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从2007年9月起,为推进长宁区初中随班就读工作,区特教中心分别派遣了3名特教教师到3所随班就读初中,为初中从事随班就读工作的教师提供咨询与支持,并对校内的随班就读学生开展资源教学。同时,3所学校也各设有兼职的资源教师1名,对校内的随班就读学生进行资源教学。因此,长宁区3所初中的随班就读学生接受了普特两位教师的资源教学辅导,实行了一种"双资源教师"的模式。一、普特合作对初中随班就读  相似文献   

随班就读教师的职业幸福感不仅关系到教师的身心健康与职业发展,还关系到学生的健康成长、学校乃至社会的进步与发展。本文从积极心理健康教育出发,梳理了影响随班就读教师幸福感的因素,并在此基础上提出了如何利用积极心理健康教育的理论与方法,提升随班就读教师的幸福感,提高随班就读工作质量。  相似文献   

随班就读的快速发展对随班就读教师队伍的专业化程度提出了越来越高的要求。随班就读教师队伍的专业化是一个包括普通学校担任随班就读教育教学的学科教师、资源教师和巡回指导教师在内的整体的教师专业化。一方面,需要从教师专业化的基本理论视角考虑随班就读教师的资格认证、随班就读教师的任用与管理、随班就读教师教育一体化等因素;另一方面,还要根据随班就读教师组成的多样性和复杂性思考随班就读教师队伍的合理构建问题。  相似文献   

随班就读的快速发展对随班就读教师队伍的专业化程度提出了越来越高的要求。随班就读教师队伍的专业化是一个包括普通学校担任随班就读教育教学的学科教师、资源教师和巡回指导教师在内的整体的教师专业化。一方面,需要从教师专业化的基本理论视角考虑随班就读教师的资格认证、随班就读教师的任用与管理、随班就读教师教育一体化等因素;另一方面,还要根据随班就读教师组成的多样性和复杂性思考随班就读教师队伍的合理构建问题。  相似文献   

采用自编随班就读教师问卷对黑龙江省30所小学的33名随班就读教师的基本情况、特教知识与技能掌握情况、教学工作和专业支持等现状进行了调查。结果表明:黑龙江省随班就读小学教师的学历结构合理,教龄结构不尽合理;黑龙江省随班就读小学教师特殊教育专业知识不足;黑龙江省随班就读小学教师对随读生的教学与普通生没有差异;黑龙江省随班就读小学教师获得的专业支持较少。  相似文献   

江苏省昆山市随班就读工作起步于上世纪90年代。近年来,昆山市随班就读工作不断规范,2004年成立了特教指导中心,制定了《随班就读工作合格学校评估细则》,将随班就读工作纳入《中小学教育综合考评方案》,开展随班就读工作合格学校评选。昆山市每学期组织随班就读教学研讨活动,每年组织随班就读论文评选,本期从中选编了部分随班就读教育教学论文,希冀有更多普通学校教师参与到随班就读教学工作的交流中来,推动随班就读工作更好地发展。  相似文献   

随班就读师资是指直接从事随班就读教育教学工作的教师资源。本文中的"随班就读师资",主要是指小学担任随班就读学生学科教学的任课教师、在资源教室工作的资源教师、随班就读学生的班主任及学校领导。  相似文献   

本刊讯3月28日,浙江省温州市教育局和市残联在永嘉县联合召开特殊教育随班就读试点工作现场会。会议总结交流了永嘉县特殊教育随班就读T作经验,明确了该市推进特殊教育随班就读工作的目标与任务,与会人员还分组参观了永嘉县部分随班就读学校的资源教室和随班就读工作图文资料展。据了解,该市教育局日前出台《关于加强残障儿童少年随班就读工作管理的若干意见》,明确了各县(市、区)特殊教育随班就读指导中心、随班就读学校及随班就读指导教师的工作职责和资源教室设备配置标准等。  相似文献   

中国的随班就读在接收残疾儿童入学上已取得了很大的成功,但随班就读的质量一直是困扰人们的一大难题。结合国际融合教育的理念,文章从评估入手,探讨了评估在促进随班就读方面的重要意义,并分别介绍了课程本位评估、真实性评估、动态性评估以及生态评估在随班就读中的运用,以期能为随班就读的教师和管理者提供一些理论和实践的启示。  相似文献   

