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陈卓 《海外英语》2014,(11):126-127
雅思(International English Language Testing System,简称IELTS,中文名为国际英语语言测试系统)是由英国文化协会(The British Council,即英国驻华大使馆/总领事馆文化教育处)、剑桥大学考试委员会(CESOL)和澳大利亚教育国际开发署(IDP Australia)共同举办的国际英语水平测试。随着国际化进程的加快,越来越多的中国学生为了去英国、美国这样的主流国家求学深造而参加雅思考试,他们急需行之有效的雅思备考技巧。笔者从事雅思教学多年,深知在雅思的听说读写四项考试中,中国考生的弱项是写作和口语,而强项是阅读与听力,其中阅读是最强项。在对2013年度参加雅思考试的主要国家考生雅思成绩的统计中,中国雅思考生的总评分为5.5分,其中听力5.7分,阅读5.9分,写作5.2分,口语5.3分。可见中国"烤鸭"们要想提高雅思成绩,阅读是重点突破项目。此文中笔者从制约考生阅读分数的文章长难句出发透析雅思阅读,帮助广大""烤鸭""建立自己的雅思阅读备考之生存地图。  相似文献   

雅思测试由听力测试、阅读测试、写作测试、口语测试组成。教学中要注意学生语言能力的提高,注重篇章教学,注重实战模拟训练,通过日常的英语训练提高学生的雅思测试成绩和使用英语语言的能力。  相似文献   

随着中外合作办学事业的发展,各项留学考试不断升温,参加雅思(International English Language Testingsystem)考试的人也越来越多,人们对雅思测试也有了一些了解.雅思测试由听力测试、阅读测试、写作测试、口语测试组成.中国学生受传统教学法的影响,忽视了听力与会话等交际能力的培养.因此,听力语言能力没有得到协调发展.如何提高学生的英语语言能力及雅思听力测试成绩,是听力教学的重点.本文简述了雅思听力考试内容、改进雅思听力教学内容与方法及雅思听力的学习方法.  相似文献   

针对现阶段的英语雅思学习,普遍存在这样一种情况,即使学生们掌握了很多有效的雅思阅读方法,同时也背熟了很多的词汇知识,但到实践解题过程中依然无法取得一种较高的正确率。究其原因主要还是在于学生对于雅思阅读考察话题的不够熟悉所导致。然而,雅思阅读中所涉及到的自然科学又有哪些呢?因此,本文就针对雅思阅读中的自然学题材进行了分析,并对如何攻克雅思阅读中的自然学类型话题进行了深入的讨论,希望能够为后期学生的雅思学习能够有所帮助。  相似文献   

词汇学习是英语学习的关键,但传统词汇教学受到多种因素的局限,效果不佳.文章试着从心理词库的内部关系入手,回顾心理词库结构假说,通过研究人脑如何认识、储存并提取词汇,结合雅思阅读教学实践,探讨如何帮助学生提高词汇学习效率,并为雅思阅读词汇教学提供参考.  相似文献   

杨峰 《英语广场》2022,(22):45-49
英语语篇构建着重形式手段,而词汇衔接是实现语义连贯的重要手段之一。雅思阅读理解测试的特点之一是频繁使用同义词,因此,教师应在雅思阅读教学中引导学生了解雅思阅读测试中的词汇衔接手段,充分利用寻读策略准确定位,提高学生阅读能力。  相似文献   

为了帮助更多高中生应对雅思考试,越来越多的国际高中开设雅思课程,因此雅思成绩成为衡量国际高中教学实力的重要标准之一。本文分析了国际高中雅思教学的现状,从学生管理、课程设置及教材研发等方面探讨了提高雅思教学质量的方法。  相似文献   

吕长青 《考试周刊》2009,(37):134-136
本文作者运用了定量研究的方法,通过对部分雅思学习者的问卷调查,分析了词汇学习策略对词汇成绩的影响,并在此基础上,对部分学生进行了一段时间的针对性的词汇策略训练,结果发现学生的词汇成绩有了明显的提高,阅读成绩也有了相应的提高。  相似文献   

孙涛 《留学生》2009,(7):42-43
令人担忧的雅思口语成绩 2009年3月.在英国使馆文化处组织的2009国际教育峰会暨雅思考试20周年庆典上,剑桥大学考试委员会雅思课题经理Rod Borough公布了2008年中国雅思考生的表现:听力成绩给了大家一个惊喜,提高了近0.2分;阅读算是中国考生的强项,但自2005年以来.就一直没有太大变化;写作、口语略有回升.但离2005年的最好成绩还差一截。  相似文献   

雅思阅读考试对提高大学英语阅读教学有积极意义,将雅思阅读考试在词汇记忆、长句拆分与整合、阅读素材、阅读技巧、测试题型等方面的理念有机地融入大学英语阅读教学中,使教学有的放矢,从而提高英语教师的教学水平,提高学生在雅思考试中的竞争力,使大学英语教学目标得以真正地实现。  相似文献   

