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Ⅰ.单项选择 1. I went to the beach. Where did you go ____ the school trip? A. on B. for C. with D. in 2. If I have seven days ____, I!d like to go to Beijing. A. long B. off C. on D. with 3. I don!t think it!s a funny story. In fact, it sounds ____. A. bore B. bored C. be boring D. boring 4. I!m sorry I cannot go to the movies. I!m ____ tired. A. a little of B. a few C. kind of D. a kind of 5. When she was in France last time, she ____ souvenirs for me. A. buy B. buys C. buyed D. b…  相似文献   

go jump in the lake
To go away and quit being a bother.
John was tired of Tom's advice and told him to go jump in the lake. (John was tired of Tom's advice and told him to go away and quit bothering him.)  相似文献   

1.One morning Bob left hishouse with six donkeys to go totown.After a while,he got tired andgat on one of the donkeys. 一天早上, 鲍勃赶着六头驴离开家到镇上去。过了一会儿,他感到累了并骑上其中一头驴。  相似文献   

I like w eekends.B ecause people needn ' s go tow ork and students needn ' t go to school.A t w eekendsw e can do som ething w e like and have a rest.P eoplew ork for several days and m ust be very tired.T hen theycan go to bed earlier and get up later than usual.I oftenlisten to a piece of m usic and drink a cup of coffee.O fcourse do m y hom ew ork.They m ake m e very happy.Ialso do som e reading.It' s very interesting.E veryonehas his w ay to have a rest.I think everyone likesw eekends v…  相似文献   

(一)重点短语回顾sing along with伴随……歌唱go on vacation继续度假remind sb of sth提醒某人某事on display展览;陈列to be honest(作插入语)老实说;说实在的be bad for对……有害,有坏处的stay away from(与某人/某物)保持距离be in agreement意见一致go trekking长途跋涉  相似文献   

a little与a bit     
a little与a bit这两个词语都有“一点儿”,“少许”的意思,在使用时有时可以互换,有时则不可以互换。下面试谈谈它们的用法。一、修饰形容词或副词原级时,二者意思相同,可以互换。例如: I’m a little/a bit tired; I think Imust go home.我有一点儿累,我想我得回家了。  相似文献   

I’d like to go to a rainforest—the place I’ve alw ays dream t of going to. D uring m y long holiday in M ay, it m ay take a w eek to be on m y adventure. A nd I think it’ll be a really fantastic journey as there m ust be a va- riety of creatures along m y w ay. W henever I get tired and bored,they’ll cheer m e up.D if- ferent creatures m ake m e excited. A nd the m ore dangerous m y journey is, the m ore curi- ous I w ill be. I m ay get to m y destination by air, but in order to enjoy …  相似文献   

I’d like to go to a rainforest—the place I’ve alw ays dream t of going to. D uring m y long holiday in M ay, it m ay take a w eek to be on m y adventure. A nd I think it’ll be a really fantastic journey as there m ust be a va- riety of creatures along m y w ay. W henever I get tired and bored,they’ll cheer m e up.D if- ferent creatures m ake m e excited. A nd the m ore dangerous m y journey is, the m ore curi- ous I w ill be. I m ay get to m y destination by air, but in order to enjoy m y journey to the ful...  相似文献   

上期话题:Should m iddleschool students own a cell?中学生应该有移动 电话 吗 ?Dear editor,I’m a student of GradeSeven. I think cell is a goodand useful tool for us. Cell isvery im portant in our daily life.If we m eet som e trouble, wecan call som ebody for help bycell at once. W e can ask ourteachers or classm ates for helpin our study. If we have cellsplay cell gam es when we are waiting for buses orwhen we are tired.W hat’s m ore,with cells we can get m ore inform a-tion easily.Don’t yo…  相似文献   

The Last Leaf     
“When the last leaf falls, I must go too. I am tired of waiting. I am tired of thinking. I want to turn loose my hold on everything and go sailing down, down, just like one of those poor tired leaves.” I suppose all that are familiar with the American writer O.Henry and his masterpiece “The Last Leaf may remember the above-mentioned words said by the critically sick artist Joseph at her last gasp. On my first reading the novel, I thought these words was a bit strong. Not until recently do I come to realize what Joseph said actually is the alarm to us all.  相似文献   

These days people are getting richer and richer.In20or30years’time,what will the life be like?Maybe each family will have a robot.Our mother won’tbe busy with housework.They won’t be tired.Maybe whenwe don’t feel very well,we needn’t go to a hospital to see adoctor.Our children needn’t go to school every day,becausebooks will be on computers but not on paper.The teachersneedn’t go to the school to work,and they can stay at hometeaching us students through world wide web.We’ll havefri…  相似文献   

