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诊所法律教育(Clinical Legal Education)是20世纪60年代美国法学院兴起的一种法学教育方法,其产生直接受到美国民权运动的影响.民权运动促使美国律师和法学院的学生注重法律规则在实践中的运用,学生自发地为贫困人群免费提供法律帮助.这一举措使得美国法律界发现了司法体系和法学教育制度中存在的缺陷,思考法律教育在解决此类社会问题中应有的作用,于是法学院设立了诊所法律教育课程.该课程是学生在一个虚拟或真实的"法律诊所"(Legal Clinic)中,在有实践经验的教师指导下为处于困境的委托人提供法律服务.  相似文献   

我有幸于去年在美国明尼苏达州考察特殊教育。考察期间曾访问多种不同类型的学校及中心,感受颇深。美国的联邦康复法涉及到教育、就业、人权等,影响很大。在教育方面主要包括以下几个方面: △任何公立学校不得拒绝接受伤残儿童入学。每个伤残儿童都有权受到适当的免费教育,不论他(她)的伤残程度有多严重。  相似文献   

美国的教育提倡“合流”,也就是让残疾孩子尽可能在有特殊的额外的帮助下与正常孩子在一起上学。在美国,法律规定每个孩子有平等的受教育权利,学校拒收学生是犯法的。对于伤残儿童,学校还应付出更多的人力、财力、物力来满足他们的特殊需要,学校其他设施不管如何,没有残疾人通道(可供轮椅通过的代替台阶的坡道),学校第一验收就不合格。  相似文献   

法律诊所教育起源于美国20世纪60年代,主要是基于当时美国法学教育制度中理论和实际的严重脱离缺陷而产生.它能弥补法学实践教学的不足,激发学生学习主动性,培养学生适应社会的能力,同时能提高学生的道德素养.法律诊所课程应在大学三年级开设,注重诊所教师和学生的挑选,建立学生自我评价系统.  相似文献   

法律职业道德教育作为法律职业教育应当涵盖的重要内容之一,应当始于法律职业准入前,即学生在接受高等法学职业教育的同时,就应当接受法律职业道德教育。然而,我国的法学职业教育长期以来着力重视基本法律知识和基本理论的传授,却忽视了教导学生如何在将来的职业实践中运用这些知识来寻求现实法律的公正,如何保持职业的操守与规范,如何保证职业的廉洁性。美国的法学职业教育非常重视法律职业道德的教育与培养,对美国法学职业教育中的法律职业道德教育进行系统的深入分析,有助于拓展思路为完善我国法学职业教育中的法律职业道德教育体系所借鉴。  相似文献   

美国教师教育大学化形成的路径研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周钧  朱旭东 《高等教育研究》2005,26(12):57-63,68
美国教师教育大学化形成的四种路径是:(1)从师范学校到教师学院再到大学教育学院,(2)从大学教育讲座制到教育系再到大学教育学院,(3)大学直接建立教育学院,(4)文理学院建立教育系。美国教师教育大学化的意义在于,确立了教师教育在综合性大学和文理学院中的独立地位,确立了教师教育在高等教育学术科层结构中的位置。  相似文献   

本文作者系美国密执安州立大学教育学院助理教授、教育经济学博士。全文分:(一)引言,(二)人力资本理论,(三)七十年代国外教育经济学的新理论,(四)八十年代初期国外教育经济学的新研究,(五)结束语。五个部分,共二万六千多字。自本期起,本刊将连续刊载。  相似文献   

创业法律教育对学生的创业活动具有重要的意义。良好的法律意识和处理法律问题的能力需经过教育和培训方能获得,而合适的法律课程是关键。创业教育法律课程开发应以培养学生处理法律事务的综合能力为目标,而不是单纯地传授法律知识,因而学习领域课程开发模式非常契合创业教育法律课程开发的需要。该模式是将创业过程中所遇到的法律事务提炼进而转化成学习领域,再结合学生职业能力发展规律开发出创业教育法律课程。  相似文献   

今天的教育大改革不仅是总统州长关注的焦点,也是美国社会各界共同关心的问题.The Execu-tive Couneil of the American Federation of Teachers(即“美国教师联合会执行委员会”)1996年2月15日的会议就是其中一个典型的例子.执委会全面地讨论了美国教育现存的问题,把提高教育质量的决定性因素归纳到如下四点:(一)严格一致的评分标准,(二)由州政府决定的统一考试,(三)明确奖励学业进步,(四)给学生提供达到高标准的机会.下面,我们就这四个方面的因素来分析一下存在的问题,探讨一下改革的措施.第一,严格一致的评分标准.在美国的各级学校,教师目前最常使用的评分方法基本上有两种,一种是百分制.教师先按照学生卷面上正确答案的百分比给分,然后把小测验、期中  相似文献   

正重视基础教育、不断扩大学生的知识领域成为美国教育的一个特色,文理兼容、跨学科发展使学生的才智得到最大量的发挥。"有教无类"的教育体系美国的普通教育和高等教育形成了"有教无类"的教育体系。美国全国已普及了12年的义务教育,高中毕业生只要有意愿,基本上都可以上大学。法律规定,家长有责任使自己的子女完成从小学到高中的学业。因此,美国高中学生升大学的压力不是很大,但在进入名牌大学上竞争却是  相似文献   

高职院校学生体育权利的保障方面存在着以下问题:学生自主体育权利意识"失位";体育权利保障主体"缺位";体育权利保障法律体系"不到位"。应以系统论的思想方法构建相应的保障体系,包括学生意识子系统、相关法律法规子系统、社会保障子系统等。  相似文献   

