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在专业课教学中学生创新能力的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本科教育是培养学生创新能力的的重要阶段,本文介绍了在<无机材料物理化学>的教学实践中,不断进行教学方法的改革探索,培养学生对学科的兴趣,激发学生学习的主动参与性,重视学生创新能力培养的体会.  相似文献   

Mathematical biography and key rhetoric   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The intention of this article is to consider the use of narrative and rhetorical inquiry as research methods. I construct a mathematical biography of one elementary teacher trainee, Sirpa, who had performed well in her advanced mathematics course in upper secondary school. I describe her development as a mathematics teacher during teacher education from her second-year methods course and teaching practice to fourth-year teaching practice. Narrative inquiry is more than a case study: Sirpa’s mathematical biography is a story that describes how she constructs her mathematical identity. I also analysed the key rhetoric that Sirpa used in her talk, key rhetoric here referring to the strategy by which she constructed continuity and coherence.  相似文献   

During the interview ‘Mary’ – who had last year been a school pupil and this year is a first‐year undergraduate on the new degree in Education (with Teaching Certificate) – talked at some length, and with considerable feeling, about how her main frustration as a female pupil had been what she saw as her systematic disenfranchisement from influence over the content and process of the schools' curricula which she had pursued over the previous thirteen years. Although she felt that all pupils suffered this lack of influence she was convinced that girls suffered disproportionately. [Some time later in the interview], when talking about the ‘teaching practice’ she had recently completed, ‘Mary’ described how her ‘music and movement’ work had met with ‘loud and disruptive’ reaction from some of the boys in the mixed class of 7–8 year‐olds, even though the majority of the children had clearly enjoyed and been engaged by the scheme she had designed. Faced with this rejection, and experiencing some anxiety about how the teachers and her tutor would assess her potential as a future teacher if she was not seen to be exercising what they would count as ‘good control’ of the class, ‘Mary’ resolved her ‘problem’ by designing an alternative scheme which the few boys would not (and did not) reject. Although the girls had ‘subsequently shown less interest’, their quiet acquiescence to what she offered them reduced her anxiety about her assessment as a teacher. When she related her pupil experience to her teaching practice experience ‘Mary’ was dismayed to realise that she had ‘reproduced for others precisely that frustration which [she herself] had experienced as a pupil’.

Extract from author's notes when evaluating a new pre‐service degree course, June 1983.  相似文献   

This self-study addresses two questions: (1) how did self-study aid the teacher educator in interrogating her beliefs about and mediate her projection of teacher-as-facilitator versus teacher-as-expert? and (2) in what ways did prospective elementary teachers in an undergraduate, interdisciplinary science course exert control over their learning as a result of the teacher educator's self-interrogation of practices? In her teaching role with prospective teachers, Nicole explored a major myth about teaching concerning the image of the professor as the primary expert in the classroom. Critical events analysis revealed instances where she exerted power as an expert or assumed the role of facilitator. Instead of clearly marked instances where she took actions to exert her various roles in the classroom, she found that classroom events could not be categorized neatly. There were cases where she acted as an expert and students felt free to make their own decisions about their learning. When she was uncertain or attempted to relinquish control, students often responded by not taking control of their learning.  相似文献   

在新时期的乡土小说家队伍里,迟子建以其独特的身形为人瞩目,好以自己对生活朴素的,审美的理解,悲悯而不阴霾的情怀,执地表达着对黑土地的深情,对生命的热爱和赞美。好笔下的乡土是诗意的乡土,生灵是诗性的生灵,而“幻想”则是好对艺术的理解和言说方式,这使好的乡土小说总有一种凌架于作品中人,物,事件之上的形而上性质。  相似文献   

“The fish becomes aware of the water in which it swims” is a metaphor that represents Yuli’s revelatory journey about the hidden power of culture in her personal identity and professional teaching practice. While engaging in a critical auto/ethnographic inquiry into her lived experience as a science teacher in Indonesian and Australian schools, she came to understand the powerful role of culture in shaping her teaching identity. Yuli realised that she is a product of cultural hybridity resulting from interactions of very different cultures—Javanese, Bimanese, Indonesian and Australian. Traditionally, Javanese and Indonesian cultures do not permit direct criticism of others. This influenced strongly the way she had learned to interact with students and caused her to be very sensitive to others. During this inquiry she learned the value of engaging students in open discourse and overt caring, and came to realise that teachers bringing their own cultures to the classroom can be both a source of power and a problem. In this journey, Yuli came to understand the hegemonic power of culture in her teaching identity, and envisioned how to empower herself as a good teacher educator of pre-service science teachers.  相似文献   

