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日本国立大学结构改革的原因简析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代日本推行国家行政体制改革以来,高等教育的行政体制改革也被提上议事日程。目前日本高等教育正在进行着前所未有的改革,其大学和高等教育经历了巨大的结构变化。而这一变化可以说才刚刚开始,至今尚未能看到这次变化的终点。本文拟就日本国立大学结构改革、变化的基本趋势和主要原因作一分析。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代日本推行国家行政体制改革以来,高等教育的行政体制改革也被提上议事日程。目前日本高等教育正在进行着前所未有的改革.其大学和高等教育经历了巨大的结构变化。而这一变化可以说才刚刚开始,至今尚未能看到这次变化的终点。本拟就日本国立大学结构改革、变化的基本趋势和主要原因作一分析。  相似文献   

战后,日本的社会、政治、经济、文化发生了重大变化,与此同时,高等教育结构也发生了相应的变化。这种变化至今尚在进行。高等教育结构的变化是围绕着几个重大课题进行的:1.社会需要大量的高等教育水平的人材,日益增多的高中毕业生要求升学;2.社会、经济结构的变化要求多种多样的高等教育水平的人材;3.科技飞快发展,知识更新加速,要求高等教育水平的人材有更大的适应性和创造性;4.社会职业流动频繁,技术革新的开展,要求在职人员  相似文献   

日本高等教育质量与数量的均衡发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张玉琴 《教育研究》2006,27(2):84-89
自日本近代学制产生以来,高等教育内部便出现了两种不同的教育理念、教育体系及教育财政拨款制度,从而形成了高等教育办学主体的二元结构。这一结构特征有效地解决了日本高等教育数量与质量二者的关系,使战后日本高等教育得以均衡、协调发展。日本高等教育办学主体的二元结构的构成,为后发性国家高等教育数量与质量的均衡、协调发展提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

职业指导准确地说应该是职业前途指导。日本高中历来重视这方面的教育,近年来特别有所加强。随着科学技术的发展,社会上的产业结构、职业结构起了很大变化;高等教育结构与水平层次的多样化;现代学生职业意识成熟得较晚,这种种因素促使日本高中加强了职业前途指导教育。  相似文献   

从历史与比较研究的视角,对日本高等教育制度结构为什么缺乏稳定性进行了系统的分析,认为高等教育制度的等级性与僵硬性是导致缺乏稳定性的根本原因,同时也是日本的独特性之所在。如何构建新的日本式制度结构,仍然是日本高等教育难以回避的课题。  相似文献   

中等教育和高等教育是教育系统中两个相互影响、紧密联系的部分,高等教育是在中等教育基础上的继续和发展。在我国由于不同教育阶段的教育理念及目标脱节、教学和管理模式不一致,且这两个教育阶段缺乏互动致使我国的中等教育与高等教育衔接不畅。日本"高大协同"衔接模式为我国的中等教育与高等教育衔接提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

中国高等教育的大众化是一个整体的改革和发展过程。其中结构的变化是一个十分重要的方面,而层次结构的变化又是非常关键的部分。层次结构不仅反映了高等教育系统内部各层次的结构与社会需求的结构之间的关系与矛盾,而且也反映了不同层次之间各类人才总量的供给与社会的总需求之间的矛盾,这两大矛盾制约着高等教育层次结构的发展方向、发展水平和规模。  相似文献   

本文基于公开的数据库与相关期刊和书籍等,使用量化研究方法,对1979~2019年日本高等教育研究主题内容和方法等发展变化做了较为全面和系统的考察。本文主要发现包括:首先,1979年以来高等教育研究文献数量的持续增长说明,高等教育研究在日本并非一个日趋衰落或越来越不受重视的领域。其次,日本高等教育政策和高等教育改革措施直接影响了高等教育研究的主题变化及其数量。日本高等教育研究总体上比较注重研究与政府和社会变化的联系,具有较强的问题意识,强调研究的实践性和针对性等。第三,从国别研究来看,日本高等教育总体上仍然一直重视对美国的研究,但20世纪90年代后期开始,日本高等教育比较研究的焦点逐渐从西方、尤其是从欧洲大陆的主要国家过渡到东亚的中国和韩国。最后,过去40年高等教育的学术研究逐渐从重视史料及文本的整理和解读,转向更多基于大规模问卷调查数据的量化研究。此外,与早期多注重介绍和翻译来自美国学者的研究相比,近年来的学术研究更强调原创性和具有新意。  相似文献   

日本高等教育的大众化与特罗“理论”   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
马丁·特罗对于高等教育三个发展阶段的特性和结构的论述有先见性和预见性 ,但该理论也有其局限性 ,它只是根据欧洲和美国高等教育的经验建立起来的 ,缺乏有关亚洲、特别是东亚在 2 0世纪 70年代正发生变化的信息和知识 ,没有预想到信息技术的惊人发展所带来的变化等。日本的历史经验告诉我们 :由于存在着“日本式的”私立高等教育 ,使得日本能够在短时期内赶超上欧洲各国的高等教育毛入学率 ,而且以高于欧洲各国的速度实现了大众化。  相似文献   

The present tension in Italy's universities is attributable mainly to the following factors:
  • the higher education system was changed during the 1960s to cater for the masses rather than just the élite, without there being any corresponding expansion of academic facilities, teaching staff and social services;

  • changes in educational policies led to strains in the student‐professor relationship, and ‐ a sharp rise in youth unemployment has lowered student expectations and bred resentment among higher education graduates.

