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上海世界游泳锦标赛中国队成绩分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用录像观察法等对2011年上海世界游泳锦标赛中外优秀运动员的成绩进行统计,分析中国队的优势和不足。主要结论:我国男子中长距离自由泳优势明显,其他项目竞争力较差;我国女子蝶泳、仰泳、混合泳和接力项目具有较强的竞争力,自由泳和蛙泳实力不足。建议继续采取措施力保优势项目(男子800m、1500m自由泳,女子200m蝶泳等),加强潜优势项目(男子400m自由泳,女子100m蝶泳、100m仰泳、200m混合泳及接力项目),着力提高年轻运动员的水平。  相似文献   

自由泳特别是女子短距离项目 ,是我国的游泳强项。到目前为止 ,我国优秀运动员乐静宜仍保持着 5 0 m、1 0 0 m2项女子自由泳的世界纪录 ,但中、长距离项目和男子自由泳项目都落后于世界水平。有文章分析我国自由泳落后的原因是速度素质水平落后 ,为了更快地赶上世界水平 ,正确诊断我国自由泳运动员现时素质状态水平 ,弄清运动员素质水平的具体差异 ,具有重要的现实意义。现对我国部分优秀自由泳运动员的素质状态进行实例分析。1 研究对象与方法1 .1 研究对象   1 996年 4月全国游泳冠军赛 ,1 997年 1 0月第 8届全运会游泳比赛 ,我国部分…  相似文献   

在第29届奥运会游泳比赛中我国女子优秀运动员庞佳颖获得女子200米自由泳铜牌并打破世界记录,和队员联手为中国代表团夺取了女子4×200m自由泳接力银牌破世界记录、4×100m混合泳接力铜牌破亚洲记录。  相似文献   

通过多年系统的游泳比赛技术监测采集游泳比赛途中游各项技术数据,以世界综合排名前100名运动员成绩为划分依据,研究女子100m蛙泳、200m自由泳运动员途中游分段速度、划幅、划频、游速的特点。研究结果显示:在女子100m蛙泳和200m自由泳中,世界优秀运动员均呈现快划频的趋势;在对成绩预测中,通过运动员的划幅、划频比较容易预测运动员成绩增长情况和上升空间,即在成绩相同情况下,运动员划频慢,成绩提高幅度大;对10名优秀女子100m蛙泳运动员的途中游个性研究和多年成绩分析表明,她们划幅、划频的个性特征非常明显,蛙泳优秀运动员相对集中,运动员年限也长;在对女子200m自由泳优秀运动员的途中游个性研究和多年成绩分析结果表明,与蛙泳不同,200m自由泳运动员个性化不是非常明显,优秀运动员相对保持高水平成绩年限少,运动员分散,说明自由泳运动员的各种能力和水平更趋于一致,优秀运动员保持高水平的能力要求更高;蛙泳对运动员的身高要求最少,而技术要求最高,是适合亚洲人的一项运动;运动员出成绩后保持高水平年限长,符合经济学原理;蛙泳项目一直是亚洲的强项和我国的传统优势项目。  相似文献   

本文通过对2008年美国、中国、澳大利亚三国游泳冠军赛1500米自由泳决赛运动员成绩进行分析,在揭示优秀1500米自由泳运动员体力分配特点的同时,找出中外运动员在该项目的差异并分析其原因所在,以此为我国1500米自由泳训练提供一定参考。  相似文献   

通过对世界优秀女子400m自由泳运动员比赛成绩的统计,从分段成绩及分段百分率的角度分析了世界优秀选手的速度分配特征,建立了优秀女子400m自由泳比赛速度分配表。然后通过对比指出了较低级别选手存在的不足,并提出了相应的改进建议。  相似文献   

通过对我国九运会女子 10 0m自由泳前 3名运动员和第 2 7届奥运会同项目前 3名运动员技术比较的数理统计分析发现 ,我国女子前 3名运动员 15m出发段的速度略低于外国优秀运动员 ;途中游的划水频率不如国外运动员 ,划水幅度与 2 7届前 3名运动员持平 ,5 0m绝对速度与国外运动员相比差距较大 ;转身段的表现也不如国外运动员 ;中国优秀运动员冲刺到边段表现出色 ,略优于国外运动员 ,展示出良好的速度耐力和顽强的意志品质。  相似文献   

通过对2000年悉尼奥运会,2003年巴塞罗那世界游泳锦标赛以及2005年南京十运会三次游泳比赛的分段成绩、参赛女子运动员的年龄的分析、各主要技术参数(包括出发、转身、途中、划频、划幅、游速等)的比较,分析当今中外优秀女子400m、800m自由泳选手的技战术特点,了解我国选手与世界优秀选手的差距,明确赶超的目标,寻找突破的方向,为我国今后在女子长距离自由泳项目上的发展提供技术参数和参考建议。  相似文献   

