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美国两大科学教师专业标准(《科学教师教育标准》、《优秀科学教师专业标准》)分别对科学教师的职前和职后两阶段的发展提出了专业要求,提高了美国科学教育质量与水平。我国对科学教师的培养仍处于探索阶段,国家未出台关于科学教师的专业标准。通过介绍美国两大教师专业标准内容及特点,借鉴美国在科学教师培养上的成功经验,为我国科学教师的专业发展提出几点启示。  相似文献   

教师专业发展标准的制定是教师专业地位确立的主要标志,是教师专业化进入正规的起点,同时也是教师专业队伍素质整体提升的保证。本文从教师专业发展与专业标准之间的关系入手,客观分析美国《科学教师培养标准》对美国科学教师专业发展的促进作用,同时为我国科学教师,乃至整个教师队伍专业地位的提升和社会认可以及教师包括科学教师专业标准的制定提供建设性意见。  相似文献   

美国科学教师培养的NSTA标准是制定科学教师培养项目的全国性指导文件。NSTA标准具有重视培养科学教师的科学素养、构建有效的知识结构——学科教学知识(PCK)、注重从课程设计——实施——评价——反思一体化的专业技能的培养、重视交流与合作的专业发展活动等特点。教师专业化是当前我国教师教育改革的核心问题,对美国NSTA标准进行研究,可为我国教师教育标准的制定提供参照。  相似文献   

美国科学教师培养的NSTA标准是制定科学教师培养项目的全国性指导文件.NSTA标准具有重视培养科学教师的科学素养、构建有效的知识结构--学科教学知识(pcK)、注重从课程设计——实施——评价——反思一体化的专业技能的培养、重视交流与合作的专业发展活动等特点.教师专业化是当前我国教师教育改革的核心问题,对美国NSTA标准进行研究,可为我国教师教育标准的制定提供参照.  相似文献   

2006年颁布《全国能力本位的教师标准》后,菲律宾教育部认识到全国标准只是面向所有教师的通用专业标准,为使标准真正发挥促进教师专业发展、提升教师质量的实效,还应开发各门学科的教师专业标准。有鉴于此,菲律宾国家数学与科学教育研究所历时两年开发了《全国科学教师专业标准》。标准体现了科学教师专业发展的终身性、专业性和个性化特征。相比之下,我国至今还没有明确的科学教师专业标准,教师的职前与职后培养缺乏衔接性;而且,科学教师专业发展的一体化停留在理念层面,科学教师实用知识和实用技能以及科学方法、科学过程等教育比较薄弱。菲律宾标准明确的培养方向、具体的教学内容、教学模式、教师的学习方式及培养体系不仅在理论上,而且在具体操作方面对我国科学教师专业发展及标准研制具有一定的启示性。  相似文献   

美国教师教育者专业标准有力地推动了美国教师教育者专业的建设与发展,使美国的教师教育更加科学、实用。我国应参考美国教师教育者专业标准制定的研究经验,由国家教育行政管理部门主导制定符合我国国情的教师教育者专业标准。  相似文献   

该文以美国《2020 CSTA计算机科学教师标准》为分析文本,从美国计算机科学教育政策、课程发展角度理解其相关背景,从目的与内容角度描述、分析其基本结构与内容,从应用角度解释该标准是如何为计算机科学教师及专业发展相关人员提供行动指南等。  相似文献   

为完善科学教师队伍整体素质的评价机制,美国制定了科学教师专业标准。通过深入分析《美国新任科学教师认证与提升的专业标准》的背景、内容及其特点,提出了几点启示:在制订教师专业标准时要明确分学科、分专业发展阶段的必要性;保证标准与新课改理念的一致性;保障标准的国际性,最终为我国教师专业标准的制订提供有益的经验借鉴。  相似文献   

科学教育在国家竞争中的作用得到普遍认可,许多国家在研制科学教师专业标准方面已做出较多探索。分析《美国优秀科学教师专业标准》可以发现,其内容主要包含关注学生发展、强调教师系统性能力的培养、注重教师专业成长的路径支持三个方面,其特征主要体现于三个维度:以学生本位、卓越、公平为原则;以系统性的专业能力为落脚点;以关注教师学习共同体的建设为理念。我国优秀科学教师专业标准的建设需考虑三个关键点:构建凸显教师主体权利的标准研发机制;以学生发展为出发点,充分考虑标准的适切性;以提升教师专业素质为目标,构建科学教师学习共同体。  相似文献   

为提升科学教育质量,许多国家研制和落实了科学教师专业标准,建立了科学教师培养体系。菲律宾于2011年颁布《菲律宾科学教师教育框架》,该框架借鉴了澳大利亚科学教师专业标准,从专业知识、专业实践和专业属性三个维度明确了科学教师专业发展的本质,突出了对科学教师知识与能力的要求,关注科学教师的持续专业发展,并强调科学教师应以学生为中心,推动了科学教师团队的专业化建设。我国目前还未制定具有针对性的科学教师专业标准,《菲律宾科学教师教育框架》可为我国科学教师专业标准研制提供参考。  相似文献   

The four standards for professional development of teachers of science from the National Science Education Standards (NRC, 1996) provided a frame for reflection upon ways in which prospective teachers engaged in research in my courses on methods of teaching science. Students learned both science content and science pedagogy by inquiry. An extended research project helped students to integrate knowledge of science, learning, pedagogy, and students, and to apply that to teaching science. Students built knowledge, skills, and attitudes for lifelong learning by participating in a research festival and presenting at conferences. I designed this science-teaching methods course in the context of a teacher education program that is attempting to implement reform approaches to instruction. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 35: 791–809, 1998.  相似文献   

