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随着政府部门越来越多地利用网络向公民提供信息和服务,如何保障所有人都平等地利用政府提供的信息和服务成为讨论的焦点,政府网站无障碍建设是解决这一问题的重要措施.为了解我国政府网站无障碍建设水平,本研究通过利用网站无障碍检测工具检测了我国政府门户网站的无障碍情况,根据检测结果,判定我国政府网站无障碍建设现状,并分析了导致我国政府门户网站无障碍现状的原因.  相似文献   

政府门户网站信息无障碍利用是当前我国电子政务的重要内容,是政府实现公共服务均等化的需要,符合国际发展趋势.对比国内外政府门户网站信息无障碍利用现状得知,我国政府门户网站存在地域性差距大、相关法律法规与标准不完善、信息技术不成熟、投入与认识不足等问题,应从增强信息无障碍利用意识、健全信息无障碍利用法律法规与标准体系、完善...  相似文献   

网站无障碍目前已经成为信息无障碍利用中的焦点问题。世界范围内已经展开了对网站无障碍的研究。由于政府网站越来越多地提供公民在线利用信息和服务,基于信息公平的政府网站无障碍建设尤其重要和紧迫。文章选择了一些国外政府网站无障碍研究进行评述,分析其研究特点,提出了对我国政府网站无障碍研究的几点启示。  相似文献   

档案部门是政府信息公开的法定场所,担负着重要的信息公开责任.因而,档案网站需要通过信息无障碍改造来适应电子政务的发展趋势.为了解当前关于档案网站信息无障碍建设的研究状况,通过运用文献调查方法,发现关于该研究的论文成果仅有四篇,已有研究成果主要集中于无障碍建设的依据、无障碍建设的技术要求、改进网站信息无障碍建设的方法和档案网站建设等方面,与档案网站信息无障碍建设的关联性不明显.在今后的研究中,需提高对“无障碍建设”与“档案网站”之间的研究紧密性.  相似文献   

信息无障碍运动发展十年来,为残障人群融入社会、奉献社会和构建和谐社会作出了重要贡献,但是对于残障人群来说,信息障碍仍然存在.基于此,文章通过信息无障碍检测工具评估我国各类与残障人群密切相关的网站的无障碍现状,并与以前的评测结果相比较,据此分析现阶段我国信息无障碍存在的问题及原因,并提出了应对措施和解决办法.  相似文献   

信息无障碍是指信息的获取和使用对于不同的人群应有平等的机会和差异不大的成本。信息无障碍是保证人的信息获取机会公平的基本需要,也是保障弱势人群的信息获取权利、进而建设和谐信息社会的根本需要。信息障碍主要包括客体性障碍及主体性障碍。推进和完善我国的信息无障碍事业可以从改善客体环境和提高主体能力两方面来考虑。改善客体环境可从制度环境改善和技术环境改善两方面着手,提高主体能力重点是提高主体的经济支付能力和技术使用能力。  相似文献   

针对图书馆网站无障碍方面的问题,进行基于WCAG2.0信息无障碍的调查研究。结论是我国图书馆网站无障碍整体水平有待导提高。同时对在图书馆网站无障碍调查中发现的突出和容易被忽略的问题提出解决途径,以期使得我国图书馆网站无障碍得以规整与完善。  相似文献   

文章运用了文献分析法和调查研究法,对于国内外信息无障碍建设的背景及研究现状进行总结分析,重点采用了在线无障碍检测工具,了解我国省级公共档案网站信息无障碍建设的现状,分析调查结果,总结我国省级档案网站信息无障碍建设存在的问题,提出了针对性的建议,致力于改善档案网站信息无障碍服务水平。  相似文献   

我国信息无障碍运动研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息平等访问是信息社会中人人享有的基本权利之一,信息无障碍是保障这项基本权利的关键。通过对我国信息无障碍运动中涉及的概念介绍,阐述我国信息无障碍运动所蕴含的重大的实践价值和社会意义,回顾我国信息无障碍运动的发展历史和研究现状,最后提出推进我国信息无障碍运动的实践策略,以期促进我国信息无障碍理念深入人心,让信息无障碍惠及所有的群体,从而构建和谐信息社会。  相似文献   

阐述了政府网站提供信息无障碍服务的必要性,研究了政府网站无障碍信息的应用,从可感知性、操作性、理解性和兼容性四个方面进行了详细论述,对我国政府网站无障碍信息发展趋势进行了分析,列举了无障碍应用的成功案例。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]研究影响视障者访问公共图书馆网站的因素,并针对网站信息无障碍的设计提出具体建议和优秀范例,为图书馆网站更好地服务视障者提供借鉴。[方法/过程]首先,采用内容分析法和调查问卷法,从文献中整理出本研究参考的17项无障碍设计原则;其次,选择百度排名靠前的5家国内公共图书馆,邀请5位视障者利用读屏软件访问其网站并完成一系列任务,获知结果和总体评价;再次,参照LibQUAL+TM模式,针对17项设计原则设计调查问卷,让视障者对5家公共图书馆网站的各项服务进行评分。[结果/结论]通过对视障者的评价及评分进行综合分析,发现5家国内公共图书馆网站提供的信息服务离读者认为理想的服务水平还有差距,并从网站资源与网站操作两方面探讨影响视障者访问网站的因素,同时列举出国外优秀公共图书馆网站范例。最后,针对国内公共图书馆网站信息无障碍的设计提出加强网站首页的营销功能等10项具体建议。  相似文献   

