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Using cross-sectional data from 504 students from four Kenyan universities, this study evaluates the indirect effect of brand personality on the relationship between social media and students’ behavioral intentions to enroll in postgraduate studies. Additionally, the study examines the moderating effect of attitude on the relationship between social media and brand personality, social media and students’ behavioral intentions, brand personality and students’ behavioral intentions. Finally, it investigates the moderating effect of attitude on the indirect process of brand personality on the relationship between social media and students’ behavioral intentions. The study is guided by the Theory of Planned Behavior, Technology Acceptance Model and Self Congruity Theory. Process Macro is used to analyze data. Results indicate that social media significantly predicts students’ behavioral intentions and this relationship is partially mediated by brand personality. Besides, attitude moderates the relationship between social media and students’ behavioral intentions and also the relationship between brand personality and students’ behavioral intentions. Finally, attitude has a conditional effect on the indirect relationship between social media and student’s behavioral intentions via brand personality and this effect is much stronger with a higher level of attitude. These findings contribute new knowledge to literature and theory.  相似文献   

International University Education: An Australian Perspective   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper attempts to explore the effectiveness of UK universities' websites. The area of branding in higher education has received increasing academic investigation, but little work has researched how universities demonstrate their brand promises through their websites. The quest to differentiate through branding can be challenging in the university context, however. It is argued that those institutions that have a strong distinctive image will be in a better position to face a changing future. Employing a multistage methodology, the web pages of 20 UK universities were investigated by using a combination of content and multivariable analysis. Results indicated ‘traditional values’ such as teaching and research were often well communicated in terms of online brand but ‘emotional values’ like social responsibility and the universities' environments were less consistently communicated, despite their increased topicality. It is therefore suggested that emotional values may offer a basis for possible future online differentiation.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代后期,一批新闻周刊迅速崛起,经过几十年的发展,已从最初的内容竞争逐渐向品牌过渡,从多方面、多角度有意识的维护和延伸自己的品牌,不断提高各自的社会影响力。  相似文献   

品牌是使某种产品和服务能够区别于其他产品和服务的名称、标识和其他可展示的标识。这些名称和标识既会由于不同的品牌表述方式而产生差异,又会产生不同的品牌观念。文章整合了国内外有关品牌理论的不同观点,并对品牌、品牌理论及其发展进行评论、归纳,说明了文章的几个观点,力求对其历史发展状况概括后揭示出未来品牌理论发展的新趋势。  相似文献   

Branding is now widely used by higher education (HE) institutions, yet questions still surround the transference of private sector concepts to a university context. This article reports on findings from studies that investigated the brand promises of four UK universities – one from each of the HE ‘mission groups’. The evidence indicated that, contrary to existing published presumptions, there is considerable potential for the application of branding in HE, but in differing and nuanced ways. Clear branding themes emerged across the cases such as environment, experiences, aspiration, and global positioning. While these enabled the universities to position their brands with distinction, the overriding method used across the cases – and the key point of differentiation – proved to be the presence of a core brand promise.  相似文献   

An increasing number of institutions utilize social media tools, including student-written blogs, on their admission websites in an effort to enhance authenticity in their recruitment marketing materials. This study offers a framework for understanding what contributes to prospective college students’ perceptions of social media authenticity and how their perceptions shape expectations of the college experience. The results of the study are based on qualitative data comprising 16 in-depth interviews, 165 journal entries, and an eight-member focus group interview with college-bound students. Prospective college students perceived student-written blogs to be authentic when student bloggers disclosed personal details and feelings about campus life, even when the topic of the blog was contrived to focus on admission and college-related activities. Recognizing a blog as authentic occurred through the process of internalizing the experience described in the blog post and identifying with the blogger.  相似文献   

品牌意义说认为,品牌的价值就是社会组织或个人对事物的输入向主体呈现的意义。本研究在探讨品牌美学研究对象、目的、任务、学科性质、属性及内容等科学学问题的基础上,把品牌表意系统的构成概括为:两类,即品牌媒介与品牌意义单元;四层面,即4个品牌媒介与4个品牌意义单元;五单元,即品牌功能、品牌知觉、品牌故事、品牌思想和品牌特征;十线索,即品牌功能4+品牌知觉3+品牌故事2+品牌思想1。最后,分别对品牌功能、品牌知觉、品牌故事、品牌思想和品牌特征等五种品牌塑造方法进行了探讨,旨在推进品牌意义说和品牌美学理论与实践的发展。  相似文献   

