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短篇小说《阿拉比》是乔伊斯《都柏林人》小说集中的第三部小说,独特的叙述策略是小说的一个鲜明特征.小说由全知叙述者、第一人称复数叙述者以及拥有两种眼光的第一人称叙述者共同叙述了一个小男孩在经历理想幻灭之后精神顿悟的故事.小说的矛盾聚焦于当时的社会氛围和男孩心理之间的对比以及男孩内心世界的冲突.此外叙述时间上的时序和时距的处理也恰到好处地营造了故事的矛盾.小说在这种独特的叙述策略下,在对立和冲突中凸显了主题——社会中无处不在的瘫痪状态.  相似文献   

Sibling relationship quality and social understanding (second-order false belief, conflict interpretation, and narrative conflict perspective references) were examined as unique and interactive correlates of sibling conflict behavior in 62 dyads (older M age = 8.39 years and younger M age = 6.06 years). High-quality relationships were associated with positive conflict processes. Younger siblings' second-order false belief scores were negatively associated with constructive conflict strategies, and older siblings' narrative self-referential focus was negatively associated with compromise. Associations between younger children's social understanding (conflict interpretation and narrative perspective references) and siblings' dyadic conflict behavior were moderated by relationship quality. Results suggest that links between social understanding and conflict behavior should be considered in conjunction with the quality of children's relationships.  相似文献   


In this article I suggest that qualitative researchers broaden the narrative strategies we employ so our texts are built more in relation to fiction and storytelling, rather than in response to logical empiricism. My point is not so much to criticize the work of others, but rather to open up a space in social science texts for a more protean and engaged portrayal of those lives we observe and live. My stimulus is a concern with the defensive posture many of us have assumed with regard to the utilization of the narrative voice. Furthermore, I am concerned that a new orthodoxy will arise where we simply replace one narrative voice with another. My assumption is that the creation of innovative narrative strategies is made that much more difficult when the author assumes a defensive posture; rather than write in relation to empiricist norms authors need to transgress those norms and invent writing strategies. In what follows, I briefly discuss the crisis in representation and I consider the responses the crisis has elicited. I then delineate my concerns with the responses and outline subsequent steps that might be taken if we want to move beyond current narrative formats.  相似文献   

This paper examines the teaching practices of one American Indian teacher in a high school literature class. It explores the teacher's use of narrative as an instructional strategy designed to convey abstract concepts through concrete experience. The narratives engage students in critical thinking and personal reflection, and provide them with the opportunity to make connections between social and historical contexts. In addition, the teacher uses stories to contrast multiple contexts with personal experiences, which reflects teaching strategies previously identified as those used by effective teachers. There is evidence that sharing ideas and concepts through story is an important way of encouraging social relations and helping students make connections between what they are learning in school and what they know of the world. Based on data analysis, this study presents a model of the teacher's use of narrative as a strategy to pose critical questions, frame a context for discussion, encourage students to reflect on personal perspectives, and introduce ideas and concepts. The model provides a visual representation of the teacher's use of narrative as a way of clarifying course content, contextualizing meaning, and reinforcing understanding.  相似文献   

麦卡勒斯作品的孤独主题一直占据评论界的中心,其引申出的女性主义、诗性特征以及文化背景内涵在近几年都得到了充分的拓展;然而。鲜有对其作品的叙事策略方面的研究。圭卡勒斯的天才不仅仅体现在其敏锐深刻的洞察力上,也体现在其独特精致的叙事技巧上。文章借助熟奈特及申丹的叙事理论,以视角为切入点,对其作品《心是孤独的猎手》中独特的叙事策略进行尝试性研究。  相似文献   


We outline a theoretical view of narrative inquiry as both phenomenon and method, and we explore the growth and development of narrative inquiry in the field of education. Drawing on research with participants labeled as developmentally disabled, we show how narrative inquiry can illuminate how disability is understood and lived out in social, cultural, and institutional narratives that shaped the lived and told stories of individuals.  相似文献   

