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许晓容 《体育与科学》2012,(5):27-29,40
本文运用体育人类学的调查分析方法,通过对客家地区舞火龙民俗体育活动的描述和分析,认为客家民俗体育活动真实地反映了客家族群的文化特征与审美特征。客家民俗体育活动所表现的健身功能、社会功能、娱乐功能、象征功能对于我们今天开展全民健身运动、创新学校体育教育新思维、推广阳光体育运动等在思想观念和实践活动具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

该文运用文献资料法、访谈法、实地考察法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,对民俗体育活动——“埔寨火龙”在丰顺县的现状进行了相关研究,研究结果表明:“埔寨火龙”在丰顺县的发展呈现出极强的活力,拥有较好的态势,获得人民的高度关注;提出了目前“埔寨火龙”活动在丰顺县所存在的安全和经费来源问题,针对所存在的问题提出了相关建议,以期对民俗体育活动的发展给予启迪。  相似文献   

江西客家民俗体育历史源流及其文化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江西客家主要聚居于赣闽浙三角地区,该地区地大山深,具有的地理环境和复杂的族性、宗教等社会因素构成了其特有的社会文化,其中与风俗有关的物质和精神成分构成了江西客家民俗体育文化.赣南客家民俗体育文化有鲜明的地域特征,即传承了中原汉族传统文化;由于客家人到处迁徙,吸收了各地的民风民俗,因此多元共生形成了客家民俗体育文化的复杂性、多样性,其中赣南原住民对客家民俗体育文化的影响也是其中要素之一.  相似文献   

采用文献法、问卷调查法,对江西东部城镇有过参加民俗体育活动居民的人口学特征、行为决策特征进行重点分析,从而得出江西东部城镇居民参与民俗体育行为的一般规律,为发展我国小城市群众体育提供理论依据。  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料、实地考察等研究方法,基于人类学、民俗学、历史学的学科理论,从民俗活动开展与承袭、民俗文化传承与发展的角度出发,对民俗活动进行文化分层透视.研究以黄龙溪"烧火龙"为例,在梳理黄龙溪"烧火龙"历史发展脉络的基础上,结合地域人文环境,从文化分层的四个层面阐释黄龙溪"烧火龙"这一民俗活动的文化特质,研究认为:器物层面重视祭祀与图腾文化表达;制度层面凸显崇敬天地的思维认知;行为层面体现个人与社会属性的双重契合;观念层面凸显出天人合一的思想.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、田野调查法等,在体育审美方略下通过表象美、韵律美、精神美三方面论述赣南客家灯彩民俗体育表演的审美特征及审美特征之下的赣南客家民俗审美文化,以期为更好地发展、传承赣南客家灯彩民俗体育表演文化提供参考.  相似文献   

闽西客家地区龙狮运动是客家武术的精华,受外来文化的冲击等因素的制约,龙狮运动的发展进入到了瓶颈阶段。文章通过研究应结合龙狮运动自身价值及闽西客家地区的自然、人文资源优势,以自然旅游为依托、以民俗活动为载体、以龙狮运动进高校为契机,加强龙狮运动与客家民俗活动、闽西文化旅游建设及教育的结合度,从而促进龙狮运动的发展。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、调查法等研究方法对梅州客家传统体育进行研究.主要结论:梅州客家传统体育起源于日常的生产劳动、军事活动以及宗教信仰,具有移民性、继承性、生产性、包容性、宗教民俗性和节日性的特征.应该把坚持经济开发与保护和发展传统体育文化有机结合起来,并与大众传媒和学校体育相结合,做好市场导向和培养传统体育后备人才的任务.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料研究方法,田野考察法,从体育人类学、文化学及社会学的角度对客家武术文化的形成进行了探讨,认为客家地区恶劣的自然环境和社会背景及文化传统,武术与舞狮、宗教信仰等民俗文艺的结合,使客家武术载体呈现出多样化特征,并形成了具有独特文化内涵的客家武术自身特色。  相似文献   

王俊奇 《体育科学研究》2012,16(3):27-31,51
采用文献资料法对江西高校民俗体育资源开发现状进行分析。研究认为江西高校民俗体育资源开发存在的主要问题是:教材内容单薄、形式单一;教师队伍不稳定,有应付和临时拼凑现象;重开发轻推广,保守主义思想严重。针对这些问题提出了加强管理与监督;加强民俗体育教师队伍建设;多利用媒体,加强宣传;重视民俗体育课改资料的整理和出版等对策。  相似文献   

