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于福状 《科幻画报》2022,(9):142-144
Python是人工智能的首要编程语言,是初中信息教学当中的重要学习内容,该语言具有极强的可读性、简洁性、可拓展性,这一语言特征与初中阶段学生的身心发展规律和学习认知规律相匹配,但是同时也存在一个难题,即初中阶段学生本身的编程基础比较薄弱,如果采用传统的教学模式推进教学,很难保证Python编程教学质量,所以通过长期的教学实践发现,可以将项目化学习模式运用在Python编程教学中,具体应该立足于学生的实际情况,以项目式学习理念为导向,设计Python编程教学方案,推进Python编程项目式教学活动,让学生积极参与到整个过程,从不同的维度促进学生的全面发展。本文就是基于此,对初中Python编程项目式学习教学模式展开深度的分析和探究。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,信息水平的提高,培养学生信息素养已经逐渐成了当下信息教育的重要内容.而对于初中生来说,由于他们对计算机信息技术还比较陌生,学习编程就难免会出现一定的困难.因此,利用一些通俗易懂且能吸引学生学习兴趣的方法来进行编程教学就显得尤为重要.而编程猫作为一种图形化编程软件便成了大多数教师的首选.下面,笔者将主要阐述编程猫软件教学的优势,并且列出了当下初中编程教学中所存在的几个问题,最后提出了如何利用编程猫图形化编程软件培养学生信息素养的几点策略.其最终目的在于提高学生学习兴趣,进而培养学生核心信息素养.  相似文献   

周智辉 《高教论坛》2005,(6):165-166
结合土木工程专业桥梁工程毕业设计,分析了毕业设计中培养学生编程能力的意义.同时,总结了作者指导学生编程过程中的一些心得体会,希望能为指导学生编程学习提供参考.  相似文献   

通过分析学生对新知识的认知规律,通过案例介绍关联案例循序渐进法在程序设计教学中的应用,引导学生产生学习计算机编程的兴趣,由浅入深逐步掌握编程的基本知识和程序设计技巧。  相似文献   

在软件编程技能培养中,要培养学生的编程思想和编程感觉;要善于使用实例来激发学生的学习趣味;要求学生善于分析编程过程中出现的问题,要求学生多读源程序;思路的讲解要与学生的认知规律结合起来;还要善于把复杂问题的讲解简单化、具体化、实例化、通俗化。  相似文献   

康建朝 《电化教育研究》2021,42(8):101-107,115
计算思维被认为是学生应当具备的基本素养与能力,编程教育是培养计算思维的重要途径.欧盟多国重视编程教育,芬兰成为欧盟首个以完全"跨学科"方式在中小学融入编程教育的国家.芬兰通过国家课程顶层设计、多样化项目开展及教师专业培训等多维举措,促进编程教育落地.芬兰中小学编程教育有着多方面特征,包括指向计算思维培养、课程设置尊重学生发展规律、重视教师在职培训、注重项目持续开展等.芬兰的做法给我国带来一定启示,包括将计算思维和关键能力培养作为编程教育的根本着力点,课程设置注重编程语言学习规律及其与特定科目融合的匹配度,线上线下结合开展实操性教师培训为编程教育提供专业保障,注重开展实证研究引领支撑编程教育项目持续深耕,基于编程教育内在价值澄清构建多方主体合作机制等.通过对重要文献、政策、官方权威信息的广泛搜集梳理,旨在对芬兰中小学编程教育背景、实践路径及主要特征予以探究,以期对我国中小学编程教育切实落地有所启示.  相似文献   

校本特色低年级编程课程“小小编程家”以发展学生的计算思维、开拓新的能力素养为目标,为学生在中高年级学习新技术、形成创新能力蓄力。教师要从实际教学问题中,延伸出探索低年级学生学习编程核心能力——观察力,围绕学情特点,运用创设情境、具化问题、个别指导与合作学习相结合等方式,引导学生明确观察目的、积累观察反思,在多感官优化中开拓认知角度、探索本质规律。  相似文献   