对我国随班就读发展现状评价的问卷调查报告   总被引:2,自引:10,他引:2  
本调查对我国随班就读的发展现状进行了评价。结果表明 :中国随班就读工作是成功的 ,其成就包括 :保障体系有力 ;班级氛围较好 ;特殊儿童交往能力发展较好 ;教师具有奉献精神 ,能够制定个别教育计划 ;随班就读对特殊儿童有利 ;检测和评价较好。但在教育行政部门管理、教育资源、学校氛围、特殊儿童生活与自律能力、教师接受专业培训、学校与家长合作等方面存在许多问题。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a teacher training program on teacher outcomes. The teachers’ knowledge and attitudes regarding inclusion, classroom management strategies, and their relationships with children both with and without disabilities were evaluated using self-report instruments. In addition, their classroom behaviors were evaluated by independent observers. The teacher education program included a variety of topics related to inclusion and effective strategies for inclusive classrooms. The data were collected prior to the education, after the completion of the program, and 6 months afterwards. The results indicated that the teacher program seemed to have moderate-to-large effects on all teacher outcomes, but the changes in their classroom behaviors were minimal.  相似文献   

In Austria, the profession of the special education teacher is facing major changes. Presently, special education teachers need to have general pedagogical competences to teach children of all grades, and are expected to have competences in managing highly heterogeneous groups in inclusive settings. Additionally, they need to apply special strategies to efficiently work with children with various special needs. Student teachers starting their education 2015/2016 will no longer have the option of obtaining a distinct degree as a special education teacher. Instead, future teachers will choose between teaching in primary or in secondary schools, and can then select their preferred focus from various options, including inclusive education. This qualitative study is based on written and oral research interviews with teachers in inclusive settings, and aims to identify competences in the areas of knowledge, action, and attitude which teachers consider necessary and effective for successfully teaching a heterogeneous group of pupils. The results indicate the need to further strengthen both the inclusive and the reflexive attitude in teachers. The outcomes will influence curricula development in the new teacher education programmes, and aid to tailor courses offered in in-service training for teachers working in inclusive settings.  相似文献   

This article considers the positive aspects of inclusion in Australian primary schools through a historical account of the nation's journey to adopting current policies and practices. The authors suggest that across the different states the picture is positive as there are clear attempts to make Australian schools as inclusive as possible. The importance of adequately resourcing schools to support teachers in the implementation of an inclusive environment is discussed as being second in importance to teacher attitudes to inclusion. The combination of these two factors has a direct influence on a school's ability to be effectively inclusive as it is the teacher at the ground level who must ensure inclusion is effective. As a result of improvements in teacher education programmes at universities, where inclusive education subjects are now compulsory, teaching in an inclusive environment is the ‘professional positive’ of teacher practice, which may potentially improve educational outcomes for all involved.  相似文献   

融合教育可使有特殊需要的儿童最少限制地融入主流社会,为其提供一个最少受限制的环境是十分重要的。实施融合教育的主体形式是随班就读,而要保证其有效性,必须有一套针对它的有效的支持系统,其中与特殊需要儿童一起进行教学活动的普教教师的转型及需求不可忽视。以需求导向为核心的融合性师资在职培训从理论到实践都是可行的。  相似文献   


Collaboration between general and special education teachers has been viewed as important to the successful education of students with disabilities who are served in inclusive classes. The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare the perceptions of a national sample of general and special education teacher educators regarding their perceptions of actual and ideal emphases placed on specific collaborative roles in teacher preparation programs for general and special education teachers. The authors analyzed the data and found significant differences between teacher educator perceptions of the degree of emphasis actually placed on collaborative roles and the degree of emphasis that should be placed on these roles in teacher preparation programs.  相似文献   

