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“两课”实践教学体系是“两课”教学体系的重要组成部分,“两课”实践教学体系可分为四种基本模式,“两课”实践教学体系的构建必须遵循与课堂理论教学相结合,与学生的思想实际相吻合的原则,实践教学基地选择的典型性、代表性原则以及评价体系的科学性原则。  相似文献   

推进高中生物课程改革,必须树立“以学生为主体,教师为主导”的现代教育思想,切实贯彻新课程理念,实现生物课程教学目标.结合教学实践开展的“互动式”教学探索,从巧搭“互动桥”、掌握互动的原则和提高互动i的有效性等方面阐述了高中生物“互动式”教学的方略.  相似文献   

基于"平台+岗位"的"2+1"人才培养模式的研究与实践   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过对浙江工商职业技术学院的实践的分析,提出一种基于“平台+岗位”、引入“双导师制”的“2+1”人才培养模式。构建了“2+1”模式的总体框架.提出了教育教学设计的基本原则;以特定专业为例详细说明了“2+1”培养模式的教学设计实践过程;并提出了相应的教学质量评价体系模型。  相似文献   

王福生 《新课程研究》2010,(2):105-105,111
如何围绕“实践性原则”不断进行创新,是当前中职语文教学改革需要突破的重点之一。笔者认为,教师应当确立“以学生为本”的教学思想,以学生的实践与创新能力为出发点,强化实践环节,创新实践形式,拓展实践内容.努力提高中职语文教学实效。  相似文献   

“倒叙教学”法是职业学校专业理论课教学实践化、应用化的一种有效教学方法。在课堂教学中,可以较好地运用“启发式”、“直观性”等教学原则,使理论和实践结合,新旧知识对接,提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

徐乐 《教育与职业》2006,(33):98-99
根据文献资料及多年的实践探索,文章对现代体育教学中“启发式”教学模式的指导思想、原则及运用等方面做了较全面和科学的分析,比较了传统“三段式”教学与“启发式”教学的优劣,指出“启发式”教学模式有利于充分调动学生学习的积极性,提高教学效率,在体育教学中具有较强的可行性。  相似文献   

语自学辅导教学既是一种新的教学方法,更是一种新的教学思想。语自学辅导教学中的“三主原则”、师生间的民主关系以及因材施教的教学原则集中体现了“以人为本”的思想内涵。在应试教育向素质教育转轨的今天,加强对语自学辅导教学的研究具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

随着模块系列化课程体系的提出并在浙江工商职业技术学院计算机类专业的推广实践,为“2 1”人才培养体系的“2”阶段教学设计提供了保证,另外,“双导师制”的纳入又为“1”阶段的教学实践提供了有力支持。在详细说明就业导向的适应性模块系列化课程体系的基础上,引入“双导师制,”提出一种基于适应性模块系列化课程体系的“2 1”人才培养体系。构建了体系的总体框架,提出了体系教育教学设计的基本原则;以特定专业为例详细说明了体系的教学设计实践过程。  相似文献   

“马克思主义基本原理概论”课模拟式实践教学情境的创设以能力培养为目标,以互动与创新教学、仿真模拟为特征,坚持合目的性原则、实践性原则、典型性原则以及与专业相结合的原则,以求提高高校“马克思主义基本原理概论”课实践教学的有效性,实践“以人为本”的教育理念。  相似文献   

在“法律基础”课中进行案例教学是这门针对非法律专业学生的公共课的一种好的教学形式。选择案例要以“法律基础”课的公共课性质及其主要内容为出发点。认识到它与法律专业课选择案例教学不同要求的特别意义。思想教育性原则、系统概括性原则和实践针对性原则是“法律基础”课选择案例进行案例教学要遵循的三大主要原则。  相似文献   

在康复治疗技术专业解剖学教学中应用3D虚拟解剖模型和学生手机APP进行学习,能很好地解决标本短缺的问题,取得较好的教学效果。文章介绍3D虚拟解剖模型概况,探讨3D虚拟解剖模型的应用优势,并指出3D虚拟解剖模型的不足和改进办法,以激发学生的学习兴趣,使教师的教与学生的学都变得更加轻松。  相似文献   

通过设计开发航空发动机涡轮装配模拟器,旨在改变传统教学实习的方式,改善实习条件和更新实习内容。文章系统地介绍了航空发动机涡轮装配模拟器的设计原理和组成,阐述了设计中的关键技术,并给出了模拟器的实现方案。模拟器采用CATIA和Acrobat 3D完成,发动机三维模型采用U3D格式,通过JavaScript实现了对U3D图形的控制。模拟器已经在本科教学中得到应用,实践表明该模拟器有很好的实用性和创新性。  相似文献   

“M—S—D”教学是专门为《中国近现代史纲要》课程而设计的一种教学模式。Modemiza-tion指教学理念上的“现代化范式”;SpeciM—subject指教学内容的“专题化”设计;Diversification指教学方法上的“多样化”手段。该教学模式试图将中国近现代史教学由传统的以“革命范式”为主的教学路径,转化为以“现代化范式”为主。以“现代化范式”为主线的“M-S-D”教学模式,相对传统的“革命范式”,能更好地适应当今全球化时代过程中中国现代化发展的趋势。  相似文献   

分析了三维模型库在机械制图课程教学应用中客观存在的问题,探讨了能满足机械制图教学要求的三维模型资源库结构,并给出了该网络化三维模型库在机械制图课程教学中的应用形式和实例。  相似文献   