品牌是企业一项重要的无形资产,人们对它的认识随着经济的发展不断深入,对品牌价值的测度手段也在不断改善。本对品牌的内涵进行了分析,并在一定的假设基础上,从微观角度入手对品牌价值的会计计量方法进行了研究,在传统的计量方法的基础上,提出“差额改进法”这一新型会计计量方法,并对该模型进行了实例验证。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的进一步深入.企业面临的市场竞争愈加激烈。要想在激烈的竞争环境下求得长期的生存和发展,企业必须实施品牌战略。品牌战略的实施分为创牌、拓牌和护牌三阶段,只有针对各阶段的特点制定适宜的策略并且循序渐进地推进才能使企业的品牌战略取得成功。  相似文献   


Science education trends promote student engagement in authentic knowledge in practice to tackle personally consequential problems. This study explored how partnering scientists and students on a social media platform supported students’ development of disciplinary practice knowledge through practice-based learning with experts during two pilot enactments of a project-based curriculum focusing on the ecological impacts of climate change. Through the online platform, scientists provided feedback on students' infographics, visual argumentation artifacts that use data to communicate about climate change science. We conceptualize the infographics and professional data sets as boundary objects that supported authentic argumentation practices across classroom and professional contexts, but found that student generated data was not robust enough to cross these boundaries. Analysis of the structure and content of the scientists’ feedback revealed that when critiquing argumentation, scientists initiated engagement in multiple scientific practices, supporting a holistic rather than discrete model of practice-based learning. While traditional classroom inquiry has emphasized student experimentation, we found that engagement with existing professional data sets provided students with a platform for developing expertise in systemic scientific practices during argument construction. We further found that many students increased the complexity and improved the visual presentation of their arguments after feedback.  相似文献   

开放教育招生宣传是有计划地通过各种宣传媒介向招生目标群传递有关学校开设的专业、招生数量、规格要求、办学特色等信息,让社会大众广泛参与开放教育学习的一种宣传活动。目前,招生宣传存在注重规模忽视品牌形象创建的问题,缺乏长远意识。开放教育招生宣传与学校品牌形象塑造是相辅相成的互补关系,招生宣传的科学策划,既要有利于学校品牌形象的塑造,又要促进学校的质量内涵建设,只有双轨并进,才能实现双赢。  相似文献   

Amidst global competition in higher education, colleges and universities adopt strategies that mimic and adapt business practices. Branding is now a widespread practice in higher education; multimodal advertisement is a manifestation of emerging branding strategies for universities. While the visibility of brands in higher education has grown substantially in recent years, its empirical study has lagged. This article reports on the findings from a study that employed social semiotic and multimodal analysis to explore text and visual rhetoric as brand construction strategies in publicly displayed university advertisements. After analyzing photographs representing advertising campaigns from 16 different universities displayed in an urban public transportation system, I suggest that universities construct their brand identity through messages that emphasize multiple choices and convenience, but construct success primarily according to corporate standards and values.  相似文献   

现代出版业已进入一个品牌经营的时代,品牌在出版产业的发展中显示了它不可忽视的作用和影响力,品牌的有无,直接影响了一个出版社在市场中的竞争力,品牌的优势,就是一个出版社竞争的优势。出版物是一个出版社赖以生存与发展的支柱,出版社的竞争首先表现为出版物的竞争,最终也是表现为出版物的竞争,一个出版社要想在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,就必须有自己稳定的拳头产品,有自己个性化特色产品,靠品牌去赢得市场、赢得读者,靠品牌去赢得社会的认可与美誉。  相似文献   