In Ireland there is progressive legislation on children’s participation in the education system. The Education Act 1998 advocates that school boards should involve students in the school and establish student councils in second-level schools. Since the publication of this legislation progress on realising students’ participation in schools has been slow. In 2006 the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child recommended that Ireland strengthen its efforts to enable children to express their views in schools and other educational institutions. The National Strategy on Children and Young People’s Participation in Decision-making (2015), the first to be produced internationally, commits to facilitating children and young people’s voice in the development of education policy, the running of schools and in other areas of school policy. This paper presents and discusses the results of qualitative participatory research with children and young people aged between 7 and 17 years, teachers and school principals, and parents, on their attitudes towards and opportunities for participation by students in schools in Ireland. The data reveal that students are keen to participate in school but recognise that their opportunities to do so are inadequate, that teachers understand participation very differently from students, and that parents have little knowledge of their children’s participatory experiences in school. It concludes that effective participation in schools requires policy, practical and cultural change.  相似文献   

婚姻家庭关系立法所依据的立法理念及价值选择,指引着具体的法律规则创设,更影响着法律施行的实效性。尤其在我国大部农村地区,随着城镇化进程,当地群众的婚俗观念也在转变,并尝试从习惯法过渡到对国家制定法的接受。文章运用法律经济学理论对我国现行婚姻家庭领域的立法进行分析,把人们从关注法的"公平""正义"等价值视角中转移出来,并结合婚姻家庭立法动向进行多元化思考,以期我国婚姻家庭领域未来的立法更科学。  相似文献   

Abstract Mathematics continues to be one of the most difficult components of the school curriculum for students with learning disabilities (LD). The National Council for Teachers of Mathematics, in conjunction with current educational legislation, challenges teachers to maintain high standards for student performance in mathematics. Fortunately, over the past two decades, researchers have identified and validated a number of instructional practices that help students with LD understand and use mathematics in meaningful ways. The purpose of this article is to discuss instructional guidelines and evidence‐based practices for building conceptual, procedural, and declarative knowledge within a comprehensive mathematics curriculum. The importance of balancing these three knowledge areas across mathematics content areas is noted.  相似文献   

农村义务教育应对税费改革的策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
税费改革后,我国农村义务教育面临着投入主体财力偏低、拖欠农村中小学教师工资仍然存在、农村中小学公用经费依然短缺、农村“普九”欠债未还、中小学基本办学条件差、农村仍有不少贫困学生需要资助等方面的问题。针对这些问题,我们认为可采取以下应对策略:建立与税费改革相配套的农村义务教育投入体制;根据农村税费改革后出现的新情况,修改和完善教育立法;广辟财源,增加对农村义务教育的投入;税费改革后要进一步加大对农村贫困地区义务教育的扶持力度;加大农村义务教育布局调整力度,深化人事制度改革。  相似文献   

This paper draws on a four-year longitudinal ESRC funded project examining learning experiences of disabled students in higher education in four universities. The focus here is on institutional responses to the demands of audit culture and legislation in relation to making reasonable adjustments for students with impairments. The data comes from institutional documents and face-to-face interviews with key informants within the institutions. The findings indicate that quality assurance regimes and legislation have had some positive effect on improving access for disabled students; however, local factors and type of institution also have a major impact on the way that national policies are expressed in particular contexts.  相似文献   

The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation has created pressure for districts to improve their students’ proficiency levels on state tests. Districts that fail to meet their academic targets for 3 years must use their Title I funds to pay for supplemental education services (SES) that provide tutoring or other academic instruction. Many districts, including the Pittsburgh Public Schools (PPS), have also adopted additional tutoring programs designed to help students reach proficiency goals. This paper examines student participation and achievement in two PPS tutoring programs—the NCLB-mandated SES program and a state-developed tutoring program. We examine the characteristics of students participating in each program, the effects of participation on student achievement, and the program features that are associated with improved achievement.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a child protection training program for teachers, social workers, and nurses. The training format consisted of two 5-day workshops, one for preprofessional students and the other for practicing professionals, and two one-day workshops for students. The evaluation employed a pre-test/post-test design. Data were obtained from a total of 254 workshop participants who were randomly selected from a group of 400 volunteers. The training program was designed to provide information and experience in the areas of identification, family dynamics, legislation, intervention, and team responses. Curriculum effects were the dependent variables; group characteristics were the independent variables. The general finding was that the program was an effective means of accomplishing its objectives. Some of the specific findings were that professionals wanted more content in contrast to students who were satisfied with experiences which simulated practice. Both social work professionals and students were more confident in their ability to deal with the problem of child abuse before and after the program than teachers and nurses. In contrast, teachers began and ended the program with relatively low confidence and information levels. Overall, nurses had the highest level of entry and exit knowledge at the beginning and the end of the program. While the results indicate that the three groups profited from shared training experiences they also suggest that certain areas of training may best be realized by specialized workshops.  相似文献   

邓小平的立法观主要包括:(1)原则性和灵活性相结合.(2)稳定性与适时废、改、立相结合.在坚持法律稳定性和连续性的同时,修改和补充法律是完善立法的重要手段.(3)坚持法制与民主相结合.(4)立足本国实际与借鉴外国经验相结合.  相似文献   

立法价值决定了立法的方向、内容设计与实际效果。为指导高校校园立法,提高高校立法合理性,有必要确定当前高校立法的价值取向。本文从我国依法治国的政治治理环境、和谐社会的社会建设目标、以人为本的文化价值理念、全球化的经济发展趋势、科学至善的高等教育责任五个方面对高校校园立法的影响出发,并以高校学生申诉制度的制定为例,分析了高校立法应当具备监督权力、保障权利;和谐公正、以人为本;改革创新、科学向善的基本价值取向。  相似文献   

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