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Addressing the reasons for—and the solutions to—the “digital divide” has been on the public agenda since the emergence of the Internet. However, the term has meant quite different things, depending on the audience and the context, and these competing interpretations may in fact orient toward different policy outcomes. The goals of this article are twofold. First, the authors unpack the term “digital divide” and examine how it has been deployed and interpreted across a range of academic and policy discourses. Second, through a framing experiment embedded within a nationally representative survey, the authors demonstrate how presenting respondents with two different conceptual frames of the digital divide may lead to different perceptions of who is most accountable for addressing the issue. From this, they discuss the dynamic relationship between the construction and communication of policy discourse and the public understanding of the digital divide, as well as implications for effective communication about the digital divide and information and communication technology policy to the general public.  相似文献   

The framing of issues in the mass media plays a crucial role in the public understanding of science and technology. This article contributes to research concerned with the analysis of media frames over time by making an analytical distinction between implicit and explicit media frames, and by introducing an automated method for the analysis of implicit frames. In particular, we apply a semantic maps method to a case study on the newspaper debate about artificial sweeteners, published in the New York Times between 1980 and 2006. Our results show that the analysis of semantic changes enables us to filter out the dynamics of implicit frames, and to detect emerging metaphors in public debates. Theoretically, we discuss the relation between implicit frames in public debates and the codification of meaning and information in scientific discourses, and suggest further avenues for research interested in the automated analysis of frame changes and trends in public debates.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(1):104390
Public innovation has received increasing attention in recent years. Experiments with new governance structures, such as New Public Management and New Public Governance, have challenged the traditional top-down, internally driven forms of innovation in the public sector and have entailed a search for new forms of open, collaborative and interactive innovation, implying a reframing of public innovation activities. However, introducing these new frames of innovation causes uncertainties in the public sector, necessitating better understanding of how public innovation can be changed to address societal needs. This paper uses materials from case studies of 21 public living labs across Europe to analyse the lessons that can be learned from public sector participation in living labs in terms of their contribution to reframing public innovation. The “frame” construct is used to analyse and provide an understanding of how participation in living labs helps public actors to reframe innovation and address public and societal needs. Three living lab framings for changing public innovation are identified (processual learning, restrained space and democratic engagement), and the degree of intensity of these framings with respect to involving stakeholders and addressing societal challenges is discussed. The paper contributes to knowledge of public sector innovation by extending previous accounts of how public innovation can be improved.  相似文献   

Studies about mass media framing have found divergent levels of influence on public opinion; moreover, the evidence suggests that issue attributes can contribute to this difference. In the case of climate change, studies have focused exclusively on developed countries, suggesting that media influence perceptions about the issue. This study presents one of the first studies of media coverage in a developing country. It examines newspapers' reporting in Peru during the Fifth Latin America, Caribbean and European Union Summit in May 2008. The study focuses on the frames and the sources to provide an initial exploratory assessment of the coverage. The results show that the media relied mostly on government sources, giving limited access to dissenting voices such as environmentalists. Additionally, a prominence of "solutions" and "effects" frames was found, while "policy" and "science" frames were limited. The results could serve as a reference point for more comprehensive studies.  相似文献   

我国科学数据共享政策法规建设现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学数据共享相关政策法规是科学数据整合与共享服务的基础,也是科学数据共享设施建设的依据.以公共信息领域的政策法规建设为切入点,综述了世界层面以及我国适用于科学数据共享的政策法规的发展建设情况,结合保护与共享并重的科学数据共享发展动向,初步研究我国科学数据共享所需的政策法规体系,提出构建过程中所应注意的问题和建议.  相似文献   

陈雪峰 《中国科学院院刊》2020,35(10):1290-1297
打赢脱贫攻坚战和迈向乡村振兴的关键之一是缩小城乡居民综合素质的差距,而心理素质提升是综合素质提升的必要内容。文章从我国当前心理扶贫的客观需求出发,阐述了国内外有代表性的心理扶贫理论,结合中国科学院心理研究所近几年开展的心理扶贫社会实践,在此基础上提出心理服务助推全面脱贫和乡村振兴的建议:面向贫困人口开展科学素养和心理健康素养普及教育,面向基层公职人员开展心理学知识和技能培训,加强基层民生政策的心理影响评估,加强问题驱动应用导向的心理扶贫研究。  相似文献   

The concept of ‘inclusive innovation’ for development has become increasingly prominent in both academic and policy discourses, raising important questions as to how this is being framed. Results from case studies conducted in India suggest inclusive innovation to be interpretively flexible and contested. One case presents a grassroots framing emphasising social and political empowerment, rooted in community self-sufficiency, autonomy and traditional belief systems. In contrast, the other cases co-opt the language of inclusion to present a predominantly market-based framing, heavily emphasising market readiness and participation. This framing is transforming rural social practices (including the organisation of space and time, the meaning of production and the role of women), introducing the potential for market dependency.  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to analyse the single and joint impact of regulation policies and research network policies on environmental innovation. Our theoretical framework combines the open eco-innovation mode approach with the Porter Hypothesis, by adapting them to the knowledge production function where green patents are the dependent variable. We focus on the factors that influence the production of green patents as a proxy of new “environmental” knowledge for a panel of European countries over time. We find that both marked-based regulation policies and participation in green European research networks (in particular with universities and public research centres) positively affect environmental innovation. Moreover, the two policy tools have a complementary effect. This suggests that the effectiveness of environmental regulation policies can be increased by combining them with appropriate innovation policies.  相似文献   

