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有一丝思念,叫乡愁,有一种情结,叫乡音,有一个地方,叫乡土,有一缕长线,叫剪不断的风筝线……《水乡》是很多关于江南的画作中的一幅,是吴冠中在90年代创作的作品,也是一幅极具他个人特色的墨彩画。乡村的题材,景物的轻描,和谐的氛围,具体的影象已经从中剥离,厚重的墨汁点化出层层的落户,平静的小河把两  相似文献   

获奖感言“阿拉神灯杯”软件设计大赛,是国内级别最高且是第一次这样的比赛,我们能够参赛这次比赛也是比较幸运的,特别是当我们从上千人的选拔后脱颖而出时,从初赛到复赛,再到后来的决赛,每一次都让人心跳,我们始终坚信一个原则,付出总是会有收获的,我们熬过多少日日夜夜,牺牲了多少个假日,特别是春节,人们都在欢欢喜喜的走亲访友,我们却整天藏在家里埋头钻研软件的开发,我们因为劳累过度而住过院,进入决赛了,所有的付出都是值得的。再苦再累也无所谓了,虽然我们进入决赛了,但是我们开发软件的进程一刻没有停止过,因为如果我们停止了,就意味着已经落后,我们要不断地完善和调试程序,发现问题我们会即时进行调整。我们希望我们能够在决赛中取得更好的成绩,感谢阿拉神灯杯组委会给予我们这样一次千载难逢的机会,也感谢在幕后支持这次软件大赛的所有工作人员,你们辛苦了,其实,我们不是为自己而战,我们是为祖国的软件产业而战,中国的软件要腾飞,就必须具有千千万万的软件开发者的坚韧不拔的创新精神,只有这样,祖国的软件才能振兴,这就是我们的感言。  相似文献   

<正>我生活在云层的上端,常常可以看到透过厚重云层的阳光,照耀在我的脸上,让周围的空气,温暖如春。我的降生,为家族带来了欣喜,因为当我出生时,就凝聚了千年的灵力,但也许是我不学无术,也许是家族的过分溺爱,也许是我的贪得无厌,我成了一个贼,一个有灵力的贼,但因此,我被父王推向了凡世……  相似文献   

五月,像一条金灿灿的河流,披着暮春暖暖的风,沐着暮春潇潇的雨,一路踏歌而来……五月是一首油绿的歌,从春天的枝头飘来,写进泥土的芳香,怀揣秋天金灿灿的梦,放飞旋转的目光。五月是一首脆生生的歌,卸下冬日厚重的束缚,身影在晨风中拔节,心事在阳光下发芽,歌声随炊  相似文献   

柏油路边,梧桐树下,老教室安然而卧,一袭青衣,迎着梧桐叶间漏下的点点晨光,沐着傍晚的夕照斜辉,不论远观还是近看,它都让人肃然起敬,只有那些少不更事的孩子嘻嘻哈哈地从它边上经过,全然不顾历史的风雨在它的躯体上留下的沧桑。它是学校最古老的建筑之一,是半个多世纪以前典型的青面碧瓦的教室,  相似文献   

正早晨,天空灰蒙蒙的,原来,美丽又淘气的小精灵——雾又在捣乱了,它如同一层薄薄的白纱,飘在空中,看得见,却摸不着。在雾的笼罩下,马路看不见了,房屋看不见了,只有路灯微弱的光一闪一闪的。我走在校园里,穿过朦朦胧胧的雾,感觉雾精灵正温柔地抚摸着我的脸。  相似文献   

清秋时节,云层渐厚二仰望湛蓝的天空,秋天的云时时变幻着袅娜的身姿,一下子让天空丰富起来此时,最美的是邀上三五知己,唤上至友亲朋,到公园、到凉亭、到郊处,找一处偏僻的角落,一边品茗,一边仰头观望天上的流云二秋天的云,是有生命的,它一点点生长,一点点汇集,然后再一点点分离,朝而复始,从不停息早上的云,洁净、乳白,像新鲜的牛乳,给人一种积极向上的朝气;中午的云,  相似文献   

行业冬天即将来临,正如四季变换一般,也是一种自然规律,春天过后,也会有冬天,同样。冬天来了,春天还会远吗?——关团网CE0王兴在谈到团购网站的冬天即将来,临时如是说..王兴认为,从企业的角度来说,团购行业冬天的到来,对踏踏实实做事的企业来讲,影响是有限的,最重要的是,冬天过后,剩下的企业都是优秀的企业,对消费者来讲,也未尝不是个好消息。  相似文献   