近年来国内外优秀游泳运动员参赛战术探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李仲明  杨国宽  陈爱萍 《体育科学》2003,23(2):86-91,129
通过对国内外优秀运动员在近几届奥运会,国内运动员在全运会上有关数据进行分析,揭示了国内外游泳运动员参赛战术的特点及其差异:100m仰泳项目,国内外运动员前后程百分率差呈先增加后减小的现象;100m自由泳项目,世界优秀运动员前后程百分率差有加大趋势。400m以上自由泳项目,国内优秀运动员比赛中较多采用负分段的游法,但我国运动员速度均匀性和后程的冲刺能力差。  相似文献   

朱倩蔚是目前我国优秀女子中、长距离自由泳运动员,2004年进入上海市游泳队,2006年入选国家游泳队。其自由泳技术特点为:动作规范、身体位置高、手腿动作协调、节奏好;打腿连贯有力且推进性好;划手动作舒展、划频中等但划幅长、划水质量高、划水效果佳。朱倩蔚曾多次获得全国游泳锦标赛和中国游泳公开赛冠军。在2008年北京奥运会上,朱倩蔚和队友勇夺女子4×200m自由泳接力亚军;次年,在意  相似文献   

中外田径十项全能运动成绩比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过查阅并整理中外男子优秀十项全能运动员十年来的运动成绩,运用文献资料法、比较研究法、数理统计法,对运动成绩进行对比研究,结果表明我国男子十项全能运动整体水平与世界存在一定的差距,依据我国运动员各单项中国纪录成绩,提高我国全能运动整体水平应在1500m和400m单项上,尤其在1500m项目上,为今后运动员选材和训练提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

本文运用趋势直线外推法将近六届全运会女子1500米第一名成绩,进行数据处理,从而预测分析了2009年十一届全运会女子1500米的水平。  相似文献   

1500米自由泳是竞技游泳项目中距离最长的项目。运动员在各分段中速度变化的具体表现能够客观反应其比赛战术。本文运用文献分析法、录像观察法对北京奥运会和山东全运会1500米自由泳决赛运动员的战术进行分析和探讨,分析得出长距离游泳战术类型分为前慢后快、前快后慢、相随、匀速和变速共五种战术。前慢后快战术和变速战术是世界级游泳运动员的常规战术之一。我国游泳运动员应加强后半程的游进能力,加强战术模拟训练,提升赛扬的战术执行能力。  相似文献   

杨善德 《体育科学》1993,13(2):30-33
通过对国内外200多名优秀陆上(800米跑)、水上(200米自由泳)、冰上(1500米速滑)运动员多种竞速能力多年的研究,发现不同的竞速能力在运动员多年训练过程各有自己的特点。根据不同优秀运动员多年竞速能力的变化,制定了本研究项目10年多种竞速能力的阶段性目标,以供这些项目运动员制定阶段性计划和作为各阶段的检测指标。  相似文献   

通过查阅大量的文献资料,并结合1500m跑的特征,探讨现代1500m跑的训练趋势,以期为广大的教练员和运动员提供参考。  相似文献   

The pacing behaviors used by elite athletes differ among individual sports, necessitating the study of sport-specific pacing profiles. Additionally, pacing behaviors adopted by elite runners differ depending on race distance. An “all-out” strategy, characterized by initial rapid acceleration and reduction in speed in the later stages, is observed during 100 m and 200 m events; 400 m runners also display positive pacing patterns, which is characterized by a reduction in speed throughout the race. Similarly, 800 m runners typically adopt a positive pacing strategy during paced “meet” races. However, during championship races, depending on the tactical approaches used by dominant athletes, pacing can be either positive or negative (characterized by an increase in speed throughout). A U-shaped pacing strategy (characterized by a faster start and end than during the middle part of the race) is evident during world record performances at meet races in 1500 m, 5000 m, and 10,000 m events. Although a parabolic J-shaped pacing profile (in which the start is faster than the middle part of the race but is slower than the endspurt) can be observed during championship 1500 m races, a negative pacing strategy with microvariations of pace is adopted by 5000 m and 10,000 m runners in championship races. Major cross country and marathon championship races are characterized by a positive pacing strategy; whereas a U-shaped pacing strategy, which is the result of a fast endspurt, is adopted by 3000 m steeplechasers and half marathoners. In contrast, recent world record marathon performances have been characterized by even pacing, which emphasizes the differences between championship and meet races at distances longer than 800 m. Studies reviewed suggest further recommendations for athletes. Throughout the whole race, 800 m runners should avoid running wide on the bends. In turn, during major championship events, 1500 m, 5000 m, and 10,000 m runners should try to run close to the inside of the track as much as possible during the decisive stages of the race when the speed is high. Staying within the leading positions during the last lap is recommended to optimize finishing position during 1500 m and 5000 m major championship races. Athletes with more modest aims than winning a medal at major championships are advised to adopt a realistic pace during the initial stages of long-distance races and stay within a pack of runners. Coaches of elite athletes should take into account the observed difference in pacing profiles adopted in meet races vs. those used in championship races: fast times achieved during races with the help of one or more pacemakers are not necessarily replicated in winner-takes-all championship races, where pace varies substantially. Although existing studies examining pacing characteristics in elite runners through an observational approach provide highly ecologically valid performance data, they provide little information regarding the underpinning mechanisms that explain the behaviors shown. Therefore, further research is needed in order to make a meaningful impact on the discipline. Researchers should design and conduct interventions that enable athletes to carefully choose strategies that are not influenced by poor decisions made by other competitors, allowing these athletes to develop more optimal and successful behaviors.  相似文献   