Cognitive diagnostic assessment (CDA) allows for diagnosing second language (L2) learners’ strengths and weaknesses of attributes in a specific domain. Exploring the little-known territory of CDA, the current study retrofitted the reading section of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) with a cognitive diagnostic model (CDM). It aimed to identify the attributes involved in successfully implementing IELTS reading, analyze the overall and individual test-takers’ reading performance, and, finally, explore the IELTS reading differences of Iranian students in engineering and veterinary domains. Based on think-aloud protocols and expert judgement, an initial Q-matrix was developed. Using R package CDM, the generalized deterministic inputs, noisy “and” gate (G-DINA) model was applied to IELTS reading data to refine and validate the initial Q-matrix and estimate the mastery probabilities of 1025 test-takers on each attribute. The final Q-matrix consisted of 6 attributes assumed to be involved in IELTS reading. Moreover, the overall test-takers and the individuals demonstrated different mastery/non-mastery across the 6 IELTS reading attributes on both macro and micro levels. Further, significant differences were found between IELTS reading performances of Iranian engineering and veterinary students. The findings supported the assumption that CDA can provide instructors and IELTS candidates with detailed diagnostic feedback to promote test-takers’ IELTS reading performance.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to demonstrate the differences in writing between International English Language Testing System (IELTS) bands 6.0, 6.5 and 7.0. An analysis of exemplars provided from the IELTS test makers reveals that IELTS 6.0, 6.5 and 7.0 writers can make a minimum of 206 errors, 96 errors and 35 errors per 1000 words. The following section explores the differences in error patterns between IELTS 6.0, 6.5 and 7.0 writers and a proposition is made that the IELTS 7.0 writer shows some convergence of error types found among native English writers. In regard to workload issues, the paper discusses the impact of errors as a distraction which affects reading time and gives an indication of the amount of extra workload that may be required to assess IELTS 6.0, 6.5 and 7.0 writing. The paper concludes with remarks about entrance requirements for tertiary study and suggests that it may be simpler to raise entry standards than attempt to remediate the writing of students with low IELTS scores.  相似文献   

This research studied whether deaf students' component reading processes may interact with other in a competitive manner. Vocabulary and syntax, two processes known to directly and adversely affect the comprehension of many deaf readers, were studied to determine if they may influence each other, affecting the contribution that each one makes separately to reading comprehension. Multiple regression analyses were conducted on predictor variables that included measures of vocabulary and syntactic competence, as well as a variable summarizing the interaction of vocabulary and syntax. The criterion variable was a composite of comprehension performance on a cloze procedure and on a more traditional reading test. Results were cross-validated by separate regressions on data samples from three populations of profoundly deaf readers: 100 adolescents from oral school programs, 113 adolescents from total communication programs, and 211 students entering a postsecondary institution that used total communication. In each regression, the Vocabulary × Syntax interaction variable emerged as the most critical of the three predictors. Further analyses of the interaction revealed that among subjects in the highest quartile of syntactic competence, the correlation between vocabulary competence and reading was significantly greater than it was in the lower three syntax quartiles. In contrast, the relationship between syntax and comprehension remained stable across all four quartiles of vocabulary competence. This suggests that unless deaf readers have achieved a reasonable level of syntactic competence it may be difficult for them to capitalize fully on their vocabulary knowledge. The finding that limitations in one reading process can interfere with the application of another is consistent with the theory of Capacity Constrained Comprehension of M. Just and P. Carpenter (1992). Because syntax can exert both a direct and an indirect influence on comprehension, it should be an important focus in instructional programs.  相似文献   

以窄式听力策略为着手点,探讨大学英语听力理解过程中,目标词汇的语义加工类型和词汇类型这两个因素在促成词汇附带习得的作用。基于SPSS完成实验数据分析,实验结果显示,(1)窄式听力策略的培训显著地促进了目标词汇的附带习得效果;(2)有语义加工的显著促进词汇习得;(3)专业词汇的获得要好于学术和低频词汇。  相似文献   

Conclusions Students exposed to the SHCP did not achieve significantly different (p=.01) reading comprehension mean scores than students not exposed to the program. However, the gains measured in this research covered only a nine week period, and if the reading comprehension mean score gains were projected over the academic year, the difference would be significant.The experimental students achieved significantly higher posttest vocabulary mean scores than students receiving their regular health instruction. Since there was no difference in mean scores by sex, it was concluded that the special prototype health-education curriculum in combination with the process used by the teachers appeared to have some impact on the experimental students' vocabulary mean scores.Since the total sample used in this study was small, there is a need for further studies with larger samples to further investigate the effects of the SHCP, as well as other prototype programs on the basic skill development of lower SES students.  相似文献   

