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现代远程教育考试到底是过程还是环节,理论界没有明确说法。本文试图以新的思维回答这一问题,并期望由此建立符合现代远程教育规律的考试理论框架。在总结实践经验和理论分析的基础上,作者得出了现代远程教育的考试应是过程而非环节的结论。在论证过程中,其着眼点也始终放在落实学习过程上,认为学习过程难以落实才是远程教育考试改革的根本动因,进而认为在自主学习条件下,落实学习过程不仅是考试改革成败的关键,也是保障和改善现代远程教学质量的根本途径。作者强调,把考试由环节转化为过程不仅是技术问题,更是思想方法问题。  相似文献   

No matter how participative a course might be in its conduct, it is normal for the aims to be specified by staff for students, the programme to be planned by staff for students and particularly for the assessment to be one way—of students by staff. It is possible for courses to be established on a different basis, and it is especially necessary when one is dealing with professional education.
This paper focuses on an example of a course which is designed jointly by staff and students: the science education component of a post-experience Graduate Diploma in Science Education at the Western Australian Institute of Technology. In keeping with the philosophy of the course this paper has been prepared by the staff member concerned ( D J Boud ) and one of the students (M T Prosser).
A collaboratively designed course cannot be undertaken lightly for not only does it violate some of the norms of teaching in higher education as we know it, but it also places peculiar demands on both staff and students. These are both of an interpersonal, group interaction kind and of a strucutural, organizational type. The aim of this paper is to describe the main features of the course, to examine some of the demands that it makes, and to explore the applicability of its concepts to other areas of higher education.  相似文献   

发展高职教育必须完成教学模式的根本改变,即从按理论体系的教学模式,转变为以培养职业能力为本位的教学模式.为此,必须进行职业分析,确定培养目标、培养规格、从而设计出相应的教学模块。  相似文献   

日本中小学教学与评价一体化原则及其对我国的启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教学与评价一体化是日本新的中小学课程改革中提出的一项重要理念或原则,它具有丰富的内涵,即:1)评价是教学过程中一个重要组成部分和不可缺少的环节;2)教学与评价不可分离,评价伴随于整个教学的全过程;3)评价内在于学校、教师的教学过程之中;4)评价的直接目的是为了改善学校的教学,而其最终目的则是为了促进学生的成长。与日本类似,印度在其中小学课程改革中也提出了评价与教学过程相结合的思想。我国在新课程及其教学的改革中.有必要借鉴教学与评价一体化的理念或原则。  相似文献   

社会层面的闲暇教育对于构建文明社会、和谐社会、学习型社会及乐生型社会具有重要作用.通过对社会层面闲暇教育的社会响应机制研究,确定以政府为牵头,监督管理闲暇教育实施;具有专业性、导向性培训机构为实施主体,负责闲暇教育工作具体开展;以有效的评价体系作为衡量标准,检验教育的成效性.在该响应机制的具体实施工作中,确定以相关企事业单位、学校、社区居委会(村委会)为依托,实施开展闲暇教育,全方位的建立社会闲暇教育机制.  相似文献   

第三代教学评价理论--交往-发展性教学评价研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现有的教学评价模式是以主客二元对立思维为基础,以知识获得为主要目的的,已不适应网络化社会、终身教育和教育改革深化的需要,交往-发展性教学评价是在批判传统教学评价的基础上形成的一种新的评价制度和评价思想,它确立了绩效、职责、素质、关系四个标准,科学性、教育性、艺术性、关系性、绩效性五类指标。这种评价以人文精神为导向,有利于师生的自我教育和终身教育,改善评价者和被评价者关系,有利于反映交往教学的整体状况和个性特色,是一种促进教育改革深化的新的评价模式。  相似文献   


This article describes the consequences of using an assessment portfolio as a means of implementing information and communications technology (ICT) in initial teacher education. The study involved a group of 18 mathematics student teachers both during their training year and in their first year of teaching. The results suggest that the aim of motivating them to use ICT in teaching mathematics was achieved, but the students did not value the portfolio per se. It seems that it needs to be made a more formative experience if it is to fulfil its potential.  相似文献   


Post‐compulsory teacher training in England has been under review, and standards developed by the Further Education Staff Development Forum were to be launched in January 1999 as a precursor to a mandatory qualification for teachers in further education in England and Wales. Until now, many further education colleges have worked in partnership with higher education institutions to run Certificate in Education programmes, which aim to develop both practical teaching skills and critical knowledge and understanding of teaching and learning in a post‐compulsory context. A review of one such programme is outlined here. In a context where further education teachers must help to widen participation and promote lifelong learning, it is argued that any new arrangements for initial teacher training and continuing professional development need to include ‘competence’ in the practical skills involved in teaching and learning, but must also go beyond this, and aim to develop critical knowledge and understanding of the changing context in which staff work. It is argued that turning the new Further Education National Training Organisation standards for further education teachers in England and Wales into a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) is inadequate to this task. A strengthened partnership between further and higher education providers to develop more robust and coherent approaches to professional capability is advocated.  相似文献   

关于推进新疆“双语”教育教学的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
推进新疆"双语"教学既是历史发展的必然,又是现实的迫切需要。推进"双语"教学,统一思想认识、凝聚各方力量是先导,加强"双语"师资队伍建设是关键,提高少数民族教育质量、增进民族团结是目的,加强领导、高位推动、配备基本的教育教学条件是保障,分区规划、分步实施、有序整体推进是策略。  相似文献   

