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陈韶龄 《寻根》2006,(2):64-67
南京是一座六朝古都,也是(五代)南唐、明初、太平天国和国民政府建都之地,历代帝王都对她情有独钟。建筑是一个城市的重要标志,南京近代建筑不仅是洋务运动最早兴办近代实业的实录,而且记载着近代中国口岸开放以后,基督教及洋行给南京带来的西方建筑文化。民国时期的城市建筑具有一定的特色,形成了一批用现代建筑技术建造的中国传统形式建筑和新民族形式建筑,在我国的建筑史上具有一定的影响与价值。  相似文献   


In the modern world, glass windows are considered an indispensable element of the built environment. Throughout premodern times, however, glass was not universally used in European architecture. This article argues that the rise of glass in Western architecture was neither an inevitable nor a linear process, but rather a response to certain social, cultural and environmental factors that gained increasing relevance from the late medieval period onwards. In other words, glass windows are a cultural convention, reflecting some of the wide-ranging and transformative challenges that Europeans faced in the late medieval and early modern period.  相似文献   

Architectures appear in almost all movies, at least those with human activities. Even in the movie Robinson Crusoe featuring an oceanic adventure in a desert island, the hero set up a shelter to keep himself away from wind and rain. Many directors highlight architectures in their movies and Zhang Yimou is a celebrated representative. In Raise the Red Lantern, the renowned Chinese director set the story in the Qiao Family Compound, a typical Chinese-style courtyard compound in Shanxi Prov…  相似文献   

In 1996, Southeast University opened courses on architecture and fengshui and the textbook Basics of the Book of Change compiled by Prof. Li Shicheng from the Physics Department of the university was widely received. In big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, it has been a public secret today that geomancers are invited to practice geomancy when a real estate development project is launched, a new shop is opened, or someone rents or buys an apartment. From September 9 to 11, 2…  相似文献   

周秋光 《寻根》2022,(1):127-128
欣闻郭常英教授与岳鹏星博士新作《中国近代慈善义演研究》出版,中国近代慈善史研究领域又添新葩,值得庆幸和为之点赞! 中国近代慈善义演是郭常英教授新开辟的学术研究园地.在她对此用功着力之前,学界对慈善义演的关注甚少.她之所以能见及此,是因为她深刻懂得克罗齐所说的"一切真历史都是当代史"的道理,明白和领会历史与现实是相互贯通...  相似文献   

李绍连 《寻根》2004,(1):43-45
中华古代民族的形成,同世界上任何民族的形成一样,乃经历了氏族—部落—部族—民族四个阶段发展而来的。因此,民族不是同人类伴生自古就有的,而是在社会发展过程中,在特定的自然环境和社会历史条件的各种因素相互作用下形成的,所以民族是一个历史的范畴。中国领土广阔,自然地理  相似文献   

Guizhou Province, located in southwest China, features diverse landforms with undulating mountains, stretching ditches and valleys and crisscross waterways. Over the sweep of history, various types of bridges have been designed and built, with distinctive local characteristics.  相似文献   

Buyi ethnic group, one of the most populous ethnic minorities dwelling in southwest China, evolves from Yue people in the remote past and has long lived on paddy rice farming. As they are mostly distributed in mountainous areas, many houses of Buyi people are made of rock slates. However, over the sweep of history, Buyi people have developed a variety of forms of residence besides slate-made dwellings, such as those made of thatch or rammed earth or those on stilts. Their houses are built at riverside, in mountains, caves or in the fort-like manner. And walls of their houses are made of stone, wood, earth or bamboo.[第一段]  相似文献   

张宝明 《寻根》2004,(6):88-92
作为新文化元典的《新青年》,引领中国语言文学从传统走向了现代:从“文言”到“白话”,从“句读”不知到“标点”分明。本来,从“竖行”到“横排”也应该是《新青年》的一大举措,但它始终都只能坐而论道,致使“左行横迤”的倡议坐失良机,最终成为新文化元典一个永远的遗憾。这  相似文献   

王功龙 《寻根》2006,(1):25-30
哲学是关于宇宙观的学问。宇宙观就是人们对于宇宙的总的看法。宇宙是指一切物质及其存在形式的总和。对于宇宙的看法即相当于对于整个世界的看法,因此也可以说,宇宙观亦即世界观。  相似文献   

<正>Traditional dwellings of Yi People, an ethnic minority group distributed in southwest China, are diverse and unique in style and type. A typical  相似文献   

张元济是中国近代文化出版史上的闻人,商务印书馆的主要创始人之一。他自戊戌变法后离开北京到上海,先在南洋公学任译书院院长,后进入商务印书馆工作,任编译所所长,着重翻译出版政史技术新书和小学教材,大力推进了当时的科学研究和科技事业的发展。张元济广泛搜集各种古籍珍本、孤本、善本,建立藏书达50余万册的涵芳楼(东方图书馆前身)。在对古籍整理方面,他身体力行,亲自校勘古书,辨章学术,考镜源流,并写成《校勘记》数十册。张元济还提携新人,培养了王云五、蔡元培、茅盾、陈云、胡愈之、郑振铎、陈叔通等一大批年轻的"商务新秀",使商务印书馆的事业得以后继有人,兴旺发达,为其成为中国最大的出版机构奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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