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文章以东台市图书馆为例,对县级图书馆藏书建设现状进行了简要分析,着重阐述了县级图书馆藏书建设要因地制宜,创建富有特色的县级图书馆藏书体系。  相似文献   

文章探讨了县级图书馆藏书建设的几个重要问题:藏书结构、藏书重点、县馆藏书的实用性原则和合作发展藏书问题。  相似文献   

文章联系实际,分析了县级图书馆藏书建设中存在的问题,提出了优化藏书结构的途径。  相似文献   

对县级图书馆优化藏书结构的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章联系实际,分析了县级图书馆藏书建设中存在的问题,提出了优化藏书结构的途径。  相似文献   

通过对安宁图书馆藏书现状及存在问题的分析,提出县级图书馆在藏书建设工作中应从哪些方面加强和改进的意见。  相似文献   

图书馆藏书的目的,就是为了使用,藏书只有通过读者反复使用才实现其价值和产生增值效应,只有在利用和传播过程中发挥应有的作用,取得社会和经济效益。图书馆才能够赖以生存和发展,才会被社会所重视。本文试图从南宁地区县级公共图书馆藏书利用率的现状分析出发,谈谈几点自己的粗略看法。一、南宁地区县级图书馆藏书利用率偏低现状浅析南宁地区拥有十二个县级图书馆,就一九九○年评估情况看,大部分县馆藏书利用情况欠佳。见下表:  相似文献   

本文分析了安阳市县级图书馆的现状,指出了取得的成绩和问题.并就改善办馆条件,加强业务培训,搞好特色藏书和特色服务等方面进行了探讨.指出了县级图书馆今后应该努力的方向.  相似文献   

县级图书馆普遍存在着经费紧、藏书少的状况。一些馆仅仅为了赚钱,置藏书原则不顾,将购书经费全部用于购买武侠、言情、传奇等通俗文艺书刊,科技图书和参考工具书  相似文献   

图书馆有各种不同类型,情况千差万别,藏书结构也各不相同。县馆是综合性的公共图书馆,它的社会职能和服务对象决定了它不同于其它类型图书馆的藏书结构。本文结合自己在汉中市图书馆近年来的工作实践,谈谈对建立县级图书馆藏书结构的粗浅认  相似文献   

采编工作是图书馆整体工作中的重要环节,它关系到图书馆藏书的质量和结构,更关系到读者服务工作.现就县级图书馆采编工作中出现的问题谈谈自己的看法.  相似文献   

李纲  李阳 《图书情报工作》2014,58(24):66-72
突发事件的监测与识别是应急决策情报体系的一个重要环节.为构建一个以情报为核心的突发事件监测与识别的理论架构,从情报视角出发,将突发事件的监测与识别归纳为:①一个目标:为应急决策情报体系服务;②两个侧重:过程与方法;③3个原则:全源情报、实时情报、精准情报;④3个步骤:情报收集、情报分析、情报评估与利用.最后,对情报视角下突发事件监测与识别的前景进行分析.  相似文献   

开放获取和权益保护是目前数字环境下信息资源传播的两大重要课题。作为下一代科技文献资源的传播体系,需要在同时实现面向资源消费者的开放获取功能以及资源创作者所有权益保护的功能方面,进行系统的升级设计,从而实现文献资源流通领域的平衡发展。这也是下一代NSTL面临的挑战性课题之一。该研究在2011年NSTL建设项目的支持下,以下一代NSTL系统为基础,设计可以整合多国期刊OA资源的服务平台,并引入了DRM的功能。通过与多国OA资源提供机构及权益保护相关机构进行国际合作,在OA资源整合服务及知识产权保护方面,进行了多方面的探索与实施。文章首先介绍下一代NSTL中OA平台的整体架构;其次,重点介绍平台的多国OA期刊的XML元数据交换与更新功能;再次,介绍资源的权益信息获取服务;最后,给出结论和未来的实施规划。  相似文献   

This article surveys a sample of sources of the information about Romania available to British readers in nineteenth century British newspapers and periodicals. It traces first contacts between the Romanian lands and Britain after the union of the principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia in 1859, then after their independence from the Ottoman Empire. The article highlights an increased Romanian interest in British periodicals, which reported and reviewed Romanian literature and scholarship. The article concludes that nineteenth century British newspapers and periodicals offer a great variety and wealth of new material previously unavailable or unknown to researchers. It also states that only a portion of a large quantity of this material has been indexed and is therefore available via the bibliographic sources mentioned in the article. The author argues for the need of a new and updated British-Romanian bibliography, which can draw on new online resources offering access to thousands of new newspapers and periodical records.  相似文献   

