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学生品德不良主要是指学生经常违反道德准则或犯有较严重的道德过错,有的甚至处在犯罪的边缘或已经有轻微的犯罪行为.作者分析的是教育工作者采取的措施.大量教育实践证明,品德不良行为是可以得到矫正或改善的,关键在于根据有关心理学、教育学有关理论采取符合学生心里活动规律和个性、年龄特点的教育措施矫正学生品德不良行为.  相似文献   

中学生的自尊心较强,性格可塑性较大,只要教师弄清学生不良思想的具体情况,了解清原因,采取符合学生心理特点的教育方法,学生的品德不良行为是可以矫正的。我认为.学生不良品德的矫正可以从以下阶段和步骤进行:  相似文献   

品德不良学生是指经常违反社会道德行为规范,或犯有较严重道德过错的学生,其中包括后进生和部分失足者。矫正学生的不良品德,需要教师分析其表现及成因,依据他们的心理特征,采取有效的方法进行矫正。只要教师坚定信心,采取符合学生心理活动规律和特点的教育方法,学生的不良品德是完全可以矫正的。一、传递正确的道德信息,培养正确的道德评价能力道德认识是道德行为的基础,一个人有了正确的道德认识和独立的道德判断能力,才能有正确的道德行为,否则,就不能  相似文献   

品德不良对大学生个体的成长,以及教育目标的实现都会造成巨大的影响。文章对大学生品德不良的成因进行深入剖析,认为高校教育者应从道德认知、道德情感、道德意志、道德行为等方面给予帮助,从而矫正其品德不良行为,促进大学生良好品德的形成。  相似文献   

青少年品德不良行为与干预策略研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章在分析了青少年学生品德不良行为现状及其原因的基础上,讨论了对品德不良学生的干预策略,特别强调了必须依靠社会、学校和家庭各方面的积极配合,采取协同一致的教育措施,才能收到预期的效果。  相似文献   

王柏 《考试周刊》2012,(72):191-192
即时观察发现学生的不良行为,并加以教育、引导、转化,对学生健康成长特别重要。本文对学生不良品德的表现形式、形成的因素及对其矫正方法作了分析。  相似文献   

当代中学生不良品德行为的存在是国家发展、社会进步的隐患,学校如果不及时加以矫正.其后果不言而喻。本文针对这一问题从初中生品德不良行为产生的原因和造成初中生品德不良行为的心理因素两个方面进行了分析:同时又从激发学生改变不良品德行为的强烈心理动机和抓住有利时机促进不良品德行为的转化两个角度提出矫正策略.希望能给广大教师一点...  相似文献   

职业学校的品德不良学生,是指经常违反社会公德行为规范,或犯有较严重道德过错的学生。学生品德不良往往是在某种客观条件的影响下逐渐形成的。本具体分析了职校生不良品德形成的主观原因和客观原因,进而论述了职业学校矫正学生品德不良的教育对策。  相似文献   

良好的品德对小学生的身心健康成长具有重要的积极意义,因此,在小学教育中,教师要注重对小学生良好品德的培养。影响小学生品德发展的因素很多,其中最重要的三个要素是道德心理、道德环境、道德评价,教师要想做好德育工作,就必须加强对学生良好的道德心理的培养,采取各种措施使道德环境得到优化,并完善道德评价机制,使三个要素互相促进,从而提高整体的德育质量。  相似文献   

品德,又叫德行,通常是指人依据一定的社会准则和规范,表现出来的稳定的心理特征和行为。培养学生优良的品德是实施素质教育的一项极其重要的任务。从我国的教育和培养目标中,培养学生德、智、体、美、劳全面发展可以看出,培养学生良好的道德排在首位,可见其重要性。学生的良好的道德品质不是自己形成的,而是需要教育和引导的,不良品德的形成也是有原因的,对学生品德不良的原因及其矫正的探讨十分有必要。本文通过阐述学生品德不良的原因,学校、家庭和社会的影响,进而得出对学生品德不良的矫正,进一步强调培养学生良好道德品质的重要性。  相似文献   

When solving a scientific problem through experimentation, students may have the responsibility to design the experiment. When students work in a conventional condition, with paper and pencil, the designed procedures stay at a very general level. There is a need for additional scaffolds to help the students perform this complex task. We propose a computer environment (copex-chimie) with embedded scaffolds in order to help students to design an experimental procedure. A pre-structuring of the procedure where the students have to choose the actions of their procedure among pre-defined actions and specify the parameters forces the students to face the complexity of the design. However, this is not sufficient for them to succeed; they look for some feedback to improve their procedure and finally abandon their task. In another condition, the students were provided with individualized feedbacks on the errors detected in their procedures by an artificial tutor. These feedbacks proved to be necessary to accompany the students throughout their experimental design without being discouraged. With this kind of scaffold, students worked longer and succeeded better to the task than all the other students.  相似文献   