目的:了解中年亚健康人群的血清生化指标特点。方法:以筛选出的中年(35~55岁)亚健康人群为研究对象(203例,其中男性131例,女性72例),以中年健康人群作为对照(40例,其中男性20例,女性20例),检测其空腹血尿酸(UA)、血糖(GLU)、血脂及肝功能相关的丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)等生化指标,并分析各生化指标的特点。结果:中年亚健康人群的UA、TC、TG、TC/HDL-C和LDL-C水平均显著高于健康对照组,且亚健康男性高于同年龄段的亚健康女性(P〈0.05),HDL-C水平显著低于健康对照组,且亚健康男性低于同年龄段的亚健康女性(P〈0.05);GLU水平均无显著性差异(P〉0.05);亚健康男性的TG水平达1.86±0.94 mmol/L,明显高出正常血脂上限水平1.7 mmol/L,表现出边缘性升高;亚健康组与健康组的ALT、AST、ALT/AST等肝功能指标无显著性差异,但是亚健康男性的ALT、AST、ALT/AST和ALP显著高于亚健康女性;亚健康男性三个年龄段的UA水平均高于正常范围;随着年龄的增长,亚健康人群的TG及TC/HDL-C水平均有增高的趋势,HDL-C则呈下降的走势。结论:中年亚健康男性的血尿酸和血脂等生化指标表现出异常的趋势。  相似文献   

上海市与国外学校体育后备人才训练及竞赛现状比较分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用文献资料法、专家咨询法、问卷调查法等,对上海市与国外学校体育后备人才的训练及竞赛的现状进行对比分析.结果表明:国外学校参加业余训练的规模庞大,竞技体育普及,大、中、小学的运动训练衔接顺畅;上海市学校体育后备人才相对匮乏,参加业余训练的规模小,竞技体育的普及率低,中学与高校的训练严重脱节.国外竞赛组织协会化,注重训练与竞赛的衔接,以竞赛带动训练;上海市学校体育竞赛的组织依附于体育与教育行政部门,各个协会未能充分发挥功效,高校竞赛少,中学与高校的竞赛脱节.  相似文献   

为把握河南省城、乡中小学体育教育现状,随机抽取河南省城市、县城、农村的92所学校2 453名学生进行问卷调查和体质测试,研究发现城市学生在力量、速度、爆发力、柔韧性、身高、体重方面明显好于农村学生,在体育健康知识方面城、乡差距更大,而心肺功能方面城 市学生明显不如农村学生。  相似文献   

This paper identifies ‘quality’ as an internationally relevant concept to be problematised in contemporary debates about physical education (PE). Drawing on the conceptualisation of curriculum by B. Bernstein in 1977, pedagogy and assessment as three inter-related message systems of schooling, the paper presents and explores curriculum, pedagogy and assessment as three fundamental dimensions of ‘quality PE’. Discussion addresses what quality in each dimension may mean in PE, and demand in practice. Contemporary initiatives in Australia and New Zealand provide a reference point for exploring the prospective application of quality conceptualised in terms of the three inter-related dimensions. Attention is drawn to frameworks in mainstream education that may be utilised in endeavours to critically review current practices, and inform developments directed towards achieving quality in PE. It is argued that achieving quality in PE requires that quality is pursued and demonstrated within and across curriculum, pedagogy and assessment, and that meanings of quality always need to be contextualised in cultural, social and institutional terms.  相似文献   

J.A. Mangan and Colm Hickey, in articles in 1999 and 2008, argued that the motivation of teachers promoting elementary-school football in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was mainly athleticism. In 2000, 2005 and 2009, I expressed my reservations about their claims. Most recently, articles by Gerry P.T. Finn in Soccer & Society in 2010 and by Hickey and Finn separately in the International Journal of the History of Sport in 2011 have argued against my reservations and offered what they consider further evidence for athleticism in elementary-school football. In response, the present article examines the evidence for the claims of athleticism in elementary-school football and concludes that it was only through failing to engage with the vast majority of sources of this kind of football, in particular the records of Schoolboy Football Associations and the sporting and local press, that the claims of Mangan, Hickey and Finn for the extent of the influence of athleticism in elementary-school football could be sustained.  相似文献   

