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除了Labor Day and Mother’s Day之外,5月里还有一个Boy’S Day哦!所以本期星彩特地邀请我——编辑部里唯一的boy,来给大家介绍这个festival。嘿嘿, boys知道有这样一个festival,一定都乐翻天了吧!  相似文献   

父亲节(Father’s Day)与母亲节(Mother’s Day)一样,都是美国法定的节日。世界上第一个父亲节于1910年出现在美国,其发起人为美国华盛顿州史坡肯市(Spokane)的杜德夫人(Mrs.Dodd,Sonora Louise Smart Dodd)。  相似文献   

六一儿童节到了,对这个你最喜欢的节日你究竟了解多少呢?快来试试吧!1.在英语中,“儿童节”应该怎么说?A.Teacher’s Day B.Children’s DayC.Mother’s Day D.Children Day2.It’s on the_____day of the_____month by solar calendar.A.first;six B.one;sixth C.first;sixth  相似文献   

Sonora Dodd,of Washington,first had the idea of a “father's day”.She thought of the idea for Father's Day while listening to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909.  相似文献   

大竹 《初中生学习》2014,(12):10-11
链接一:英语对话和短文(一)对话Mother:Good morning,Jack!Jack:Good morning,mum!Mother(kindly):Jack,what are you doing?Jack:I am watching TV.You also want to watch TV?Mother:I don’t think I’d like to watch TV.It’s bad for eyes and study.Jack:But TV brings us happiness!TV can also bring us the learning program!Mother:No,I think TV is bad.Father:Jack,what are you doing?Mother:He is watching TV so much.Father:Is watching TV harmful?  相似文献   

Father’s Day is coming.What will you say to him?Class 6,Grade 5 Primary School Attached to East China Norma l University Shanghai 200062 Dear Dad,Father’s Day is coming.I wish you a happy Father’s Day.I thin k you are the best dad in the world.  相似文献   

May 14th is Mother’S Day this year.你准备送给your mum什么样的 gift以感谢她一直以来对你无微不至的关爱昵?送她一枝carnation(康乃馨)吧!这是一个不错的选择哦。假如这枝carnation是你亲手做的话, 那这份gift就更特别、更有意义啦!  相似文献   

Mother's Day is coming. We wish all the mothers in the world a happy Mother's Day!  相似文献   

1.Easter (复活节) 每年春分月圆后的第一个星期日。 2.April Fool′s Day (愚人节) 四月一日。 3.Mother′s Day (母亲节) 五月的第二个星期日。 4.Father′s Day (父亲节) 六月的第三个星期日。 5.Thanksgiving Day (感恩节) 十一月的第四个星期日。 6.Christmas Day (圣诞节) 十二月二十五日。西方人的节假日  相似文献   

Father’s Day     
ThethirdSundayinJuneisFa鄄ther’sDayintheUnitedStates.Father’sDaywasfirstlyobservedin1910inSpokane熏Washington.Thisisadaywhenpeopleremem鄄bertheirfatherswithpresentsandcards.Peoplecelebratewithfam鄄ilygatherings熏picnicsandsportsactivities.Father’s Day  相似文献   

Father's Day is coming on the 17th of this month. Let's play a game about this holiday. First, circle(圈出) the words about Father' s Day. And then connect(连接) the words to the related(相应的) pictur...  相似文献   

I.读句子,将适当的单词前面的苹果涂红,然后再把它“捡”到篮子中:1.I(am,is)a student.2.Don’t be late(to,for)school!3.Tom is hungry.He wants to have an(apple,book).4.It’s5:00.Let’s(go,goes)home!I I.六一儿童节到了,你对这个你最喜欢的节日究竟了解多少呢?快来试试你的身手吧!1.在英语中,“儿童节”应该这样说:_____A.Teacher’s Day B.Children’s Day C.Mother’s Day2.It’s on the____day of the_____month by solar calenda(r按阳历算).A.first;six B.one;sixth C.first;sixthI I I.儿童节里,小c ool龙收到一份…  相似文献   

Mother always wears her wedding* necklace.She never takes it off.It's a gift from Father,so she loves it very much.Today was Thanksgiving Day.Jack,Rose and Mother were all at home.But suddenly Mother cried.  相似文献   

Mother’s Day到了,神奇的magic garden里开满了美丽的花。瞧瞧,每朵花上都有一个不同颜色的字母呢,如果你采的花是同一种颜色,并且可以组成单词,就会变出相应的礼物来。大家看看Kate采的花可以组成几个单词,她要送给妈妈什么礼物吧!别忘记,只有同种颜色的花才可以组成单词哦!u  相似文献   

Hi,大家好!还记得St.Patrick’s Day(圣帕特里克节)吗?去年,Glodie去 Ireland(爱尔兰)时,就碰巧遇上了这个festival。St.Patrick’s Day 可是Ireland 的一个非常重要的festival哦!只是听Glodie讲述她如何度过这个festival的经历一定不怎么有趣吧?那么现在我们就一起来亲身体验一下St.Patrick’s Day吧!  相似文献   

Mother''''s Day     
Mother s Day is celebrated in U. S. It s also a holi-I day in some 1 countries. It is on the second Sunday in I May. It is a day to thank mothers. 2 that day mothers I usually 3 flowers and cards. On the cards, children will write "Thanks, Mom , "To the best mother in the world , I Best 4 for Mother s Day and so on .  相似文献   

Mother’s Day is a holiday for mothers.It is cel-ebrated in the United States,England,Sweden,In-dia,Mexico and some other countries.Little by lit-tle,it becomes widely celebrated.Mother’s Dayfalls on second Sunday in May.On that day,manypeople send gifts of love their mothers.Thosewhose mothers are still living often wear a pink orred rose or carnation,while those whose mothersare dead wear a white one.  相似文献   

哈哈,一年一度的“六一国际儿童节(International Children’s Day)”又到啦!大家会怎样庆祝自己的festival呢?其实除了“六一”和每年4月第四个星期日的“世界儿童日”之外,世界上的不少 countries还有自己的Children’s Day哦!这些Children’s Day的庆祝方式各具特色,趣味十足。不信你就赶快跟着星彩、乐天、琪琪和QQ糖去看看吧!  相似文献   

The Weather Report Sandy:it 1 Saturday tomorrow.What 2 ? Sue:let’s ask Mum. Mother:We’re going to the seaside.We 3 in the sea. Sue:Hooray(好哇)! Father:Let’s 4 the weather report first. 5 the television 6 ,Sue. Television: Here is the weather report 7 .It 8 in the north and it’s going to 9 in the south. Sandy:Oh! Sue:No. Mother:Never mind, 10 . Father:We can go to the cinema instead (代替). ( )1.A. can be B.is C.is going to be D.are ( )2.A.are you going to do B.do you do C.are…  相似文献   

英美贺卡一般可分为节庆卡(seasonal card)和日常卡(everyday card)两种。节庆卡是指庆祝圣诞节(Christmas)、新年(New Year)、情人节(St.Valentine’s Day)、复活节(Easter)、母亲节(Mother’s Day)、父亲节(Father’s Day)、万圣节(Halloween)、感恩节(Thanksgiving)等节日的卡片。日常卡包括生日(birthday)、结婚纪念日(anniversary)的贺卡,以及探病卡(get—well card)、送行卡(bon voyage card)、礼品卡(gift card)、答谢卡(thank-you card)、友情卡(friendship)等卡片。市面上出售的英美贺卡虽然都有印好的字句,但如果再加上几句祝贺的话,会使收卡人备感亲切。通常寄送贺卡时要注意以下几点:  相似文献   

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