跨组织合作技术创新界面稳定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速变化的外部环境给企业技术的发展与更新提出了新的要求,靠单一企业的力量已经很难适应,合作技术创新是新态势下一种新型的组织安排,但合作的效果经常不是十分令人满意,其中,企业间的界面管理是影响合作绩效的一个重要因素,界面是否稳定在很大程度上决定着合作的成败.合作技术创新界面的稳定性与合约安排,技术及知识的溢出性以及项目的收益稳定性有关.本文在相关文献分析的基础上,利用微分方程建模的方法,对两合作者在地位平等,资源互补的情况下,其各自的期望收益、可能出现的投机行为,合作中的利益分配等等合作中的重要问题进行模拟,结果表明,选择合适的激励参数,采用产权保护机制,预期收益比较稳定的情况下,合作界面也是比较稳定的.  相似文献   

徐梅 《中国科技信息》2008,(5):157-158,160
树木与人类息息相关,不论自觉或不自觉。人们都意识到,这个世界用于呼吸的空气,环境地球的大气,以及培植未来生物的土壤,全都依赖于树木的存在。人们应该利用摄影去表现春.夏、秋、冬四季树木的形态,表达树木的个性,抒发对大自然热爱的情感,通过摄影活动唤起人们保护自然的意识。  相似文献   

结合元极学三元学说,剖析《管子》的基本概念如道、宙合、精、德、中、智等的内涵,揭示时间、空间、精等是天地万物的共同特征或本质,注重时、空、精的层次性、无限性,以及人的生命本和本性展发。  相似文献   

Total cholesterol, total bilirubin, calcium, oxalate, inorganic phosphate, magnesium, iron, copper, sodium and potassium were analyzed quantitatively in gallstones, bile of gall bladder and sera of 200 patients of cholelithiasis (52 cholesterol, 76 mixed and 72 pigment stone patients) and their contents were correlated between calculi and bile and sera and bile in these three type of stone patients. A significant positive correlation was observed between total cholesterol, total bilirubin of calculi and bile, copper of bile and sera of cholesterol stone patients, copper of calculi and bile, total bilirubin, oxalate, magnesium, potassium of sera and bile of pigment stone patients and oxalate and iron of stone and bile, total bilirubin, oxalate, sodium of sera and bile of mixed stone patients. A significant negative correlation was found between magnesium of serum and bile of cholesterol stone patients, oxalate of calculi and bile of pigment stone patients and magnesium of serum and bile of mixed stone patients.  相似文献   

在高校图书馆经费有限的情况下,数字资源绩效评价越发重要。本文分析了哈尔滨工业大学图书馆数字资源利用评价指标,并以哈工大2014-2016年间购买的31个全文外文数据库为例,利用DEA-Malmquist模型分析了哈工大电信、化学、物理、数学、计算机、环境、生物、建筑、交通、土木、经管、人文、航天、材料14个学科的数字资源建设动态绩效,提出了面向学科的数字资源建设策略。  相似文献   

