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语言理据性对英语词汇教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
词的理据是指事物和现象获得名称的依据,说明词义与事物或现象的命名之间的关系。它可以划分为语音理据、形态理据、语义理据和词源理据。英语教师应在教学中对英语理据性加以倾斜,引导学生提高对规律性的重视,以帮助学生克服词汇"僵化现象"。  相似文献   

词语的理据(motivation)指的是事物和现象获得名称的依据,说明词义与事物或现象的命名之间的关系。英语词语的理据类型一般分为四种,即语音理据、形态理据、语义理据和词源理据。英语网络新词是网络时代社会进步、语言发展的产物,它在影响着人们生活的同时也体现了英语词语的理据性。  相似文献   

一、关于造词理据词语的造词理据指词语的物质形式与所指内容或意义之间的一种内在联系。造词理据的选取往往能表现以下几方面的内容。①表现事物的某一方面的显著特征。②反映人们对事物的认识。③表现人们观察事物的角度和思维方式。给某一事物命名时,选取事物的不同特征,或者命名者对事物的认识水平及观察角度不同,并将这些作为理据,就会相应地选用不同的语素,从而出现不同的词形一个民族的语言高度凝聚着民族文化,而这种文  相似文献   

词的理据是指事物和现象获得名称的依据,说明词义与事物或现象的命名之间的关系,在很大程度上依赖人们头脑中已有的认知世界知识对事物的体验和感知。从理想化认知模型理论出发,解释词汇理据产生的认知机制,不仅可以提高学生的认知能力,促进学生习得词汇的热情,还为词汇教学研究指明了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

语言对外在文化现实进行,心理编码是指词语经由文化联想而与某事物之间形成了联系或关系。词语的能指与所指之间的联系的实质就是一种文化制约的心理联想。文化对语符的制约使语符能指与所指之间产生文化理据,而文化习俗与背景知识、情感联想及隐喻都是文化理据的渊源。我们可以从联想线索分析探究其文化理据。文化理据在创造新词语中也起了积极的作用。  相似文献   

词义的理据就是事物现象得名之由,主要分为语音理据、形态理据和语义理据。在介绍这三大理据的基础上,理论联系实际,将词义理据理论应用于词汇教学,指出了该理论对于词汇教学所起到的帮助作用。  相似文献   

词的理据指的是事物或现象获得名称的依据,主要研究词形与词义之间的关系。本文通过对词语理据的综述、定义、类型和研究意义等进行阐述,旨在帮助英语学习者更好地理解和掌握词义,达到灵活运用的目的。  相似文献   

转喻是人类重要的思维认知方式,是人类认识客观世界、丰富语言表达的重要手段,也是人类给事物命名的一种重要方法。动植物是与人类关系密切的生存伙伴,从转喻的角度研究侗语中的动植物名称可以反映出侗族人民的认知和思维方式。本文从动植物的形貌、色彩、性别、生存环境、生长特点等方面分析侗语动植物名称词汇的认知理据。  相似文献   

词汇问题一直是外语学习者关注的焦点。词义的理据性,说明的是词义与事物和现象命名之间的关系,词义在语音、形态、语义等方面存在理据,对其研究将有助于外语学习,尤其是对词汇的掌握和理解。  相似文献   

中药是我国历史文化的瑰宝,通过对中药命名的初步研究,我们总结出中药的命名理据,包括:空间理据、时间理据、形象理据、颜色理据、味觉理据、功用理据、药用理据、文化理据、综合理据等。  相似文献   

训诂学在探究单纯词的理据上已取得了许多成就,但对能够比单纯词提供更加丰富信息的复合词的理据却探究尚少。很多复合词的理据无法从辞书中查得。本文就对复合词的内部形式、语素义、词义和理据,以及它们之间的关系,对复合词的理据进行浅析。  相似文献   

郑继明 《柳州师专学报》2007,22(1):105-106,133
为了了解师专非英语专业学生英语学习的现状,对柳州师范高等专科学校非英语专业学生进行了英语学习动机的调查,调查结果显示,学生学习英语的结合型动机和工具型动机都存在问题,学习动力不足,急需教师引导和改进教学方法。  相似文献   

The article first of all briefly presents the cultural connotation of four categories of the Chinese cuisine . It then offers two characteristics of the Chinese cuisine naming with specific cultural implications . First, its primary motivation is characterized with straight- forwardness; Next, its secondary motivations of the Chinese cuisine naming consting of the initiator ' s name , the animal ' s name , the plant ' s name ,the verse's name and the special meaning's name. We should follow the principles of stability and consistency in cuisine naming and its translation. The findings are not only interesting but provide a sound basis for a further understanding of one another.  相似文献   