This paper uses data from a national survey of academic researchers in the US to detect how different types of university research centers affect individual-level university–industry interactions. The results suggest that while affiliation with an industry-related center correlates positively with the likelihood of an academic researcher having had any research-related interactions with private companies, affiliation with centers sponsored by government centers programs correlates positively with the level of industry involvement, no matter whether these centers additionally have ties to private companies. The analysis takes the “scientific and technical human capital” approach, which draws from theories of social capital and human capital and proves useful for framing the institutional and resource-based perspectives that characterize much of the literature on university–industry interactions. The scientific and technical human capital approach is taken because its emphasis on the research capacities of individual academic researchers provides a more direct explanation of government centrality to academic researchers’ industry involvement than provide either the resource-based or institutional views. Implications for policy and management as well as for future applications of the scientific and technical human capital approach are discussed.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103830
This paper depicts how cultural resonance for novel technologies is constructed as a gradual, interactive process. We adopt a cultural framing perspective and strive to understand how actors assign meaning to the novel technology and determine its appropriateness for the local context. Existing research has largely focused on the strategic and political aspects of field framing processes through depicting conscious framing struggles between protagonist and antagonist actors. In addition to such strategic framing activities, we examine how other socio-cultural factors, such as changes in actor positions, interaction between framing activities, and the cultural “repertoire” of frames interact in producing cultural resonance. For our empirical case study, we followed the emerging technological field of solar energy during an intensive period of change. Our study contributes to the growing number of studies that draw attention to the creation of cultural resonance as an interactive multi-actor process by offering in-depth understanding of the multifaceted interactions that constitute the meaning-making process for an emerging field.  相似文献   

韦敏  蔡仲 《科学学研究》2016,34(11):1601-1607
规制性科学是指,在一定期限内,利用有限的科学证据制定标准,常见于生态、环境和公共卫生领域。我国在对雾霾中可吸入颗粒物PM2.5的标准制定中,出现了一种特殊的"反向规制"——对于雾霾的成因、现状、病理效应尚未有充分认知时,首先直接沿用世界卫生组织设定的PM2.5最宽限值,再逐渐开展针对我国雾霾限值的科学研究。反向规制因其过程的倒置性,只有在"好的科学"、"可用的科学"、"为谁的科学"这三个方面做出比常规规制更为严格的考量,才能承担起其本身负载的认知和伦理双重承诺,使我国PM2.5标准以实质的方式服务于公众健康、环境保护和绿色发展。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(3):104469
Strategic framing of a technology refers to activities that firms undertake to create favorable meaning for their technologies and foster their adoption. The success of such framing depends on the extent to which these technologies resonate with audiences within local settings. This paper examines how firms approach strategic framing activities to establish resonance in multiple local contexts when producing enabling technologies, i.e., novel technologies that address multiple and heterogeneous markets. Through a longitudinal case study of three companies that produce technologies to digitize smell and taste, this study offers a dynamic understanding of strategic framing by companies as they switch between different frames to establish resonance with audiences within and across markets.  相似文献   

刘然 《科学学研究》2019,37(9):1537-1542
摘要:20世纪初的公共政策制定走向了一条科学化和理性化的道路。但后常规时代的科学往往无力提供政策制定所需的那种明确答案,因而也无法减少决策中日益增加的风险与不确定性。当前,科学与政策领域兴起了诸如“知识生产的模式2”、“知识分工”与“公民参与科学”等新兴概念,它们共同指向了专业知识生产的民主化趋势--必须重新开放科学的认知承诺,以一种与传统科学生产模式不同的、强调非职业化与情境化的知识范式去重新理解科学、知识生产与决策,以适应高度复杂与高度不确定性情境下的政策争端。这意味着突破专业知识的规范性承诺和前提性预设,赋予公民智慧与科学专家以能力上的平等地位,在开放、多元的参与情境中实现公众与专家的共同磋商。在科学领域,专业知识的民主化导向的是科学的认知转型;在政策领域,它将突破决策科学化与民主化的两难困境,导向一种更为扩大化的公民参与。  相似文献   

