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学生就读经验近年来成为衡量高等教育质量的重要视角,注重从学生学习过程的角度揭示本科生教育状况.以学生就读经验为核心概念,在学生发展影响理论基础上,利用学生就读经验调查问卷所收集的数据,使用结构方程中的路径分析方法,建构分析就读经验影响学习收获的模型.结果发现:支持性校园环境、学生的学业活动、学校资源利用以及社会交往对学习收获的各维度产生积极影响,呈现出显著的正效应.  相似文献   

研究结果表明,海外学习给大学本科生在价值观与跨文化适应力、学业或职业胜任力、表达与领导力三个维度上带来收获;参与海外学习的目标与动机、师生互动和同伴互动对大学生海外学习收获影响显著,学业成绩、学习属性、项目类别、经费支持在不同程度上影响学习收获,修读学科、目的地、海外学习高校排名等因素对海外学习收获未呈现显著影响.高校应秉持开放态度,广泛搭建全球化交流学习平台,为学生提供引导与支持,并加强校内国际化建设,帮助学生参与海外学习做足准备,以期持续提高国际化人才培养质量.  相似文献   

毕业论文是高校本科生毕业前最后一项重要的学习任务,有效地帮助本科生完成一份制作优良的毕业论文是大学老师们需要认真思考的,本文针对我校生物学专业的学生在本科毕业论文写作上存在的问题,提出相应的解决措施,对如何提升本科毕业论文在学生心中的重要性,教师如何指导学生提高写作水平等方面均有一定的思考,希望能够对今后的毕业论文指导工作具有一定的启发和参考意义。  相似文献   

李超 《家长》2023,(8):151-153
<正>写作教学在我国中小学语文教学体系中始终处于相对尴尬的位置,写作能力对学生未来学习和现有生活具有重要影响,但部分学生不愿写作,也不愿上写作课,在种种因素影响下,出现了无论怎样努力,写作能力都无法提升的情况,为此,需要教师结合学生实际状况,对语文教材中的写作教学板块进行系统研究,联系写作板块内容形成针对性的教学方法,帮助学生进一步提升写作能力,在日常学习中获得收获感和成就感。  相似文献   

课堂是学习活动进行的最主要场所,学生对课堂学习环境的感知会影响学生的教育收获。本研究选择留学生课堂学习这一微观视角,依据学生发展理论和课堂学习环境理论,以清华大学在校留学本科生为研究对象,分析课堂学习环境对留学生教育收获的影响。研究发现,不同群体留学生感知的课堂学习环境存在差异,韩国留学生、"分离"教育模式下的留学生以及不以中国为留学首选国的留学生群体对课堂学习环境的感知显著低于其他留学生群体;课堂学习环境感知对留学生的教育收获具有显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

跨学科课程是高校推动本科阶段跨学科人才培养的重要抓手,学生跨学科课程学习参与直接影响跨学科人才培养的成效。基于与主修专业课程对比的角度,通过综合运用配对样本T检验、回归分析、夏普里值分解法对研究型大学1004名本科生跨学科课程学习参与水平及其影响因素进行实证分析,发现本科生跨学科课程学习参与处于中等水平,认知、行为及社交参与水平相对较低;学生背景、动机、自我效能等个体因素和教学环境、社会关系等情境因素对本科生跨学科课程学习参与产生显著影响;跨学科与主修专业课程学习参与在影响因素和解释力度上均有差异。为提高本科生跨学科课程学习参与,研究型大学需重视学校跨学科课程建设,优化课程组织结构;提升跨学科课程内容适切性,改善课程质量;增强教师跨学科教育理念,提升教学能力;提高学生跨学科学习意识,促进不同专业学生间交流互动。  相似文献   

基于生涯建构理论,高校本科生的就业准备包括就业准备动机、生涯适应力和就业准备策略三个维度。以江苏省6所高校的本科生为样本调查研究发现:本科生就业准备状况总体上处于中等偏上水平,其中生涯适应力得分相对较高;就业准备状况及其三个维度在所处年级和政治面貌方面存在显著差异性;就业准备状况的三个维度与初次就业质量均存在正相关,其中生涯适应力的影响最大。高校应通过加强在校本科生职业生涯管理、普及生涯适应教育、提升主动性人格水平、构建就业准备状况评价与监督保障机制等措施来提升本科生就业质量。  相似文献   

