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20世纪前后,美国兴起了教育科学化运动。历史学方法因其"科学性"一度成为教育研究的重要方法,并导致美国教育史研究出现了兴盛的图景。但教育的历史研究终究被认为无助于美国教育现实问题的解决,自1910年学校调查运动开始以后,学校调查研究备受推崇,至1920年代历史学方法已经被学校调查研究取代。这是美国现代教育史上的一次研究范式转型。但是,在教育研究中过分强调实证调查也阻碍了教育科学自身的发展。  相似文献   

已往的论著给中国教育史分期,都是与中国历史发展的分期相对应,因忽视了教育相对的独立性,而不能清晰地描述中国教育发展的轨迹,且使对一些教育家的评价不够中肯,甚至于失之偏颇.本文试图以教育学理论,从教育自身的变化发展,按"原始教育形态"--"古代学校教育形态"--"现代学校教育形态"重新给中国教育史分期,探寻中国教育史发展的轨迹,并以孔子和张之洞为例,以新思考给他们新的评价.  相似文献   

已往的论著给中国教育史分期,都是与中国历史发展的分期相对应,因忽视了教育相对的独立性,而不能清晰地描述中国教育发展的轨迹,且使对一些教育家的评价不够中肯,甚至于失之偏颇。本文试图以教育学理论,从教育自身的变化发展,按"原始教育形态"--"古代学校教育形态"--"现代学校教育形态"重新给中国教育史分期,探寻中国教育史发展的轨迹,并以孔子和张之洞为例,以新思考给他们新的评价。  相似文献   

学校教育史是教育史的重要组成部分,也是教育史研究的重要内容之一.学校教育史研究有自己的特点和研究领域.开展学校教育史研究不仅有利于教育史研究,也有利于学校教育改革的进行.学校教育史研究要建立起研究和解释的新框架,打破单纯就学校研究学校的局限.  相似文献   

"知识与德性"的关系无论在传统社会还是在现代社会都是重要的主题。知识在道德教育中是一个核心要素,但是知识与道德教育的脱节已经成为学校道德教育的主要问题和困境。中国的教育现代化受到美国近现代教育的深刻影响,深入理解美国的道德教育的内涵对中国德育发展有重要意义。博雅教育是美国教育传统中重要的资源,始终成为美国教育史中重要的影响因素。笔者试图从西方传统博雅教育入手,重新思考"行动"作为一个要素在知识与德性中的意义,以此拓展对当今"知识、行动与道德教育"之间关系的理解,为反思当代道德教育的困境提供思考的资源。  相似文献   

凯兴斯泰纳是德国教育史上著名的教育理论家、教育改革家,德国职业教育的奠基人之一.他倡导劳作教育,在理论和实践上都进行了有益探索.文章从"劳作学校的真义"和"劳作学校的任务"两个方面介绍了他的劳作教育思想的主要内容,以期对当前的职业教育发展有一定的启迪作用.  相似文献   

魏燕 《班主任》2003,(11):10-10
陶行知先生(1891-1946)是我国现代伟大的人民教育家、民主革命家和大众诗人,安徽歙县人。他一生为教育事业鞠躬尽瘁,在教育史上开创了一个新时代。1927年3月,为了推行他的“生活即教育”、“社会即学校”的教育改革理论,他在南京城郊和平门外的一个名叫“小庄”的村子里创建了中国现代教育史上的著名学校——晓庄师范。开学之初,学校没有校舍,陶行知带领师生们共同  相似文献   

学校的品牌是建立在学校与教育消费者之间的一种心灵契约.在现代教育管理模式中,越来越多的管理者在不断提升着教育教学质量,努力形成办学特色,打造着自己的教育品牌.天津市木斋中学(原天津市第二十四中学),始创于1932年,是爱国教育家卢木斋先生创办的.我到二十四中工作三年了,三年中,我坚持在工作中注入自己的品牌思路,不断传承、创新、发展.今天的木斋园,有品牌学生,有品牌教师,更有品牌学科.这些努力也使"木斋"这块中国近代教育史上的品牌得以更好地传承、发展.  相似文献   