《清代学者象传》是中国国家博物馆馆藏书画特色藏品,记录了清代主要学者肖像及传记,是了解清代学者形象的重要文献.关于这套画册的缘起与生成、选录与编纂的标准、画成之后的刊印和发行、传播与影响等,在学术界未能引起足够的关注.本文即在梳理时人与后人文献的基础上,尽可能厘清叶衍兰、叶恭绰等人编著《清代学者象传》的来龙去脉.《清代...  相似文献   

论科技期刊编辑与作者权利的界限及其统一性   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
通过对编辑与作者在科技期刊编辑出版过程中各自权利的分析,指出编辑与作者对自身权利的认识的误区及其权利的界限.认为编辑与作者的正当权利来源于科学技术研究信息和知识创作与传播的需要,编辑与作者的权利具有依存关系,因此,编辑与作者的权利在实质上和在操作层面上都是统一的.认识到这种一致性,将有助于编辑与作者相互尊重对方权利,并使之认识到保障对方的权利就是保障自身的权利,从而形成有利于科学研究信息和知识传播的良性互动局面.  相似文献   

This study examines the e-government implementation of eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) to increase accountability and transparency in business and financial information. The business and financial information gathered in XBRL format is machine-readable and interoperable, thereby improving the ease of public dissemination and analysis. This study focuses on identifying and examining the determinants of successful XBRL implementation and draws from several bodies of literature: e-government, institutionalism, collaborative public management, regulatory compliance, and management information systems to identify determinants of successful implementation. This study selects four diverse implementations: the Netherlands, Australia, the United States, and Singapore. Empirical analysis follows a comparative case study method. The findings of this exploratory study underscore the importance of program goals and strategic alignment in achieving information transparency and efficiency, the advantage of strategies correlating to institutional setting, the critical need to provide incentives for adoption, and the usefulness of incremental implementation. The managerial and theoretical implications of these findings as well as future research opportunities are explored.  相似文献   

The shift to archives as rhetorical places creates opportunities to examine environmental accessibility, the role of archives in legitimating official public memory, and tactics to evoke memory at the margins. I conceptualize the relation between archival environments, feeling, and memory as “archival ambience.” Ambience challenges modern theories of invention and foregrounds the entanglements of sensory culture, corporeality, sensation, feeling, and memory. Ambience reimagines invention and circulation as the relational materiality of bodies and as central to the generation of intimacies. This essay models a sensory engagement with archives at the American Heritage Center and Grace Hebard and Agnes Wergeland collections. Guided by the settler colonial environment of the American Heritage Center (AHC) and what remains of Hebard and Wergeland, I craft a queer sense of their “intimate friendship” and argue that perception of Hebard and Wergeland's intimate friendship takes shape through the sensory culture of the AHC and that their queerness is an effect of the archive.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]随着科学交流体系向电子媒介迁移,传统的科学论文内容组织及呈现方式带来了诸多弊端.科学论文语义增强能够创新科学论文内容的组织与呈现方式,是解决这些问题的关键,得到了来自科研机构与学术出版商的重视,形成了一系列理论与实践成果.对这些成果进行梳理、归纳,发现其中的优势与不足,能够为后续推动科学论文语义增强的进一...  相似文献   

This paper uses a range of case studies from contemporary art and indigenous collections to explore synergies between the disciplines and pose questions about contemporary perceptions of condition and durability. The idea that value is only connected to original material or specific perceptions of condition has been challenged repeatedly by the very makers and primary users of these collections. Nevertheless, old expectations in relation to collections may still affect conservation processes. The conservator is positioned at the center of these tensions, trying to understand, negotiate and mediate the interests and values of dynamic layers of significance associated with the object being treated. Attempting to homogenize or generalize these relationships would directly affect the complexity of the meanings of the artworks and run the risk of hollowing them.  相似文献   

首次比较系统地梳理了西方文献学的基本概念、理论体系和方法论特征。首先辨析了"文献学"及其各种相关概念的中英文对译问题。其次分析了西方文献学的基本发展脉络,指出西方文献学的发展经历了早期文献整理活动、中世纪的文献传承、近代文献整理方法奠基以及文献理论的完善与科学化几个阶段。最后探讨了西方文献学的学科体系和理论方法特征,指出了近代西方文献学的科学化与思辨性倾向,以及语言学与解释学两种研究路向。西方文献学的丰富成果为中国文献学在理论和方法创新方面提供了十分有益的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

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