在语文学习中,阅读与写作既是相互独立的语文活动,又是紧密联系、不可分割的整体,阅读帮助学生积累写作经验,写作则为学生的阅读指明了方向。如何在小学语文高年级的教学中实现阅读写作一体化教学,以促进学生语文水平的综合提升是教师重点关注的问题。因此,教师应从学生的学习状况出发,鼓励学生积极阅读,丰富写作素材,在阅读写作一体化的教学模式中提升阅读水平与写作能力。  相似文献   

本科生毕业生论文是大学本科学生完成全部基础课和专业课学习后的最后一个重要教学环节,是高校教育教学质量的直接反映.提高毕业论文质量是高校的重要任务之一.梳理了2000年以来学术界关于本科生毕业论文写作现状、原因及解决思路等方面的研究成果,发现既有研究集中在对毕业论文进行质量分析、毕业论文指导方式及学校毕业论文管理等方面,提出了高校期刊编辑参与本科生毕业论文指导工作的必要性与可行性.  相似文献   

大学生学习状况满意度的相关分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以新疆医科大学中药学院本科生为抽样框,发放自制大学生学习状况调查问卷,运用频数、相关系数和非参数差异比较检验等统计分析方法,对大学生的学习状况满意度和相关的学习心理素质进行了统计分析,旨在通过对以中医药大学生为典型代表的大学生学习状况满意度的检测,探索分析和客观了解影响大学生学习状况满意度的学习心理因素,为高校解决学生学习压力和学习心理问题的教育活动提供直观的参考.  相似文献   

当今社会发展需要高素质的人才,可是大量文献调查发现社会现状却不容乐观。学习倦怠已经成为影响大学生发展的隐形障碍,它干扰学生的正常学习活动,影响学生的身心发展,导致学业成绩下降.对学生整体素质的发展产生了巨大的负面影响。文章结合前人的调查结果对大学生学习倦怠的成因作了深入的分析,并提出相关的应对策略,对提高大学生的学习质量及高校教学改革有所启发。  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of cooperative learning activities on student achievement and attitudes in large-enrollment (>250) introductory biology classes. We found that students taught using a cooperative learning approach showed greater improvement in their knowledge of course material compared with students taught using a traditional lecture format. In addition, students viewed cooperative learning activities highly favorably. These findings suggest that encouraging students to work in small groups and improving feedback between the instructor and the students can help to improve student outcomes even in very large classes. These results should be viewed cautiously, however, until this experiment can be replicated with additional faculty. Strategies for potentially improving the impact of cooperative learning on student achievement in large courses are discussed.  相似文献   

Whereas there has been strong advocacy of the value of writing for learning in science, the role of student planning in this approach and the relationships between planning, writing, and learning have been underresearched. Our mixed method study aimed to address this issue by seeking to identify quantitative differences in learning outcomes between two groups of students exposed to varying degrees of planning activities in writing‐to‐learn experiences. We also identified differences in learning outcomes between a group of students with two writing experiences and a group with one writing experience. Results indicate that students with planned writing activities did not score significantly better on conceptual questions as a group than students who had delayed planning experiences. Students with two writing experiences as opposed to one also scored significantly better as a group on answering conceptual questions both immediately after the writing experience and on a test 8 weeks after the unit. The difference in writing treatment initially significantly affected males compared with females but this effect disappeared with further opportunities to write. Students' comments provide support for using nontraditional writing tasks as a means to assist learning, particularly when the focus is on an audience different from the teacher. In reporting on different learning outcomes for the two groups, we consider various implications including identification of some key conditions for student writing to serve learning. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 41: 186–210, 2004  相似文献   

Students in colleges and universities need to be able to learn how to communicate effectively both within the specialized arenas of their chosen disciplines and, increasingly, with a wide variety of public and professional audiences. One way to accomplish this goal is to integrate the development of effective writing and speaking skills into both our disciplinary and interdisciplinary classrooms. In this essay, we suggest that faculty to adopt a “rhetorical perspective” in their teaching, regardless of discipline, in order to capitalize on already existing faculty expertise and empower students. Specifically, a rhetorical perspective integrating speaking and writing can help students to become more active agents in their intellectual development, can help faculty design assignments and activities that relate directly to course goals and learning outcomes, and can provide a framework for feedback that can facilitate student learning.  相似文献   