胡雪芬 《教书育人》2013,(24):22-23
陶行知是我国现代教育史上一位卓越的人民教育实践家、理论家,他"捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去",为中国的教育事业鞠躬尽瘁。其"生活教育思想"博大精深,是教育史上的宝贵遗产,对陶行知的教育理论进行深入和体统的研究,对促进现代教育的发展与变革具有现实的指导意义。"生活教育理论"是陶行知教育思想的核心,其本身是一  相似文献   

教育史学说与教育史学科的关系问题,是关系到教育史学科建设能否取得整体性进展的前提性问题.在传统与现代释义中,学术包含学说与学科.教育史学史涵盖学说史与学科史两方面的内容.教育史学科是教育史学说发展的产物,教育史学史的考察,应以教育史学说史的考察为重点,而对于教育史学说史的考察,又必须建立在对学者的教育史学实践的理解之上.  相似文献   

学制作为国家教育制度体系中的重要构成,其改革事关国家教育发展的方向和未来。我国现代学制始创于1902年的壬寅学制,随后经癸卯学制、壬子癸丑学制的探索实践,至1922年颁布的壬戌学制最终确定了我国现代学制的基本框架,并延续使用百年。通过对现代学制百年演进史的梳理和审视,总结出学制改革应坚持科学性、系统性、弹性化、渐进性、合法性和集中性六原则。具体建议为:要依据学生身心发展变化确定学制改革思路;要与基础教育的整体改革相适应;要进行充分的实地调查与研究;要先试点先行,稳步推进;要完善学制的法律制度,于法有据、依法实施;要在政府统一领导下进行学制改革。  相似文献   

In recent years sensory history has emerged as a research topic of growing interest to historians and has been accompanied by a call to incorporate the senses into our understanding of the past. Under modernity, social direction and control were built into the infrastructure of modern life as specialist institutions emerged and multiplied in the urban landscape; institutions which were designed to discipline, control and shape urban bodies – the prison, the workhouse, the asylum, the reformatory, the children's home and the school. This paper focuses on one of these sites of childhood control: the school. Historians of education and childhood have to date paid little attention to the sensory worlds of schooling and childhood. This study focuses on one sense – hearing. Hearing, sound and aurality have been shown to be deeply implicated in modernity's daily elaboration. The study explores the sounds of modern schooling; the culture of listening in modern schools; the materiality of the modern school “soundscape”; and the influence of architectural acoustics on the culture of listening. In doing so, the study addresses the problems, sources and methodologies involved in writing a history of the hearing school.  相似文献   

从近代学校的兴起到学校系统在工业化国家的确立再到其他国家的仿效,公共大众学校教育在全球推广普及.然学校教育对学业成绩的残酷投注而其自身在提升学业成绩上的能力不足,驱使家庭购买大量校外辅导及相关服务以助子女取得学业佳绩,这在一些国家业已成为学校教育的制度化组成部分.通过效法并补充学校教育同时辅以世界教育文化的助推,课外辅导(影子教育)得以在全球扩张并挑战着学校教育.辅导机构有望成为教育组织系统的有机构成;学校在课程设置、运作管理等方面亦呈现与辅导机构相似、兼容之端倪.学校与辅导机构在明争暗合中形影游移、界限模糊,衍生一种混合型教育组织或有可能.依此而论,消除校外“辅导热”大抵是个伪命题.  相似文献   

For almost two decades student voice has been used and enacted in educational settings for a range of purposes. Student voice theorists have framed it in sociocultural, social constructionist and poststructural terms. It has been located in a range of schooling discourses and there have been powerful critiques of instrumentalist uses of student voice. It has been reified for its potential to leverage schooling reform, associated with accountability, governmentality and technologies of control, and also heralded as a process to activate radical collegiality in educational settings. This article investigates how school leaders from Aotearoa/New Zealand discursively locate the complex and contested construct of student voice in their schooling settings. Drawing data from principal interviews, discourses inherent in school leader comments are analysed to consider the contribution of student voice. A consideration is provided of how young people are ascribed positions as agents in contemporary Aotearoa schools.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the policy issue of expanding schooling in a post-apartheid South Africa. The Project of placing about two million children of school-going age in school is viewed as central to the rebuilding of South Africa. The paper argues that this project should be located within the peculiar history of this country's educational underdevelopment. Challenging the constraining influence of the New Right context should be central in conceptualising the provision of expanded school access. Access policy should be based on a notion of educational development that is linked to the overall socioeconomic development of this society. The view is promoted in this paper that a policy of quantitative expansion of schooling should not ignore the quality of such schooling.  相似文献   

