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美国的大多数特许学校在有关学校管理运作的关键方面有主要控制权 ,但在学校财务、学生学业成就、教学实践方面及合同遵守方面也承担着责任。我们有必要从学校、学校主管部门和州联邦政府三个层面来探讨美国特许学校运行机制问题 ,以便对我国的学校改革有所启示。美国各州或联邦《特许学校法》都规定 :特许学校要为公立学校建立一种新的绩效制模式 ,希望通过创造一种改革动力来促进教育体制的自我改进。根据“通用教育绩效制原则” ,特许学校注重增加教育透明度 ,即特许学校倡导者们称之为“通过透明度带来绩效制”① 。传统公立学校使用的…  相似文献   

特许学校是美国近十年发展起来的一种新型公立学校形式。本文在介绍绩效责任理论含义和特许学校运动发展的基础上,从“立法”和“特许”的角度论述了特许学校新型的绩效责任制度,并结合图表分析了它与传统公立学校绩效责任的差异,最后简单说明了特许学校是如何发展内外部绩效责任的。  相似文献   

特许学校是美国的一种新型公立学校,其经费来源有别于传统公立学校。本文首先分析了造成各州之间和一州之内特许学校经费差异的影响因素,在此基础上,介绍了特许学校收入的组成要素和各州特许学校经费制度的特征。这一制度与特许学校内外部的绩效责任也有着密切的联系,保证了特许学校对财政和经费负起直接的绩效责任。  相似文献   

美国各州的特许学校法因州而异,对特许学校的支持力度差异较大.本文从美国特许学校立法强弱与学校绩效之间的关系入手,以加州、纽约、德州三个具有代表性且立法等级不同的州进行比较,分析法律支持力度与特许学校绩效之间的密切关系,来说明立法支持对特许学校绩效的重要作用.  相似文献   

特许学校是美国的一种新型办学形式,与公立学校相比负有更大的绩效责任。本文详细地分析了特许学校的内外部绩效责任。  相似文献   

特许学校是美国20世纪90年代出现的一种新型公立学校.经过10多年的发展,特许学校的办学绩效引起了美国教育界的广泛关注.本文介绍了美国加州关于特许学校绩效分析的一份最新报告.  相似文献   

特许学校是美国公立教育改革的产物,其设立要经过州立法机关认可,申请人提出申请,签订契约,并在办学中承担绩效责任等程序,在现实中,特许学校在资金紧张,校舍狭小等各种问题,作为美国教育改革的重要成果,特许学校的一些基本经验值得我国借鉴。  相似文献   

一、特许学校的绩效责任 20世纪90年代兴起的特许学校中的“特许”二字,主要是指“促进公立教育体制的变革”。1991年,明尼苏达州制订了美国历史上第一个特许学校法令。次年,该州的两位教师创办了美国第一所特许学校——圣保罗城市中学。迄今为止,美国已有40个州及哥伦比亚特区通过特许学校立法。  相似文献   

作为美国基础教育改革运动的产物,特许学校近年来发展迅速,规模不断扩大。得克萨斯州是美国特许学校改革最为成功的实践者之一,通过对该州特许学校的类型、规模和绩效三个方面进行探讨,以期展现得克萨斯州特许学校的发展现状,对我国学校制度的改革和创新有所启发。  相似文献   

1991年,美国明尼苏达州制定了特许学校法,成为美国第一个通过特许学校法的州,次年有两位教师在本州开办了第一所特许学校——城市中学。自此特许学校这一新型学校风靡全美,引起并获得美国上自总统下至广大民众的关注和支持。同时各种针对特许学校的研究报告、论文也层出不穷,但是大多数研究将视点集中在特许学校的特点、类型、状况和绩效责任制的介绍和总结上。笔者认为,教育市场化理论与校本管理思想是特许学校横空出世的深层原因。  相似文献   

教育问责制:美国的经验及启示   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
教育问责制(accountabilityineducation)在美国发轫于20世纪70年代,是针对当时中小学校培养的学生不能满足家长和社会的要求而产生的。当时,教育问责运动无疑是一场“及时雨,”它让社会各方共同关注学校教育,从而让学校以更低的成本培养出更合格的学生,为美国社会的繁荣做出了不可磨灭的贡献。文章在介绍、分析美国教育问责制的基础上,为我国的中小学教育管理提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