作文教学过程实际是一种对话过程,包括教师与学生的对话,学生与生活的对话,学生与内心的对话,作者与读者的对话。  相似文献   

不断发生的大学生因考试舞弊而受到严厉处罚,继而把学校告上法庭,高校在处罚作弊学生时由于程序瑕疵而败诉,昭示了校园领域正当程序缺位问题。本文通过透视高校学生考试作弊处罚对正当法律程序的要求,明确提出完善惩罚学生考试作弊的对策与建议:设立专门的申诉机构和听证机构;尽早出台全国统一的《考试法》;处罚时应遵循正当法律程序,尊重和保障学生之合法权益。  相似文献   

高校学生评教指标体系的构建——以湖州师范学院为个案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校组织学生对教师的教学行为及其态度、水平、效果等方面进行评价,并在客观分析评价结果和学生意见的基础上向教师反馈并提出改进要求.有助于引导教学改革的方向和进程.在立足于本校特色和学生评教工作操作实践基础上,采用简化指标、直观打分和增设"主观评价"栏等方式.创新构建具有鲜明个性、科学合理的学生评教指标体系,以期更好地使学生评教服务于学校课堂教学质量的提高.  相似文献   

数学课堂教学不仅是传授知识、形成技能、发展智力的过程,而更是教师引导学生经历数学化的过程,是促进学生全面、主动发展的过程,是承认学生差异、张扬学生个性的过程,是学生之间自主交流、合作探索的过程,是落实德育教育的过程,是理论知识和生活问题密切联系的过程,是数学课程资源的开发、利用、拓展的过程,是数学教师专业化发展的过程.  相似文献   


In this article, we describe an investigation in which a teacher taught four students with moderate mental retardation to read sight words using a progressive time‐delay procedure. Definitions of the target words were presented incidentally in the consequent statement. Through the small‐group arrangement, students had the opportunity to learn through observation the other students' target words and incidental information. All students acquired their target words and at least 50% of the incidental and observational words and definitions to which they were exposed. We interpret these data as suggesting that teachers should systematically include related nontargeted information in their instruction and provide opportunities for observational learning to occur.  相似文献   

Student college choice sets: Toward an empirical characterization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates the nature of student college choice sets. Data on 599 students from several different communities in one suburban Philadelphia county are examined by a mode, cluster analytic procedure. The results indicate that students can be grouped according to their similarity in types of institutions to which they send their test scores. Specifically, there appear to be no more than eight stable choice sets, dominated primarily by larger institutions of moderate quality and cost approximately 150 miles from the students' homes  相似文献   

The training of effective teachers has been one of the main aims of educational systems, in so far as it could be an important tool to improve the education performance of children and, consequently, contribute to their career progression and foster social mobility towards a more meritocratic society. The present study intends to identify these teachers by their ability to engage young students in lessons, which may reflect the capacity of their teaching practices and efficient use of available resources to increase students’ learning. We focus on 4th-grade reading and mathematics teachers in Spain – using TIMSS and PIRLS 2011 data – and we propose a 2-step procedure for this analysis: the 1st step obtains teachers’ efficiency scores, which are later employed in a 2nd step – together with teachers’ practices – to explain children’s engagement in lessons.  相似文献   


Adjustment in university students admitted based on their high school counselors' or advisors' recommendation is an issue for revealing the appropriateness and fairness of the nontraditional admissions procedure. The newly-issued admissions procedure in Hong Kong has not been subject to empirical investigation. To evaluate the procedure, the present study surveyed 21 new students admitted by high school principals' recommendation and 29 of their classmates admitted by traditional means. They generated 93 cases from three waves of surveys over one year. Analysis of the data controlled for all available background and academic factors and random disturbances due to students and their groupings with their classmates. It revealed no significant effect due to nontraditional admissions on the student's grade-point-average, attachment, and adjustment in academic, social, and personal-emotional aspects. Moreover, detailed analysis discovered only a few significant differentials in the admissions effect due to background and academic factors. Thus, the nontraditional admissions procedure appears to be effective and fair.  相似文献   

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