Below we present information analysing this situation, with special regard to the position of students, and including proposals for changes which would improve the condition of higher education in Italy.  相似文献   

职业教育作为推动经济增长的重要战略之一,吸引了国内外学者的眼球。本研究以中国知网为平台,对其1998-2019年所收录的篇名包含“职业教育”或“职业技术教育”检索词的3290篇CSSCI期刊论文进行可视化分析。研究结果发现:我国职业教育研究的研究人员和研究机构较多,但还没有形成具有高影响力的关联性研究团体;目前虽已形成高等职业教育、中等职业教育、校企合作、农村职业教育、职业教育发展、人才培养等36个研究热点,但主要集中于高等职业教育、校企合作和现代职业教育体系研究三个方面;最新的研究前沿是现代职业教育体系建构和职业院校发展,这两个前沿点也是我国职业教育亟待突破的方面。  相似文献   

当代中国的高等“国学”教育,可以从三个功能层面和路向来加以理解:面向学院学术的专业教育、面向公民培育的通识教育、面向文化建设和文明对话的中国文化传统之诠释和转化.“为学”的教育和“为人”的教育,都可以指向参与文明对话和参与社会转型新文化建设之目标.这是我们思考当代高等“国学”教育的立足点和出发点.同时,我们揭出“中国古典学”之概念,以为当代“国学”教育和学科建设的核心内容.  相似文献   

高校英语教师专业发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校英语教师专业发展不充分的主要影响因素有:入职准备不充分;在职培训不到位;考核分配机制不健全等。依此,应从三个方面促进教师专业发展:一是加强教育法制建设,切实完善教师教育标准;二是深化教师专业发展特点及理论的探索,落实教师在职培训;三是完善考核分配机制,切实提升教师工作满意度。  相似文献   

Faculty around the world are experiencing changes in their academic work. While “traditional” universities are responding to demands for greater accountability and increased and timely outputs from research, faculty within new higher education institutions (HEIs) are undergoing a paradigm shift within three concentric circles of change. Not only do they have to alter their own academic practice, but their HEI is also undergoing a revolution at a time when higher education is itself being transformed. The article documents these changes, challenging the assumption that there is a homogeneous or “single academic profession” with a common experience of academic change, and suggests a more complex picture for faculty in new HEIs. There are three sections: (1) overview of the literature on academic work, (2) how faculty in new HEIs are learning to play the research game, and (3) strategies and policies being introduced to encourage and facilitate research.  相似文献   

Over the last 30 years, Chile and Mexico have been implementing neoliberal policies to reform their higher education systems. This report compares the development and impact of those policies within three main areas in both countries, namely: (1) trends and characteristics of the growing private higher education sector, (2) commercialisation and business-like trends that private academia is experiencing and, finally, (3) it discusses how all this has created tensioning situations with assessment and accrediting agencies to ensure quality in their private higher education systems. This study shows that private higher education is facing the following challenges in both nations: (1) an uncritical implementation of neoliberal policies, (2) that there is a very unregulated legislation that has allowed many private institutions to profit within loopholes in the law, (3) that quality has become a central concern and some of the mechanisms applied to correct it have not been effective, showing a lack of a comprehensive system of quality assessment, and (4) that enrolment has grown but with several mismatches that challenge the initial goal of advancing economic development through human resources capacities. Alternative policies are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper considers the question of when it can be advantageous, for both academics and universities, for individuals to be employed by more than one institution by first analysing the meanings of “advantage”, understood as profitable and valuable, and “disadvantage”. The question is whether it is possible to reach a matrix‐like balance of these opposing meanings/factors in higher education. The analysis is followed by a presentation of the Polish higher education case study seen through three possible scenarios, or Situations: when the alma mater is (1) the only place, (2) the principal place, and (3) one of [too] many places of employment and revenue. The quantitative growth of Polish higher education and its consequences are thought to be the main reason for the emergence of Situation 3. But, with the introduction of a new Law on Higher Education and efforts to create a new institutional culture there are signs of a shift from Situation 3 to Situation 2.  相似文献   

As the 21st century begins, three factors are intersecting in ways that are changing the face of international development assistance and, in turn, the agenda of international development agencies working in the area of education. These changes include: (1) shifts in the age distribution of the population, (2) devolution of more authority and responsibility to lower levels of the education system, and (3) intensified competition for resources. This paper examines how the convergence of these trends is reshaping the way development assistance organizations will operate in the next decade, identifies development priorities of the next decade, and proposes a model of the factors that international agencies need to consider in assessing their own work priorities over that time.  相似文献   

In the pursuit of mass higher education, fears are often expressed that the quality of higher education suffers as access is increased. This quantitative study considers three proxies of educational quality: (1) prior academic achievement of the student, (2) attrition and retention rates and (3) progression rates, to establish whether educational quality suffers when supply is significantly increased. The period of analysis (2009–2011) saw just such an increase in higher education places in Australia, as universities prepared for the removal of all caps on undergraduate domestic student places in 2012. Our analysis reveals that, whilst widening access results in more students with lower levels of academic achievement entering higher education, this does not necessarily equate to a lowering of educational quality. Furthermore, although on average student progression rates dropped slightly, retention rates actually increased in the majority of universities, suggesting high levels of student perseverance. In addition, there were already wide variations in attrition and progression rates between universities, and the changes observed between 2009 and 2011 did not lead to substantial alterations.  相似文献   

As the 21st century begins, three factors are intersecting in ways that are changing the face of international development assistance and, in turn, the agenda of international development agencies working in the area of education. These changes include: (1) shifts in the age distribution of the population, (2) devolution of more authority and responsibility to lower levels of the education system, and (3) intensified competition for resources. This paper examines how the convergence of these trends is reshaping the way development assistance organizations will operate in the next decade, identifies development priorities of the next decade, and proposes a model of the factors that international agencies need to consider in assessing their own work priorities over that time.  相似文献   

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