Promising methods of reading instruction for elementary school students incorporate peer-assisted learning routines and reading strategies. In addition, models of reading comprehension point to the importance of various determinants of reading competence such as reading fluency and vocabulary knowledge. Multicomponent reading intervention programs need to be evaluated to determine IF and HOW they unfold their effects on the reading competence of elementary school students on the basis of such theoretical and empirical models. Accordingly, the present study was designed as a quasi-experimental study of a 20-lesson peer-assisted and strategy-based multicomponent intervention for whole-class instruction in elementary school. Linear mixed models and latent growth models were used to analyze the longitudinal data (pre-, post- and follow-up test) on the reading competencies (reading fluency, vocabulary knowledge, reading strategy competence, reading comprehension) and intrinsic reading motivation of students in the intervention (N = 187) and control group (N = 177). The results showed an interaction between the groups and the change in reading comprehension, indicating a significantly increased score in the intervention group at the posttest (d = 0.15) but not at the follow-up test (d = 0.12). The results of the latent growth model point to the importance of designing interventions that explicitly integrate reading strategies, reading fluency and vocabulary knowledge and also foster intrinsic reading motivation. In addition, reading fluency was revealed to be the strongest predictor of reading comprehension and the change in fluency over time was closely linked to reading comprehension development.  相似文献   

As access to a university education has increased globally, there have also been increases in the number of universities that use English as a medium of instruction (EMI) and in the number of non‐English‐speaking students studying in English‐speaking countries. Correspondingly, the English language proficiency of students studying in EMI environments is becoming increasingly significant. Using a large sample of 953 undergraduate students at an EMI university in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), this paper examines the predictive validity of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) as it pertains to the academic success of students as determined by grade point average and addresses implications and appropriateness of further language support. Results indicate that IELTS scores are a meaningful predictor of academic success, especially in the EMI environment that exists in the UAE. Lower than the IELTS guidelines, an IELTS 6.0 seems to be a key benchmark that predicts academic success. It may be that this more moderate English proficiency score is a better fit for non‐English‐speaking countries, but that further language support embedded into degree programmes is necessary except at the highest proficiency levels, and that a bilingual option should be considered at the lowest proficiency levels.  相似文献   

This study investigated eighth-grade science students’ (13–14-year-olds) perceptions of their vocabulary knowledge, learning, and content achievement. Data sources included pre- and posttest of students’ perceptions of vocabulary knowledge, students’ perceptions of vocabulary and reading strategies surveys, and a content achievement test. Students’ perceptions of vocabulary knowledge were compared before and after instruction to see whether students believed they gained knowledge and the ability to explain categories of technical science terms. Students’ perceptions of vocabulary knowledge increased as a result of instruction. The participants had favorable views of the vocabulary and reading strategies implemented and believed the literacy approaches were important for their developing science knowledge. In addition, students’ content achievement was compared to a national data set. Students in this study outperformed a national data set on all content knowledge items assessed. Students’ perceptions of their knowledge and vocabulary and reading strategies were congruent with their content achievement. This study is one of the first to highlight the pivotal role students’ perception of vocabulary knowledge and vocabulary and reading strategies plays in science content learning.  相似文献   

Vocabulary knowledge at school entry is a robust predictor of later reading achievement. Many children begin formal reading instruction at a significant disadvantage due to low levels of vocabulary. Until recently, relatively few research studies examined the efficacy of vocabulary interventions for children in the early primary grades (e.g., before fourth grade), and even fewer addressed vocabulary intervention for students at increased risk for reading failure. In more recent work, researchers have begun to explore ways in which to diminish the “meaningful differences” in language achievement noted among children as they enter formal schooling. This article provides a review of a particularly effective model of vocabulary intervention based on shared storybook reading and situates this model in a context of tiered intervention, an emerging model of instructional design in the field of special education. In addition, we describe a quasi‐experimental posttest‐only study that examines the feasibility and effectiveness of the model for first‐grade students. Participants were 224 first‐grade students of whom 98 were identified as at risk for reading disability based on low levels of vocabulary. Results of a multivariate analysis of variance revealed significant differences on measures of target vocabulary knowledge at the receptive and context level, suggesting that students at risk for reading failure benefit significantly from a second tier of vocabulary instruction. Implications for classroom practice as well as future research are provided.  相似文献   

Classwide instructional strategies to improve not only reading fluency but also comprehension and vocabulary knowledge are essential for student reading success. The current study examined the immediate effects of two classwide listening previewing strategies on reading comprehension and vocabulary knowledge. Twenty‐one, fourth‐grade general education students were exposed to three experimental conditions including a silent reading control condition, a listening previewing condition, and a listening previewing with vocabulary previewing condition. For all conditions, students read grade‐level passages, answered 10 comprehension questions, and completed a vocabulary‐matching task. Results showed that both listening previewing conditions led to improvements in comprehension as compared to silent reading. Adding a vocabulary previewing component to listening previewing procedures resulted in the highest levels of comprehension and vocabulary. Applied implications and directions for future research are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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