We propose a Theory of Challenge and Threat States in Athletes (TCTSA) which is an amalgamation and extension of the biopsychosocial model of challenge and threat, the model of adaptive approaches to competition and the debilitative and facilitative competitive state anxiety model. In the TCTSA we posit that self-efficacy, perceptions of control, and achievement goals determine challenge or threat states in response to competition. Distinct patterns of neuroendocrine and cardiovascular responses are indicative of a challenge or threat state. Increases in epinephrine and cardiac activity, and a decrease in total peripheral vascular resistance (TPR) characterise a challenge state and increases in cortisol, smaller increases in cardiac activity and either no change or an increase in TPR characterise a threat state. Positive and negative emotions can occur in a challenge state while a threat state is associated with negative emotions only. Emotions are perceived as helpful to performance in a challenge state but not in a threat state. Challenge and threat states influence effort, attention, decision–making and physical functioning and accordingly sport performance. The TCTSA provides a framework for practitioners to enhance performance, through developing a challenge state, and encourages researchers to explore the mechanisms underlying performance in competition.  相似文献   

中国居民参加体育锻炼的区域差异比较   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
我国自1997年来先后3次对群众体育现状进行了调查,2007年第3次群众体育现状调查覆盖了全国31个省(自治区、直辖市),有效样本88 625人.调查内容涉及参加体育锻炼的质量、方式、消费、目的和需求等.研究表明,我国居民体育锻炼参与情况和我国社会经济水平的区域趋势相似,具有明显的东、中、西部区域差异,东部地区居民体育锻炼的总体情况好于中、西部地区,沿海区域高于内陆区域.居民参加体育锻炼具有的东、中、西部区域差异主要体现在体育锻炼的质量、消费水平、锻炼中断等方面.北方居民参加体育锻炼的人数比例和经常锻炼的人数比例均略高于南方,同时表现出参与频度较高、持续时间较短、锻炼强度较低等特点.积极参加体育锻炼这一类人群的比例在全国各区域的分布均衡,差异较小,约占总人数的0.6%.  相似文献   

对我国高校体育素质教育内容的研究   总被引:89,自引:0,他引:89  
我国高等学校体育素质教育的内容体系主要由3个层面8种不同类别素质教育所组成。生理层面素质教育指的是身体素质教育,心理层面素质教育即体育心理素质教育,社会层面素质教育则涵盖体育思想、体育道德、体育文化、体育能力、体育审美与体育行为等6类素质教育。该体系在指导思想上体现出全体性、全面性和主体性;在产生机制上具有客观性和时代性;在内容组成上反映出继承性与创新性;在功能特征上具有特殊性与拓展性;在内容构架上则体现出系统性与动态性。  相似文献   


To illustrate changes in elite rugby union match activities, we analysed coded videotape recordings of the first match in each Bledisloe Cup series played between Australia and New Zealand from 1972 to 2004. We also analysed the stature and body mass of players. Effects associated with professionalism, weather conditions, and time (expressed as change per decade) were estimated with a simple generalized linear model and standardized for interpretation of magnitude. The sample size permitted confident conclusions about effects that were of at least moderate magnitude (standardized mean difference >0.6). Increases in passes, tackles, rucks, tries, and ball-in-play time were associated with the advent of professionalism, whereas there were reductions in the numbers of lineouts, mauls, kicks in play, and in mean participation time per player. Noteworthy time trends were an increase in the number of rucks and a decrease in the number of scrums. Good weather conditions were associated with increases in tries and points scored and with reductions in the number of kicks in play and participation time per player. With the advent of professionalism, players have become heavier and backs have become taller. Overall, there have been major changes in international rugby match activities and player size over the past three decades. We believe law changes and developments in match analysis, equipment technology, and player training have contributed to the changes associated with the introduction of professionalism.  相似文献   

当今高校体育发展趋向社会化方向,社会体育成为高校体育的有益补充。文章通过对黑龙江省社会体育的发展现状和高校体育设施情况的调研,阐释黑龙江省高校体育与社会体育接轨具有促进黑龙江省高校体育的社会化、增强黑龙江省高校大学生体育意识的重要意义。并指出黑龙江省高校体育与社会体育接轨的路径为:创新社会化理念;建构个性化的体育教学形式和内容;共享体育设施资源;发挥社会体育指导员在黑龙江省体育发展中的联结作用。这对推动黑龙江省高校体育教学改革具有指导性意义。  相似文献   

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