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日本帝国主义侵华时期,对内蒙古地区进行了军事、政治、经济、文化全面的侵略。侵略的手段多种多样,忠灵塔与慰灵祭就是其中两种特殊形式。日本侵略者建造忠灵塔,举行慰灵祭,一方面纪念、祭奠战死的日、伪官兵,欺骗日军及伪军继续为侵略战争卖命;另一方面,强迫当地人民参加祭拜,侮辱民族感情,实行思想麻醉和精神奴役。这些做法,带有浓厚的奴化色彩,为侵略战争和殖民统治服务,属于文化侵略。  相似文献   

Many anatomy programs that incorporate dissection of donated human bodies hold memorial ceremonies of gratitude towards body donors. The content of these ceremonies may include learners' reflections on mortality, respect, altruism, and personal growth told through various humanities modalities. The task of planning is usually student‐ and faculty‐led with participation from other health care students. Objective information on current memorial ceremonies for body donors in anatomy programs in the United States appears to be lacking. The number of programs in the United States that currently plan these memorial ceremonies and information on trends in programs undertaking such ceremonies remain unknown. Gross anatomy program directors throughout the United States were contacted and asked to respond to a voluntary questionnaire on memorial ceremonies held at their institution. The results (response rate 68.2%) indicated that a majority of human anatomy programs (95.5%) hold memorial ceremonies. These ceremonies are, for the most part, student‐driven and nondenominational or secular in nature. Participants heavily rely upon speech, music, poetry, and written essays, with a small inclusion of other humanities modalities, such as dance or visual art, to explore a variety of themes during these ceremonies. Anat Sci Educ 7: 219–223. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This article aims to analyse how the emerging Swedish school system in the early nineteenth century can be understood within the context of a gradual break-up of the estate society and its replacement with a class society in which citizenship was an important foundation. This is done through the discussion of the conceptions of citizenship on two levels. The first is the national level, focusing the national debate on education, and the second is the local level, investigating the local schools and the school setting. The main result is that the conceptions of citizenship in the school context were formed along two major lines: an inclusive social and civil citizenship and an exclusive, active and political citizenship. Consequently, the emerging Swedish school system simultaneously fostered these two citizenship conceptions, which coexisted in an educational system that was able to cast pupils as either subjects (comprehensive citizenship) or agents (designated citizenship).  相似文献   

符码理论是伯恩斯坦的重要思想,为解释西方学生学业成败和教育不平等提供了一个崭新的分析框架。核心问题是:学校如何成为阶级再制的场域,符码、阶级和权力三者存在何种关系?以往研究认为学校教育是达成阶级平等流动的重要途径。然而,伯恩斯坦却发现:在资本主义制度下,由于符码背后蕴藏权力分配与社会控制原则,导致了教育不平等。学生来自不同阶层,言说符码有差异,造成学习起点明显差别。出身不利家庭的学生并未因学校教育而改善其学业成就不利现象,反而随着时间的增加,与中、上阶层学生之间的差距扩大。因为国家的课程都是精致型编码,饱含中产阶级语言特点,因此,中产阶级学生在学校教育中容易成功,而劳工阶级学生容易失败,现代市民社会的兴起也许是改变这一弊病的有效途径。  相似文献   

A well-educated active citizenry is the primary aim of our education systems. An essential component of a well-educated citizenry in a civil society is its understanding of the value of human rights and what it means to live with dignity in a community, where rights and freedoms are protected. This paper uses evidence from international and national reports and programmes to argue that HRE should be an essential component of the curriculum in Australian schools. It draws on data from the first national cross-sectoral Australian study investigating the place of HRE in the school curriculum. There is a need for both pre-service and in-service teachers to have focused professional training, in order to better engage students to be critically aware of the importance of developing a human rights culture within a school; also, to adopt a transformative “whole school” approach linked to local, national, and global communities.  相似文献   

在制度化的学校教育体制下,学校的一些仪式逐步被纳入学校的制度和日常教育教学的管理程序之中,本来生动而有内涵的仪式在步入程序化的轨迹中渐渐失去教育的意义.同时,一些有价值的仪式却被淡出了学校的教育视野,学校仪式的德育价值走向衰微,学校德育因为失去科学有效的仪式支撑而更显无力,如何认识学校仪式与重建学校仪式的德育价值是个需要思考和解决的问题.  相似文献   

