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数学高考数列试题的能力考查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数列是高考数学的主要考查内容之一 ,其试题有着鲜明的特色 ,发挥了多层次多角度考查能力的功能 .数列试题的难度分布幅度大 ,既有容易的基本题和难度中等的小综合题 ,也有综合性和思考性强的难题 ,试题形态多变 ,时常有新颖的试题入卷 .考生为了在高考中取得数学好成绩 ,必须复习掌握好数列这一板块及其相关的知识和技能 ,了解数列试题的能力考查特点 ,提高解答这类试题的能力 .为此 ,建议考生关注近几年来高考数列试题的下列考查特点 .1 试题贴近基础 ,注重理解能力和推理运算能力的考查  以数列为背景或依托的试题 ,虽然有易有难 ,但…  相似文献   

2011年高考数学福建卷从学科整体知识结构和思想体系的高度设计试题,创设新颖情景和设问方式,全面深入考查基础知识、基本技能、基本思想方法,依托学科知识的本质,合理降低试题难度,突出考查考生的数学能力和数学素养,力图准确体  相似文献   

李和平  黄宁 《广西教育》2012,(36):33-35
一、试题分析2012年高考结束后,很多考生反映今年的数学卷挺难,不好做。我们认真研究了一下,发现很多题目确实值得细细品味。这套试卷加强了基础知识、主干知识的考查,更加注重数学思想和综合能力的考查,是一份较为优秀的试卷。试卷注重对数学思想与方法的考查,体现了数学的基础、应用和工具性的学科特色,以支撑学科知识体系的重点内容为考点来挑选合理背景,善于应用知识之间的内在联系进行融合,并构建试卷的主体结构,在新课程新增内容和传统内容的结合处寻找到创新点,使考查更加科学。试卷多视角、多维度、多层次地考查考生的数学思维品质和思维能力,考查考生对数学本质的理解,考查考生的数学素养和学习潜能。只是试题整体难度较2011年确实略有提升,其中:选择题和填空题难度不大,注重基础知识、基本能力、常用数学思想及答题技巧的考查,其中圆锥曲线的考查难度明显降低;解答题整体难度较大,尤其是函数与导数、解析几何、数列这三道解答题,综合性强,计算量较大。  相似文献   

选择题、填空题(简称“小题”,下同)具有结构短小精悍,考查目标集中,答案简单明了。评卷客观公正等显而易见的特点.“小题”主要考查考生的数学术语、符号、表达式等的掌握情况,考查数学概念、定义、公式、法则等掌握情况,考查中学数学基础知识、基本技能、基本思想和方法(简称“三基”).也考查考生的逻辑思维能力、运算能力、空间想象能力、分析和解决问题的能力.同时。“小题”考查的内容、思想、方法等具有很强的针对性和目标性。对每道“小题”来说,要考查什么内容,考查什么方法,考查哪些方面的能力。考到什么难度。命题者都可通过设置适当的试题来考查.  相似文献   

06年广东省高考数学试题基本沿袭了05年试题的特点:总体结构、题型、考查的知识面基本保持稳定;试题在考查数学基础知识的基础上,注重对数学思想方法、数学能力的考查;试题的难度明显低于去年,更加符合考生的实际水平.基本达到了多角度、多层次、较全面地考查学生综合数学素养的要求.但试题间的层次性不够,甄别选拔功能不强,调控综合程度不太合理.具体分析有如下特点:  相似文献   

离子共存试题是历年高考中的热点,此类试题既考查了考生的基础知识,即对各种离子性质的掌握,又考查了考生的审题能力、分析能力、计算能力等综合能力.这类试题的难度虽不大,但总有部分考生在做题时因忽略了某些信息而导致失分.笔者认为做此类试题除了必须掌握离子的基础知识外,还须注意4个问题,它们可简称为:一颜色,二性质,三特殊,四反应.下面作简要说明.  相似文献   

高考英语词汇单选题旨在考查学生在综合的语言环境中对基本词汇的运用能力。高考题中所有的词汇考查都设置在特定的语境中,要求考生区分单词的使用范围,而且一些重要的信息隐含在语境之中。通过设置情景,将知识的考查与语言意义的考查有机地结合起来,实现了知识与能力综合测试的目标。在特定的语境中对词汇进行考查,增加了试题难度。因此,考生必须具有综合运用语言的能力。答题时必须读完全部材料,利用特定的语境来分析题目,选出正确答案。现结合2007年的高考试题对词汇题的考查方式作个分析与归纳,以期对同学们有所帮助。  相似文献   

