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中国书院与欧洲中世纪大学的不同历史命运及文化潜因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国书院和欧洲中世纪大学的历史演变过程中及不同的历史命运,折射出了各自的特定化背景因素的差异,反映了出中西化特别是制度化和观念化的巨大反差。  相似文献   

孙珂 《比较教育研究》2015,37(11):71-76
中东国家在吸引国外高校来本国兴办跨境大学方面取得了较为突出的进展,并针对这类大学建立了较为完备的质量保证制度.以卡塔尔和阿联酋为例,两个国家都以政府主导的质量保证组织作为对跨境大学进行质量保证的主体,制定了以一致性为本的质量标准,建立了以评估为基础的许可程序.这对我国中外合作大学质量保证制度的健全和发展具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

This research was designed to investigate whether the Middle Eastern student feels that attaining the status of a “Western modern man” is incompatible with maintaining a traditional, religious way of life. In 1980, a representative sample of the Jewish University student population (N = 1250) responded to a questionnaire aimed at measuring religious attitudes, beliefs and practices. The students of Middle Eastern origin proved to be more religious than their Western counterparts, however their feeling about themselves is that not only are they less religious than their parents and grandparents but that they are less religious than they themselves have previously been. This feeling stemmed from their having discarded or having become lax in the carrying out of some of the more extreme religious practices even though they still maintain many of the same religious practices, attitudes and beliefs as their forefathers. The degree of religiosity, both of the Middle Eastern students and their Western counterparts, is strongly influenced by the home, the high school attended and youth movement membership, with the former two having a stronger influence on the Western student and the latter having a stronger influence on the Eastern student. The findings show that though there is some loosening of certain extreme practices on the part of the Eastern student, there is no revolt against home or tradition and the student has found the way to the “new life” without breaking off from the “old ways” of the parental culture.  相似文献   


This research investigated educational pathways into a Global Middle Class characterised by professional or managerial careers and cosmopolitan sensibilities. The focus was International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) alumni with upper-middle-class backgrounds at ‘world-class’ universities in Hong Kong. The first objective was to investigate if and how the education of IBDP alumni at Hong Kong universities shapes self-perceptions of cosmopolitan sensibilities, university experiences, and economic futures. The second objective was to investigate how the IBDP and Hong Kong universities offer an educational pathway for the existing Global Middle Class to reproduce their social position and for local families to enter the Global Middle Class. Interview findings illuminated how cosmopolitan sensibilities meant that the students may be well-positioned for careers and lifestyles of the Global Middle Class. Nevertheless, there were paradoxes of cosmopolitan sensibilities as the students perceived a lack of belonging to their universities and a disconnection with the local society.  相似文献   

课程是大学教育的主要载体,是研究型大学保障本科教育质量、提高人才培养水平的重要基础。对2010年中美两国大学生学习性投入调查数据的分析结果表明,我国研究型大学本科课程教学具有自身特点,同时与美国研究型大学也存在一定的差距。中国研究型大学在今后的课程教学改革中应加强对课程目标梯度结构的改进,并且突破学科化的人才培养框架,增加跨学科的整合性学习,发挥合作学习活跃的优势,加强生师互动,提高课程教学活动的有效性,为拔尖创新人才的培养创设良好的软环境。  相似文献   

Middle Eastern candidates for higher degrees often set out with proposals which include a significant element of evaluation of aspects of higher education. These may raise cultural issues. Fourth generation evaluation procedures take the cultural context seriously. This is likely to throw up potentially important issues for candidates and their supervisors. This paper illustrates these matters in the current context of Middle Eastern higher education. It discusses the role of evaluation studies in this field, together with issues which candidates and their supervisors may confront when carrying out such research studies there. National cultures may be approached as sites of cultural contestation. Some forms of evaluation research have a role to play in this  相似文献   

This study examined how the values of the Islamic faith may have an impact on news reporting in several Middle Eastern nations. An analysis of 1,773 stories from 10 online Middle Eastern newspapers indicated that Islam as a way of life has an effect on how domestic news was structured in the presentation of news topic, the actors in the news, the positive or negative orientation of the news, and the use of sources. Previous explanations of newsworthiness in Middle Eastern societies that do not consider the impact of Islamic values may be incomplete in their evaluation of the press.  相似文献   

The senior year design students and I were dismayed when my linear teaching and their habitual rote learning failed in a Middle Eastern University. The gulf between the curricular objectives and our teaching-learning methods intrigued me. I turned this into an action research project that sought to answer the questions, ‘What paradigm shift might we need to migrate from traditional rote learning to deep learning? What attitudinal change and philosophical beliefs would that call for in an instructor?’ The search for a solution metamorphosed me from a disengaged instructor into an empathizing reflecting practitioner. It led my students to active engagement in an enquiry-based learning workshop, which significantly improved their performance. This paper celebrates the journey of our collective deep learning. It explicates how I built my personal theory of teaching praxis through critical consciousness and meta reflection. This knowledge-creation process is empowering and may draw many teacher researchers towards meta-reflexive engagement with the social systems around. These change drivers can initiate institutional overhaul to effect systemic reforms.  相似文献   

文章在简述中印中小学信息技术教育课程中社会道德教育的教学目标和内容的基础上,从课程性质与理念、教学目标与内容、课程评价、实施方式等方面对两者中小学信息技术教育课程中社会道德教育进行比较,探讨各自的特色,寻找印度中小学信息技术社会道德教育对我国中小学信息技术社会道德教育可资借鉴的方面。  相似文献   

