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教学的有效性,即如何通过教学活动高效地实现预期的教学结果。教学是教与学的双边活动,完整地说,教学的预期结果不仅仅包括学生,还应该指向教师。文章从三个方面探讨了新课程改革背景下课堂教学的有效性:一、学生主体参与的有效性;二、教师民主调控的有效性;三、师生互动交往的有效性。  相似文献   

本研究在对100名中小学教师进行预调查的基础上,编制成提高教师教学水平途径的内隐观调查问卷,对重庆市的285名教师进行了调查。结果显示:教师认为提高教师教学水平途径包括六个因素,即教育理念、科学的学生观、教与学的具体原则和方法、教学环境和具体的操作技能、师生互动和评价改革以及继续教育的培训等;教师认为最重要的十条途径是:培养学生正确的学习方法、引导学生将知识转化为能力、提高教师提问的技巧和水平、培养学生的学习兴趣及积极性、维持良好的师生关系、促进学生心理及人格健全发展、课堂教学中增加师生的互动、重视学生自主探究和合作学习、尊重每一个学生、因材施教;年龄、性别和学历的主效应及其交互作用效应,在提高教学水平途径的各个维度上均不存在显著影响。  相似文献   

Two instructors, given the lowest ratings by students in theschool of law at a research university in Israel, were interviewed,rated by students, and videotaped in classes twice: before and afterthey went through a treatment for improving instruction. Throughout theintervention period, several of their students were also interviewedregarding their instruction. Ratings by students of the same course inthe years previous to, and following, the treatment were also recorded.An analysis of the pre-treatment data identified three general factorsthat diminished students' ability to pay attention to and understandtheir teaching, thus causing their teaching to be perceived by studentsas poor. These three factors were: personal characteristics andaptitudes that negatively affect classroom behavior; lack ofsufficient pedagogical knowledge, and damaging thinking and beliefsregarding instruction and students. The four-month intensive treatmentshowed success in modifying and changing for the better most of thedamaging factors and in increasing instructional effectiveness. Thesignificant increase in student satisfaction from instruction thatresulted from the intervention was maintained for at least eight monthsafter the end of treatment. A principal conclusion is that for improvinginstruction of teachers perceived as poor by students, it is necessaryto modify not only the teachers' classroom behaviors but also theirpersonal characteristics and their beliefs about teaching and students– especially those that damage the effectiveness of theirinstruction.  相似文献   

对于阅读教学来说,探明学生的起点状况,并据此设计和实践课堂教学,乃是一个非常重要的教学原则。以《在那颗星子下》的教学实践为例,通过对两个预初班级学生提问状况和8份教学设计的统计分析,我们发现:教师与学生的问题聚焦点各有侧重;教师"使知"与学生"想知"之间存在较大差距;学生的问题既能反映其"想知"的内容,又能暴露其在阅读理解、阅读策略等方面存在的问题。在教学实践中,教师应注意把握学生的问题聚焦点和兴趣点,调整预估行为以尽量准确地探测学情,并根据学情,有针对性地设计和实施教学。  相似文献   

This paper reviews research and theory pertaining to teachers' differential treatment of different students in the classroom. Research on the behavioral-mediation (or transmission) of teacher expectancies is the major source of information about teachers' differential behavior toward high and low achievers. The common behaviors in expectancy-mediation research are listed, together with their meta-analytic effect magnitudes. A proposed conceptualization of teachers' differential behavior distinguishes between (a) the relatively equitable distribution of teachers' feedback; (b) compensation of low achievers in the instructional domain; and (c) a reversed trend of providing a warmer emotional climate and more positive affect to high achievers. Subsequent discussion focuses on students' perceptions of teachers' differential behavior, with special emphasis on gaps between students' and teachers' perceptions in the affective domain. Latter sections of the paper review teachers' differential behavior toward specific student types, particularly toward teachers' pets, and teachers' differential behavior in the physical space of the classroom.  相似文献   

This study examines the differences between teachers' and students' perceptions of textbook usage in the science classroom. Four categories of use were identified: teacher directed student activities; teaching/studying guidance; as a source of information for the user and as preparation for assessment. The results of the study show that differences do occur between teachers and students with respect to their perceptions of the extent to which textbooks are used in the classroom and the purposes for which they are used, namely as a teaching/studying guide and as preparation for assessment. The findings of the study should be important to all those who use, write and publish high school science textbooks. Specializations: science education.  相似文献   

将艺术创作中的陌生化理论引入英语教学,认为对传统的教学资源,教学方式,以及师生之间的角色转换进行陌生化处理,既可以增强学生学习的主动性,又能够培养学生的创新意识,激发教师的教学动力。  相似文献   

