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升麻为毛莨科植物升麻的根茎。别名绿升麻、鸡骨升麻。多年生草本,高1~2米。根茎为不规则块状,多分枝,呈结节状,有洞状茎痕,表面黑褐色,直径2~4厘米,须根多而细。主产于辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、河北、山西、陕西、四川、青海等省。  相似文献   

了解兴安升麻的研究进展。通过查阅文献资料对兴安升麻的化学成分、药理作用、栽培技术等方面进行总结分析,总结兴安升麻的研究发展。通过掌握兴安升麻的研究进展为项目开展及兴安升麻的开发利用提供参考。  相似文献   

HPLC法对关苍术须根与根茎化学成分的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨关苍术的须根与根茎是否具有相同的药用有效成分,为判定其须根的药用价值提供科学依据.方法:用HPLC法和UV法对关苍术的根茎和须根的主要成分进行比较研究.结果:关苍术须根与根茎中的化学成分有相似之处,并不完全相同,多数成分含量明显低于根茎.结论:关苍术须根不宜与根茎等同入药.  相似文献   

为探讨传统“棒打苍术”的采收加工方法的理论依据,利用了紫外分光光度法和薄层色谱法分析比较关苍术根茎及其须根的化学成分.结果表明二者所含成分基本相同,建议无须“棒打苍术”,须根可直接入药,为今后进一步研究和开发苍术的药用资源提供依据.  相似文献   

目的:探讨关苍术与朝鲜苍术中所含主要化学成分的异同点.方法:利用HPLC法对关苍术与朝鲜苍术的根茎及须根的主要化学成分进行分析比较研究.结果:二者所含的的主要化学成分相似,但指标性成分苍术酮的含量不同,其中关苍术中含量较高,而二者须根中均不舍苍术酮.结论:为关苍术与朝鲜苍术的化学成分进一步研究提供参考依据.  相似文献   

为探讨传统"棒打苍术"的采收加工方法的理论依据,利用了紫外分光光度法和薄层色谱法分析比较关苍术根茎及其须根的化学成分.结果表明二者所含成分基本相同,建议无须"棒打苍术",须根可直接入药,为今后进一步研究和开发苍术的药用资源提供依据.  相似文献   

单一的药物有各自的治疗作用,但若把某些药物按一定的剂量配伍应用则会相得益彰,效果更佳。有时会因彼此的配伍而治疗各自部不具有治疗作用的症状和疾病,这也是中医的长处之一。张家口医学院附属医院的王俊国老师根据自己的临床经验结合中医理论提出以“枳实15g、升麻10g、柴胡10g”治疗胃下垂的独特见解。即凡是胃下垂均用这三味药配伍,再根据症状及病史配伍其他的药物以辩证论冶。从临床观察,疗效显著。现举几例以  相似文献   

马头星云不发光,是黯黑的一片,所以叫暗星云。暗星云也是弥漫星云的一种。弥漫星云分为两大类,一类是亮星云,另一类是暗星云。鹰状星云、三叶星云和猎户座大星云都是亮星云。亮星云之所以能发光,是因为它们的附近有恒星照耀着它们。其实,暗星云和亮星云的物质成分  相似文献   

我国大学教学管理价值取向探源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕鹏 《教育探索》2012,(7):25-26
我国大学教学管理正面临体制改革问题,而从价值取向上对其进行探究,应是问题的本质.目前我国大学教学管理中价值取向主要在行政权力大于学术权力和“人性化”管理缺失这两个方面发生了偏离,故强化学术权力,坚持教学管理的人性化应是我们改革的价值追求.  相似文献   

一、根据少儿生理特点,在武术教学与训练中应注意以下问题: 1.培养良好体态,控制力量训练.少儿的骨骺比较柔软,软骨成分多,故弹性大而硬度小,不易折断但易弯曲变形.少儿的关节窝较浅,关节囊及关节周围的韧带较薄弱、松弛,故少儿的关节伸展性与活动范围较大,灵活性与柔韧性易得到发展,但关节牢固性较羞,在外力作用下轻易脱位.  相似文献   

This article explores the nature of education as a vital part of human knowledge. The argument that is presented addresses the critique of education as having epistemological weaknesses as an academic discipline. The argument is framed by scholarship that has categorised the discipline of education as derived from three main traditions of knowledge. In order to explore the coherence of education as a discipline, contrasts are made with other disciplines such as mathematics and sciences. The article also reviews scholarship in relation to the concept of education research that is close-to-practice, and the relevance of this to understanding education as an academic discipline. The article concludes by suggesting a new model that shows the relationships between practical knowledge and academic knowledge that are an intrinsic part of education. A more confident portrayal of education as an academic discipline is also advocated.  相似文献   