Providing government information, services, products and transactions electronically has the potential benefit of accessibility for a wider audience, political and administrative transparency, and improved service delivery. By using e-government websites, citizens can conveniently access government information and services and gain greater opportunities to participate in democratic processes. The present study aims to evaluate National Portal of India, which provides single window access to 601 e-government portals and websites in India. A total of 1576 online services are provided by these portals responding to information needs of the citizens. Ranking of the state and union territory portals has been done based on the number of online services they provide. The paper also focuses on the digitization of documents, acts, rules and schemes of central and state government departments and their availability and accessibility through government portals.  相似文献   

Providing government information, services, products and transactions electronically has the potential benefit of accessibility for a wider audience, political and administrative transparency, and improved service delivery. By using e-government websites, citizens can conveniently access government information and services and gain greater opportunities to participate in democratic processes. The present study aims to evaluate National Portal of India, which provides single window access to 601 e-government portals and websites in India. A total of 1576 online services are provided by these portals responding to information needs of the citizens. Ranking of the state and union territory portals has been done based on the number of online services they provide. The paper also focuses on the digitization of documents, acts, rules and schemes of central and state government departments and their availability and accessibility through government portals.  相似文献   


The last decade has witnessed an exciting resurgence in poetry, which is due in part to its increasing accessibility on the Internet. The Web provides the text and criticism of well-known poems within the established canon as well as contemporary experimental verse that often challenges the notions of what a poem can be. This article discusses the development of traditional or academic poetry on the Internet while also covering the new cutting-edge verse that is expanding the genre into new poetic forms, and includes information on websites and databases that facilitate access to poems and poetry criticism.  相似文献   

State government websites are a main information portal for people. The primary objective of this study is to examine 50 U.S. state government websites to evaluate the status of their accessibility in comparison with federal government and randomly selected commercial websites. The results show a significant difference among the three groups (F(2, 101) = 11.81, p < 0.001) with respect to accessibility. In particular, the state and federal government websites provide more accessible service to their users than the commercial websites (p < 0.01). The most frequent barriers to accessibility found on state government websites are also listed here for web designers and developers to enable them to improve their quality of service in the future.  相似文献   

AIMS: In January 2004, the Italian government passed new legislation designed to give people with disabilities access to online services. Starting from the new legislation requirements, the purpose of this study is to investigate whether Italian Local Health Authorities websites are accessible to users with different abilities. METHODS: One hundred and seventy websites were analysed evaluating their compliance to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Priority 1 guidelines via a combination of appropriate accessibility testing methods. This review was carried out twice: the first time it took place between the end of 2003 and May-June 2004. The same survey was repeated again in December 2004, after the issuing of the draft of the Implementation Regulations for The Stanca Law in July 2004. In this second survey, all the websites analysed before were checked again to establish if some measures to make those sites accessible were taken. RESULTS: Seventy-six per cent of the analysed websites fail to satisfy the most basic W3C requirements, but Italian Local Health Authorities websites are likely to present significant improvements to access for some disabled user groups: the number of accessible websites increased consistently between the first and the second review. CONCLUSIONS: It seems that awareness of web accessibility issues is increasing among developers of health information websites because of law enforcement. Recommendations for future research and development are offered.  相似文献   

文章以美国城市公共图书馆协会146家图书馆为调查对象,借助无障碍评估工具WAVE对这些馆的网站主页进行测评,逐一开展网站访查和内容分析,统计为残障用户提供服务的情况。调查发现,美国城市公共图书馆网站达到《康复法案》Section 508中规定的信息无障碍标准的比例只有15%,“缺少表单标签”“链接图像缺少替代文本”等是常见错误;55%的图书馆网站主页有残障用户服务信息。我国公共图书馆应重视信息无障碍建设,遵循信息无障碍标准,定期进行审查与维护,借助信息无障碍技术提供残障服务。  相似文献   

U.S. federal websites are required to be accessible for people with impairments. However, despite the existing regulations and guidelines, many federal websites continue to be inaccessible, and accessibility policy statements available on federal websites often do not provide any useful information. This paper provides three contributions to the research literature: (1) an accessibility evaluation of 100 federal home pages using both human and automated methods, (2) a content analysis of existing website accessibility policy statements, and (3) a discussion of the relationship between actual Section 508 compliance and the existing accessibility policy statements on a website. The paper concludes with recommendations for improving policy related to Section 508 compliance for websites.  相似文献   

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