传统考试中的多数试题是立足于一种沿袭性能力的考查,即要求考生能把学过的知识以再现的方式在试卷中表现出来.通过重组、变换、深化的手法可以增加试题难度,而考生则通过对大量习题的练习来提高解决这类问题的技能,以便在高考中取得较好的成绩.考查创新能力的试题由传统的知识立意转变为能力立意,考生不可能简单地仿效模拟或机械套用去解答问题.它的知识点不但与中学数学知识有密切的联系,更重要的是考查考生的综合应用能力.  相似文献   

高考英语词汇单选题旨在考查学生在综合的语言环境中对基本词汇的运用能力。为了考查学生观察问题、分析问题的能力。高考题中所有的词汇考查都设置在特定的语境中进行.要求考生区分单词的使用范围,而且一些重要的信息隐含在语境之中。通过设置情景,将知识的考查与语言意义的考查有机地结合起来,实现了知识与能力综合测试的目标。在特定的语境中对词汇进行考查。增加了试题难度。因此,考生必须具有综合运用语言的能力。答题时必须读完全部信息,利用特定的语境来分析题目,选出正确答案。现结合高考试题对词汇题的考查方式分析归纳.以期对同学们有所帮助。  相似文献   

数列是高考数学的主要考查内容之一,其试题有着鲜明的特色,发挥了多层次多角度考查能力的功能。数列试题的难度分布幅度大,既有容易的基本题和难度中等的小综合题,也有综合性和思考性强的难题,试题形态多变,时常有新颖的试题入卷。考生为了在高考中取得数学好成绩,必须复习掌握好数列这一板块及其相关的知识和技能,了解数列试题的能力考查特点,提高解答这类试题的能力。本文以2005年高考全国各  相似文献   

Test preparation activities were determined for a large representative sample of Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Aptitude Test takers. About 3% of these examinees had attended formal coaching programs for one or more sections of the test.
After adjusting for differences in the background characteristics of coached and uncoached students, effects on test scores were related to the length and the type of programs offered. The effects on GRE verbal ability scores were not significantly related to the amount of coaching examinees received, and quantitative coaching effects increased slightly but not significantly with additional coaching. Effects on analytical ability scores, on the other hand, were related significantly to the length of coaching programs, through improved performance on two analytical item types, which have since been deleted from the test.
Overall, the data suggest that, when compared with the two highly susceptible item types that have been removed from the GRE Aptitude Test, the test item types in the current version of the test (now called the GRE General Test) appear to show relatively little susceptibility to formal coaching experiences of the kinds considered here.  相似文献   

With the advent of modern computer technology,there have been growing efforts in recent years to computerize standardized tests,including the popular Graduate Record Examination(GRE),the Graduate Management Admission Test(GMAT) and the Test of English as a Foreign Language(TOEFL).Many of such computer-based tests are known as the computerized adaptive tests,whose major feature is that,depending on their performance in the course of testing,different examinees may be given with different sets of items(questions).In doing so,items can be efficiently utilized to realize maximum accuracy for estimation of examinee’s ability. In this short paper we will introduce briefly the computer-adaptive test(CAT).The application of CAT to the assessment of reading comprehension in a second language will also be illustrated in this paper.The advantages and disadvantages will be analyzed,based on which some recommendations will be given for future study.  相似文献   

Some applicants for admission to graduate programs present Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Test scores that are several years old. Due to different experiences over time, older GRE verbal, quantitative, and analytical scores may no longer accurately reflect the current capabilities of the applicants. To provide evidence regarding the long-term stability of GRE scores, test-retest correlations and average change (net gain) in test performance were analyzed for GRE General Test repeaters classified by time between test administrations in intervals ranging from less than 6 months to 10 years or more. Findings regarding average changes in verbal and quantitative test performance for long-term repeaters (with 5 years or more between tests), generally, and by graduate major area, sex, and ethnicity, appeared to be consistent with a differential growth hypothesis: Long-term repeaters generally, and in all of the subgroups, registered greater average (net) score gain on verbal tests than on quantitative tests and, for subgroups, the amount of gain tended to vary directly with initial means. A rationale is presented for a growth interpretation of the observed average gains in test performance. Implications for graduate school and GRE Program policies regarding the treatment of older test scores are considered.  相似文献   