新时期下安徽高校公寓社会化改革的现状和大学生认知社会主义核心价值观主要路径表明,学生公寓是认知社会主义核心价值观的主要阵地.高校党团组织应该以丰富多彩的教育形式进驻学生公寓.  相似文献   

本研究使用华中地区一所理工科院校的调查数据,分析工科专业本科生在学习性投入和学业收获中存在的性别差异,检验工科专业本科生学习性投入对其学业收获的影响是否因性别而存在不同。研究发现:工科专业女生在学习努力程度、课外拓展学习、学习意义感、学习动力及感知到的学术环境和人际关系等因素上均显著高于男生,但在生师交流互动、专业兴趣上显著低于男生;工科专业女生在校期间学习性投入程度更高,学习成绩更好,但对自我学习收获的评价相对较低;学习性投入各因素对工科专业男女生学业收获的正向促进作用也有所不同。对此,本文提出工程教育改革应重视工科专业女生的专业自信心和归属感的建立,以消除单一的男性主导的工科学习环境对女生学习及发展的潜在影响。  相似文献   

针对高校本科毕业设计教学中所面临的问题,以职业规划为突破口,利用职业规划教育激发学生的学习兴趣和创新思维,为每一位学生提供指导性的职业规划参考方向.对本科生毕业论文选题、创新设计、质量评价等环节进行了分析研究,通过建立师生档案、提前培训、差异性创新培养等方式,对本科生学业方向进行提前布局,针对性地增强学生的知识储备和动...  相似文献   

Learning outcomes in higher education are of considerable interest to students, teaching staff, researchers, tertiary education institutions and funding authorities. To improve the quality of learning outcomes may require a better understanding of what happens in the learning process from the perspective of the learner. This study makes use of a number of current instruments for the evaluation of student learning to explore aspects of learning outcomes in terms of academic achievement. The students evaluated were either in their first year of study (N=194) or in the third year of their course (N=118). A causal mode of learning outcomes was developed for each group and evaluated using the PLSPATH program to explore the impact of student‐related causative factors. A number of these factors were shown to have a direct effect on student academic achievement, as measured by annual grade point average (GPA), with some consistency across two year‐levels. The most important factor in predicting academic performance for both groups was students' prior academic performance. Approaches to learning and English language skills were also shown to have some predictive value. Students' metacognitive skills and self‐efficacy, though showing strong inter‐relationships with other factors, did not show a direct effect on academic achievement.  相似文献   

The topic of feedback to students is an under‐researched area, and there has been little empirical research published which focuses on student perceptions. This study explores student perceptions of written feedback and examines whether feedback received demonstrated a student‐centred approach to learning. A multi‐method approach of qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis was used to survey 44 students in the faculties of Business and Art & Design. Student responses show feedback is valued, but believed tutor comments could be more helpful. Survey results indicate that students may need advice on understanding and using feedback before they can engage with it. Content analysis of feedback samples and student responses uncovered four main themes of feedback considered unhelpful to improve learning: comments which were too general or vague, lacked guidance, focused on the negative, or were unrelated to assessment criteria. It is suggested that by focusing on messages conveyed by their writing, providing feedback set in the context of assessment criteria and learning outcomes, and by ensuring that it is timely, tutors could greatly improve the value of feedback.  相似文献   

《Assessing Writing》2006,11(1):66-73
In this article, the authors argue that evaluation courses grounded in assessment theory and situated within a cultural context of actual workplace practices enhances student learning. Giving students the tools that assessors, both formal and informal, use helps them learn to anticipate and generate those tools for writing situations they will encounter in the future. The authors detail the development, structure, activities, and outcomes of an evaluating writing course at the undergraduate level to illustrate their assertion. Theories and concepts that guide and support the course's ongoing development are also presented. Benefits of the course, demonstrated through various sources including surveys, course evaluations, and student achievement on assignments, are identified. Achieved outcomes support the claim that a course with an explicit focus on evaluating writing, one featuring a critical understanding of criteria for writing in diverse contexts, fosters students’ own development as writers.  相似文献   

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