在中国近代学制嬗变过程中,近代教育期刊积极参与和推动了学制建设和改革的进程。其中,在全国有一定影响力的上海近代教育期刊,如《教育世界》《教育杂志》《中华教育界》等,凭借其刊寿长、影响广、发行量大等特点,无论是在译介外国学制史料、发表国内学制建设和改革的探索性文章方面,还是在组织教育界对学制改革进行专题讨论,以及在收集和发布学制改革信息方面,郝担当了重要角色,产生过重要影响。  相似文献   


This text focuses on municipalities from an educational and cultural perspective. Over the last 200 years, municipalities have played a fundamental role in the creation of guiding principles and educational norms and conventions. They have participated in the supply and universalisation of schooling and have contributed to integrating the public sphere and the modern, contemporary political structure. Municipalities as territories, populations, economies, and collective governments backed by written administration have influenced and become the model of the liberal and republican political and educational transformations. They have been crucial to the political, administrative, and socio-cultural constitution of the contemporary state. The school institution has integrated social and political development while educational modernity has brought school cartography closer to demographic, administrative, and cultural cartography. The municipal initiative has played a key role in terms of territorial suitability, modernisation of the school network, and curricular diversity. This text picks up on the main conclusions of the Educational and Cultural Atlas of the Municipalities in Portugal, and places the Portuguese context within a European and western framework. Municipalities are presented as an educational space, with historical and pedagogical importance in the modernisation of schooling, despite a historiographical tendency to dilute them into the state, connecting them to an official perspective of education. The article contains a summary of the Educational Atlas of the Municipalities in Portugal.  相似文献   

吴汝纶与莲池书院   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主讲莲池书院是吴汝纶一生从事的最主要的教育活动。吴汝纶主动辞官从教,在任书院最后一任山长的十余年间,致力于培养人才,并对办学模式、教学内容和方法进行革新,推动了书院的近代化进程。一批文坛精英和政坛要人都曾就读莲池书院,从师吴汝纶。在吴汝纶的经略之下,莲池书院成为北方文教的中心,带动了直隶学风的转变。执教莲池也奠定了吴汝纶作为一代教育家的思想基础和实践基础。  相似文献   

The common school ideal is the source of one of the oldest educational debates in liberal democratic societies. The movement in favour of greater educational choice is the source of one of the most recent. Each has been the cause of major and enduring controversy, not only within philosophical thought but also within political, legal and social arenas. Echoing conclusions reached by Terry McLaughlin, but taking the historical and legal context of the United States as my backdrop, I argue that the ideal of common schooling and the existence of separate schools, which is to say, the existence of educational choice, are not merely compatible but necessarily co-exist in a liberal democratic society. In other words, we need both common schooling and educational choice. The essay proceeds in four parts. First, I explain why we need to understand something about pluralism in order to understand common schooling and school choice. In the second and third parts, I explore the normative significance of pluralism for common schooling and educational choice, respectively. In the fourth part, I show how the two can be reconciled, given a certain understanding of what pluralism demands.  相似文献   

教育实践中很多鲜活的实例引起了社会对教育的诟病,与此同时,这些实例也表明实际教育活动的开展使教育式微。于是,我们有必要从教育的历史与现代教育的雏形中寻找本真教育的源动力。笔者认为,那就是乌托邦精神。乌托邦精神主要表现在对现在的"批判性",对未来的"完美性",以及实现从现在到未来的"超越性"。制度化教育在具体的教育活动中必须保持乌托邦精神,流动于"思""行"之间,行走于"有""无"之间,往来于"圣""俗"之间。  相似文献   

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