We investigated the functioning of a new computer-delivered response type for potential use in graduate admissions assessment. This response type, which is open-ended and automatically scorable, presents problems calling for the examinee to draw a graph modeling a given situation. Problem situations can be like the single-best-answer items currently found on the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Test (ETS, 1998) or they can be more loosely defined, allowing for multiple-correct responses. Two graphical modeling (GM) tests differing from one another in the manipulation of specific item features were randomly spiraled among study participants. Results showed that GM scores were very reliable and moderately related to the General Test's quantitative section, suggesting that GM might help broaden the GRE quantitative construct. In exploratory difficulty analyses, 1 of 3 manipulated item features, problem structure, had a dependable effect. No significant gender differences independent of those associated with the GRE quantitative section were detected. Finally, more participants preferred regular multiple-choice graphical reasoning questions to GM items but thought GM was the fairer indicator of their ability to undertake graduate study.  相似文献   

中学数学课程改革应对部分内容进行增删 ,以培养学生的思维能力、创新能力 ,提高素质  相似文献   

A previous study of the initial, preoperational version of the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) analytical ability measure (Powers & Swinton, 1984) revealed practically and statistically significant effects of test familiarization on analytical test scores. (Two susceptible item types were subsequently removed from the test.) Data from this study were reanalyzed for evidence of differential effects for subgroups of examinees classified by age, ethnicity, degree aspiration, English language dominance, and performance on other sections of the GRE General Test. The results suggested little, if any, difference among subgroups of examinees with respect to their response to the particular kind of test preparation considered in the study. Within the limits of the data, no particular subgroup appeared to benefit significantly more or significantly less than any other subgroup.  相似文献   

Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to explore relationships among existing item types and three new computer–administered item types for the analytical scale of the Graduate Record Examination General Test. One new item type was an open–ended version of the current multiple–choice analytical reasoning item type. The other new item types had no counterparts on the existing test. The computer tests were administered at four sites to a sample of students who had previously taken the GRE General Test. Scores from the regular GRE and the special computer administration were matched for a sample of 349 students. Factor analyses suggested that the new item types with no counterparts in the existing GRE were reliably assessing unique constructs but the open–ended analytical reasoning items were not measuring anything beyond what is measured by the current multiple–choice version of these items.  相似文献   

In this study we examined alternative item types and section configurations for improving the discriminant and convergent validity of the GRE General Test. A computer-based test of reasoning items and a generating-explanations measure was administered to a sample of 388 examinees who previously had taken the General Test. Confirmatory factor analyses indicated that three dimensions of reasoning—verbal, analytical, and quantitative—and a fourth dimension of verbal fluency based on the generating-explanations task could be distinguished. Notably, generating explanations was as distinct from new variations of reasoning items as it was from verbal and quantitative reasoning. In the full sample, this differentiation was evident in relation to such external criteria as undergraduate grade point average (UGPA), self-reported accomplishments, and a measure of ideational fluency, with generating explanations relating uniquely to aesthetic and linguistic accomplishments and to ideational fluency. For the subset of participants with undergraduate majors in the humanities and social sciences, generating explanations added to the relationship with UGPA over that contributed by the General Test.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between 403 counseling graduate students' scores on the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE; Center for Credentialing and Education, n.d.) and 3 admissions requirements used as predictor variables: undergraduate grade point average (UGPA), Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Test Verbal Reasoning (GRE‐V) score, and GRE General Test Quantitative Reasoning (GRE‐Q) score. Multiple regression analyses revealed that all predictor variables accounted for somewhat limited, yet significant variations in the CPCE‐Total scores (R2 = .21). Results indicated that UGPAs, GRE‐V scores, and GRE‐Q scores are valid criteria for determining counseling graduate student success on the CPCE.  相似文献   

Graduate admission has become a critical process in tertiary education, whereby selecting valid admissions instruments is key. This study assessed the validity of Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test scores for admission to Master’s programmes at a technical university in Europe. We investigated the indicative value of GRE scores for the Master’s programme grade point average (GGPA) with and without the addition of the undergraduate GPA (UGPA) and the TOEFL score, and of GRE scores for study completion and Master’s thesis performance. GRE scores explained 20% of the variation in the GGPA, while additional 7% were explained by the TOEFL score and 3% by the UGPA. Contrary to common belief, the GRE quantitative reasoning score showed only little explanatory power. GRE scores were also weakly related to study progress but not to thesis performance. Nevertheless, GRE and TOEFL scores were found to be sensible admissions instruments. Rigorous methodology was used to obtain highly reliable results.  相似文献   

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