教育问责的方式:西方的经验及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方教育语境中的教育问责是一种常态化、制度化的"问",即要求相关责任人对行为或事件做出描述、解释、证明。为了有效地问责,西方发达国家构建了多种问责方式,这些方式都有自己的理念和假设,以及相应的问责工具,问责的层次、对象、主体、后果也不同。阐释西方教育问责的涵义、方式和流程,对我国构建教育问责制有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,美国基础教育改革的重要特征之一就是越来越严格地推行问责制。问责制对美国的学校领导者提出了新的要求和挑战,极大地推动了美国学校领导发展的变革。这些变革主要包括:确立新的学校领导标准;提高入学标准;实施实践性教学策略;建立强有力的实习制度;大力发展在职学习。  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been an increase in students with refugee experience in the UK, the US, Europe and Australia. These students face many barriers to education, and appropriately educating this diverse student population presents many challenges to schools and education departments. We argue that a whole of school approach that includes school structures, culture and pedagogy is needed to provide equity for students with refugee experience. This approach to reform requires that the ‘structures and programs [that] are designed for a dominant group’ (DETE, South Australian Curriculum Standards and Accountability Framework, South Australia 2001), and which disadvantage minority groups, are challenged and changed. Implementing such change raises many practical difficulties, and there are few documented examples of good practice. This prompted the authors’ ethnographic study of a South Australian primary school, with a New Arrivals Program, which positions itself as taking a whole of school approach to educational reform for refugees. This paper reports on the structural changes the school has implemented in its class organisation, staff roles and curriculum. We consider the effects of government funding and neoliberal education policy on these reforms.  相似文献   

Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability - Accountability—the monitoring and use of student performance data to make judgements about school and teacher effectiveness—is...  相似文献   

In 2004, over 300 school districts in Texas challenged the constitutionality of the Texas system of school finance. In West Orange-Cove et al. v. Neeley et al., the plaintiffs argued that because most school districts were at or near a state-imposed property tax rate ceiling and because the share of state education funding was declining, most school districts had inadequate funds to satisfy the student performance standards mandated by the Texas Educational Accountability system. To address the empirical question of whether school districts have insufficient resources to meet the state's accountability standards, two cost function analyses were conducted. One study, entered into evidence by the state of Texas, reached the conclusion that "in aggregate, the level of education funding in Texas is more than sufficient to meet performance goals consistent with the state's accountability system." The other study, entered into evidence by the plaintiff school districts, concluded that, in aggregate, Texas school districts would need at least $2 billion in additional revenue to satisfy the requirements of the accountability system. In this article we describe the methodological similarities and differences between the two cost function studies and provide an assessment of why the two studies arrive at such different results. Based on the outcome of the case in district court-a victory for the plaintiffs-the article draws some lessons about the use of statistical-based models in a judicial setting.  相似文献   

深化办学体制改革 探索高等教育的新途径.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校二级学院是近几年兴起的一种新型办学模式,是国家实现高等教育大众化的重要途径.二级学院办学体制的实质就是利用原国有高校多年办学中积淀的无形有形资产,采用国家对民办高校的优惠政策,采取民办高校的办学运作机制,独立于母体高校的自主办学形式.因而这种办学体制具有办学起点高、见效快、易上规模、上档次等优势,因而集中体现了公立大学与民办大学的双重特点,是一种全新的办学形式.  相似文献   

Data on student achievement are increasingly being used to support effective policy and practice, and to move education systems towards more evidence-informed approaches to large-scale improvement. In this paper, we outline strategies used in Ontario, Canada to create, enhance and apply a range of data to support educational improvement. These strategies were intended to integrate the collection of data and its use at the three levels of school, district, and province. The strategy also included improving educator capacity to use data and the development of better analytic tools to understand data in context. Submitted to Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability  相似文献   

美国公立高校社会公责制的嬗变及探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着美国高等教育在战后的大发展,美国公立高校必须承担对政府、民意和纳税人说明责任的义务,社会公责制日渐成为美国高等教育管理的一种制度和手段。本文通过对美国高等教育发展进程中公立高校与相关利益方关系的探讨,分析美国公立高校履行社会公责制的动因以及历史嬗变。  相似文献   

A case study of a Latinx parent-school engagement program is presented illustrating how immigrant parents became collective political actors providing input into their California school district’s formulation of its Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The LCAP was part of newly adopted statewide Local Control Funding Formula policy providing supplemental funding to schools in support of services needed by students who were identified as low-income, English Language Learners (ELLs), and foster-care. The study investigated how Latinx parents developed a face-to-face understanding of the LCAP policy and planning process, and their rights and collective power as advocates for their children’s education. Focused attention is given to one parent group advocating for summer academic programs and how parents negotiated rhetorical and linguistic formulation of arguments in their letter petition to the local school board. In so doing, parents drew on their cultural funds of knowledge and developed sensitivity to the communicative practices of school boards, and to the need of parents to present their voice and stances persuasively and assertively indicative of their rights as community members. The study helps ground theories of political action in the face-to-face world of parent engagement programs.  相似文献   

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