民族文化的传承离不开特定的文化传承场。西南少数民族文化传承场主要有火塘、村寨中的活动场所、节日庆典、传统集市等。然而,在社会的变迁中,传统的家庭文化传承场逐渐瓦解,社区的文化传承机制和民族传统的文化观念面临着诸多挑战。在这样的背景之下,学校教育应成为民族文化传承的重要场域。  相似文献   

"以人为本"管理理念及其在学校中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“以人为本”的科学发展观作为社会发展理论中的一个核心理念已渗透到社会的各个领域。同样,“以人为本”的管理作为一种新型的管理理念正风靡整个管理界。在学校管理系统中,人既是管理的主体,又是管理的对象和“产品”,学校要成为有效能的一流学校,就必须确立“以人为本”的管理理念,真正做到以教师为本、以学生为本,激发他们的潜能,从而最大限度地实现学校的办学目标。  相似文献   

浅析村中、小学校的独立法人地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
村中、小学校是我国农村实施九年制义务教育的重要力量。村中、小学校的数量已达70多万所。依照我国相关政策、法律规定,每一所村中、小学校都属于独立的事业法人单位。然而,笔者通过调查了解到,村中、小学校普遍不具备独立法人应当具备的法定条件,没有独立承担民事责任的能力。本文运用民法学的相关理论,联系实际,对存在的问题进行分析后,阐明了个人的观点,并就如何改善村中、小学校的独立法人地位提出了建议。  相似文献   

Following the resumption of Chinese sovereignty in 1997, the Hong Kong Government has introduced a new national education project which aims at building nationalism and patriotism. With an active involvement of the state and civil society in promoting national education in recent years, there have been certain drastic changes in the school system—reforms in the curriculum with more weight to national identity and China’s topics, more nationalistic or patriotic extra‐curricular activities and rituals, and more training for teachers to conduct national education. Informed by a Gramscian notion of hegemony, this paper analyses the advent of and struggles over the national education policy and illustrates the collaboration and contests among various groups in the nation‐building project—with the controversies over display of the national flag and liberal studies curriculum as examples.  相似文献   

This chapter describes the study as it was conducted in Thailand in three secondary schools: a university model school, a private school, and a public school. The results suggest that the main national policy intention was aimed at developing students’ good citizenship and living in society with peace and harmony. The schools, however, emphasized different policy intentions: the public school emphasized order, discipline, and social development; the private school focused on religious conduct; and the university model school was primarily concerned with intellectual activities and critical thinking. In all schools civic values were integrated with coursework, extracurricular projects, and activities.  相似文献   

This paper examines trends in white and minority student experiences in the high schools, the community colleges, and the universities of the greater Los Angeles area since the mid-1970s. Black and Hispanic access to educational mobility is shown to have been severely hampered by high rates of dropping out of high school, by increasingly rigorous standards of admission and the high cost of attending 4-year public colleges, by the failure of community colleges in their transfer function, by the deemphasis on minority recruitment and retention programs, and by the curtailment of civil rights enforcement. To the extent that Los Angeles area trends forecast broader national patterns in our increasingly multiethnic society, the evidence from the area has fundamental national importance.  相似文献   

In 1882 the French minister Jules Ferry decided on a new educational policy. Choral singing and music were to become a compulsory subject in primary schools. But goals and methods of learning were yet to be determined. Until 1914, teachers gave priority to patriotic songs. In the postwar years the situation began to change, as songs extolled nature and childhood; teachers organized musical and dancing events, thus bringing parents together around culture in school. During the Third Republic music was not a subject of instruction; it was essentially mediation between the school and civil society. The mediation was primarily political and later cultural.  相似文献   

The school desegregation narrative often references historically white public schools as sites of massive resistance and historically white private schools as segregationist academies. Yet some historically white elite private schools or independent schools, such as The Westminster Schools (plural in name only), established in 1951 in Atlanta, Georgia, chose to desegregate. Such elite institutions, which have served as one catalyst for the creation and maintenance of social and cultural capital, became more accessible after Brown v. Board of Education through a combination of private and public decisions galvanized by larger social, political, and federal forces. Westminster's 1965 decision to consider all applicants regardless of race was emblematic of the pragmatic desegregation politics of Atlanta's city leaders during the civil rights movement and a national independent school agenda focused on recruiting black students. Drawing on institutional, local, regional, and national archival records and publications, this article examines the import of schools like Westminster to civic and business leaders, to the politics of race and desegregation occurring in large cities, and to the range of educational opportunities available in metropolitan areas. This examination yields an analysis of the leadership and politics of a southern historically white elite private school that black students desegregated in 1967.  相似文献   