如何在计算机教学中培养学生的编程能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
编程能力是程序设计类课程的培养目标.以往我们的学生虽然学习了很多程序设计课程,却在毕业时普遍存在编程能力弱的现象.这就迫切要求我们在培养学生的教学过程中改变思路,对教学方法、教学手段进行变革.提高学生编程能力,扭转毕业生就业困难的局面.  相似文献   

心理效应是社会生活当中较常见的心理现象和规律,是某种人物或事物的行为或作用,引起其他人物或事物产生相应变化的因果反应或连锁反应.计算机编程教学可以根据心理效应理论的基本原理.针对学生心理机能、学习目标性和学习情境等方面的实际,改进教学,提高效率.  相似文献   

项目教学法中项目载体是项目学习的核心。对于高职数控铣床(加工中心)编程与加工课程,项目载体的设计要具有针对性、适用性,要坚持典型性、综合性、层级性原则。据此,在项目载体的开发过程中。依据学生的学习特点和职业能力形成规律及知识的层级关系,设计了平面零件编程与加工等6个项目载体,从而增强了学生学习效果。  相似文献   

PLC是一门实用性很强的专业课,在教学过程中不能过于理论化,应注重工程应用能力的培养.研究将项目设计法引入到PLC的教学实践中,项目设计法将理论与工程实际紧密结合起来.实践证明,该方法突破传统教学模式的限制,利于学生综合能力的培养,提高了学生的学习兴趣,提高了教学质量.  相似文献   

随着我国经济发展,工业自动化技术提高,PLC技术被广泛应用于工业领域,而PLC课程恰是中职学校电子应用、机电技术应用等专业重要的基础课。随着PLC应用越来越广泛,采取一定教学策略,不仅能提高中职学校的PLC教学的有效性,还能培养学生学习能力及综合素质,为社会输出大量优秀人才,本文就PLC教学有效性的策略提高进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between a professional learning community (PLC), faculty trust in colleagues, teachers’ collective efficacy, and their commitment to students. The findings from exploratory factor analysis indicated that three clear components could be extracted from the scale of Professional Learning Communities Assessment (PLCA) in a Chinese setting. Multilevel analyses was conducted to investigate how school-level variables, including the three factors of PLC, faculty trust in colleagues, and collective teacher efficacy, affect teachers’ commitment to students. The findings from the Hong Kong teacher sample indicated that two PLC factors including collective learning and application and supportive conditions - structures, and the factors faculty trust in colleagues and collective teacher efficacy could significantly and positively account for the school-level variances of teachers’ commitment to students. Another PLC factor, shared and supportive leadership, was not identified as a significant predictor to teachers’ commitment to students in a Chinese setting. The findings of school-level regressions indicated that all three factors of PLC as well as faculty trust in colleagues could significantly and positively affect teachers’ collective efficacy on instructional strategies. However, only one PLC factor, collective learning and application, and the factor faculty trust in colleagues were significant predictors to teachers’ collective efficacy on student discipline.  相似文献   

陈缨 《甘肃高师学报》2004,9(1):116-118
音乐学习是促进音乐文化发展的重要基础。音乐学习理论来源于音乐学习同时又指导音乐学习。因而对音乐学习理论研究的重要途径是对音乐学习的心理因素及规律进行探索。音乐教师只有把握好学生的心理活动 ,才能科学地指导学生的演唱和演奏 ;学生懂得了音乐学习心理问题 ,才可以使自己更为积极地运用心理规律提高音乐学习效率  相似文献   

Students represent the majority of the people in a school organisation, but are rarely considered as participants in literature on professional learning communities (PLC). This article explored a PLC with the legitimate participation of students in the classroom. Data was based on interviews with 11 teachers. Community of practice theory provides 3 dimensions that were used as analytical tools: shared repertoire, mutual engagement, and joint enterprise. Shared repertoire refers to how teachers introduce and develop tools for learning; mutual engagement to how to establish relationships and atmosphere with a respect for learning; and joint enterprise to how students’ associations and experiences are used to shape content knowledge in planning for learning. We conclude that the theory of community of practice is useful to describe and understand the formation of a PLC.  相似文献   


