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教师压力研究的新视角:心理弹性理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理弹性是儿童适应性发展中的重要研究课题,它是指个体在面临严重压力或逆境时,其心理功能没有受到损伤性影响,相反表现出良好发展的现象。教师作为儿童的重要示范者,对其心理弹性的研究却仍处于起步阶段。文章利用文献搜索,回顾了心理弹性理论的研究现状以及在教师心理弹性领域的延伸,包括弹性教师的特征、心理弹性对教学行为的影响以及教师心理弹性发展的影响因素,并且在研究结论的基础上从教师本身、师范教育、校园文化建设方面对促进教师心理弹性发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

对幼儿在成长过程中心理理论影响的原因进行深入研究具有重要意义:一是通过研究能够丰富对幼儿心理理论情况的掌握,特别是能够加深对幼儿心理理论层次发展的认识;二是通过研究能够总结出相应的教育措施,不断促进幼儿心理的健康发展,具有一定的实践意义。一、幼儿心理理论影响因素分析(一)家庭因素幼儿的生活经验主要是通过其所在的家庭得到的。家庭在社会系统中的重要作用,能够促使幼儿不断地社  相似文献   

彭德利  严秀英 《家教世界》2013,(7X):232-233
良好的饮食习惯会影响一个人的一生。幼儿是处在神经心理发育迅速,对周围世界充满好奇心,表现出探索性行为的阶段。在进食时也会表现出强烈的自我进食欲望和参与意识。应允许幼儿参与进食,满足其自我进食欲望,培养独立进食能力和不偏食的良好饮食习惯。本文将以朝鲜族饮食文化为例,阐述在早期教育中如何利用朝鲜族饮食文化来养成良好的饮食习惯。  相似文献   

幼儿心理品质的形成与家庭教育影响有很大关系。家庭是幼儿心理发展最重要、最基础的环境,对孩子心理健康的影响既表现在生物性的遗传影响上,更表现在家长的感情态度、个性、价值取向和心理品德对孩子的影响上。幼儿教师要对幼儿的身心发展负责,要为幼儿将来负责,必须及时分析原因,采取方法及时纠正家庭教育对孩子的不良影响,培养孩子良好的心理品质。  相似文献   

在幼儿的实际心理表现中,既存在着依恋心理,又存在着依赖心理,正确区分这两种心理,懂得这两种心理对幼儿的影响,采取合适的态度和方式对待,这对于家长掌握幼儿的心理,有效地对幼儿施加影响是很有意义的。幼儿依恋是指幼儿对某个或某些抚养者所表现出的特别亲近、难以离舍的情绪。具体表现为:幼儿愿意和依恋对象亲近;和依恋对象在一起时,幼儿有愉快情  相似文献   

学习品质是指个体在学习中形成并在学习活动中表现出来,影响学习效果的,稳定的心理倾向或个人特征。随着《3—6岁儿童学习与发展指南》(以下简称《指南》)的颁发,越来越多的幼儿教师、家长认识到培养幼儿良好的学习品质的重要性。鲒旨南》指出,幼儿在活动过程中表现出的积极态度和良好行为倾向是终身学习与发展所必需的宝贵品质,要充分尊重和保护幼儿的好奇心和学习兴趣,帮助幼儿逐步养成积极主动、认真专注、  相似文献   

弹性研究的历史还不长,但对弹性(resilience)的研究受到了越来越多的关注.心理弹性理论对更好地认识人的发展有重要作用.弹性是一种心理能力,通过内部和外部"保护性因素",有弹性的个体在面临压力和逆境时能够很好地应对,而不会被击跨.心理弹性是可以通过教育来培养的.所以,弹性理论对我国教育事业具有启示作用.  相似文献   