Broadening the role of teachers in curriculum development was among the fundamental objectives of educational reforms in the formerly communist Eastern Europe in the 1990s. The research done so far, however, calls into question the degree to which teachers perceive the relevant changes in curriculum and their new role. This article first describes the context of curricular changes in Eastern Europe and Estonia after the fall of communism. It then analyses Estonian pre-school teachers’ perceptions of national pre-school curricula utilized in two different eras: the late Soviet period and the period from 1999 to date in a sovereign Estonia. Data were gathered via semi-structured interviews. Thirty-one experienced teachers participated in the study. It was concluded that teachers generally apprehend the broadened meaning of the concept of curriculum and their augmented role as reflective curriculum makers and theorists. However, differences emerge between teachers’ perceptions of their new role and their readiness to adopt it. Regarding the reported generality and indefiniteness of the new national curriculum, teachers need more assistance for implementing the autonomy and self-responsibility imposed on them by the curriculum. A balance between self-responsibility and professional advice should be sought by both curriculum makers and teacher educators.  相似文献   

为实现培养具有创新精神和实践能力的生物类专业应用型人才培养目标,结合地方普通本科院校生物类专业的自身特点,合理定位探索了校企融合培养生物类专业人才模式,为地方普通本科高等院校生物类专业培养具有创新实践能力的应用型人才提供参考.  相似文献   

文章提出了地方高校科研工作为学校教学工作服务、为地方经济建设和社会发展服务以及发展应用型研究三大战略目标;并结合实际对地方高校如何坚持科学的科研工作目标进行了论述。  相似文献   

This paper was delivered to the Association of Commonwealth Universities’ Congress at Penang, August 1986. It commences with a discussion of the purposes of universities, and emphasizes the tension between the internal mission of the university ‐‐ the preservation, transmission and extension of knowledge, implying scholarly autonomy in academic decision‐making ‐‐ and the external forces requiring a responsiveness to community requirements and national objectives. This tension is never fully resolved, but a variable point of balance between opposing forces results. The polarity of the internal mission of universities and the external forces acting on them is mirrored in the debate about research management. Five major issues in research management are considered: selectivity in supporting individuals, the role of national objectives, single versus pluralist funding, pure versus applied research, concentration versus dispersion. Finally, the importance of universities maintaining priority in undertaking disinterested fundamental research is stressed.  相似文献   

文章根据高等院校、中职学校两个层次的教育培养目标分别阐述了电类专业实验实训虚拟仿真软件的开发研究过程。列举多个利用具有强大仿真功能软件平台用以开发电类实验实训仿真软件的方法与特点比较。针对不同实验实训目标层次选用不同软件开发平台,为更多院校(学校)开展仿真实验实训软件的开发提供借鉴。  相似文献   

中世纪大学是现代大学产生和发展的基础,考察其产生的因素可以让我们了解在中世纪广阔的历史背景下它的成长历程。中世纪大学的产生不仅得益于具有世俗化倾向的希腊哲学与科学的逐渐重现,而且与城市的兴起有着重要关系。城市的兴起使得市民阶级对世俗知识需求增大,同时由城市兴起而产生的行会制度为教师法团的形成提供了蓝本。在教权与王权斗争的缝隙间中世纪大学获得了发展的良好机会。  相似文献   

本文以制度变迁的视角,主要从大学组织内部运作、大学组织与外界的关系两个方面考察了中世纪大学向现代转型的阶段与过程,对比分析了中世纪大学与现代大学的区别,并在结论部分指出了中世纪大学制度变迁的渐进性特征。  相似文献   

我国在建设世界一流大学过程中必然面临中西文化的冲突,集中表现在人才培养目标、研究范式和管理体制上。我国著名大学的人才培养目标一般是为国家和民族培养人才,而美国众多一流大学则以全球意识和批判性思维的培养为目标;我国的研究范式深受"述而不作,信而好古"影响,多以搜集名人名言为佐证,以证明上级政策的可行性为目标,而发达国家的社会科学研究以基于实际调查所发现的事实为根据,以针砭时弊、提出改革建议为目标;我国高等教育管理体制是扎根于官本位基础上的政府主导制,而发达国家已经转入以公平竞争理念为基础的市场主导模式。  相似文献   

In recent years, throughout Eastern and Southern Africa, there has been a proliferation of research on gender in education. It is possible to point to a wide variety of publications, courses and programmes planned and organized by universities, national governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and the private sector relating to this field. This article examines the feminist and gender theories underpinning all these endeavors. The theories are assessed for their potential capacity to assist in elucidating the complex relationship between gender and development within the region.  相似文献   

高校在异地设置成人高等教育函授站是招生规模扩大后的一种常见管理模式。高校和函授站之间共生互补,但同时二者也面临寻求最大经济效益和保持一定的社会口碑之间的矛盾。从高校的视角,探索教育部门、高校和函授站在成人高等学历教育管理的联动关系中各自的位置和功能,全方位、多层次地研究函授站的目前的运行状态和管理机制,运用调查统计和比较分析等方法,关注函授站管理机制提升的研究和规范目标,教育部门、高校和函授站只有形成良性循环的管理链,才能促使成人高等教育体系的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The present European higher education policy and research policy can be characterized as emphasizing external financing of universities, competition between and within universities, and the need for a more practical and economically profitable output from research and education. A theoretical framework of analysing the impacts of this new rationale can be constructed on the following two premises. First, the funding structure of universities and university research is a main factor that influences the situations in which universities and their members make their decisions on teaching, research and administering. Second, universities consist of various groups of personnel each having and developing objectives and preferences of their own. This theoretical framework is applied to the Finnish science university system. On the basis of the analysis it can be seen that although the new policy probably has clarified the division of labour between universities, there have emerged some negative unintended consequences of the new funding structure. Indications of weakening performance in research and education can be identified in the empirical analysis.
Timo TammiEmail:

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