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This paper reviews and discusses the development of Sustainable Development Education (SDE) policy within the context of the Scottish formal school system. The focus is on the progress, and lack thereof, of implementation of SDE in schools in the light of some of the key curriculum documents and associated political decisions and advisory reports. The period of the review dates from 1993, which saw the publication of a report that was regarded as the seminal document for the development of environmental education in Scotland, to 2007 and the Scottish Executive's proposals for SDE in the light of curriculum reform for schools for the 21st century. The paper employs, loosely, the metaphor of the Sleeping Beauty to tell the story of SDE in Scotland in three parts: the story's three phases of emergence, obscurity and re‐emergence might serve as a useful metaphor, here.  相似文献   

What are the main purposes of drawing in the secondary art and design curriculum? What are Scottish art teachers' views on the role and function of drawing? How is drawing taught in Scottish schools? These three broad questions formed the basis of the research reported in this article. The small‐scale study, carried out between June 2002 and June 2004 will, the authors hope, be of interest to art educators seeking to explore the teaching of drawing as a key component of art and design education. In this article, we report on the background to the study, the place of drawing in Scottish art education, the methodology used, discuss some of the respondents' comments and conclude with some reflections and thoughts for future study.  相似文献   

We highlight three ways of conceptualising and enacting academic development: firstly as authentic, practice-based activity, secondly in terms of a new transformative paradigm for academic development units (ADUs), and thirdly as a space for disruption. We illustrate these conceptualisations through our investigation of the practice of internal secondment of faculty to ADUs. We report our findings from a sector-wide survey of Scottish higher education institutions and a series of in-depth interviews with secondees and their managers in two Scottish universities. We recommend further investigations to identify new ways of enacting authentic, practice-based, transformative, and disruptive academic development.  相似文献   

Adult education needs to adopt a community‐work approach if it is to be effective in reaching people traditionally labelled as ‘non‐participants’. This paper examines the use of community‐work methods to involve sections of the population previously unaffected by adult education provision. The background is the publication in 1975 of the Alexander Report ‐ The Challenge of Change ‐ by the Scottish Education Department. This report stressed the need for a wider section of the population to take up adult education. Tom Lovett's work in Liverpool and Ireland is used as an example of how to reach more people. Projects with a Scottish context underline that the approach cannot be standardized. Finally the ‘success’ of the East End Adult Education Project is attributed to its community‐work approach.  相似文献   

苏格兰的诗歌历史虽然源远流长,但真正能代表苏格兰诗歌传统的诗歌风格要迟至13、14世纪才得以萌发,其诗歌传统的确立则在15和16世纪,苏格兰的诗人们在乔叟和李德盖特等同胞诗人们的影响下,创作出了形式多样、内容上独具苏格兰特色的诗歌作品。他们创建的苏格兰诗歌传统特色有两大标志:形式上的乔叟派,内容上旗帜鲜明的苏格兰本土性特征与其形式多样的诗歌表现形式的高度统一。"苏格兰乔叟派诗人"将乔叟的真传继承下来并发扬光大,其独具特色的创作,为苏格兰诗歌传统的奠定和开拓作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

This study used an “indicated prevention” approach to attempt to replicate very positive international evaluations of the FRIENDS for Life programme. Using standardised self‐report measures of anxiety, low mood and self esteem with groups of children from four schools, the study found significant improvements in all of these measures following the 10‐week programme, which were sustained four months later. Positive findings were also obtained from an examination of the programme’s impact on children’s social skills. Implications for improving emotional well‐being and educational outcomes for children in Scottish schools are discussed.  相似文献   

Teachers and ICT: current use and future needs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In Scotland, ICT is clearly integral to the existing curriculum in primary and secondary education, see, for example, the 5–14 Development Programme or Higher Still in which information technology is identified as one of the core skills areas (HSDU, 1998). In light of current UK-wide developments such as the National Grid for Learning (NGfL) and the New Opportunities Fund (NOF) funded training in ICT for teachers and librarians, it is all the more important to understand teachers' ICT skills and knowledge needs, to discover their priorities for future development and to establish what will encourage teachers to adopt ICT where appropriate in their professional lives as classroom practitioners, as planners and managers and as learners. An investigation of the ICT skills and knowledge needs of teachers working in Scotland was therefore commissioned by the Scottish Office and completed by the authors. This paper reports on that study indicating relatively low use of ICT and a number of key issues which have implications for teacher training and development. The full report is available on the Scottish Executive website (http://www.scotland.gov.uk/).  相似文献   