陈衡哲是我国世界史研究领域的第一位女教授。1920年她从美国专修西洋史归国后,先后在国内多所知名高校教授西洋史,还撰写了一系列世界史方面的著作,为中国的世界史教学和研究做出了开创性的贡献。在军阀混战的年代,她对于现实十分关注,也非常注重历史的实用性,认为历史研究可以避免战争,有助于国际和平。在研究西洋历史时,她常联系中国的情况,努力探求救国之道。作为女性,她还站在女性独特的视角上研究历史,尤其关注女性的地位和在历史发展过程中的作用,对杰出女性给予很高的评价,并借她们之口道出了她本人的女性观点。此外,她的一些治史方法和手段对当今的历史研究也有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

In this study a teacher educator worked with two elementary teachers to facilitate a self-study of their learning during a professional development programme. The programme extended for 6 months and was underpinned by four learning processes—reflection, sharing, action and feedback. The two teachers documented their learning experiences and were interviewed several times during and after the study. At the end of the 6-month period, the teachers sketched and shared models of their learning and then collaborated to produce a joint model. Sue learned that she needed to start with a small change in her teaching and that her learning involved multiple factors that interacted to create change. Loraine learned that focusing on the teaching of science reminded her of childhood experiences and that it was important for her to analyse why she taught the way she did. Self-study helped the teachers to develop insights about how they learned and enabled them to better understand and manage their own professional development.  相似文献   

In a year-long, school-based teacher education project, primary school teachers were given workshop- and classroom-based support, including sustained mentoring, as they appropriated a generative heuristic for teaching technology-and-science in their classrooms. The mentor participated in their lessons and recorded her frequent conversations with teachers. Extracts from 3 conversations (of many, spanning 5 months) between 1 teacher and the mentor illustrate this teacher's changing ideas and the mentor's role. The teacher realized that although she preferred to learn generatively, she had been using instructionist approaches in her technology-and-science teaching. These dialogues show how the mentor supported this teacher as she gradually aligned her technology-and-science teaching with the generative style of learning she already valued.  相似文献   

A descendant of Chekhov’s extended family, Darya Protopopova has always loved all things literary. When she found out that Chekhov was popular with British modernist writers, she decided to do a master’s and then a doctorate in English modernism at the University of Oxford. Having completed both, she chose to spread her love for English literary giants among the masses and trained as a teacher of English at University College London. A year and a half into her first job, she was forced to leave after her school management told her she could no longer teach her GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) class, as some parents had complained about her foreignness. Shocked and disappointed, she briefly contemplated going back to Russia and becoming a xenophobe herself. However, the good had triumphed over the evil in her heart, and she is now happily teaching in a multilingual school in central London.  相似文献   

An American artist and art educator discusses her experience teaching at the American University in Cairo, Egypt (AUC). Students are confronted by local and international discourse about authenticity, integrity and influence. They express their frustration and anxiety about their chances for success in the global art market. The author questions the effectiveness and function of art education at the AUC, describes the atmosphere of the local Egyptian art scene and communicates teaching strategies she used in the classroom at AUC. From this experience the author proposes the need to cultivate a more experimental, flexible pedagogy that encourages art students to take risks, instead of focusing on the economic viability of their work.  相似文献   

This article describes the independent study project of a student who was a graduate assistant in a child development laboratory preschool when Hurricanes Katrina and Rita struck the Gulf Coast area. Through her experiences with “Project Katrina” she deepens her understanding of developmentally appropriate practices as she learns firsthand about the project approach and writing an article for publication in a professional journal.  相似文献   