A key objective of inclusive education is to provide learners with special educational needs with an environment that fosters a sense of belonging. They lose the sense of belonging when they feel being separated from the rest of society. Segregation is, however, a logically necessary method and means of the pursuit of inclusion. The focus of this study was to uncover the experiences and views of Chinese stakeholders regarding the possible conflict between expansion of special education (i.e., segregation, exclusion) and promotion of inclusive education (i.e., inclusion, mainstreaming). We conducted in-depth interviews with nine academics, administrators, and practitioners to better understand the possible impact of inclusive education on regular education. The main finding is that special education can be provided in four forms which the participants argued is an advantage to meet the needs of all learners. They argued that giving home education for learners with high severity, attending special education schools and mainstreaming schools are rehabilitation methods to prepare learners for full integration should they prove successful. The study contributes to a broader understanding of how special education is provided in China and its potential effects on regular education (e.g., challenges in teacher preparation, lack of resources).  相似文献   

Since the introduction of anti-discrimination legislation including Australian Disability Discrimination Act, 1992 and the Disability Standards of Education, 2005, there is an increasing demand on all schools to cater effectively for more students with disabilities within an inclusive school community context. This investigation explored a proactive partnership model designed to equip pre-service teachers with deeper role understandings in teaching students with disabilities. This collaborative model involved sustained professional experiences in schools on four mornings each week over 38 weeks, offered in conjunction with their final-year teacher education studies in Diversity and Inclusive Education. A unique emphasis of this qualitative study was a focus on identifying conducive real-life experiences and ideal teacher qualities for undertaking challenging inclusive practitioner roles. Findings highlighted the perspectives of school leaders, special education mentors and pre-service teachers in improving inclusive learning outcomes for all students while developing an effective collaborative partnership model for teacher education.  相似文献   

Teachers’ positive attitudes towards inclusive education are a prerequisite for its successful implementation. This study surveyed the attitudes of Finnish classroom, subject, resource room and special education class teachers (N = 4567) towards inclusive education. The results indicated very low support for the concept. Its acceptance was strongly associated with the specific teacher categories and the concern that inclusive placements would cause extra work for teachers. Teachers who were confident in their support networks and had sufficient access to educational resources, such as an in‐classroom teaching assistant, were more positive towards inclusion than other teachers. Attitudinal variables, including self‐efficacy and child‐centredness, and demographic variables, including age and gender, were also associated with attitudes towards inclusion. It is argued that vicious circle exists between resources and teacher attitudes. The negative climate towards inclusion prevents the legislation that would guarantee adequate resources for mainstream teachers who have students with support needs in their classrooms. The lack of legal guarantees, in turn, prevents negative teacher attitudes towards inclusive education from changing. Although the overall progress in inclusive education is tied to the development of cultural values, the promise of more inclusion in schools goes hand‐in‐hand with the availability of adequate resources.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to provide evidence of Kenyan primary school teachers using inclusive teaching strategies in a rural setting with many known barriers to the development of a sustainable inclusive education system. This qualitative study examines teachers’ uses of inclusive teaching strategies in primary schools following a series of teacher trainings, classroom observations, individual semi-structured teacher conferences, reflective lesson plans, and pre- and post-questionnaires. Moving beyond legal mandates and attitudinal assessments, the outcomes of this study demonstrate that in a short time, and among a small sample of teachers, administrators, and Ministry officials, a culturally responsive approach to implementing inclusive learning strategies proved beneficial for meeting the needs of diverse primary school students in western Kenya.  相似文献   

Yu  Lizhong  Su  Xueyun  Liu  Chunling 《Prospects》2011,41(3):355-369
Since the 1980s, children with disabilities in China have been integrated into general education settings; the practice is termed sui ban jiu du, literally “learning in a regular classroom” (LRC). The term LRC means “receiving special education in general education classrooms”, and it is regarded as a practical form of inclusion in China. This paper provides context for understanding the issues of teacher education and inclusion in China by comparing the concept of LRC in China to the international concept of inclusive education. It discusses the challenges for and development of LRC at the levels of policy and practice. The main issues involved in teacher education for special/inclusive education are discussed in relation to the culture and context of current policy and its implementation, teachers’ attitudes toward LRC, the professional competence of LRC teachers, the shortage of qualified teachers, and the lack of a national system for special education certification. The final section considers strategies to develop high-quality inclusive education in China from the perspectives of policy development, professional development, and the development of procedures for policy implementation.  相似文献   

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