社会性软件支持下教师专业发展策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用社会性软件促进教师专业发展是一项很有价值的研究课题。文章阐述了社会性软件的定义、分类和功能,剖析了社会性软件对促进教师专业发展的重要作用,并从多层面提出基于社会性软件帮助教师开展教育叙事和行动研究,培养教师的合作意识和协作能力,创新教师专业发展模式,有效进行知识管理,综合提升教师科研能力的教师专业发展策略。  相似文献   

小说《爱妻》在叙事手法上大胆革新,通过对话叙事、嵌套叙事以及狂欢叙事等多重叙事手段,呈现了意义多元的文本世界,并表现了美国社会多种族间复杂微妙的关系。小说的对话叙事艺术是对拒斥同一性和唯一真理的后现代美学思想的一种呼应,而"未完成"的嵌套叙事带来的开放式结尾和狂欢叙事,折射出任碧莲对西方主流意识形态的批判和东方想象共同体的颠覆。  相似文献   

当前学习文化领域对社会叙事研究的漠视,可能导致人工智能学习文化走向异化的深渊。基于此,文章首先分析了社会叙事视角下文化生成的一般原理,即在个体层面,社会叙事为人们提供了感悟生活境遇、理解新技术内涵的基础;在群体层面,建构集体记忆能够将个体的语言行为提升为广泛的文化现象。接着,文章从社会叙事的传播学、语言学、发生学三种生成机制,阐释了其对人工智能学习文化成型的推动作用。随后,文章揭示了社会叙事影响下人工智能学习文化在技术和文化方面蕴藏的潜在危机。最后,文章指出学习者可从技术工具、资源环境、学习方式和学习理念四个层面调整未来学习文化的基调,消解叙事泡沫的负面影响。文章的研究不仅能帮助学界厘清学习文化生成及其问题产生的社会根源,而且可以促进教育人工智能及其学习文化的合理发展。  相似文献   

In this randomized controlled study, we investigated implementation of Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) in story writing by 11 second grade teachers who first collaborated in practice-based professional development in SRSD. Students at-risk for failure in writing were randomly assigned to treatment and control conditions in each teacher’s classroom. Teachers implemented SRSD with small groups of students at-risk for failure in writing (referred to as Tier 2 intervention in the Response to Intervention, or RTI, model) in their classrooms; control students at-risk in writing received regular classroom instruction from their teachers. Integrity of strategies instruction and social validity were assessed among the participating teachers. Student outcomes assessed included inclusion of genre elements and story quality, generalization to personal narrative, and teacher perceptions of intrinsic motivation and effort for writing. Teachers implemented strategies instruction with high integrity; social validity was positive. Significant effects were found for inclusion of genre elements and story quality at both posttest and maintenance; effect sizes were large (.89–1.65). Intervention also resulted in significant generalization to personal narrative (effect sizes were .98 for elements and .88 for quality). Teachers reported significantly higher perceptions of both intrinsic motivation and effort (effect sizes were 1.09 and 1.07, respectively). Limitations and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

英国现代主义小说家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫,对传统的全知全能型叙事模式进行大胆革新,并创造一系列叙事技巧来构建其小说世界。其作品《到灯塔去》表现出非常独特的创造性和开拓性。从叙事的时间艺术、多视角转换和间接内心独白3个层面来分析探讨《到灯塔去》的叙事策略及其产生的艺术效果,可以看出作品堪称意识流叙事的经典之作。  相似文献   

简·奥斯汀是世界文学史上最具影响力的女性文学家之一,以写作风格独特而著称,被誉为"散文中的莎士比亚"。她的作品《爱玛》以其暗藏智慧的妥协艺术,不露声色地批判了当时的社会价值观。作品巧妙地运用含而不露的作者型女性叙事策略和独特的女性视角,不动声色地摆脱了男性话语的控制,成功建构了女性的写作立场。作品中自由间接引语和篇章结构的反讽手法等充满艺术个性的写作手法的运用,使《爱玛》一书充满女性妥协的魅力,既有平衡的美感,又具有独特的内在张力和活力。  相似文献   

