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邹中娥 《阅读》2015,(14):34-37
阅读提示很久很久以前,有一个老鼠爸爸,他想要把他的女儿(daughter)嫁给世界上最棒的小伙子(the best man in the world)。但是,谁才是世界上最棒的小伙子呢?是太阳(sun)?是云(cloud)?是风(wind)?还是墙(wall)?Let’t read this story together!1I am a mouse father.I want to marry my daughter to the best man in the world.Who is the best man in the world?Oh!The sun!He must be the best man in the world.  相似文献   

Princess's Cat     
木槿  安培 《阅读》2008,(5):32-34
Long long ago, there was a very beautiful kingdom. But there was no cat in the kingdom. One day, an old grandma came there and brought a little cat to the king. He was very delighted, and gave the eat to his daughter, Princess Nana.  相似文献   

To start with, I compliment the Shanghai Municipal Port Management with its outstanding performance especially during the recent hectic years. It has brought the port to the top of the world league and it is likely that Shanghai will become the largest port of the world soon. Am I sad because Rotterdam will lose that tide after more than 40 years? No, just a little bit sentimental. More important is that Shanghai is not a com-  相似文献   

王昌兰 《阅读》2011,(Z1):60
Charles Dickens, one of the greatest English writer, was born in 1812, in one of the small towns of England. When Dickens was nine years old, the family moved to London, the capital of England. There were several  相似文献   

In class, the teacher pointed at (指向) the world map and said to the students, “Who can come to the blackboard and find America?” Then Jack came to the blackboard and showed them America. The teacher then asked, “Now could you tell me who found (找到) America?” “Jack!”everyone shouted.毛国锋供稿 Two children were admiring ( 欣赏) the famous statue (雕塑)by Rodin entitled(名为) The Thinker”.“What do you suppose(猜测) he’s thinking about?”said one. The other replied,“I should im…  相似文献   

允儿 《阅读》2014,(43):46-46
一、生活小常识。(选出相应的电话号码并将其序号填入空格中)(A.110 B.119 C.120 D.114)1.Your grandmother is very ill,which number do you need?2.You see a thief(小偷)on the way home,you want to ask the policeman for help.You can eall.3.The house you live in is on fire(着火).You are going to call  相似文献   

王奕之 《阅读》2016,(Z3):85
This Spring Festival,I went to the city of Harbin with my parents.It was very cold.But I had a lot of fun there.I was so impressive(印象深刻的)about the ice sculptures(雕塑).Artists(艺术家)created ice sculptures and combined them with colored lights to make a beautiful display.People from all over the world came to see the ice sculptures.They were very beautiful.Besides,my father taught me how to ski.It was difficult at first.But  相似文献   

小男孩布鲁,牛角吹起来。绵羊草地放,奶牛田里待。牧童在哪里?羊群谁看护?他在草堆里,美梦心甜甜。Little boy Blue, come blow his horn, The sheep's in the meadow, The cow's in the corn. Where is the boy? Who looks after the sheep? He's under the haystack, fast asleep.小男孩布鲁  相似文献   

My Dream     
傅钰 《阅读》2013,(30):44
I have a dream.I can travel around the world one day.I love nature(自然)because it has many beautiful and mysterious(神秘的)places.I want to be an explorer(探险家).I want to find beautiful places and let people feel the charm(魅力)of nature.I will try my best to fulfill(实现)my dream when I  相似文献   

公鸡来报晓,催人起得早。谁要睡懒觉,脑子不开窍;公鸡来报晓早睡又早起,有个好身体;早起又早睡,聪明又智慧。The cock crownsin the m orn,To tellustheTo tellus to rise.A nd he thatlies lateW illneverbe wise;For early to bed,A nd early to rise,Is the w ay to be healthy,A nd w ealthyand wise.公鸡来报晓  相似文献   

上课时,如果你有什么问题或请求,先举手(raise yourhand)。■提问题时说:Ihave a question.■回答问题时说:Iknow the answer.■听不懂时说:Ican’tfollow you.■看不见黑板时说:Ican’tread the board.■没有听清楚时说:I begyourpardon.或者:Pardon.■请老师再讲解一遍时说:W ould you please explain itagain?■万一坚持不住要上厕所,怎么办呢?M ay Igo to the bathroom?■It’s time for class.上课了。■Is everyone here?都来了吗?■Who’s on duty today?今天谁值日?■Have you worked out the problem?你解出这道题了吗?■Wha…  相似文献   

Nowadays, English has become an international languagewhich is spoken by about 265 millions of people in the world. InChina, there are increasing numbers of English learners, many ofthem, I believe, are interested in the language variety besides theEnglish grammar and vocabulary.In China, one thing that is important to us is where we arefrom, this is equally important to many English people. For manyof them, whatever happens to them in later life, and howevermuch they move house or travel, …  相似文献   

4,one‘s ewe lamb 某人的幼母羊。喻最珍爱的东西,最钟爱的人(或物1。据圣经引《旧约·撒母耳记》(the old Testament,Samuel)第12章记载:大卫(David)得了天下,作了以色列王。一天傍晚,大卫午觉醒来,到王宫的平台上散步,看见对面的窗子里有一个美貌的女人在沐浴。她那冰肌玉骨的肤色和优美绝伦的曲线使大卫顿时怦然心动。他问随从那个女人是谁,有人告诉他:“是以连的女儿,陛下忠实的士兵乌利亚的妻子拔示巴(Bathsheba)。”  相似文献   

Snow in Winter     
丁瑞阳 《阅读》2015,(Z2):73
Which season is it?Guess!Yes,you’re right.It’s winter.Look,a group of lovely snowflakes(雪花)are falling down slowly from the sky.They are lying on the ground quietly.The trees,the roads are all white now.It turns into a white world.  相似文献   

陈欣妤 《阅读》2014,(43):44-44
<正>My birthday is on the twenty-second of November.Last year all my good friends came to my home and we played together from morning to the evening.We played lots of games.Some of us liked the game"who is the undercover(谁是卧底)",some of us liked"truth or dare(真心话大冒险)".The two games were  相似文献   

<正>英国王室是世界上现存最古老的王室之一。你想了解这个特殊的大家庭吗?让我们一起去看看吧!Who Are the Main Members?主要家庭成员Queen ElizabethⅡwas Britain’s longestreigning(统治)monarch (君主).She has been the Queen for 70 years.She died at Balmoral Castle (巴尔莫勒尔城堡),Scotland (苏格兰)on the afternoon of September 8,2022,at age 96.  相似文献   

Travel with Lily     
让中国了解世界, 让世界了解中国。All overthe world we are the same.同学们, 让我们一起登上飞船, 跟随来自太空的 Lily 一起周游世界吧! Let’s go!  相似文献   

Travel with Lily     
让中国了解世界, 让世界了解中国。All overthe world we are the same.同学们, 让我们一起登上飞船, 跟随来自太空的 Lily 一起周游世界吧! Let’s go!  相似文献   

小朋友都知道华佗吧?他可是中国古代一位了不起的神医。华佗最近比较忙,你知道为什么吗?因为自从他最近的新门诊部英语门诊挂牌后,病人是络绎不绝。  相似文献   

在20世纪二三十年代的美国文坛,菲茨杰拉德占据着一个重要的位置,《了不起的盖茨比》是他最享有盛名的作品。《了不起的盖茨比》从创作思想和艺术风格两大方面,解析了菲茨杰拉德的写作特点。  相似文献   

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