日益重视。但在数学课堂教学中,一定程度上还存在着“以课堂为中心,以教师为中心和以课本为中心”的现象。忽视了学生的自主学习能力。娶改变现状,提高学生数学自主学习能力,教师必须解放思想,转变教学观念,重塑学生观,激发学生学习动机,培养和提高学生数学自主学习能力,从而真正让学生学会自主学习,成为学习的主人。  相似文献   

A debate is ongoing in Hong Kong regarding whether local and international schools vary in the extent to which they provide classroom learning environments that support the development of students' higher order thinking and metacognition. This study investigated commonalities and variations in the metacognitive orientation of local and international schools in Hong Kong. Commonalities and substantive differences in the metacognitive orientation of the classroom learning environments were identified and these variations might, to some extent, be explained with reference to cultural variations regarding the purposes and processes of education. This research provides a further example of the value of the concept of learning environments for addressing educational questions that might otherwise be resolved with reference to primarily anecdotal data and hearsay.  相似文献   

Although the relationship between the classroom learning environment and academic achievement has been explored in subject-free and disciplinary subject contexts, research into this relationship is still lacking in the context of interdisciplinary subjects. This study investigated the relationship between the classroom learning environment and student achievement in an interdisciplinary subject (i.e. liberal studies) in Hong Kong secondary schools. The mediating role of critical thinking was also explored. The participants were 410 Hong Kong secondary school graduates. The structural equation modelling analyses indicated that (1) the Content aspect of the classroom learning environment had an effect on the achievement in liberal studies, and this effect was not mediated by critical thinking; (2) the Pedagogy aspect predicted critical thinking skills, which in turn predicted the achievement in liberal studies; (3) the Relation aspect had no significant effects on critical thinking skills and student achievement in liberal studies. Suggestions on enhancing students’ high-order thinking skills and achievement in interdisciplinary subjects were provided.  相似文献   

This study reports on the impact of a 2-month classroom intervention that sought to alter the learning environment of two Hong Kong Primary Year 3 general studies classrooms. Mixed methodology, employing quantitative and qualitative data-gathering strategies, was used to investigate changes to the learning environments, including changes to the teachers' language and ultimately the students' metacognition. The quantitative facet of the research involved the development of a 15-item learning environments instrument, the General Studies Metacognitive Orientation Scale (GSMOS), that evaluated elements of the metacognitive orientation of the classrooms' learning environments. While the data from the administration of the GSMOS suggested no statistical differences between the pre- and post-intervention environments of the classrooms, student interviews and classroom observations provided supportive data for some changes, which resulted in students developing metacognitive knowledge of teacher-selected thinking and learning strategies, as well as some awareness and limited control of their use of such strategies in their classrooms.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an investigation into Hong Kong students' comprehension of English non-technical words used in science. The investigation was conducted in a context in which English, a foreign language to students, is the medium of instruction, in that textbooks and examinations are all in English but the classroom language used is mainly Chinese, with frequent Chinese-English code-switching. A total of 4644 Secondary 4, 5 and 6 students participated in the study. Many students did not correctly comprehend a large proportion of the words, confused them with words that were graphologically or phonetically similar, and even took them for their antonyms. Such poor performance raises doubts as to whether the majority of Hong Kong students have attained a ‘threshold level’ of competence in English to benefit from learning science in English. Specializations: physics education, students' alternative conceptions in science, conceptual change, computer-assisted learning in physics.  相似文献   

Many researchers have stressed that the acoustic environment is crucial to the speech perception, academic performance, attention, and participation of students in classrooms. Classrooms in highly urbanised locations are especially vulnerable to noise, a major influence on the acoustic environment. The purpose of this investigation was to determine noise levels in one such urban environment, Hong Kong. The ambient noise level, and its relationship to the speech intensity levels of both teachers and students was surveyed in 47 primary school classrooms. Moreover, the presence of acoustical treatments for noise reduction and the use of classroom amplification systems were documented for each classroom. The survey found that the mean occupied noise level was 60.74 dB (A); the mean unamplified and amplified speech‐to‐noise ratios of teachers were 13.53 dB and 18.45 dB, respectively; while the mean unamplified speech‐to‐noise ratio for students was 4.13 dB. Most of the classrooms exhibited insufficient acoustical treatments to provide significant noise reduction. The listening environment in many Hong Kong primary schools was not favourable for optimal classroom learning. Recommendations for improving the acoustical environment in classrooms in highly urbanised locations such as Hong Kong are discussed.  相似文献   

Discipline is a crucial aspect of teachers' and students' classroom lives. Hong Kong secondary teachers, as elsewhere, are concerned with students' misbehaviour. This article examines teachers' constructs of classroom discipline and strategies adopted for behaviour management. Qualitative data were collected by interviews and classroom observation. Sixty teachers were involved. Eighteen classrooms were observed. The influence of the three schools of classic Chinese philosophy, Confucianism, Taoism and Legalism, emerged as a main theme from the data. It was prominent as their key principles were incorporated into the teachers' personal system of classroom discipline. The findings illuminate the influence of Chinese culture in Hong Kong classrooms. Implications for the promotion of culturally responsive classrooms and the development of educational policies on pastoral care are drawn.  相似文献   

This study is based on the responses of 180 Form 3 Hong Kong secondary students to preferred and actual forms of Chinese versions of the Classroom Environment Scale (Moos & Trickett 1974) and Learning Process Questionnaire (Biggs 1987) with reference to their Science classes. The data tended to support qualitative research indicating that Hong Kong secondary school students perceive their classroom to be relatively competitive and teacher controlled and as encouraging rote learning. The students tended to prefer a friendlier atmosphere where students and teachers collaborated to provide a greater variety of interesting but challenging activities. Such a learning environment, the students indicated, would tend to promote the deeper, more achievement-oriented approach to learning that they would prefer. The relationship was strongest between preferred deep approach and preferred learning environment. Some implications for improvement of student learning are discussed.  相似文献   

CEPA协议是建立在WTO基础上的一项区际协议.CEPA使中国内地和香港第一次实现了双边经贸合作关系的机制化,可以培养内地相关产业的竞争力,同时也为香港的优势产品打开了通往内地市场的机会之窗,有利于内地和香港融入东亚地区的一体化进程之中.  相似文献   

闫欣 《南昌教育学院学报》2011,26(6):156-156,158
多媒体辅助环境下学生自主学习与课堂互动相结合的语言教学模式,对语言习得所起的促进作用比传统的以教师为中心的教学模式更为有效,有利于学生自主学习能力的培养,也有利于创设真实的英语交际环境,帮助学生建构认知图式,从而有效地提高大学英语教学效果。  相似文献   

This study investigated students’ learning environment preferences and compared the relative effectiveness of instructional approaches on students’ learning outcomes in achievement and attitude among 10th grade earth science classes in Taiwan. Data collection instruments include the Earth Science Classroom Learning Environment Inventory and Earth Science Learning Outcomes Inventory. The results showed that most students preferred learning in a classroom environment where student-centered and teacher-centered instructional approaches coexisted over a teacher-centered learning environment. A multivariate analysis of covariance also revealed that the STBIM students’ cognitive achievement and attitude toward earth science were enhanced when the learning environment was congruent with their learning environment preference.  相似文献   

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