正学习品质是指个体在学习中形成并在学习活动中表现出来,影响学习效果的,稳定的心理倾向或个人特征。随着《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》(以下简称《指南》)的颁发,越来越多的幼儿教师、家长认识到培养幼儿良好的学习品质的重要性。《指南》指出,幼儿在活动过程中表现出的积极态度和良好行为倾向是终身学习与发展所必需的宝贵品质,要充分尊重和保护幼儿的好奇心和学习  相似文献   

随着当前我国社会转型与发展,农村幼儿教育与城里幼儿教育拉开了一定的差距。特别是越来越多的农村父母外出打工,让农村幼儿的教育没有很好地跟上时代的步伐,同时也使得农村幼儿与城里幼儿相比,表现出个性软弱、胆怯、孤独等症状。所以农村幼儿教育需要被重视起来,一是幼儿园老师要给予更多的关心和准对性的帮助。二是家庭中的监护人应很好的配合老师,让幼儿从小就有良好的教育,为将来打好基础。  相似文献   

弹性研究的历史还不长,但对弹性(resilience)的研究受到了越来越多的关注。心理弹性理论对更好地认识人的发展有重要作用。弹性是一种心理能力,通过内部和外部“保护性因素”,有弹性的个体在面临压力和逆境时能够很好地应对,而不会被击跨。心理弹性是可以通过教育来培养的。所以,弹性理论对我国教育事业具有启示作用。  相似文献   

文章回顾了心理弹性的研究历程,阐述了其内在作用机制以及应用成果。心理弹性通过内外在保护性因素,使有弹性的个体在面对逆境时积极应对,是生活实践中不断发展的动态过程,成为个体健康发展的一个正常组成部分。心理弹性理论,对促进个体健康发展以及潜能开发有重大的意义,在个体心理咨询、家摩教育、学校教育、社区服务等领域有很好的应用价值。  相似文献   

In Haiti, as in several developing countries, the phenomenon of street children has become a major public health issue. These children are often victims of traumas and adverse life events. This article aimed to investigate traumas experienced by street children and their coping and resilience strategies used to deal with adversities in a logic of survival, relying on a mixed method approach. A group of 176 street children, aged 7–18 (n = 21 girls), recruited in Port-au-Prince, completed measures assessing PTSD, social support and resilience. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to document traumatic experiences, factors related to resilience and coping strategies. After performing statistical analyses to evaluate prevalence and predictors associated with PTSD, and level of social support satisfaction and resilience, qualitative analysis using a grounded theory approach was conducted. Results showed that street children experienced multiple traumas such as neglect, maltreatment, psychological, physical and sexual abuse. However, they also showed self-efficacy to face their traumatic experiences and few of them (less than 15%) obtained scores reaching clinical rates of PTSD, while a large majority presented a level of resilience between moderate to very high. A socio-ecological model of multiple traumas and a model of coping, survival and resilience strategies are conceptualized. Data provide a better understanding of the traumas experienced by street children, their coping and resilience strategies. Results underscore ways to develop practices to offer psychological support, social and vocational integration based on the real needs of these children, in a perspective of social justice.  相似文献   

This article examines how education unfolded as a science in Estonia in the period 1944–1991, i.e. from the second Soviet occupation to the fall of the USSR. Historical analysis of the way prominent scholars and institutions succeeded in overcoming the adverse conditions of that period is conducted by viewing their respective contributions through two theoretical lenses: cultural trauma theory to explore the adversities they had to contend with, and resilience theory to explain how those challenges were overcome. Through these means an account is constructed of how individuals and institutions succeeded in preserving the national Estonian and inter-war European legacy of educational philosophy, in the process confronting and countering adverse socio-cultural-political conditions.  相似文献   

Issues of gender imbalance in leadership have long been a significant issue in universities, as is the case across most industries. This paper explores the experiences of seven females who have successfully achieved senior leadership positions at a regional university in Australia. While the experiences of these women differ in many ways, there are certainly similarities in the challenges and adversities that they have faced, and their perceptions of what has allowed them to experience success in their leadership roles. This paper provides a number of recommendations for women aspiring to be leaders in higher education, such as committing to ongoing development, taking opportunities when presented, developing resilience, developing a track record, and seeking support, and also recommendations for institutions.  相似文献   

