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本文主要通过文献资料法、访谈法,深入分析羽毛球运动对少儿社会适应能力的影响。研究表明:羽毛球运动有助于提高少儿的独立生活能力、运动能力、人际交往能力、作业完成能力及自我管理能力等。因此,羽毛球运动能够改善和加强少儿的社会适应能力。  相似文献   

小摄影师简介 李小楠 山东省济南市燕山学校学生,曾担任第45届世界新闻比赛儿童评委会主席。小学二年级开始学习拍照,从此背着相机去上学。课余时间,他手拿相机穿梭于校园,记录了生活中的感人故事和有趣瞬间。组照《我的小学生活》荣获全国少儿摄影大赛金奖。  相似文献   

少儿舞蹈以其独特的艺术特色,对培养少儿动作的协调能力、反应能力,对提高少儿的 观察力、模仿力、感受力,对增进少儿的表现力和表演欲望都有着积极的作用。健康的 少儿舞蹈教育,有助于引导孩子教育投资向质量成本转移,有助于转变广大群众的婚育 观念,有助于良好人口环境的形成。  相似文献   

2002年,获“绿星星”国际少年儿童书法摄影大赛辅导奖一等奖;2002年、2004年分别获全国“星星河”少年儿童美术书法摄影大赛辅导奖一等奖;2004年,公开课《待配画》获全国第二届少儿美术杯优秀课例大赛二等奖。辅导学生美术作品发表于国家级杂志7件,省级杂志3件,市级6件.各级各类少儿给画比赛获奖项280余人次。  相似文献   

少儿舞蹈人才的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾建文 《河北教育》2005,(15):35-36
少儿舞蹈是我国舞蹈艺术的一个重要组成部分,是属于孩子的艺术,是孩子们生活形象化的一种表现方式,也是少儿心智具体化的一种外延形态,同时又是作用于少儿意识的一种教化手段。对于少儿舞蹈来说,无论是创作,还是表演、观赏、教学,一旦离开少儿群体,必将蹈入天殇的境地。只有加快培养优秀少儿舞蹈人才,才能推动少儿舞蹈的不断向前发展。  相似文献   

10岁的乔独行,是合肥市西市区稻香村小学五(1)班学生。他的摄影作品《姐姐,别嫌少》在全国2.6万名少儿的十几万幅参赛作品中脱颖而出,获得2001年全国少儿“留驻爱的瞬间”摄影大赛一等奖,并应邀赴北京参加颁奖活动。  相似文献   

少儿舞蹈是音乐教育中的一部分,是一种美育形式,它对少儿的智力发展、道德养成、意志品质的培养、身体素质的提高、审美能力的培养等,具有课堂教育所无法代替的积极作用。少儿舞蹈是舞蹈艺术一种,它不仅贴近少儿的生活,而且处处闪耀着少儿的心理特征,散发着充满真、善、美的童心体验和审美追求,给少儿一种强烈的新奇感、诱惑感和亲近感,从而在少儿中形成一种追求美感的共鸣。凡是清新悦目、动人心弦的好作品,无不渗透着童趣性、童知性、童幻性和童乐性的完美统一。为提高少儿舞蹈教学的水平,舞蹈教师要了解幼儿生理、心理特点与实际动作的发展和接受水平,明确少儿舞蹈的教育作用,为以后的舞蹈教育教学、创作打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

崔智 《辅导员》2011,(33):66-67
摄影是认识和反映社会现实的形象化手段,也是蕴含审美理想和审美价值的艺术形式,它源于生活又高于生活,具有较强的艺术感染力。作为一门融科技与艺术于一体的特殊学科,摄影教育在青少年教育方面有其独特的功能和意义。基于深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育的需求,深入分析和发掘摄影的教育功能具有重要而深远的意义。摄影教育有助于青少年培养发现美、把握美和创造美的能  相似文献   

儿童智力玩具是少年儿童在成长过程中不可缺少的伙伴,是早期教育生动的教材。儿童智力玩具对少年儿童身心发育具有重要意义,它有助于扩大眼界,发展少年儿童的观察力、注意力、记忆力和思维想象能力;可培养少年儿童之间团结友爱、爱护公物等良好品格;可使少儿情绪愉快并得到美的艺术享受;有利于少儿肌肉锻炼,促进发育;同时玩具还是促进少儿智力发育的钥匙。因此少儿图书馆开发儿童智力玩具文献,就显得尤其重要。  相似文献   

公共图书馆提供丰富多彩的少儿服务及活动,指导少儿在良好的环境中健康成长,让公共图书馆成为少儿学习、娱乐、长知识、受教育的乐园。基于此,通过剖析少儿自主阅读的缺陷及相关少儿服务的开展,提出几点建议,以期有助于公共图书馆为少儿提供更多更好的服务。  相似文献   

This article explores the use of children’s photography as a method for conducting mathematics education research with young children. Collected as part of a study focusing on the experiences with measurement children have at the start of schooling, the photographs presented here were taken by children aged five and six years, from two Australian primary schools. The children took a digital camera home and were asked to photograph things that they considered to be related to measurement. While the intended use of the photographs was to provide insight into the types of experiences children have with measurement in the home context, an additional outcome to emerge from the research was a deeper understanding relating to the strengths and weaknesses of using children’s photography and photo elicitation as a research method with young children. This article presents some of the insights gleaned from this mathematics education research, and examines the use of children’s photography and photo elicitation as a research strategy for working in early years research contexts.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the uses of photography in some research into domestic crafts in Brazil. This research, which included fieldwork and curriculum development components, was carried out with the aim of investigating crafts five women practised in their homes in Santa Maria and celebrating them in art lessons in primary schools. Photography was used in the fieldwork part of the research to collect visual data about the women and their crafts and to develop a visual resource for use by art teachers. In the curriculum experiments it was used by school children to record aesthetic aspects of their homes. This paper reflects on and compares the different kinds of photographs taken by the researchers, the women and the children and some strengths and weaknesses of using photography as a data collection tool in art education research.  相似文献   