Dr David May is senior lecturer in sociology and Dr David Hughes is a research fellow in the Department of Psychiatry, Dundee University. They present results of a three-year study of the post-school experiences of young people from special schools and units for pupils with moderate learning difficulties, in one Scottish region. The research was supported by a grant from the Chief Scientist's Office of the Scottish Home and Health Department.  相似文献   

This paper challenges the legacy of the historical myth of egalitarianism in Scottish education through a reconstruction of the different experiences of men and women teachers in the nineteenth century. The celebrated myth of the egalitarian and democratic tradition of Scottish education has almost entirely focused on men. It was asserted that the ‘lad o’ pains’ had equality of access to an educational ladder from the parish or burgh schools to a Scottish University. There was a prevailing belief that the Scottish education system was more meritocratic and superior to the English one. The paper also challenges the contention that the Scottish education tradition was more democratic than that in England. What was distinctive about the experiences of schoolgirls and of women teachers in Scottish culture and Scottish education? To what extent did females benefit from this so called democratic tradition in comparison with England? These questions are exploratory because studies of women are seriously neglected in the historical and sociological secondary literature about the educational tradition in Scotland.  相似文献   

The indigenous languages of Scotland are in a precarious position faced with the massive presence of English. This essay examines the state and nature of the Scots and Gaelic languages. It places them in their historical context and traces how each has had its heyday in Scotland, in the case of Gaelic to be supplanted by Scots and in the case of Scots to be supplanted by English. Both have become marginalised in Scottish life and in the Scottish school. Both have been subject to various concerted campaigns aimed at their destruction. Gaelic, however, has at least had the consolation of being regarded as a language while Scots has not. The changing relationship between the school and these languages is examined in the context of the current revival of Scottish culture on a multiplicity of fronts.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the significance of articles in the Scottish Government Yearbook, 1976‐92, for understanding of educational issues in that period. Experienced writers contributed 20 such articles on schooling, training, tertiary education, the Technical and Vocational Education Initiative, parental choice and devolved management. All are important for aspects of education systems in the United Kingdom, either because they concern distinctively Scottish approaches or they explore common themes across Britain and beyond. Many draw upon the history and cultures of Scottish and English education, to place educational policy in as broad a social context as is possible within the compass of 10 to 40 pages. The Yearbook has now metamorphosed into a quarterly, Scottish Affairs. It has played a distinctive role as an annual of record and debate to serve the present decade.  相似文献   

At a time when interventions in widening access to, and participation in, higher education aim to maximise impact by engaging with schools located in the most deprived communities, school pupils in rural communities, and who experience deprivation, are, in practice, less likely to benefit. Using statistics available from the Scottish government, we show that state secondary schools located in Scottish remote or rural areas are not well served by the indicators capturing socio-economic, educational, or geographical deprivation widely used in the selection of schools for these outreach interventions. We construct a marker that identifies schools facing higher levels of deprivation than the Scottish average. We argue that (1) this marker is a step in the direction towards levelling the playing field between remote or rural schools and urban schools; and (2) it selects a wider range of schools for outreach interventions.  相似文献   

18、19世纪是苏格兰大学的辉煌时期,此后苏格兰大学的声名逐渐衰微,在一定程度上失去了自己的特色。运用历史分析的方法,溯源苏格兰的大学在19世纪被融入英格兰模式的进程,分析其逐步盎格鲁化、摒弃自己传统的原因。政治经济上的依赖不能保证教育方面的独立,正是政治经济因素最终导致了苏格兰高等教育与英格兰的趋同。  相似文献   