An elementary version of the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) and a scale for determining students' Enjoyment of their Science Lessons (ENJ) were translated into Standard Malay. This process, together with its initial validation carried out in 136 classrooms with 3,104 students, is described in this paper. Statistical analyses revealed that data from this Malay version of the QTI with these Malay-speaking elementary school students in Brunei are indeed valid and reliable. Associations between students' perceptions of their teachers' interpersonal behaviours and their end-of-year results on an external science examination were investigated. Students' perceptions of cooperative behaviours were positively correlated, while submissive behaviours were negatively correlated with their cognitive achievement. Cross-national comparisons were made between students' perceptions of teachers' classroom interaction and similar studies in Singapore, Australia, and Korea.  相似文献   

提高邓小平理论课教学效果,使青年学生牢固树立建设有中国特色社会主义的坚定信念,必须在思想上充分认识“三进”工作的重要性,增强教师教书育人的责任感。要把握时代特征,培养学生能力,发挥他们在理论学习中的主体作用。坚持理论联系实际,改革课堂教学。  相似文献   

教学实践活动从本质上说是教师和学生以课堂为主渠道的交往活动,是教师和学生在特殊教育情境中的自主探究活动,是教师的教和学生的学的统一的活动。教师和学生作为教学实践活动的两个主体是教学实践活动固有的性质决定的,但是长期以来,教学实践成了程序性劳动,教师面对权威的教材、教学方法束缚了自己的思维,学生则成了被动吸收的机器。"主体失落"的教学已失去了教学的本义。  相似文献   

随着新课程改革向纵深的发展,教师课堂评价行为逐渐从"以分论道"为主要目的向促进学生全面发展、促进教师教学效能感提升、构建和谐学习氛围的功能转变。现阶段,教师课堂教学评价行为在课堂评价活动的反馈方式、评价工具的选择、评价步骤的遴选上都呈现多样化发展。本研究拟对新课改背景下教师课堂评价行为的相关研究进行述评,以对新课程改革的实践教学评价活动提供可资借鉴的思考。  相似文献   

英国小学在课堂教学方面极为关注学生和教师的观点和期望,师生关系、知识设计、观念导入、教与学的技巧、学习态度等都会通过课堂特有的呈现方式出现,并推动着教师所期望的课堂学习。英国小学课堂生态包括活动与交往、课堂监控、课堂倾听"技术"及其教学反思等。  相似文献   

新课程背景下教学改革的价值取向及路径   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
新课程赋予教学以新的内涵,教学必须实现价值转型,切实关注学生作为“整体的人”的发展,引领学生学会生存和学会做人。教学变革的关键就是转变教师的教学行为和学生的学习方式,合理开发和利用课程资源,进而创建一种新型的课堂教学文化模式——思维型教学文化。  相似文献   

教师有效开展课堂对话式教学之策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对话式教学给今天的课堂教学注入了新鲜血液,我们必须充分理解它的真正内涵,积极应对课堂中出现的问题,使师生间的对话走向深远,使课堂教学有效实施。  相似文献   

传统的以教师为中心的教学论和新的以学生为中心的教学论,导致了课堂教学中偏面的强调关注一方,而忽略另一方面,更忽视课堂教学是一种生命参与的活动,是生命的成长和生成的过程。课堂教学中存在教师生命、学生生命和文本生命;教学的过程就是生命的相遇、交流和理解的过程,是生命的活化并创新的过程。课堂教学应重视教师的职业生命、发展学生的生命个性、挖掘生命的创新潜能并努力创设一种和谐的生命共同体,建构一种去模式化的教学过程。  相似文献   

“反向教学法”是衡水学院使用了体现“以学生为中心的主题教学”模式的《新编大学英语》教材后,通过教学改革实践探索而得。它主要包含两个方面的含义:把“教案”变为“学案”,从而扭转学生的英语学习观念和学习方法;把课堂归还学生,让学生成为教学的主体,真正体现以学生为中心。  相似文献   

亢莉 《培训与研究》2011,28(1):106-108
分层教学能照顾绝大多数学生的英语差异,并最大程度地保护不同学生的学习利益。根据重庆文理学院大学英语分层教学的改革实践证明,分层教学对学生的学,教师的教都有极大的促进作用。提出了合理疏导学生与教师面临的分层压力;独立设置教务系统解决排课、成绩录入难问题;多开展互动教学,使学生尽快融入新班级等改进措施。  相似文献   

"学评教"中教师主体性的发挥   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
课堂教学评价是一个师生互动、相互促进和提高的过程。在开展“学评教”、强调学生主体性的同时,应关注教师主体性在评价中的发霹。通过对“学评教”中影响教师主体性发挥的因素的分析,提出发挥教师主体性的对策,以实现“学评教”改进教学的真正目的。  相似文献   

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