Understanding learning disabilities (LDs) as constructed through multiple cultural practices including discourse, this paper focuses on a Latino middle school student with a LD named Elijah. This study documents both the discourses and practices used to position Elijah as a mathematics learner, as well as his use of similar discourses as he constructs a complex set of self-understandings as a mathematics learner. Elijah is positioned by discourses that prioritise speed as an indicator of mathematical ability, as well as discourses that construct students with LD as having both intelligence and differences such as processing speed. An analysis of interview and observational data suggests that Elijah constructed a unique set of self-understandings as a mathematics learner. Like his sixth-grade special education teacher, Elijah seems to differentiate between knowledge and the performance of knowledge in school. He created a unique identity as both ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ in mathematics, rejecting the binary found in many mathematics classrooms. These findings suggest that multiple discourses circulate in schools about ability and disability in mathematics.  相似文献   

We explore the possibility of understanding teaching as a discipline in its own right, rather than as a domain that is ancillary to the many academic disciplines. While teaching looks easy and is widely regarded as easy, the image of teaching as transmission and the perspective of technical rationality mask the many ways in which challenging and engaging teaching represents a highly disciplined view. When extended to teacher education, the perspective of teaching as a discipline sheds powerful light on longstanding frustrations reported by those learning to teach. We argue for the conclusion that teaching is a discipline and that teacher education is the home of that discipline, with self-study as one of the central methodologies for making explicit the knowledge inherent in teaching seen as a discipline.  相似文献   

本文从“变废为宝”“亦药亦蔬”“杀虫农药”三个方面论述了中草药的综合开发前景广阔,大有可为。“变废为宝”举例说明了中草药的药用部位可以扩大,充分利用中药材资源。“亦药亦蔬”,说明了中草药作保健食品俯拾皆是。“杀虫农药”以实例说明中药不仅用来治疗人、畜疾病,也可作农药用于植物。  相似文献   

The adoption of educational policy measures to close the achievement gap, as well as the significant amount of scholarship dedicated to the subject, are just some of the indicators that reflect the tremendous concern in education about the academic performance of students of colour. Within research aimed at promoting equitable practices in education, culturally relevant teaching has emerged as a good teaching strategy to improve achievement. Using genealogical methods to examine the ways in which culture has become relevant to classroom practice, the author argues that that the perceived difference from white students that made it possible to conceive of children of colour as culturally deficit in the 1960s is also invoked in more recent literature that promotes attending to culture as an equity strategy. The take-up of culturally relevant teaching as something that a teacher can ‘do’, instead of a critical stance that a teacher takes, is also examined and critiqued.  相似文献   

罗常培先生在《唐五代西北方音》中分析汉藏对音材料时说,喻母三等的“往”本该读Ф,但在阿弥陀经中却象微母字一样读‘bwan,那是“误作”。而在今天的西安、渭南、富平等将微母与喻母分读的方言区,本该’Ф的“往”却象微母字一样读作了v声母。由此我们推测,大概早在唐五代时期,“往”在西北地区就:行了唇音声母的读法;陕北延川等地的“齐、净、栈、寨、歌谣”这些形容词或名词性词语,均有动词用法。并且,这些动词用法亦见于古代典籍。  相似文献   

This article investigates the metaphorical duality that exists when school subject departments are concurrently conceptualized as both communities and organizations. Employing a narrative methodology, we use the metaphorical duality to examine the manner in which science teachers negotiate two key aspects of their work; professional learning and teacher leadership. The reified meanings that the department (as community) negotiates are the foundations for the actions that the department (as organization) takes. It is this sense of understanding and commitment to the department as community that provides the department as organization with its political power within a school.  相似文献   

分析了C-Mn-Al系冷轧TRIP钢的组织和力学性能,结果表明,其成形性能与传统的C-Mn-Si系TRIP钢相当,同样可以产生明显的TRIP效应;试样的残余奥氏体体积分数为7.5%,说明在其它条件相同的情况下,Al元素的TRIP效应作用可以替代Si元素。  相似文献   

英语专业阅读教学还存在对语篇衔接不紧密、断章取义等问题,本文基于词汇这一元素,分以词汇为主导的任务型阅读模式、以词汇为杠杆的顺序式阅读模式和以词汇为根基的背景知识串联引导模式三个方面,探讨了英语专业阅读教学的模式,为提高英语专业阅读教学效果提供理论基础。  相似文献   

篇章逻辑与内容义旨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自古以来,大家都认为一篇辞章,首重其“内容”,而其“形式”是次要的。这虽是正确的看法,却隐藏有相当大的后遗症,即只重“内容”,而忽略了对“形式”之重视与研究。本文有鉴于此,便特别锁定辞章中的“篇章逻辑”与“内容义旨”二者,兼顾理论与实际,进行探讨,辨明它们是“内容的形式”与“内容的内容”的关系,以见两者是彼此依存,不可分割的。  相似文献   

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