社会心理学理论认为,价值观念和价值观念体系是决定人们期望、态度和行为的基础。体育在培养大学生公平竞争、遵守规范、团结协作、以人为本、诚信、自由、民主等价值观念方面发挥着特殊的作用。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲是国际重要水鸟停歇地,由于受自然因素和人类活动的影响,该地区水鸟栖息地面积不断减少,生物多样性不断降低。通过引用淡水对栖息地进行恢复,能大大提高水鸟的生境质量,增加水鸟的多样性。然而该地区淡水资源短缺,农业、工业和生活用水量大,生态用水量严重不足,如何因地制宜地利用淡水、海水和废水资源,发挥湿地保护生物多样性及净化环境的功能成为水鸟栖息地恢复的关键问题。本文总结了黄河三角洲的水鸟多样性及其生境需求,归纳了水资源的应用现状。在淡水资源短缺情况下,使用淡水、海水和废水3种不同水源补给湿地时,水鸟及其栖息地的特征和面临的挑战。结合水鸟迁徙、黄河来水的时间特征、水鸟栖息地斑块尺度和区域尺度需求特征、不同水源的用水现状、恢复效果及空间分布特征等要素,提出了综合利用海水、淡水和废水对区域和斑块尺度的生境类型进行配置的生态补水恢复模式,建议斑块尺度重点考虑水深及水面植被比例,区域尺度重点考虑水资源分布及自然和人工不同类型湿地的空间优化配置,最后从多样性维持以及不同水资源综合有效利用方面提出了未来研究展望。本文结果旨在为黄河三角洲湿地恢复和水鸟生物多样性提高提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Chemical composition of gall stones is essential for aetiopathogensis of gallstone disease. We have reported quantitative chemical analysis of total cholesterol bilirubin, calcium, iron and inorganic phosphate in 120 gallstones from haryana. To extend this chemical analysis of gall stones by studying more cases and by analyzing more chemical constituents. A quantitative chemical analysis of total cholesterol, total bilirubin, fatty acids, triglycerides, phospholipids, bile acids, soluble proteins, sodium potassium, magnesium, copper, oxalate and chlorides of biliary calculi (52 cholesterol, 76 mixed and 72 pigment) retrieved from surgical operation of 200 patients from Haryana state was carried out. Total cholesterol as the major component and total bilirubin, phospholipids, triglycerides, bile acids, fatty acids (esterified), soluble protein, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, sodium, potassium, inorganic phosphate, oxalate and chloride as minor components were found in all types of calculi. The cholesterol stones had higher content of total cholesterol, phospholipids, fatty acids (esterified), inorganic phosphate and copper compared to mixed and pigment stones. The mixed stones had higher content of iron and triglycerides than to cholesterol and pigment stones. The pigment stones were richer in total bilirubin, bile acids, calcium, oxalate, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and soluble protein compared to cholesterol and mixed stones. Although total cholesterol was a major component of cholesterol, mixed and pigment gall stone in Haryana, the content of most of the other lipids, cations and anions was different in different gall stones indicating their different mechanism of formation.  相似文献   

The Principles of Fair Information Practice are almost three decades old and need to be broadened to take account of new technologies for collecting personal information such as drug testing, video cameras, electronic location monitoring, and the Internet. I argue that the ethics of a surveillance activity must be judged according to the means, the context and conditions of data collection, and the uses/goals, and suggest 29 questions related to this. The more one can answer these questions in a way that affirms the underlying principle (or a condition supportive of it), the more ethical the use of a tactic is likely to be. Four conditions are identified that, when breached, are likely to violate an individual's reasonable expectation of privacy. Respect for the dignity of the person is a central factor and emphasis is put on the avoidance of harm, validity, trust, notice, and permission when crossing personal borders.  相似文献   

The main premise of this article is that in information societies generally, and in virtual social contexts particularly, a distinctive style of interaction to facilitate the communication of difference, heterotopic communication , has emerged. It rests on two cultural foundations: an ideological belief in the positive, socially integrating power of communication, and a prevailing ethic of instrumental rationality, subjective individualism, and strategically practiced self-interest. The former is demonstrated by the use of simulation and spectacle as sources of information; exhibitionism/voyeurism as a communicative style; and the awareness of surveillance. The latter is seen in the competitive use of knowledge as a commodity; a surface globalism masking deep parochialism; lateral as well as vertical information inequity; and the use of public versus private as strategies for engagement rather than as spaces. Those who engage in heterotopic communication resort to their 'own devices' both in the sense of personal agendas, strategies, interests, and interpretations, and in the form of the telecommunication tools that help realize them. These personal and technological devices allow individuals with the right educational and technical resources to avoid exposure to disagreement, difference, or other information that does not serve their direct purposes or reflect their particular views of the world; yet they also help convey the appearance of openness, availability, and cooperation. This style of interaction is used strategically in combination with information and communication technologies to gain social or economic advantages, but it may encourage social separatism and parochialism, inhibit the negotiation of disputes, and emphasize competing interests.  相似文献   

信息系统持续使用模型于2001年提出,已在信息系统、图书情报、管理学等领域得到广泛应用。首先,介绍ECM-ISC的提出及演化过程。其次,以施引论文为视角,结合关键词词频统计分析和内容分析法,从应用目的、应用对象、应用形式、应用方法等方面揭示国外ECM-ISC的应用规律。抽取ECM-ISC应用背景下影响信息系统用户持续使用的因素,归结为用户因素、系统因素和环境因素。最后,提出ECM-ISC应用的不足之处和未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

  在本文中描述了乌头属和翠雀属各一新种和一新亚种,唐松草属一新种,侧金盏花属一新亚种,以及毛茛属五新种,首次报道了圆叶唐松草在中国西藏南部的分布,在对叶、雄蕊和心皮的形态特征进行了分析之后认为,这种植物与特产云南的糙叶唐松草有一定亲缘关系。  相似文献   

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