Mothers with a substance use disorder (SUD) are at risk for maladaptive parenting practices, and have heightened likelihood of having experienced childhood adversity themselves. In addition, parental reflective functioning (PRF), a capacity underlying sensitive caregiving, is often low in mothers with SUD. This study examines the relationship between PRF and aversive (emotional, physical, sexual abuse and neglect) and adaptive (safety and competence) experiences, in different developmental phases (early childhood, latency, and adolescence) in mothers with a SUD. A sample of 43 mothers with small children were interviewed with the Parental Developmental Interview to assess PRF, and they completed the Traumatic Antecedents Questionnaire regarding aversive and adaptive experiences. In addition, we used the Hopkins Symptoms Checklist-10 to control for mental health status and a battery of neuropsychological tests to control for executive functions. Results indicated that adaptive experiences in early childhood were positively related to PRF, and that experience of emotional abuse was negatively related to PRF. When separating the group of mothers in two sub-groups based on PRF level, results showed that mothers with negative to low PRF had significantly more experiences of adversities in early childhood and latency, and significantly less adaptive experiences in early childhood, latency and adolescence, compared to mothers with moderate to high PRF. In addition, mothers with adequate to high PRF reported experiencing significantly more types of adaptive experiences, and significantly less adversities compared to mothers with negative to low PRF. Results are discussed in relation to developmental trauma, resilience, epistemic trust and mistrust.  相似文献   

Many Iraqi refugee students in the United States suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as well as acculturation stresses. These stresses often create challenges for their integration into U.S. schools. The project explored risk factors such as the length of educational gaps in transit, PTSD, and separation and marginalization acculturation, as well as protective factors such as resilience, self-esteem, and integration and assimilation. We conducted bivariate correlations and multiple regression to examine the relationship between factors and predicting school adjustment using variables among 100 Iraqi refugee high school students in the Detroit area. The results showed that the educational gaps (negatively), and assimilation and resilience (positively), are the strongest predictors for school adjustment. PTSD incurred by Iraqis as a result of events experienced before and during their migration from Iraq are related to their self-esteem and separation acculturation, while educational gaps are related to their marginalization as well as to their integration.  相似文献   


Based on an ecological view of teacher resilience, the paper investigates perceived difficulties and resources among vocational education and training (VET) teachers as a first step for investigating teachers’ resilience. Given the substantial shortage of theoretical and empirical studies on this population, more research on resilience among VET teachers is necessary and relevant. In this exploratory qualitative study, interviews with VET teachers in Switzerland (n = 37) sought to identify the specific challenges faced by teachers, the resources to be addressed. As well as confirming the different critical challenges and protective factors emerging from the literature review, the results identify difficulties and resources specific to VET teachers in Switzerland. In terms of critical challenges at a macro-contextual level, teachers’ low social recognition is emphasised. Moreover, exposure to curricular reforms generates stress and pressure related to the required standardisation of content and subject changes. At a micro-system level, we detected teachers’ frustration in relation to students’ low vocational motivation and maturity and specific emerging instructional challenges in vocational subject teaching. In terms of resources, teachers perceived the possibility of diversifying their professional role by alternating school and extracurricular activities as a supportive factor. The results provide a basis for more extensive quantitative study investigating relationship among adversities and resources and resilient strategies.  相似文献   

大众文学早已和精英文学分流,大众文学和精英文学具有不同的质。同时,在审美情趣上,大众文学和精英文学也各执一端。精英文学是重理的,而大众文学则是重情的;精英文学是可敬畏的,而大众文学则是可亲近的。所以,大众文学是不同于精英文学的一个独立的品种,而不是一种品位。  相似文献   

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