作为徽州宗族文化的重要载体之一的徽州古祠堂,由于微州历史上中原世家大族的入迁,中原儒学文化的影响,徽州大儒朱熹《家礼》的特别熏陶,徽商兴盛创造的物质基础,宋元明清以来,它们遍布徽州山乡。徽州古祠堂在古徽州建造较早,数量特多,总祠、宗祠、分祠、支祠、家祠等等种类丰富,徽州宗祠的祭祀、执法等等宗族活动生动地反映了儒教文化的原生态面貌,徽州宗祠从徽州建筑角度看,花费巨大、建构精美、多有创新.是徽派建筑三绝之一。  相似文献   

“秀山花灯”是渝东南少数民族保持迄今的民族民间表演艺术,她的独特在于祭礼活动与民间歌舞等综合为一体的原生态。她蕴涵着区域民族认同的文化观念和人文意识,体现出这种土、苗、汉民族赖以生存的文化根基和维系民族团结的精神纽带的特殊价值。本文试图从民族民间文化艺术的角度,梳理其表现的艺术特征,揭示其丰厚的文化内涵,以及论说她的传承规律和发展方向,同时,也把“秀山花灯”这朵鲜为人知的民间艺术奇葩,以艺术的解析推荐给社会,以期引起各方的关注。  相似文献   

This paper considers African-American student protests in secondary schools during the 1960s and early 1970s. Taking a national perspective, it charts a growing sense of independence and militancy among black students as they made the schools a focal point of activism. Activist students challenged established civil rights organisations on a variety of questions. They also engaged in an escalating series of protest activities to make schools change. Much of this focused on curricular change, particularly adding black history courses and hiring African-American teachers and principals. Generally, these protests proved quite successful. Black students also protested against conditions encountered in integrated schools, where they often met hostility from whites. Distinct regional patterns characterised such activities, with more protest over school issues in the North and greater conflict regarding desegregation in the South. By the mid-1970s the era of black secondary student protest concluded, although its legacy continues to live.  相似文献   

This study examines teachers’ conceptions of assessment and related contextual factors at the classroom, school and national levels. A representative survey of Singaporean secondary school teachers resulted in a final sample consisting of 229 teachers from 9 secondary schools. Findings on that, teachers endorse views of assessment for school accountability, student accountability and student improvement, but little endorsement of assessment as irrelevance. Teachers report feeling capable and qualified to use assessments, but concerned about how much they are trusted as assessors at school and national levels. Follow-up latent class analysis identified groups of teachers based on their responses to the irrelevance of assessment; teachers who found assessment irrelevant were present across all schools and subjects, but showed lower sense of preparation for assessment, school-level support and importance of academic success in society.  相似文献   

Despite significant and sustained gains recorded on the national secondary school leaving examinations between 1999–2004, South Africa’s large-scale secondary school reform has receive little international attention. Defenders of the reforms have argued that the ‘success’ in raising student achievement extended beyond gains in the percentage pass rates to include increased numbers of students completing secondary schooling, a growth in the number of students eligible for admissions to university and a decline in the number of ‘collapsed’ secondary schools in disadvantaged communities. Using a comprehensive dataset that includes national examination results for all candidates between 1996 and 2004, survey information from a group of ‘collapsed’ secondary schools located in disadvantaged communities, qualitative data from school ethnographies, as well as official and unofficial documentary sources, the paper locates student achievement within a framework of structural change in the post-apartheid social order. It shows how student achievement is embedded in complex shifts in the state, economy and civil society. Specifically, the paper examines how structural shifts are enacted at the levels of time-in-school, student expectations, school choice and student selectivity.
Brahm FleischEmail: Email:

我国当前小学教育阶段的公民教育不应与道德教育两分,同时要改变公民教育意识相对落后、公民教育措施不力的现状。小学的公民教育应该从学校、家庭和社会对公民教育的观念变革、借鉴国外先进的公民教育经验以及弘扬我国传统文化和教育思想中的精髓等方面进行改善,以提升我国国民素质并促进现代社会转型。  相似文献   

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