笔者总结了自己在记叙文、说明文、议论文的教学中使用"图文示意"的实践,提出初中语文课借鉴历史学科的"图文示意教学法"是可行的.  相似文献   

Struggling toward a transformative model of instruction: It's not so easy!   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article is about the moving toward a new instruction style—a transformative model of instruction. One university instructor attempts to change her teaching strategies, and she encounters her own belief as obstacles, self-labeled her pedagogical discrepancies. Through peer feedback, reflective journal writing, and readings she uncovers the obstacles and discovers how the beliefs need to change in order to implement transformative teaching strategies. The change is incorporated into five lessons: it is easier to tell than to listen; modeling needs to go beyond a monologue; be humble and learn from the students; there are more ways to the same end; and, grading the end product or acknowledging the risk. Her lessons take on a spiral nature of learning, and incorporate detailed emotional–psychological resistance. In doing so, she gains a deeper understanding of her instruction, and becomes better equipped to prepare other reflective practitioners. The study takes place in the continental United States of America.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to understand how preservice elementary teacher experiences within the context of reflective science teacher education influence the development of professional knowledge. We conducted a case analysis to investigate one preservice teacher's beliefs about science teaching and learning, identify the tensions with which she grappled in learning to teach elementary science, understand the frames from which she identified problems of practice, and discern how her experiences played a role in framing and reframing problems of practice. The teacher, Barbara, encountered tensions in thinking about science teaching and learning as a result of inconsistencies between her vision of science teaching and her practice. Confronting these tensions between ideals and realities prompted Barbara to rethink the connections between her classroom actions and students' learning and create new perspectives for viewing her practice. Through reframing, she was able to consider and begin implementing alternative practices more resonant with her beliefs. Barbara's case illustrates the value of understanding prospective teachers' beliefs, their experiences, and the relationship between beliefs and classroom actions. Furthermore, the findings underscore the significance of offering reflective experience as professionals early in the careers of prospective teachers. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 36: 121–139, 1999  相似文献   

Most teachers will accept that some of their most difficult problems in teaching reading are occasioned by those children who have already failed at the process. Negative views about reading and, often, negative self-images can combine to cause intractable problems. In this article, Margaret Cooper describes her work with one such child and relates how she was able to get beyond his problems to allow him to experience success in reading. Her work, although done on a one-to-one basis and out of a school context, will still be found useful by teachers trying to find ways to teach children with reading problems.  相似文献   

This article describes our challenge as teacher educators interested in helping our students move beyond talk about text that recalls facts to talk that is supportive of the interpretation and crafting of text. This case study describes how one teacher candidate struggled with the question, “When am I teaching?” as she attempted to reconcile what she always thought teaching was with these new ways of talking about text. A sociolinguistic analysis of one of Maureen's writing conferences illustrates the power of traditional classroom talk, the potential for transforming that talk, and ways we as teacher educators can support that transformation.  相似文献   

Whilst a part of the fine art degree course is about teaching technical skills and learning from tutor/peer group crits, a larger part is about the facilitation of a ‘safe’ and structured space in which students gain the confidence to experiment with personal ideas, to hone a self‐critical reflection and understand who they are as individuals, before being cast out into the world as ‘artist’. In this article I examine the thought processes and decision‐making of one undergraduate female painting student. For this student, who struggled to find her own ‘grotesque’ female body image in the canon of art historical works or contemporary popular media, the spaces of the painting degree course created a frame for possible enactments of identity and desire, as well as for playing with roles and practices. Through a mix of interviews with the student, viewing her visual work and written narratives, I analyse how she was able to carve out a space for her visual representation within the institutional frame. My analysis reveals how this student uses the transitional spaces of the degree course to develop creative strategies through which to explore her sexual desirability and aesthetic self. As an individual who felt marginalised from the visual realm of the ‘body beautiful’, the degree course offered an important refuge where she could examine how she felt about her own body and develop a confidence and character to present her body to the world.  相似文献   

The research described in this article is a case study of a fifth grade teacher's (Melissa) efforts to construct a teaching and learning environment within her science teaching. Qualitative research methods were used to examine and analyze Melissa's science teaching practice. Drawing from socio-cultural theories, I argue that her teaching and learning environment was constructed as a form of mediated action through which she articulated and transformed the context, meaning, and action of her science teaching. In particular, she forged links between a number of factors, such as historically recognizable forms of pedagogy, perceptions of her students' socio-economic positions, knowledge of appropriate science teaching, and her experiences in a preservice teacher education program. Through her pedagogical work, the teaching and learning environment was articulated into a complex network of meanings, physical spaces, and concrete actions in which each element transformed the other. I suggest that mediated action is a form of transformation that constitutes context, meaning, and action into a dynamic and constantly-shifting teaching and learning environment. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The present study uses narrative inquiry to follow, July, a preservice teacher's journey through her yearlong placement in an inner-city school. A qualitative analysis of four interviews, 12 written reflections, and seven transcribed group discussions revealed a sense of culture shock felt by Julie. In particular, her sense of conflict focused around self as she interacted with her mentoring teachers, her students, and coping with doubts about her own abilities and self-worth. Julie's story suggests clear ways of avoiding similar situations in the future and improving preservice teaching generally.  相似文献   

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