The article first of all briefly pcesents the cnltural connotation of four categories of the Chinese cuisine. It then offers two characteristics of the Chinese cuisine naming with specific cultural implications.First,its primary motivation is characterized with straight-forwardness;Next,its secondary motivations of the Chinese cuisine naming consisting of the initiator’s name,the animal’s name,the plant’s name,the verse’s name and the special meaning’s name,We should follow the principles of stability and consistency in cuisine naming and its translation.The findings are not only interesting but provide a sound basis for a further understanding of one another.  相似文献   

杨颖  鲁小周 《海外英语》2011,(10):161-162,167
以实验探讨了为期十周的元认知训练对农村初中生英语阅读动机及阅读成绩的影响。结果表明英语阅读元认知训练能有效提高学生的阅读元认知水平与阅读成绩;阅读元认知训练还能有效提高学生的阅读动机,尤其能明显提高阅读的内部动机及有效降低因阅读困难而回避阅读的动机。在农村初中英语阅读教学中渗透元认知训练不仅可行而且是有效的。  相似文献   

This study explored gender differences in moral motivations and civic engagement among adolescents to add to existing explanations for the gender gap in political engagement in the US. We examined moral motivations for civic engagement in a sample of 1578 high school seniors, using a mixed-methods analysis of survey and interview data. Multiple regression confirmed that girls were more civically involved and expressed greater future civic intention. However, analysis of motivations suggested that differences in moral motivations might impact ongoing political development, as girls were more likely to take political action out of desire to help, while boys were more often motivated to act on values. Case studies of two interviewees—one male and one female—were analyzed to examine how civic commitment emerges in the interaction of desire to help, to act on civic values and another moral motivation that emerged in the qualitative analysis—to empower others.  相似文献   

论教师参与课改的内驱力激发   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
新一轮课程改革仅仅依靠行政指令和专家学者的鼓动来推进是不够的,百万中小学教师是新课改的实践者和主力军,只有激发他们参与的内驱力,充分调动他们的主动性和热情,改革才有望成功。当前教师由于认识上的偏离、习惯的惰性、能力与信心的不足、职业倦怠、外在诱因不明、相关条件欠缺等原因,参与新课改的内驱力普遍不足。要通过激活教师使命感、提高他们的自我效能感、为他们提供必要的外部诱因并营造适宜课改的学校环境等策略来激发他们参与课改的内驱力。  相似文献   

中英混合语作为一种语码转换现象,在当今的交际语言中广泛存在着。运用Verschueren的顺应理论和于国栋的顺应性模式,从语言现实、社会规约和心理动机三个角度可以分析“hold住”这个网络流行的中英混合语的使用动机。  相似文献   

Despite the increasing numbers of candidates embarking on higher degrees by research (HDRs, e.g., PhD, professional doctorate, practice-based doctorate), we still have limited knowledge about why they are choosing this path. What are the factors that motivate students to embark on research degrees? Given that many of those who succeed in completing their doctorates will not go into academic positions, the motivations for choosing to undertake a research degree may not match the experience or outcomes (and hence, perhaps, contribute to incompletion rates). This article investigates the motivations of students in all faculties embarking on HDRs at an Australian university. A survey of 405 students was subjected to a factor analysis. Five factors emerged: family and friends, intrinsic motivation, lecturer influence, research experience, and career progression.  相似文献   

Why teachers choose their career has been a popular topic of research in many contexts since the introduction of the FIT-Choice framework by Watt and Richardson in 2007 to study teacher motivations. Although altruistic motivations have been identified as the common driving factor behind preservice teachers' (PSTs') decision to enter the field, there are other motivational factors—such as teaching being a career that fits well with family commitments, or choosing teacher education as a ‘fallback’ option—that are widely reported in different contexts. The introduction of incentives for student teachers in certain subjects has been subject to media criticism in England as promoting ‘bursary tourism’. This study investigates the career entry motivations and teaching perceptions of PSTs from a university that is one of the key teacher education providers in the country, using the FIT-Choice framework. The paper discusses the findings (N = 115), including validation of the FIT-Choice scale, collecting data on 12 motivations and six perceptions, along with preliminary findings. It was identified that intrinsic career values were the highest rated motivation, followed by altruistic values such as the desire to make a social contribution and being a part of shaping the future of children and adolescents. Perceived abilities were also rated higher, while personal utility values and task returns— including monetary rewards—were rated very low. While the participants agreed that the job is professionally and emotionally demanding, it was promising to note that they were highly satisfied with their career choice, implicitly indicating their intention to continue in the teaching profession. Gender differences, along with field of study and training pathway differences in motivations and teaching perceptions are also discussed, with practical implications.  相似文献   

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