加强我国公共卫生管理的若干建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
公共卫生是事关人民群众健康的公共事业,提供公共卫生服务、进行公共卫生管理是政府的重要职责。我国政府十分重视公共卫生事业发展,尤其是2003年"非典"疫情后,我国公共卫生服务体系建设不断完善、管理不断加强。但这次突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情发生与蔓延,仍然暴露出我国公共卫生管理的一些短板,亟待我们总结经验、深入研究,有针对性地采取措施加以解决。具体建议包括:(1)完善国家安全观;(2)强化法治建设;(3)强化政府治理能力建设;(4)健全信息公开、媒体与互联网管理制度;(5)强化专家的科学精神与职业素养;(6)健全突发公共卫生事件应急管理机制;(7)加强社会组织建设,完善社会力量参与机制;(8)提升公民应对疫情灾情素质;(9)切实把"预防为主"方针落到实处;(10)注重研究突发公共卫生事件期间的经济政策。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103801
While there is a general consensus that young innovative companies (YICs) need special attention by public policy which should aim at alleviating the financial constraints these firms commonly suffer, much less agreement has been reached on the most effective policy instruments reputed to accomplish the task. In this respect, if the scientific debate has very much revolved around the dilemma about the crowding-in or crowding-out effect of public R&D subsidies to firms, there is a dearth of scientific studies which analyse the effectiveness and potential interrelations of different policy instruments which at the same time and in the same institutional context are offered to YICs. By taking advantage of the Italian Startup Act issued in 2012, we analyse, for the first time, the possible existence of interrelationships between firm access to a Government-guaranteed (GG) bank loan programme and fiscal incentives for venture capital (VC) equity investments. Results suggest two important facts. First, the two mechanisms appear to be functional to different typologies of YICs. Second, VC investments significantly reduce the probability to access GG bank loans. Overall, our analysis highlights a sort of “institutional division of labour” between the two measures and depicts what we label as a Task segmentation effect.  相似文献   

科学的、民主的公共决策流程可分为确定政策议题、制定具体政策、推行实施政策和评估修订政策四个环节。科学咨询贯穿于整个决策流程并成为确保决策质量和提高决策公信力的关键。当前我国公共决策急需一个关于如何科学使用科学咨询的宏观指导文件。本文介绍了英国科学办公室分别于1997、2000、2005、2010年颁布实施4版本有关科学咨询和政策制定的指导方针的概要情况,阐述了"英国经验"给我国公共决策机制改进带来的三点启示:一是尽早制定有关如何在公共决策过程中更好使用科学和工程咨询的规范性文件;二是明确相关管理机构;三是在决策实践中借鉴英国指导方针的部分核心理念、关键原则和有益做法。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]信息时代公民对数据知情的需求非常强烈,基于证据的开放政府数据政策制定区别于传统的制定更有事实依据、可信度,更能让公民认可,满足其相关利益。[方法/过程]本文指出基于证据制定开放政府数据政策的重要性及影响因素,通过对现有开放数据政策文本的分析发现其缺少证据,并建立证据模式进行实证研究。[结果/结论]提出了基于证据的开放政府数据政策制定的过程框架,并分析在制定过程中证据的参与形式和系统构建。[创新/价值]现有研究涉及科技、教育、卫生政策等领域,在开放政府数据政策领域相关研究却较少,本文研究基于证据的开放政府数据政策的独特性并探讨如何能获取有效的证据支持开放政府数据政策的制定。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(1):104400
In standard economic theory, government support of science is expected to confer external benefits and ‘crowd-in’ additional private sector research. However, higher rates of economic growth from this effect are not easily discerned from the long run data, and government and business financed R&D have moved in opposite directions (as a proportion of GDP) since the early 1960s in the US and elsewhere. This paper looks at potential sources of ‘crowding out’ as well as ‘crowding in,’ and compares standard analysis with a ‘contribution good’ model of science. Two different policy issues are identified – the assembly of ‘critical mass’ for the ‘kick starting’ of commercial science, and the expansion of commercial science beyond its ‘private equilibrium’. We analyse the allocation of scarce business as well as scientific skills between sectors. The model produces regions of both crowding in and out. The latter dominates for very high wages in the public sector as the government deprives the private sector of the means to exploit new knowledge.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of antitrust regulation of patent consolidation on the development of follow-on innovations. Our reconciliation of the various strains of literature hypothesizes that in sectors where cumulative innovation is crucial to firms’ market operations, a firm that consolidates patents for substituting technologies for its already-possessed technologies discourages market competitions and follow-on innovation by competitors. In this case, antitrust regulation of patent consolidation is anticipated to positively affect competitors’ follow-on innovation. We empirically test this hypothesis with the case of the US Department of Justice's regulation of Novell's software patent transfers to four large proprietary software companies (i.e., Microsoft, Oracle, EMC, and Apple) in 2011. Our analyses using US patent, trademark, and copyright data have found evidence corroborating our hypothesis. Our research provides policy and scholarly implications regarding how antitrust law can be a complementary institution to the patent law for promoting innovation.  相似文献   

公民参与公共政策是实现公民政治权利的过程,对政策的科学化与民主化、合法性与权威性具有重要意义;现有的公民参与政策的途径具有不完美性、不对等性,草根群体处于边缘化;技术的变革,WEB2.0时代的到来,为公民参与公共政策过程即政策的制定、执行、评估、监督、控制、终结提供了新的途径,这将会产生范式和理念的变革。  相似文献   

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