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The results of a comprehensive psychoeducational assessment of adults having learning disabilities (LD) and participating in vocational rehabilitation are presented. The subjects were found to have low-average general intelligence; lower verbal than performance IQs; attention, reasoning, and auditory memory deficits; academic achievement at the fourth-/fifth-grade level; language problems; and low self-esteem. These results were contrasted with other studies of adults with LD in vocational rehabilitation, and all studies on this population reported similar findings. A comparison of studies of adults with LD who were clients of vocational rehabilitation with those in college or employed and with those who had been labeled as learning disabled in childhood indicated that the adults with LD in vocational rehabilitation seem to constitute a homogeneous group of persons with severe deficits. The need to subtype learning disabilities by severity and criteria for making such determinations are proposed.  相似文献   

Brian O'Toole 《Prospects》1995,25(2):311-319
Conclusion Few CBR programmes have developed beyond small-scale projects to large-scale innovations. Few governments have made any significant commitment to and investment in the development of national CBR services. Most CBR programmes are regarded as ‘additional programmes’. Moreover, the attempts that have been made to work within existing infrastructures have often meant the programmes become little more than a minor facet of existing service provision, to which no particular priority is given. However, despite these limitations, CBR has demonstrated, through several successful examples, what can be achieved. For relatively little money, CBR can create better opportunities for disabled children and engenders in parents a sense that they can play a significant role in the development process. Communities have become more aware of disabled persons in their midst and, at times, have played a major role in planning ways of meeting their needs. CBR offers a new approach to rehabilitation, policy makers, professionals, planners, community leaders and to the disabled persons themselves. Progress has been slow and uneven over the first decade of CBR. It is significant, however, that some of the most creative examples of parental-professional collaboration have come from some of the poorest nations. It may be time for the developed world to look towards the developing countries to find innovative approaches to meet the needs of disabled persons. It is quite clear that traditional approaches can do no more than scratch the surface. A radical reappraisal of our respective roles in the rehabilitation and education of disabled persons is required. CBR offers this new approach. If, however, the vision and courage to tread new paths are lacking, then the danger is that more conferences will be held, more declarations will be written, more slogans devised, and still 98% of the disabled population will remain totally unaware of the international concern being voiced on their behalf. Ph.D. An educational psychologist, O'Toole has been working in Guyana for the past sixteen years. He introduced the first training programme in special education at the University of Guyana, and has been the Director of the Guyana community-based rehabilitation programme. He has written widely on the issue of community-based rehabilitation and has co-edited a book with R. McConkey entitledInnovations in developing countries in disability. He has carried out consultancies for the World Health Organization and a number of non-governmental organizations.  相似文献   

Students with learning disabilities have received services in special education programs for many years. Unfortunately, many of these students continue to need services after they exit high schools. Vocational rehabilitation has begun to provide services for young adults with learning disabilities; however, there continues to be a discrepancy between the number of adults with learning disabilities who need vocational rehabilitation services and those who are receiving them. This article describes the definitions and eligibility criteria used by vocational rehabilitation agencies to serve adults with learning disabilities. By understanding the vocational rehabilitation system, teachers, it is hoped, will be better able to access these services for their students with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

Parents of children with disabilities are not getting enough help for their education, care and training. The prevailing model of rehabilitation based on institutional care, would absorb more than the total health and education budgets of most developing countries if serious attempts were made to meet the needs of all disabled persons through this approach. Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) has therefore been suggested as an alternative approach to service delivery. For CBR to be a viable service provision a new concept needs to be developed of staff and training. This paper presents an outline of materials that have been developed in Guyana to meet the training needs of a new cadre of worker in the rehabilitation field.  相似文献   

During the last twenty years, increasing emphasis has been placed upon the provision of comprehensive vocational assessment to disabled and disadvantaged persons to assist them in obtaining employment. Vocational evaluation programs have proliferated in rehabilitation facilities, manpower programs, vocational-technical schools and public schools. An increasing body of literature and research has delineated service-delivery models and competencies needed by vocational evaluation specialists. Increasing numbers of universities have implemented graduate training programs in vocational evaluation; and a national professional certification process has been developed. Most of this activity has been centered at rehabilitation facilities at the same time that public schools are becoming the norm for educating disabled students. As vocational assessment for disabled students moves into this relatively new setting, it is being modified. This article explores models of vocational assessment for disabled students which incorporate modifications to suit the special needs of the public school setting.  相似文献   