Over the last few years we have engaged children and young people in participatory photography projects in a diverse range of international contexts. The projects, diverse as they are, have been school-based and primarily focused on students' experiences of educational inclusion/exclusion. Photographs taken by students can stimulate conversations in which different perspectives are shared and considered. Whilst this process is meaningful within a local context, it is also compelling to reflect more widely on what children and young people's photographs and commentary (and through these their interpretations of their educational experiences) have to tell and, indeed, show us about educational inclusion globally. In this paper, we begin by explaining what we mean by the term 'educational inclusion', and consider what methodological relevance the participatory photography has for engaging in research with children and young people about their educational experiences. We then briefly describe the contexts of the projects this paper draws on, which took place in the UK, Zambia and Indonesia. In the main body of the paper, we will look across these international projects and consider a selection of students' photographs and interpretations in relation to several broad themes about educational inclusion which they suggest.  相似文献   

新媒介的迅速发展对传统纸媒造成很大的冲击,媒体间的竞争也越来越激烈,对新闻摄影工作者要求也更高。而国内的新闻摄影教育一直发展缓慢,已经不能满足媒体对新闻摄影人才的需求,新闻摄影教育改革势在必行。可从舆论导向、系统科学的专业建制、合作办学这三方面寻求新闻摄影教育改革与创新的新思路新方法。  相似文献   

This is the first public output of the joint Arts Council/University of Portsmouth research project into photography teaching in GNVQ Art and Design and Media Communications and Production. It reports principally from various contacts and interviews in the first six months of the project and from the results of a questionnaire survey of art and design lecturers involved in GNVQ. The paper suggests that the increasing significance of photography in artistic cultural and social practices is not adequately reflected in formal education. It describes a variety of aims and practices in those institutions involved in GNYQ, although we have found little collaboration between art and design and media courses. In some art and design courses, photography functions mainly as an aid to research and preparatory work, elsewhere we found lecturers willing to describe it as ‘an art form in its own right’ or as a ‘fundamental part’ of the art and design curriculum. We report on the resource implications of offering substantial photography courses. some preliminary findings about the kinds of students studying art and design GNVQ, and the perceived value of official publications. The question of choosing ‘A’ level or GNVQ is raised, as is the issue of progression. We have found expectations that GNVQs will become a regular route into HE although their currency is not yet clear. Although we report difficulties with GNVQs in art and design, and more specifically with photography, we also record comments which indicate some reasons for optimism.  相似文献   

The Arts Council run Chrisi Bailey Award for young people's photography in schools is now entering it fifteenth year. The spirit of the award remains that of Chrisi Bailey's own view of photography as, an active medium of participation, through which the child can make discoveries, record and communicate about themselves and the world around them. This paper uses the work of the Chrisi Bailey Award as a kind of historical record, an archive, which can now be looked at in terms of changes in photography, representation and education. It asks three related questions. What view of creative, educational practice is present in the school projects? What view of representation is encoded in the selected images? What view of photography and its technologies are embedded in the children's practices? Through answering these questions the paper attempts to chart continuities and changes in our understanding of the cultural politics of self‐representation and the effects of digital technologies upon photographic practice. The paper reflects upon the tradition of photography in education and attempts to update its agendas.  相似文献   

商业儿童摄影行业的繁荣带动市场对儿童摄影师的岗位需求。该文从儿童摄影师的工作内容、职业特点和儿童摄影师的在校教育与实习训练三个方面对商业儿童摄影师的人才培养进行探讨,旨在对现行的摄影专业人才培养提出参考,拉近学校教育与社会需求的距离。  相似文献   

数字式高速摄像测试技术是一项高科技测量技术,其在军事研究领域具有广泛应用。为保证高速摄像测试的顺利进行,尝试了一种计算方法,能够在已知拍摄目标范围下得到镜头焦距和物距;对高速摄像软件设置及新型数据分析软件进行了介绍,以实际应用说明,该计算方法的可行性和数据分析软件的高效和精准,为高速摄像测试技术及应用提供参考。  相似文献   


At the 1900 Paris World’s Fair, Frances Benjamin Johnston, one of America’s first women photographers, played a key role in publicising in Europe American progressivism and emancipation in education. Through displaying photographs taken in the Washington DC public schools, she revealed to the international audience how American progressive reformers were aiming at providing a freer, more child-centred and democratic education to children in the public schools. Such pioneering effort to disclose these accomplishments was met with considerable interest and laudatory comments from French officials and school professionals. Being a prominent character in American photography, Johnston’s life and work have long aroused the interest of historians of art and women. However, her role in publicising progressive education’s ideals and emancipatory dimensions remain an understudied and yet important topic in order to analyse the transnationalising of American progressivism in education. Using archival and primary sources from the French and US governments, this article analyses the reception of the American educational exhibit displayed at the 1900 universal exposition in France. It thus aims at highlighting the ways in which photography was used as a powerful medium to document, spread and propagandise American reform effort in education across the Atlantic.  相似文献   

发挥图片摄影优势 推进郴州旅游发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图片摄影,是旅游风景区的名片,是旅游文化的载体。它不仅是宣传推介旅游产品的重要媒介,而且是极具开发价值的旅游产品。因此,发挥图片摄影的功能,开设摄影旅游专线,举办郴州风光专题摄影大赛,发展壮大本土摄影队伍,建立郴州旅游资讯网站,保护好郴州的原生态自然环境等,是推进郴州旅游业发展的重要方略之一。  相似文献   

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