叙事治疗与人本—存在治疗运用于不同的临床理论、治疗策略和技术,在意义的社会性和意义的生成及治疗关系等方面有所差异和侧重,在人的处境、个人自由和责任等元理论层面具有相似之处,为心理治疗理论与方法的整合提供了基础和空间。  相似文献   

中国当代艺术借用已有的多重“能指”,转向“所指”当下中国社会语境中的“大叙事”和“小叙事”。它既不像传统艺术和现代艺术的大叙事和以人为中心的主体叙事,也不像后现代艺术那样消解大叙事而只关注小叙事。中国当代艺术更主要的还是要让艺术回到艺术本身来探讨各种内容,这里的艺术本身包括了中国传统的“与六籍同功”的内容,也包括了“成教化、助人论”的思想。这些内容需要被转化为具有当代性的意识。这里使用“能指”、“所指”、“大叙事”、“小叙事”以及“主体叙事”等概念,其目的就是把中国当代艺术的生存语境凸显出来,显示其时间意识与当代意识的两个重要范畴。  相似文献   

This paper provides an account of a teacher's use of theory as a tool to develop inclusive practice through a social studies programme in a new entrant class. The account illustrates the ways in which the teacher drew on research to assist in the facilitation of an inclusive educational environment. Presented are research case studies the teacher encountered in an in-service teacher education programme, and the ‘social constructionist’ and ‘personal tragedy’ models that were used as theoretical tools to assist the teacher's planning and teaching practice. Mounted cameras, broadcast microphones and pre- and post-unit interviews with the teacher and students were used to explore the lived culture of the classroom, and the nature and effectiveness of the strategies the teacher used. An ‘interrupted narrative’ methodology engages the reader in the interplay between research and theory in the research case studies. Four major strategies used by the teacher have been identified and these are presented as theoretical tools for other teachers and teacher educators to use, critique and develop to support inclusive practice in their own contexts.  相似文献   

简.奥斯丁的女性叙事策略体现在叙事内容和叙事方法两个方面。在叙事内容上,她摒弃男性的宏大叙事模式,将长期处于边缘地位的女性推上前台,让女性人物成为小说的主人公,而且一反男性叙事文学对女性的歪曲和贬抑,还女性人物以真实的形象,她提倡一种恋爱时理智与感情平衡,婚姻中爱情和财产并需,家庭内男女人格平等的婚恋观念。在叙事手法上,她广泛使用第三人称隐含的女性的叙事视角和自由间接引语、反讽等“间接手法”,借小说人物之口隐蔽地表达自己的见解,谴责男权社会中种种不合理的现象。奥斯丁采用理智而克制,冷静而平和的女性叙事策略不动声色地摆脱了男性话语的控制,凸显了女性意识,并建构了女性的写作立场。  相似文献   

胡诺特·迪亚斯的短篇小说集《沉溺》描写了多米尼加裔移民在美国遭遇的种种身份认同危机。小说集的叙事特征尤其引人注目:貌离神合的片段式叙述、采用“留白”手法的开放性结尾以及为了还原真实人物而采用的视角越界策略。以上种种叙事手段均有助于该书边缘族群身份追寻的主题表达。  相似文献   

基于修辞方法的叙事批评注重作者意图和文本修辞对于文本意义的决定作用,从文本内部来理解不可靠叙述;基于认知方法的叙事批评强调从读者阅读的角度来看叙事的不可靠性,将不可靠叙述理解为读者的一种阐释策略,并注重在此过程中文类规约和认知框架所起的作用。这两种方法在叙事批评中能够形成较好的互补。笔者主要从修辞角度探讨麦克尤恩的短篇小说《既仙即死》中的不可靠叙述,同时也试图阐明运用认知方法探讨不可靠叙述的伦理意义具有重要作用。  相似文献   

铁凝的创作没有回避社会政治叙事立场.但社会政治叙事不是铁凝的创作目的,她擅长日常叙事,她的小说始终以体贴、理解各种社会历史境遇中的“人”为宗旨.对铁凝而言,社会政治叙事只是她小说人物生存的某个具体境遇,也是她与主流话语和谐共处的一种方式.  相似文献   

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