李青  王青 《电大教学》2013,(4):29-35
3D打印是最近两年开始流行的一种快速成形技术,它以数字模型文件为基础,通过逐层打印的方式来构造物体。目前,已经有学者尝试将它应用于教学中,取得了一定成果。从文献研究入手,介绍了3D打印机的原理和3D打印技术的发展现状;呈现了3D打印在各学科教学中的创造性应用,并列举了三个典型案例加以剖析;进一步分析了其在学习环境中的角色、主要应用模式和创新性用法;最后讨论了目前3D打印应用于教学的前景、优势和不足。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的发展和教学资源的扩大,改进和优化虚拟实验室体系结构,建立三维模型库,可以提高模型利用率并加快模型检索速度,实现虚拟教学资源的共享性和扩展性。初步探讨了基于网络模型库的虚拟实验室的体系结构,分析了三维模型库设计过程中需要考虑的几个问题,最后实现了一个简单的三维模型库原型系统,并应用在虚拟考察实验室中。  相似文献   

Understanding the three‐dimensional (3D) nature of the human form is imperative for effective medical practice and the emergence of 3D printing creates numerous opportunities to enhance aspects of medical and healthcare training. A recently deceased, un‐embalmed donor was scanned through high‐resolution computed tomography. The scan data underwent segmentation and post‐processing and a range of 3D‐printed anatomical models were produced. A four‐stage mixed‐methods study was conducted to evaluate the educational value of the models in a medical program. (1) A quantitative pre/post‐test to assess change in learner knowledge following 3D‐printed model usage in a small group tutorial; (2) student focus group (3) a qualitative student questionnaire regarding personal student model usage (4) teaching faculty evaluation. The use of 3D‐printed models in small‐group anatomy teaching session resulted in a significant increase in knowledge (P = 0.0001) when compared to didactic 2D‐image based teaching methods. Student focus groups yielded six key themes regarding the use of 3D‐printed anatomical models: model properties, teaching integration, resource integration, assessment, clinical imaging, and pathology and anatomical variation. Questionnaires detailed how students used the models in the home environment and integrated them with anatomical learning resources such as textbooks and anatomy lectures. In conclusion, 3D‐printed anatomical models can be successfully produced from the CT data set of a recently deceased donor. These models can be used in anatomy education as a teaching tool in their own right, as well as a method for augmenting the curriculum and complementing established learning modalities, such as dissection‐based teaching. Anat Sci Educ 11: 44–53. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Understanding orbital anatomy is important for optometry students, but the learning resources available are often fragile, expensive, and accessible only during scheduled classes. Drawing on a constructivist, personalized approach to learning, this study investigated students’ perceptions of an alternative learning resource: a three-dimensional (3D) printed model used in an active learning task. A human skull was three-dimensionally scanned and used to produce a 3D printed model for each student. Students actively participated in model creation by tracing suture lines and coloring individual orbital bones during a practical class, then keeping the model for future study. Students’ perceptions of the 3D orbital model were examined through a questionnaire: the impact the model had on their learning; perceptions of the 3D orbit compared to traditional resources; and utility of having their own personalized model. The 3D orbit was well received by the student cohort. Participants (n = 69) preferred the 3D orbit as a resource for learning orbital bone anatomy compared to traditional learning resources, believing the model helped them to understand and visualize the spatial relationships of the bones, and that it increased their confidence to apply this knowledge. Overall, the participants liked that they co-created the model, could touch and feel it, and that they had access to it whenever they liked. Three-dimensional printing technology has the potential to enable the creation of effective learning resources that are robust, low-cost and readily accessible to students, and should be considered by anyone wishing to incorporate personalized resources to their multimodal teaching repertoire.  相似文献   

Three‐dimensional (3D) information plays an important part in medical and veterinary education. Appreciating complex 3D spatial relationships requires a strong foundational understanding of anatomy and mental 3D visualization skills. Novel learning resources have been introduced to anatomy training to achieve this. Objective evaluation of their comparative efficacies remains scarce in the literature. This study developed and evaluated the use of a physical model in demonstrating the complex spatial relationships of the equine foot. It was hypothesized that the newly developed physical model would be more effective for students to learn magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) anatomy of the foot than textbooks or computer‐based 3D models. Third year veterinary medicine students were randomly assigned to one of three teaching aid groups (physical model; textbooks; 3D computer model). The comparative efficacies of the three teaching aids were assessed through students' abilities to identify anatomical structures on MR images. Overall mean MRI assessment scores were significantly higher in students utilizing the physical model (86.39%) compared with students using textbooks (62.61%) and the 3D computer model (63.68%) (P < 0.001), with no significant difference between the textbook and 3D computer model groups (P = 0.685). Student feedback was also more positive in the physical model group compared with both the textbook and 3D computer model groups. Our results suggest that physical models may hold a significant advantage over alternative learning resources in enhancing visuospatial and 3D understanding of complex anatomical architecture, and that 3D computer models have significant limitations with regards to 3D learning. Anat Sci Educ 6: 216–224. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This article provides the reader with insight into what research and development (R&D) work specifically entails. The various stages in development processes are described from the research question and analyses that have current practice as the point of departure to consolidation and new practice based on the testing of concrete teaching programs. This article also illuminates the “R” in R&D work. A thorough review is given of how the development processes can be explored by having a meta-perspective on concrete practice. A number of models have been developed to visualize development and research. We introduce our own R&D model in the article which is a very accessible way of presenting the various processes within the stages and levels of R&D work. The article ends by pointing out the importance that focused research questions have for R&D work and how the model can be a tool for researchers cooperating with teachers in communities of development.  相似文献   

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