Professional Learning Community (PLC) has steadily grown in importance over the last decade. The growing importance of PLCs lies in its potential to act as a lever for school-based curriculum development and innovation so as to provide diverse learning experiences to satisfy broader learning outcomes beyond academic achievements (e.g., the twenty-first century skills). The growth in PLCs implies greater time investment for teachers to come together to develop new curricula that engage students to meet these broadened set of learning outcomes. However, this also implies that new competencies need to be acquired to productively participate in PLCs. One essential competency is facilitating PLC conversations. This paper describes key findings drawn from participant observations with three Grade 5 PLC facilitators’ involvement in an intervention to explore how PLC facilitators can support teachers’ collective learning with one another on matters of teaching and learning. The findings from the study served to aid in generating a proposed intervention framework consisting of processes, principles, and practices that facilitators can use in PLC conversations.  相似文献   

从PLC理论-实践一体化教学的设计、实践、效果等方面进行研究,教学时以教师为引领、学生为主体,通过设定教学任务和教学目标,让学生在做中学、学中做,理论教学和实践教学交替进行,注重学生动手能力的培养,充分调动学生的学习积极性,使学生的知识水平和专业技能明显增强,进一步确定理实一体化教学中采用项目教学法对PLC教学效果的有效性。  相似文献   

Professional learning is intended to improve teaching, benefit student learning and in the longer term improve achievement of targets in schools. When teachers take responsibility not only for their own learning but also for their colleagues’, it can lead to a shift in attitudes towards collaborative learning. This study presents an example of a professional learning community (PLC) based on teachers’ engagement in systematic inquiries. The aim of the study was to explore crucial factors during the process of critical friendship that could be related to a PLC. The research context was a series of shadowing sessions where teachers were expected to document teaching and provide feedback. The analyses are mainly based on documentation, in the form of shadowing logs produced when teachers study each other in action. Findings indicate that the role of critical friend was hard to internalise and that most of the teachers did not use it to its full potential for learning, according to the Vygotskian concept of the zone of proximal development. Three crucial factors for learning in a PLC are addressed: active choices related to teachers’ and students’ learning during different phases in the inquiry; the complexity of mastering several skills in action research at the same time; and the teachers’ attitudes to professional learning.  相似文献   

Regulation of the learning process is an important condition for efficient and effective learning. In collaborative learning, students have to regulate their collaborative activities (team regulation) next to the regulation of their own learning process focused on the task at hand (task regulation). In this study, we investigate how support of collaborative inquiry learning can influence the use of regulative activities of students. Furthermore, we explore the possible relations between task regulation, team regulation and learning results. This study involves tenth-grade students who worked in pairs in a collaborative inquiry learning environment that was based on a computer simulation, Collisions, developed in the program SimQuest. Students of the same team worked on two different computers and communicated through chat. Chat logs of students from three different conditions are compared. Students in the first condition did not receive any support at all (Control condition). In the second condition, students received an instruction in effective communication, the RIDE rules (RIDE condition). In the third condition, students were, in addition to receiving the RIDE rules instruction, supported by the Collaborative Hypothesis Tool (CHT), which helped the students with formulating hypotheses together (CHT condition). The results show that students overall used more team regulation than task regulation. In the RIDE condition and the CHT condition, students regulated their team activities most often. Moreover, in the CHT condition the regulation of team activities was positively related to the learning results. We can conclude that different measures of support can enhance the use of team regulative activities, which in turn can lead to better learning results.  相似文献   

为改善传统教学采用单一教学方法的不足,在构建主义和知识共享理论的基础上,提出了基于Web前端技术课程的"三段式"教学改革方法,根据各阶段教学内容和学生知识体系的不同,采用翻转课堂、任务驱动、项目教学等不同的教学方法。实践证明,"三段式"教学既符合学生的认知规律,又有助于拓展学生的知识面和技能;既有利于提高学生的自主学习能力和创新能力,又能促进学生养成知识共享行为与习惯,最大程度地优化学生的学习路径。  相似文献   

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