Since A Nation at Risk was released in the 1980s, standards-based reform has been the most dominant trend in American educational policy, and the No Child Left Behind Act pushed the trend further by requiring states to develop rigorous curriculum standards. Though much has been said about these new standards, less has been said about whether or how well professional development helps teachers link their instruction to these standards. This study examined the impact of a professional development program for K-12 science teachers in helping teachers meet state curriculum standards. Seventy-five science teachers in Michigan participated in a 2-week summer workshop that used Problem-Based Learning for improving teachers’ content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. Researchers surveyed participating teachers about the change of teachers’ preparedness for standards-based teaching, their expectations to meet state curriculum standards, and whether their expectations were met. In addition, the usefulness of workshop activities was examined. Data analysis showed that to align teaching with state curriculum standards, participating teachers expected to learn instructional strategies and enhance science content knowledge through professional development, and by and large their expectations were well met. Collaboration with colleagues and facilitators helped teachers achieve their goals in terms of teaching within state curriculum standards. These findings have important implications for designing professional development to help teachers align instruction with curriculum standards.  相似文献   

This study examines the intersection of two key reform ideas in science teacher education – professional teaching standards and the use of case methods. In this article, we track the historical development of what can be called second wave teaching standards and describe how those standards can be exemplified through multimedia web cases of science teaching. We describe a web case development project in which a group of experienced secondary science teachers work together over several months to video their own classes, and assemble video and audio commentaries of their lessons based on a set of science teaching standards. We conclude that the project was a rich professional development experience for those involved. Further, as the teaching standards movement gathers momentum in Australia and elsewhere, we contend that high quality multimedia cases linked to a standards framework show considerable promise as a vehicle to assist science teachers to reflect on their practice.  相似文献   

美国一向把科学教育看做提高国家竞争力的重要基础,高度关注科学教师的质量。建立专业标准是提高教师质量的基础和前提。联邦政府在长期支持"国家教学专业标准委员会"建立优秀科学教学专业标准并认证优秀科学教师的基础上,近年又在教育发展战略上强调"只有优秀的教师才能培养优秀的学生,高素质的教师队伍是保证教育质量的关键",并从政策上和经费投入上提出"投资卓越教学",推广优秀科学教师实践,借以加强科学教师队伍建设,进而促进整个教育质量提高。本文旨在解读分析美国"国家教学专业标准委员会"开发的优秀科学教师专业标准的准则、内容、特点,从而为我国试行教师专业标准提供可资借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

目前,我国科学教师专业发展还处于探索阶段,既没有统一的标准,也缺乏相应的鉴定制度,存在着诸多问题。文章结合我国科学教师专业发展现状,对我国科学教师专业发展的阶段及具体途径进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

在教师职业实践阶段,促进教师终身发展问题成为教师专业化发展的关键。通过对教师教育理念、课程理念、教学理念内涵的解读,对促进教师专业发展的认识及教师在教学专业实践中的职业价值理解进行论述,以期对促进教师终身发展事业有所裨益。  相似文献   

The Science Education Professional Development (SEPD) Project was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET) as part of its Projects of National Significance Program. Its brief was to develop a national strategy for enhancing the professional development of science teachers. This paper summarises one component of the Project's work, an exploration of the feasibility of establishing professional standards or expectations for teachers of science. The aim was to give clearer purpose and direction to professional development planning and to provide a more valid basis for evaluating science teachers for career development. Specializations: Teachers' work and policy, teacher development, educational evaluation, teacher evaluation, research on teaching.  相似文献   

The current reform movement in science education promotes standards‐based teaching, including the use of inquiry, problem solving, and open‐ended questioning, to improve student achievement. This study examines the influence of standards‐based teaching practices on the achievement of urban, African‐American, middle school science students. Science classes of teachers who had participated in the professional development (n = 8) of Ohio's statewide systemic initiative (SSI) were matched with classes of teachers (n = 10) who had not participated. Data were gathered using group‐administered questionnaires and achievement tests that were specifically designed for Ohio's SSI. Analyses indicate that teachers who frequently used standards‐based teaching practices positively influenced urban, African‐American students' science achievement and attitudes, especially for boys. Additionally, teachers' involvement in the SSI's professional development was positively related to the reported use of standards‐based teaching practices in the classroom. The findings support the efficacy of high‐quality professional development to change teaching practices and to enhance student learning. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 1019–1041, 2000  相似文献   

This paper compares and contrasts the impacts of three professional development designs aimed at middle school Earth science teachers on how teachers plan and enact instruction. The designs were similar in their alignment to research-based practices in science professional development: each design was of an extended duration and time span, included follow-up support to teachers, and incorporated active learning approaches in the professional development. In addition, the designs had a high level of coherence with other reform activities and with local standards. The main difference among the designs was in the roles of teachers in designing, adopting, or adapting curriculum materials. Evidence from teacher survey and observation data indicated that all programs had positive impacts on how teachers planned and enacted teaching for understanding, but differences among programs was more evident in their impacts on instructional planning.  相似文献   

幼儿园教师是履行幼儿园教育工作职责的专业人员,高师本科学前教育是培养幼儿园教师的重要基地,其培养目标的构建影响到学前教育人才培养的规格和幼儿园教师专业化发展的质量。基于《幼儿园教师专业标准》的视角,我们把学前教育本科专业培养目标定位为:培养自觉尊重幼儿的权益和主体地位,尊重幼儿的身心发展特点和保教活动规律;具有职业理想与职业道德,尊重和热爱幼儿,能为人师表、履行教书育人的教师基本职责;掌握系统的幼儿发展知识、幼儿保育和教育知识和广博科学文化知识,并具有将其积累转化为实践智慧和情景性知识的能力;具有终身学习与持续发展的意识和能力的学前教育专业化人才。  相似文献   

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