Most studies on branding in higher education focus on external branding or image-building towards external stakeholders such as students. Internal branding is an underexplored topic, even though it should be considered as important as external branding. Internal branding is about achieving the necessary internal support for the external brand. Drawing on the theoretical concept of discursive legitimation, we explore the strategies that contribute to an internally supported new brand with student diversity as brand value. We conducted a case study of a Flemish university college that has (largely) succeeded in achieving internal support for its new external brand of student diversity. Analyzing the case from the perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis, we specifically zoomed in on the dialectical tensions underlying the discursive legitimation of this new brand. We identified three specific tensions, which illustrate the inherent complexity of the internal branding process: authorization as (dis)empowerment, normalization as (dis)empowerment and moralization as (dis)empowerment.  相似文献   

This study provides an understanding of the current social media landscape for higher education institutions. While it is recognized that consistency in school branding across all communications with stakeholders is important to attract and retain students, relatively little work has been done to determine specifically what type of content should be included in a school’s social media campaign, nor has there been an investigation as to the relative frequency of the content. The authors use content analysis to examine Facebook posts from 66 top US colleges and universities and engagement from their constituents on these posts. Results show that there are significant differences in engagement received on posts across institution type. Additionally, media type and posting frequency are factors that contribute to engagement. This study provides direction on how university social media managers can better manage their social media content to improve engagement and increase the reach of their posts.  相似文献   

坚持就业为导向,加强就业品牌建设,努力打造就业品牌特色,充分发挥就业品牌效应,促进毕业生充分就业、顺利就业,是高校提高毕业生就业质量、实现高校可持续发展的需要。就业品牌的内涵丰富广泛,包括品牌专业、品牌服务和特色教育三个方面的内容,而打造高校就业品牌需要从三方面入手:建设品牌专业,形成核心竞争力;打造品牌服务,建设就业服务品牌;培育特色校园文化,提升品牌内涵。  相似文献   

于潇 《闽江学院学报》2014,35(6):94-100
随着互联网技术的迅速发展和智能手机的普遍应用,社会化媒体成为消费者接收和发布信息的重要媒体平台.消费者对于旅游品牌信息的认知接触行为发生了巨大变化.武夷山作为福建省拥有世界级自然遗产和文化遗产旅游资源的重要景区,其品牌传播应借助社会化媒体平台所具有的参与、公开、交流、对话、社区化、连通性的特点,提升旅游者对武夷山的体验水平,发挥意见领袖的作用,营造良性口碑传播环境,吸引国内外旅游者关注,提高品牌知名度和美誉度.  相似文献   

以福建原动力奥迪卓悦车主俱乐部为例,在调查线下品牌社群汽车俱乐部车主的品牌感知度和忠诚度的基础上,构建品牌社群、品牌感知度和品牌忠诚度三者之间的递进模型。研究表明,一个良好的品牌社群能够对车主的品牌感知度和品牌忠诚度产生巨大的影响,并有益于销售量的提升。建议线下汽车品牌社群可以针对自身社群车主的喜好,推出圈层式的创新服务和独特福利,为车主创造自由共享的空间,并结合线上虚拟社群,进一步满足社群成员在心理和物质等方面诉求。  相似文献   

为确定媒体品牌资产的内涵并建立在各媒体类型中通用可靠的媒体资产量表,研究采用问卷调查法收集受众对所建构测量项目的认知与评价后,通过对数据的验证性因子分析检验量表的适确性.研究结果显示:媒体品牌资产由品牌忠诚、主观质量、品牌意识/联想三个维度组成,具体指标包括对媒体的优先选择性、第一选择性、忠诚倾向、整体质量评价、同类媒体质量比较、标识回忆易度、熟悉度、内容了解程度和特征联想强度;以上量表在三种媒体类型(电视、报纸、网络)中都适用.  相似文献   

品牌是企业的无形资产,它是企业的核心。品牌管理对于企业更加重要,产品日益同质化的市场竞争主要表现为品牌的竞争。目前中国企业面临的管理问题之一是对品牌管理重视度不足。从品牌的建立、成长、忠诚、退化来分析我国企业在发展中应采用的策略以及如何来管理和维护品牌。品牌生命周期各阶段顾客对品牌的认知和态度各异,企业在品牌管理活动中应当依据各阶段顾客品牌态度的不同,采取相应的品牌战略,推动品牌的发展。  相似文献   

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