学科德育就是通过各科课堂教学,对学生进行政治、思想、道德、法纪和心理品质的教育的实践活动。由于各科课堂教学作为实施德育的一种可能途径,一直被认为是学校德育实施的主渠道,因而,要想提高德育的实效性,对学科德育进行再思考应该首当其冲。基于这一视角,有必要从学科德育涵义的界说入手,归纳、分析现实生活中学科德育的制约因素,并在此基础上有针对性地提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

This article concentrates on the validity and reliability of portfolio assessment as used in pre‐service teacher education. It is not possible to make general pronouncements about the validity of portfolio assessment in pre‐service teacher education as there are multiple portfolio applications. The validity depends on the purpose, namely the divers competencies which the course organisers wish to assess with it. Therefore, three categories of competencies and consequently three types of portfolios were distinguished in order to determine the validity of portfolio assessment. For the assessment of teaching and partnership competencies, it is argued that the validity is low due to the roundabout nature of the assessment. On the contrary, the validity of portfolio assessment for learning competencies can be high. The execution of a self‐regulated learning process can be accurately assessed using portfolios. The reliability of portfolio assessment is problematic, since it is incapable of fulfilling the classic psychometric requirement of reliability. Nevertheless, provided that the necessary measures are taken, the reliability of portfolio assessment can still be brought to an acceptable level. Five measures are proposed.  相似文献   

Assessment is a key process in assuring quality education but how is it linked to the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL)? How can we join teaching and learning to the assessment process rather than view it as a stand-alone component in course and/or program development? This paper explores the relationship between assessment and the SoTL in an effort to identify a systems approach to program management practices. The goal is not to dismiss the value of mechanics and tools in assessment but to highlight the value of building an assessment process that brings together the respective components of assessment with the scholarship that constitutes teaching and learning and an understanding of assessment as learning. Incorporating the use of curriculum maps and Fink’s taxonomy of significant learning advances a framework-driven practice that supports assurance of learning.  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育是以现代信息技术作为传播媒介,学习者主要以自主学习的方式进行学习,同时教育者提供完善的学习支持服务的一种教育方式.为了迎接教育模式迅速步入信息时代的挑战,在电大系统内建立起新型的现代远程教育人才培养模式,有必要建立一套开放教育学生的质量保证体系,充分发挥指导教师在远程教学质量监控、评估阶段的作用,确保开放教育试点工作的顺利进行.  相似文献   

教师书写技能是高师专科师范生从事教育行业必备的一门基本教学技能.对于高师专科师范生需进行书写技能培养,他们承担着提高中小学学生的书写能力、改善我国中小学学生书写水平整体不高的任务.对未来教师的书写技能的培养要有针对性,需要确定教学的内容、方法、步骤、目标、考核方法的细则等,力求在短时期内能培养出合格、高素质的专科师范生,顺应我国中小学教育教学改革的要求.  相似文献   

针对高职院校学生的职业特点,提高高职体育教学效果,必须构建科学的教学评价体系。在分析现行教学评价的基础上,通过对评价体系的原则、内容、方法的构建,对推进高职体育教育改革,促进健康教育开展与实施。  相似文献   

蒋晓明 《鸡西大学学报》2011,11(10):149-150
体育课程教学是学校教育的一门基础学科,也是学校教育不可缺少的一门重要学科之一。学校体育的目的是增强大学生体质、增进身心健康、提高社会适应能力的重要基础,是学校教育的一个重要组成部分。大学公共体育如何建立起具有经济特色、高起点的选项课教学体系,关键是要加强公共体育课教学改革。随着"休闲体育"、"快乐体育"、"终身体育"等体育锻炼的新观念出现及结合现阶段我国教育体制改革,《全民健身计划》全面实施。  相似文献   

高等教育目前正在或将要发生一些变化,包括教育提供者的数量激增,企业化行为的增加,重心从教转向学,教师日益独立于院校等,这些都需要反思一个根本性的问题,即高等教育的目的是什么。  相似文献   

加强实践教学改革提高实践教学质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等职业技术教育必须把实践教学放在十分重要的位置,应着力培养学生的创新意识,增强学生的实践能力和职业技能.通过对实验教学、技能实训、生产实习、课程设计和毕业设计等实践教学环节的改革,把创新意识和创造能力、应用技术和实践能力培养贯彻于人才培养的全过程.  相似文献   


Teachers’ conceptions can affect any teaching practice, including assessment. Compared with the previous learning stages in Spain, the accreditation-based focus increases in secondary education. Therefore, it is necessary to study the conceptions teachers have of assessment during this stage and the role these play in their teaching practices. The study participants comprised 219 secondary education teachers. A mixed methodology including a questionnaire, dilemmas and the analysis of test contents was used. An analysis was implemented of the relationship between the conceptions of assessment and the type of tests used, self-assessment and peer assessment, and characteristics of feedback. The teachers reported having a formative conception, but this was incoherent with their assessment methods characterized by a scarce use of self-assessment and peer assessment and a hardly formative feedback. In conclusion, we highlight the relevance of the teaching-related conceptions in the education system and the need for working jointly with teachers to implement an authentically formative assessment in the classroom, with an emphasis on consistency between conceptions and practices.  相似文献   

要搞好现代远程教育的教学和学习管理工作 ,除须有必要的技术支持外 ,建立完善的远程教育支持服务系统是开展好现代远程教育的必备条件 ,由远程教育支持服务系统可提供日常的教学服务与管理 ,确保学生能有目的、有计划、有组织、有保障地进行远距离学习。  相似文献   

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