社区融合理念下的残疾人康复服务模式探析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文分析了在“去机构化”运动以及社区融合观念的影响下,西方残疾人康复与服务模式从传统的寄宿制与日间活动服务机构向以社区为基础、以家庭为中心的综合康复服务模式的发展过程;详细分析了生活质量满意度的评估在残疾人康复服务中的作用;并就我国残疾人社区融合与服务、提高残疾人生活质量进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In this article, Franciscah Wamocho, lecturer and chairperson, Geoffrey Karugu, senior lecturer, both in the Department of Special Education, and Augustine Nwoye, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology, all from Kenyatta University in Nairobi, argue that people with disabilities are likely to need the support of counselling services. The study reported here sought to collect baseline data that could be used in designing a comprehensive guidance programme for students with disabilities in secondary phase special schools and vocational rehabilitation training centres in Kenya. A personal orientation inventory was employed to measure values and behaviours among 229 students with visual impairments, hearing impairments and physical disabilities. The results reveal that the students with special educational needs may be non‐self‐actualising. The trend suggests that students with special needs may be living in the past or future with a lot of regrets and negative sentiments. Taking account of insights derived from Maslow's theory of self‐actualisation and other related literature, the findings of this study appear to reinforce the need for a guidance and counselling programme to be developed for students with special educational needs in Kenya. This study reveals the direction that such a programme could take if it is to be of benefit to a Kenyan clientele with special educational needs.  相似文献   

二十一世纪初期,渐渐地有人使用生活质量的观点对残障人的问题进行分析,尽管在国际社会上,生活质量还得不到人们的一致认识,但是在中国已经颁发的一系列课程设置方案中都体现出了生活质量导向的课程观。基于此,本文首先从康复训练课程、生活适应课程、生活语文课程、校本课程、艺术休闲以及信息技术课程六个方面简要介绍了生活质量导向课程观在培智教育课程改革中的体现,紧接着简要论述了生活质量导向课程观给培智教育课程改革带来的经验启示,以供相关人士参考。  相似文献   

Offenders, whether they are adults or juveniles, convicts or simply on remand are usually offered some sort of vocational training durir g the period of incarceration. For most prison service establishments, training has been elevated to a position of utmost prominence, so much so that an offender's post‐release career seems to depend largely on the success of training received in prison. Prison vocational training should address the vital aspects of offender rehabilitation and reintegration, and current agitations centre on whether offender should ‘do time’ or ‘use time’ during training sessions. By and large, training should not simply be part of prison routine, but instead should have firm features of an intervention, and also represent a treatment regime. This article discusses a treatment model of prison vocational training for all categories of offenders. The model provides for an initial diagnostic phase of offenders’ work history and training needs, which are carefully analysed in relation to labour market skills requirements. Central to this model is the provision of appropriate job and entrepreneurial skills in conjunction with aftercare services. It also places a high premium on the vocational adjustment of ex‐offenders in society, which must be closely monitored in order that success of the rehabilitation and resettlement processes can be correctly assessed.  相似文献   

随着我国残疾人事业的发展,社会急需具有高等职业技术水平的残 疾人早期康复技术人员,本文论述了在特殊教育领域中,如何建立具有高等 职业教育特点的聋儿听力语言康复专业,如何使培养的技术应用性高级专门 人才在知识、能力结构和技术实践水平上,适应社会—残疾人康复事业的需 要。同时,文章还较详细地论述了,如何依托社会(各级残联)建立专业教师 队伍、实践教学基地、改革和创新教育教学过程,强调了高职专业依托社会的 重要性。  相似文献   

This study explores the extent to which the issue of special educational and training needs for persons with disabilities is addressed in the education and training policy of Ethiopia, with a specific focus on technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Focus group discussions and interviews were used to assess the content of the policy and related strategic documents, as well as legal frameworks and implementation instruments, in terms of the principle of inclusion. A pair of focus group discussions involved 22 members of the management and governance of four networks and eight indigenous, disability‐focused, non‐governmental organisations. Moreover, 14 high‐profile experts from the ministry were interviewed. Most participants agreed that the issue of disability was not addressed appropriately in issues of strategy and prioritisation. Six recommendations are presented for enhancing the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in education and vocational training.  相似文献   

AN OVERVIEW of educational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities in the German Democratic Republic is given. The authors describe the education system, the health and welfare services as well as the forms of training of special educators for persons with disabilities. The topics are discussed in the context of the theoretical background and of the current political changes in the country.  相似文献   