A Lucky Escape     
This story concerns(有关)a spider(蜘蛛)and a certain general of ancient times who had lost a battle and,in the company of(在……陪同下)a faithful(忠诚的)servant,was trying to escape(逃脱)from the enemy.Both were extremely(极度,非常)tired,and both were hungry and thirsty,but they did not dare to go into any town for fear of (担心,害怕)being discovered and captured(捉)by the enemy.Toward evening they arrived at a mountain where there was a small cave.  相似文献   

These days people are getting richer and richer.In20or30years’time,what will the life be like?Maybe each family will have a robot.Our mother won’tbe busy with housework.They won’t be tired.Maybe whenwe don’t feel very well,we needn’t go to a hospital to see adoctor.Our children needn’t go to school every day,becausebooks will be on computers but not on paper.The teachersneedn’t go to the school to work,and they can stay at hometeaching us students through world wide web.We’ll havefriends all over the world....  相似文献   

一、问候与告别1.N ice/G lad/Pleased/to m eet/seeyou.见到你真高兴。2.Please give m y regards/love/bestwishes to...请代我向……致意。3.Say hello to...向……问好。4.Please rem em ber m e to...请代我问候……5.Im afraid I m ustbe leaving now.恐怕我现在得走了。6.Ithink its tim e forus to leave now.我想我们该走了。7.Im sorry I have to go now.很抱歉,我得走了。8.W ell,Id better be offnow.好啦,我该走了。二、祝愿与祝贺1.G ood luck!祝你走运!2.W ish you success!祝你成功!3.W ish you a good journey!/G o…  相似文献   

Therecom es a tim efor every childw hen fantasiesend and realitybegins.Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny36to be M um and Dad and heroesfade aw ay.I don’t know if m ost people re-m em ber this37but I know when it38to m e.39an ordinary sum m er day m ygrandfather told m e one of his crazy sto-ries.I headed off to find the Indians that40said lived in the woods and go offto have m y41.Tw o hours later I had a sm all42badly m ade raft.I took43to thepond along with a branch from a tree touse as …  相似文献   

You are very tired. You waht to go to sleep.I require some rest and repose.I need to get some sleep.I need some shut-eye; I'm gonna head off to the land of nod; I'm gonna catch some zees; I need 40 winks, I' m gonna hit the sack,Your friends went out last night, drinking heavily.They went out partaking of alcoholic beverages.They went out drinking.They were out boozing they were on the razz; they were really knocking it back.Your friends had a party and drank a lot of alcoholLarge quantities of alcohol were consumed.They drank lots of alcohol.It was a real booze-up.  相似文献   

Visiting a city you have been before can be fun. 1. Finding out informations about the city before 2. you go and can make the trip more interesting. Most 3. cities have a travel office from that you can get many 4. useful things.One of the most valuable things is a map 5. with a map of the city shows its streets,you can 6. find your way around.It says about famous places to 7. see. It may even give them a short history of the cit…  相似文献   

l en 1.I should always rem em ber you for the firsttim e. A .thatI m eet B .m eeting C.to have m et D .to m eet 2. no buses,we had to take a taxithough itw as expensive. A .There was B .There w ere C.There being D .Itbeing 3.Stop a foolofyourselfby keeping on the sam e question. A .to m ake;to repeat B .to m ake;repeating C.m aking;to have repeated D .m aking;repeating 4. a fine day,we decided to go swim m ing in the lake. A .Being B .Itbeing C .Itis D .Itbe 5.The sick m an needed . …  相似文献   

A Charmed Life You like the constant reassur- ance[放心] of a little luck in your life.so you often carry a spe- cial token[象征物] with you.It could be anything from a meaningful piece of jewelry to a rabbit foot on your key chain[钥匙扣].You want all the help you can to get things to go your way!  相似文献   

第一部分:听力 (略) 第二部分:英语知识运用 Ⅰ.单项填空 从 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填 入空白处的最佳选项。 21.The room with windows north wants badly. A .facing;cleaned B.faces;cleaning C.faced;cleaning D .facing;cleaning 22. teacher of m y grandm other’s is com ing tom orrow ,I’m wondering how old wom an she w ould be. A .The;a B.A ;a C.A ;the D .The;the 23.—D id you see the m ovie last night? —N o,I’d love ,but I too busy to go. A .to have;was B.to have;had been C.to go;am…  相似文献   

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