随着二战之后苏格兰重工业的衰退以及民族意识的崛起,阶级书写逐渐成为苏格兰小说的热门话题。当代苏格兰小说孕育了工人阶级小说的第三次高潮,其代表人物凯尔曼、韦尔什和格雷“为工人而艺术”,用现实与幻想相结合的手法,书写了格拉斯哥和爱丁堡工人阶级生存的困境,揭示了阶级与城市、疾病的内在关联,解构了英国政治家所宣扬的“无阶级社会”的神话。  相似文献   

In 1996 Her Majesty's Inspectors of schools published a report entitled Achievement for All ( SOEID, 1996 ). This report identified a number of key principles governing the organisation of pupils by class, or within class, in Scottish schools and concluded that:

The application of these principles does not give rise to one, universally best method of organising pupils into classes. If used effectively, both mixed ability and setting may be appropriate forms of organisation (5.4).

A study was undertaken to investigate the perceptions of various groups (teachers, parents and pupils) of how well the arrangements in place were working. A total of 13 schools were included in the investigation (4 primary and 9 secondary). Groups of between 6 and 12 pupils were interviewed in each school. This paper will present the perceptions of these pupils on the setting arrangements in place in their schools.  相似文献   

20世纪初苏格兰作家刘易斯.格拉斯科·吉本的代表作《落日之歌》展示了一幅苏格兰农村新旧时代交替的图景。他在作品中表达了对原始农耕社会的眷恋之情,同时也表现了在现代工业文明给旧生活方式带来冲击时人的无奈和悲剧。小说中土地代表着吉本眼中的原始黄金时代,土地与现代文明诸多因素的冲突一一反映在小说情节中。整本小说可视为对原始黄金时代的一曲挽歌。  相似文献   

The article, written jointly by a provider and an evaluator of distance learning, begins by highlighting recent increased interest in continuing professional development. In particular community pharmacists' needs for continuing education are examined against a background of their changing role. The authors then report the findings from a one-year evaluation of distance learning materials produced and distributed by the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education at the University of Manchester. The evaluation, undertaken by a team from the Scottish Council for Research in Education, was conducted in two phases: first, a national survey of registered pharmacists, and second, a series of focus group meetings with practising pharmacists. By separating high, low and non-users, a picture of professional use of distance learning, the influence of mediating factors and the inter-relationship between personal motivation and design emerge. Some of the findings challenge the current orthodoxy (see for example, Lewis 1995, Burt 1997, Burt and Simpson 1998, Bennett 1998) which underpins distance learning. Finally, changes made as a consequence of the evaluation are indicated, showing how research can influence practice.  相似文献   

Bureaucratic, over-formal and time consuming, but strengthening parents' rights and sharpening up the accountability of professionals - these are among the main reactions to the recording procedures of the Education (Scotland) Act 1981 which a Scottish team discovered recently. Dr George Thomson and Alexander Budge, of the Department of Education, Edinburgh University, and Marianna Buultjens and Margaret Lee, Moray House College of Education, Edinburgh, report on aspects of their study of the reactions of professionals and parents concerned with the education of visually impaired children.  相似文献   

在真正意义上的“苏格兰诗歌”形成过程中,“苏格兰文艺复兴”的作用不容小视。该运动率先在诗歌领域兴起并取得巨大成就,为苏格兰本位诗歌的建立立下了无出其右的历史功绩。作为运动的奠基者,麦克迪尔米德从民族传统出发,创造出了集表达诗思、传递精神与复苏心灵为一体的“拉兰斯”诗歌,在这场文艺复兴中躬身为范、立言为民。  相似文献   

埃德温·缪尔的诗人之路发端于他的奥克尼故乡情结,也折射出20世纪初苏格兰社会的变迁以及苏格兰文学的复杂性和魅力。缪尔一方面对苏格兰社会的病态批判反省,另一方面也以自己的方式表达着家园关怀。缪尔诗歌通过对记忆中的奥克尼不断回溯来展现一种自我激励、超越隔阂的生活,而作为一个将故乡视为“伊甸园”的诗人,缪尔的诗也传达了对人类返璞归真的向往。  相似文献   

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