Energy system contribution to 1500- and 3000-metre track running   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of the present study was to quantify the contributions of the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems to 1500- and 3000-m track running events during all-out time-trials performed individually on a synthetic athletic track. Ten 3000-m (8 males, 2 females) and fourteen 1500-m (10 males, 4 females) trained track athletes volunteered to participate in the study. The athletes performed a graded exercise test in the laboratory and two time-trials over 1500 or 3000 m. The contributions of the energy systems were calculated by measures of race oxygen uptake, accumulated oxygen deficit (AOD), race blood lactate concentration, estimated phosphocreatine degradation and some individual muscle metabolite data. The relative aerobic energy system contribution (based on AOD measures) for the 3000 m was 86% (male) and 94% (female), while for the 1500 m it was 77% (male) and 86% (female). Estimates of anaerobic energy expenditure based on blood lactate concentrations, while not significantly different (P > 0.05), were generally lower compared with the AOD measures. In conclusion, the results of the present study conform with some recent laboratory-based measures of energy system contributions to these events.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to quantify the contributions of the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems to 1500- and 3000-m track running events during all-out time-trials performed individually on a synthetic athletic track. Ten 3000-m (8 males, 2 females) and fourteen 1500-m (10 males, 4 females) trained track athletes volunteered to participate in the study. The athletes performed a graded exercise test in the laboratory and two time-trials over 1500 or 3000?m. The contributions of the energy systems were calculated by measures of race oxygen uptake, accumulated oxygen deficit (AOD), race blood lactate concentration, estimated phosphocreatine degradation and some individual muscle metabolite data. The relative aerobic energy system contribution (based on AOD measures) for the 3000?m was 86% (male) and 94% (female), while for the 1500?m it was 77% (male) and 86% (female). Estimates of anaerobic energy expenditure based on blood lactate concentrations, while not significantly different (P?>?0.05), were generally lower compared with the AOD measures. In conclusion, the results of the present study conform with some recent laboratory-based measures of energy system contributions to these events.  相似文献   

对中外男子优秀十项全能运动员运动成绩之差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过查阅并整理中外男子优秀十项全能运动员10年来的运动成绩,笔者运用文献资料法、比较研究法、数理统计法,对运动成绩进行对比研究,结果表明我国男子十项全能运动整体水平和个体最好成绩与世界存在一定的差距,根据我国运动员的身体素质和运动技术水平的实际情况,提高我国全能运动整体水平在1 500m、400m和撑杆跳高单项上应加强训练,以提高其耐力素质.全国个人全能记录保持者龚国华在110m栏、100m和跳远单项上应加强速度素质训练,以提高个人运动速度.  相似文献   

During water polo matches, players use different front crawl styles. The purpose of this study was to conduct a kinematic analysis of three water polo front crawl styles: front crawl with head under water, front crawl with head above water, and front crawl when leading the ball. Ten proficient water polo players performed 3 × 15 m sprints in each front crawl style, which were recorded three-dimensionally by two surface and four underwater cameras. The results showed no differences in performance and several kinematic characteristics among the water polo front crawl styles. However, front crawl when leading the ball showed shorter stroke length and greater stroke frequency. Front crawl with head underwater presented greater maximal finger depth and elbow angle at mid-stroke position. Front crawl with head above water and when leading the ball showed greater trunk obliquity and maximal depth of right and left foot, and shorter kick stroke frequency. The findings suggest that proficient players learn to master front crawl with head above water to achieve top velocity. Despite the common use of the front crawl with head underwater as the basis for water polo fast displacement, coaches should emphasize the use of the specific water polo styles to attain high performance.  相似文献   

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