本文以高职校内生产性实训基地建设为主题,论述了高职校内生产性实训的内涵、校内生产实训的特点、建设模式及建设原则,探讨了当前高职校内生产性实训基地建设面临的问题,从创新校企合作机制、生产实训项目来源、生产性实训的主体、创新生产性实训教学模式及配套的项目教学团队五个方面探讨了生产性实训基地建设的有效途径。  相似文献   


The problems of preparing hearing impaired people for adult life and for productive work have not yet been properly solved in Hungary. The main reasons can be found in the old tradition of segregated education for people with disabilities. The political changes of 1990 and the economic reforms have not brought about any favourable changes. A nationwide, comparative survey dealing with vocational prejudices and attitudes concerning hearing persons and hearing impaired persons showed that the vocational knowledge and expectations of the latter group is not satisfactory, their information is uncertain and that they have prejudices against themselves ‐ that is, they suppose that high‐prestige professions are not available to them. Deaf persons are even more prejudiced than hard of hearing persons.  相似文献   

Support and treatment programs for persons injured at work have expanded considerably since their early beginnings in Germany in 1884. Industrially injured workers must deal with problems in at least four major areas: 1) medical restoration, 2) temporary economic maintenance, 3) psychosocial adjustment to disability, and 4) vocational restoration. The counselor's role in assisting such persons is a significant one. In fact, it could be argued that the counselor is the only professional who has been specifically trained to assist persons who must confront the psychosocial and vocational restoration problems commonly associated with work-related injury. Both individual and group counseling methods can be used to facilitate positive psychosocial adjustment. Essential elements of the vocational restoration process include vocational assessment, job analysis, treatment (including career counseling and possibly physical restoration and/or job training), job placement, and follow-up. Specific counselor interventions in all areas should be guided by both theoretical and practical considerations, and family members and employers should be involved in programming whenever feasible or appropriate. Employee assistance programs and proprietary rehabilitation companies are discussed as relatively recent developments in the United States which offer potential to reduce and/or treat work-related injury and disability.This article is based on a paper of the same title presented at the International Round Table for the Advancement of Counseling Consultation on Counseling Disabled People and Their Families, Vienna, July 1987.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

This paper examines the current status of inservice education for teachers in Nigeria with particular reference to Cross River and Akwa Ibom States. It identifies three main approaches to teacher inservice education in the two states of Nigeria, viz. the central office approach, the long vacation (sandwich) programme and Associateship Certificate in Education‐‐part‐time evening programme distance learning approach. Inservice teacher education is seen as an effective means of augmenting the inadequacies of pre‐service training. It is a process for continuous updating of teachers’ knowledge, skills and interests in their chosen field. The paper discusses the factors which should be considered when planning and implementing inservice education programme. Some suggestions on how to plan and implement inservice teacher education programmes in Nigeria are given.  相似文献   

本文根据高等职业技术教育的特点提出了高职学生创新能力应定位于在思维过程和实践活动中善于发现新事物,将原有知识进行重新组合或革新,从而创造出新事物或新事业的能力,即创新能力的中层级:同时从课程体系、教学方法、创新教育的环境、师资等五个方面探讨了培养高职学生创新能力的途径。  相似文献   

介绍了"基于工作过程"的电子仪表工艺实训项目的开发理念、开发方法和实施方案,学生在真实工作情境中完成电子仪表工艺实训项目,注重专业能力和社会能力的培养,开发的电子仪表工艺实训项目,实践效果良好,符合高职工学结合职业教育要求。  相似文献   

职业技能大赛是贯彻落实党和国家大力发展职业教育方针政策的一项重要举措,是引导和促进人才培养模式转变的创新之举。文章以职业技能大赛模式下的高职康复治疗技术专业教学改革为研究对象,探讨高职康复治疗技术专业在职业技能大赛引导下的教学模式改革。  相似文献   

Inclusive education is the most advanced form of recognition of the right to education. Mexico has made important legal and administrative changes to foster inclusion since the end of the twentieth century. This research assesses the impact of the Mexican pre-service teacher curriculum on 813 pre-service teachers’ sentiments, attitudes and concerns towards inclusion and their perceived self-efficacy to educate students with disabilities. It employs two internationally validated questionnaires: The Sentiments, Attitudes and Concerns about Inclusive Education Revised Scale and the Teacher Efficacy for Inclusive Practices scale. Comparisons made across area of training, time in the programme, policy knowledge, interaction with people with disabilities and experience show that special education pre-service teachers in the last years of the programme have the most positive perspectives, while preschool teachers have the least positive ones.  相似文献   

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